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J Clin Exp Dent ; 16(5): e643-e647, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38988749


Mandibular third molar (M3) removal is a routine surgical procedure that can generate a variety of complications, one of the rarest of which is mandibular fracture. The aim of this paper is to report a rare case of bilateral fracture of the jaw during the extraction of mandibular third molars. A 42-year-old woman complained of mandibular pain and malocclusion after the removal of the M3s. The physical examination revealed bone crepitation mandibular bilaterally. Computed tomography confirmed bilateral fracture of the jaw. The patient was submitted to the reduction and fixation of the fractures under general anesthesia, followed by the improvement in the postoperative period. Bilateral mandibular fracture resulting from M3 extractions is a rare occurrence that may be caused by a lack of surgical skill and a flawed diagnosis. The proper, immediate correction could lead to the interruption of the procedure at the time of the first fracture, thereby avoiding the contralateral fracture. Key words:Molar surgery, mandibular fracture, complication.

J Clin Exp Dent ; 15(11): e963-e977, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38074170


Background: The aim of the present study was to seek scientific evidence through a systematic review and meta-analysis for the choice of articaine over lidocaine in the removal of third molars. Material and Methods: Searches were performed of the MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL), Web of Science, and SCOPUS databases as well as the grey literature. Results: Four hundred three articles were found, only 14 of which met the eligibility criteria. A total of 1114 third molars were removed: 557 with articaine and 557 with lidocaine. Articaine had a higher success rate than lidocaine (RR = 1.09, 95% CI: 1.03 to 1.15; P< 0.05), shorter subjective latency time (MD = -15.10, 95% CI: -21.57 to -8.63; P< 0.05), less intraoperative pain (MD = -6; P< 0.05), longer duration (MD = 68.86; P< 0.05), and less postoperative pain (MD = -3.05; P< 0.05). Conclusions: Based on the findings, articaine is superior to lidocaine for use in lower third molar surgeries due to the higher success rate, shorter time until the onset of action, greater control of intraoperative and postoperative pain, and longer duration of the anesthetic effect. Key words:Articaine, lidocaine, third molar, impacted teeth.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(1): 43-47, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1443991


O objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso de COG em sínfise mandibular, tratado com enucleação e osteotomia periférica. Relato de Caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 58 anos de idade, foi encaminhada para avaliação de uma lesão mandibular, apresentando-se assintomática no momento da consulta. Foi observado um leve aumento de volume vestibular na região da sínfise mandibular, sem sensibilidade ao toque. Na tomografia foi observada imagem hipodensa, multiloculada, bem delimitada, na região de sínfise, próxima as raízes dentárias e a basilar mandibular, além de um dente incluso intralesional. Foi realizada biópsia incisional e exame histopatológico, através do qual foi estabelecido o diagnóstico de COG. Como forma de tratamento, o paciente foi submetido a enucleação com curetagem de toda lesão e a osteotomia periférica, além da remoção do dente incluso. Após um ano de acompanhamento, a paciente encontra-se livre de recorrências. Conclusão: Por fim, este caso destaca a importância de um tratamento eficaz de COG com a osteotomia periférica, considerando o tamanho da lesão, suas características e sua localização, a fim de reduzir suas chances de recidiva... (AU)

The aim of this article is to report a case of COG in mandibular symphysis, treated with enucleation and peripheral osteotomy. Case Report: A 58-yearold female patient was referred for evaluation of a mandibular lesion, instrument was asymptomatic at the time of consultation. An increase in vestibular volume was observed in the region of the mandibular symphysis, without sensitivity to touch. The tomography showed a hypodense, multiloculated, well-delimited image in the symphysis region, close to tooth roots and a mandibular basilar, in addition to an intralesional impacted tooth. An incisional biopsy and histopathological examination were performed, through which the diagnosis of COG was established. As a form of treatment, the patient underwent enucleation with curettage of the entire lesion and peripheral osteotomy, in addition to removal of the impacted tooth. After a year of follow-up, the patient is free from recurrences. Conclusion: Finally, this case highlights the importance of an effective treatment of COG with peripheral osteotomy, considering the size of the lesion, its characteristics and its location, in order to reduce its chances of recurrence... (AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es reportar un caso de COG en la sínfisis mandibular, tratado con enucleación y osteotomía periférica. Caso Clínico: Paciente femenino, de 58 años de edad, fue remitida para valoración de lesión mandibular, presentándose asintomática al momento de la consulta. Se observa ligero aumento de volumen vestibular en la región de la sínfisis mandibular, sin sensibilidad al tacto. En la tomografía se observó una imagen hipodensa, multiloculada, bien delimitada en la región de la sínfisis, próxima a las raíces dentarias y la base de la mandíbula, además de un diente intralesional. Se realizó biopsia incisional y examen histopatológico, a través del cual se estableció el diagnóstico de GOC. Como forma de tratamiento, el paciente fue sometido a enucleación con curetaje de toda la lesión y osteotomía periférica, además de extracción del diente impactado. Después de un año de seguimiento, un paciente está libre de recurrencias. Conclusión: Finalmente, este caso destaca la importancia de un tratamiento efectivo de la GOC con osteotomía periférica, considerando el tamaño de la lesión, sus características y su ubicación, para reducir sus posibilidades de recurrencia... (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Recurrence , Jaw Cysts , Maxillary Osteotomy , Odontogenic Cysts
J Maxillofac Oral Surg ; 21(3): 923-928, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36274896


Objective: The objective of this research was to evaluate the benefits of using exogenous melatonin in the preoperative period of patients with zygomatic complex fractures. Materials and methods: A randomized, triple-blind clinical trial of independent samples was carried out. The sample was divided into two groups: G1 (melatonin) and G2 (placebo). Interventions were standardized with 10 mg melatonin or placebo the night before surgery and 1 h before the start of surgery. The studied variables were level of salivary cortisol, level of anxiety, pain, and use of rescue analgesics. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed, with a margin of error considered as 5%. Results: A total of 14 patients were included, and after using the medication, the measurement of cortisol was reduced in the melatonin group (0.48 ± 0.25 to 0.43 ± 0.13 µg/100 ml) and increased in the placebo group (0.19 ± 0.12 to 0.23 ± 0.18 µg/100 ml). There was a reduction in the level of anxiety in the melatonin group and an increase in the placebo group. After two hours of surgery, the pain was statistically less in the melatonin group (4.50 ± 1.38) compared to the placebo group (6.17 ± 0.98). Six hours after surgery, pain showed regression in both groups. Patients in the placebo group (83.3%) used more rescue analgesics than melatonin group (33.3%) in the postoperative period. Conclusions: Thus, this research demonstrated that melatonin can be effective in reducing salivary cortisol and anxiety after medication, and patients in the melatonin group needed less rescue analgesics in the postoperative period.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220036, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1406515


ABSTRACT Despite being a benign tumor of the maxillofacial region, some cases of ameloblastoma can be categorized as malignant ameloblastoma (or metastasizing) when metastases occur. The aim of this study is to report a rare case of lung metastasis from mandibular ameloblastoma, in order to review its risk and analyze the main anatomic sites that can occur with this disease. The case of a 48-year-old woman is described. She presented a metastatic pulmonary ameloblastoma 7 years after the removal of a mandibular ameloblastoma. During routine exams, a tumor in the left lung was observed. It was asymptomatic, near to the mediastinum, measured 7x5.5 cm. Transthoracic needle biopsy revealed ameloblastoma with the same histological characteristics of the primary tumor. After radiotherapy, the patient presented regression of the tumor. The patient has been under follow-up for 5 years and there is no presence of tumor. Ameloblastoma is an aggressive tumor not only in the region of origin, but also in distant regions, mainly in cases of recurrence. Metastases can cause high rates of morbidity, a fact that requires early treatment.

RESUMO Apesar de ser um tumor benigno da região maxilofacial, alguns casos de ameloblastoma podem ser categorizados como ameloblastoma maligno (ou metastizante) quando ocorrem metástases. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso raro de metástase pulmonar de ameloblastoma mandibular, a fim de revisar seu risco e analisar os principais sítios anatômicos que podem ocorrer com esta doença. Descreve-se o caso de uma mulher de 48 anos. Ela apresentou um ameloblastoma pulmonar metastático 7 anos após a remoção de um ameloblastoma mandibular. Durante os exames de rotina foi observado tumor no pulmão esquerdo. Assintomático, próximo ao mediastino, medindo 7x5,5 cm. A biópsia transtorácica com agulha revelou ameloblastoma com as mesmas características histológicas do tumor primário. Após radioterapia, o paciente apresentou regressão do tumor. O paciente está em acompanhamento há 5 anos e não há presença de tumor. O ameloblastoma é um tumor agressivo não só na região de origem, mas também em regiões distantes, principalmente nos casos de recorrência. As metástases podem causar altas taxas de morbidade, fato que requer tratamento precoce.

Braz. dent. sci ; 25(2): 1-6, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1363723


Objective: The aim this research was assess the level of satisfaction of patients undergoing bichectomy and its repercussions. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional and qualitative study, under protocol number 20707519.5.0000.5207, was carried out by applying a questionnaire to patients undergoing bichectomy, which made it possible to assess complaints, degree of postoperative satisfaction, satisfaction of family members, time required to perceive results, complications and adverse effects, intensity of postoperative pain, and possibility of being submitted to a new intervention. Results: The sample consisted of 30 patients, among them, 82% sought surgery for aesthetic reasons. Regarding the degree of satisfaction, the majority (70%) were very satisfied, followed by 13.3% who were satisfied, 10% considered normal, 3.3% were dissatisfied and 3.3% very dissatisfied. Regarding the opinion of friends and family, the majority were very satisfied with the result. The adverse effects found were mild, no permanent injury happened, and the pain was mild in the most majority of the sample. Conclusion: Thus, the most majority of patients were satisfied with the results, as well as their family and friends. The results were more evident between the second and third months. No major or permanent damage was observed, suggesting that it is a safe technique when performed well.(AU)

Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de satisfação dos pacientes submetidos à bichectomia, bem como correlacionar os resultados com algumas características clínicas. Material e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal e qualitativo, sob protocolo número 20707519.5.0000.5207, através da aplicação de um questionário a pacientes submetidos à bichectomia, o qual foi possível avaliar as queixas, o grau de satisfação pós-operatório, a satisfação dos familiares, o tempo para percepção dos resultados, as complicações e efeitos adversos, intensidade da dor pós operatória, e a possibilidade de ser submetido a nova intervenção. Além disso, as características demográficas da amostra (como sexo e idade) também foi registrada na ficha de avaliação. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 30 pacientes, e desses, 82% buscaram a cirurgia por motivos estéticos. Sobre o grau de satisfação, a maioria (70%) ficou muito satisfeitos, seguidos por 13,3% que ficaram satisfeitos, 10% consideraram normal, 3,3% insatisfeitos e 3,3% muito insatisfeitos. Sobre a opinião dos amigos e familiares, a maioria ficou muito satisfeitos com o resultado. Os efeitos adversos encontrados foram leves, nenhuma lesão permanente foi encontrada, e a dor foi discreta na grande maioria da amostra. Com base na possibilidade de submeter-se a uma nova cirurgia, 70% ficaram satisfeitos e não fariam novamente. Conclusão: A grande maioria dos pacientes demonstrou-se satisfeitos com os resultados, bem como seus familiares e amigos. Os resultados foram mais evidentes entre o segundo e terceiro mês. Não foi observado qualquer dano importante ou permanente, sugerindo ser uma técnica segura quando bem executada. (AU)

Humans , Adipose Tissue , Patient Satisfaction , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication
Braz. j. oral sci ; 20: e219912, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in English | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1254429


Aim: Evaluation of the reliability of 3D computed tomography (3D-CT) in the diagnosis of mandibular fractures. Methods: A cross-sectional, quantitative and qualitative study was carried out, through the application of a questionnaire for 70 professionals in the area of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Radiology. 3D-CT images of mandibular fractures were delivered to the interviewees along with a questionnaire. Participants answered about the number of traces, the region and the type of fracture. The correct diagnosis, that is, the expected answer, was based on the reports of a specialist in oral and maxillofacial radiology after viewing the images in the axial, sagittal and coronal sections. The resulting data from the interviewees was compared with the expected answer and then, the data was analyzed statistically. Results: In the sample 56.9% were between 22 and 30 years old, 52.8% were oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMF), 34.7% were residents in OMF surgery and 12.5% OMF radiologists. Each professional answered 15 questions (related to five patients) and 50.8% of the total of these was answered correctly. Specialists in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology correctly answered 53.9%. Interviewees with experience between 6 and 10 years correctly answered 58.2%. In identifying fracture traces, 46.1% of the questions were answered correctly. In terms of location, 5.6% of interviewees answered wrongly while 14.2% answered wrongly regarding classification. Conclusion: 3D computed tomography did not prove to be a reliable image for diagnosing mandibular fractures when used alone. This made necessary an association with axial, sagittal and coronal tomographic sections

Humans , Male , Female , Diagnostic Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Surveys and Questionnaires , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Mandibular Fractures
Arch. health invest ; 10(7): 1184-1187, July 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1344606


Introdução: Os sialólitos são lesões mineralizadas nas glândulas salivares que causam obstrução total ou parcial do ducto, acometendo comumente a glândula submandibular. Sua abordagem varia de pouco invasiva à cirúrgicas, a depender do número, localização e dimensões dos cálculos. Objetivo: Esse estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso clínico raro de sialólito no ducto da glândula parótida tratado através da remoção cirúrgica. Relato De Caso: Paciente compareceu ao ambulatório com história de dor e edema em face com 2 meses de evolução, referindo piora da sintomatologia após alimentação. Ao exame físico apresentou edema endurecido em região pré-auricular esquerda e ausência de drenagem no ducto da parótida ipsilateral. Foi realizado uma radiografia de tecidos moles com filme periapical, que revelou imagem radiopaca circunscrita sugestiva de um sialólito no ducto da glândula parótida esquerda. Assim, foi realizada excisão cirúrgica do cálculo seguida do reestabelecimento da patência ductal através da instalação de cateter venoso. Paciente evoluiu bem e segue em acompanhamento sem recidiva dos sinais e sintomas. Considerações Finais: O presente estudo revela que o diagnóstico precoce da sialolitíase e a escolha do plano de tratamento adequado estão associados a um bom prognóstico, e o reestabelecimento da patência ductal, quando danificado, é imprescindível para o sucesso do tratamento(AU)

Introduction: Sialoliths are mineralized lesions in the salivary glands that cause total or partial obstruction of the duct, commonly affecting the submandibular gland. It ranges from less invasive to surgical approach, depending on the number, location and dimension of the calculi. Objective: This study aimed to report a rare clinical case of a sialolith in the parotid gland's duct treated by surgical removal. Case Report: The patient attended the outpatient clinic with a history of pain and edema in the face with 2 months of evolution, reporting worsening symptoms after feeding. On physical examination, he had hardened edema in the left preauricular region and no drainage in the ipsilateral parotid duct. Soft tissue radiography with a periapical film was performed, which revealed a circumscribed radiopaque image suggestive of a sialolith in the left parotid gland's duct. Thus, the calculus's surgical excision was performed, followed by the reestablishment of the ductal patency through the installation of a venous catheter. The patient evolved well and is being followed up without recurrence of signs and symptoms. Final Considerations: The present study reveals that the early diagnosis of sialolithiasis and the choice of the appropriate treatment plan are associated with a good prognosis, and the reestablishment of ductal patency, when damaged, is essential for the success of the treatment(AU)

Introducción: Os sialolitos son lesiones mineralizadas en las glándulas salivales que causan obstrucción total o parcial del conducto, afectando comúnmente a la glándula submandibular. Su abordaje varía desde poco invasivo hasta quirúrgico, dependiendo del número, ubicación y dimensiones de los cálculos. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo reportar un caso clínico raro de sialolito en el conducto de la glándula parótida tratado mediante extirpación quirúrgica. Reporte de Caso: Paciente acudió a consulta externa con antecedente de dolor y edema en el rostro de 2 meses de evolución, refiriendo empeoramiento de la sintomatología tras la alimentación. A la exploración física presentaba edema endurecido en región preauricular izquierda y ausencia de drenaje en conducto parotídeo ipsilateral. Se realizó una radiografía de partes blandas con placa periapical, que reveló una imagen radiopaca circunscrita sugestiva de un sialolito en el conducto de la glándula parótida izquierda. Así, se realizó la escisión quirúrgica del cálculo seguida del restablecimiento de la permeabilidad ductal mediante la instalación de un catéter venoso. El paciente evolucionó bien y se le está dando seguimiento sin recurrencia de signos y síntomas. Consideraciones Finales: El presente estudio revela que el diagnóstico precoz de la sialolitiasis y la elección del plan de tratamiento adecuado se asocian a un buen pronóstico, y el restablecimiento de la permeabilidad ductal, en caso de daño, es fundamental para el éxito del tratamiento(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Parotid Gland/surgery , Salivary Gland Calculi , Parotid Gland , Salivary Gland Diseases , Salivary Glands , Submandibular Gland , Salivary Gland Calculi/diagnosis , Salivary Gland Calculi/therapy
Head Neck Pathol ; 15(3): 923-934, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33751416


The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize the available data on TMJ chondrosarcomas and to perform a survival analysis of cases reported to date. This review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA. Two authors performed an electronic search of case reports of TMJ chondrosarcoma published until August 02, 2020. Forty-seven studies reporting 53 cases were included. Chondrosarcomas of the TMJ were more prevalent in women, with a male:female ratio of 1:1.4. Survival curves were significantly associated with histological diagnosis (p = 0.004), reconstructive surgery (p = 0.024), recurrence (p < 0.001), and distant metastasis (p = 0.001). Only distant metastasis was independently associated with survival (p = 0.017). TMJ chondrosarcomas presented with low recurrence and higher survival rates than other chondrosarcomas. Synovial subtype, absence of reconstructive surgery, and presence of local recurrence or distant metastasis were associated with poorer prognosis.

Chondrosarcoma/mortality , Chondrosarcoma/pathology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/mortality , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/pathology , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Survival Analysis , Young Adult
J Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 79(1): 64-74, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32976834


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the risk of hypesthesia with the use of articaine in comparison with other local anesthetics in lower third molar surgery, through a systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL), Web of Science, and SCOPUS databases were searched. Gray literature and manual searches were also performed. RESULTS: Altogether 342 articles were found; only 13 met the eligibility criteria. A total of 886 third molars were removed; 436 using articaine, 430 using other local anesthetics, and 20 using an anesthetic mixture. Altogether 5 cases of hypesthesia were found in the articaine group, with 4 temporary and 1 with no mention of nerve involved; there was no case of permanent confirmed hypesthesia. A total of 9 articles demonstrated a low risk of bias, and 4 articles showed some concern. The meta-analysis demonstrated a 3.96 relative risk for hypesthesia with the use of articaine compared with other local anesthetics, but this result was not statistically significant. The heterogeneity of the studies was low from a clinical, methodological, and statistical point of view. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, this systematic review and meta-analysis suggests that the use of articaine does not increase the risk of hypesthesia compared with other local anesthetics in lower third molar extraction, and when present, this complication is temporary.

Anesthesia, Dental , Carticaine , Anesthesia, Dental/adverse effects , Anesthetics, Local/adverse effects , Carticaine/adverse effects , Double-Blind Method , Humans , Hypesthesia , Lidocaine , Molar, Third/surgery
Braz. dent. sci ; 24(4): 1-7, 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1337654


Introduction: Fractures of the frontal bone correspond to 5 to 15% of all facial fractures. This type of fracture can lead to difficulties in restoring bone congruence and to postoperative secondary aesthetic problems. Objective: This paper aims to present a clinical case report of frontal bone fracture where a late reconstruction was performed using a titanium mesh with the aid of stereolithographic model prototyping. Case report: Female patient, 26 years old, with aesthetic sequelae in the upper third of the face after a motorcycle accident. The imaging exams showed a comminuted frontal bone fracture, as well as upper edge and right orbit ceiling involvement. The planning consisted of reconstruction of the affected area with the use of a titanium mesh pre-shaped in a stereolithographic model. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia and coronal access. After installation of the fixation material, pericranial flap rotation and suture of the surgical wound were performed. The patient progressed well, with considerable improvement in facial aesthetics. Conclusion: This paper reports the importance of good planning in cases of frontal bone fracture sequel, in which the use of model-shaped mesh in a stereolithographic model tends to optimize surgery, bringing aesthetic and psychosocial benefits. (AU)

Introdução: As fraturas do osso frontal correspondem de 5 a 15% de todas as fraturas faciais. Esse tipo de fratura pode levar a dificuldades na restauração da congruência dos ossos e a problemas secundários estéticos pós-operatórios. Objetivo: Este trabalho objetiva apresentar um relato de caso clínico de fratura do osso frontal onde foi realizada reconstrução tardia utilizando tela de titânio com auxílio da prototipagem de modelo estereolitográfico. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 26 anos, apresentando sequela estética em terço superior da face após acidente motociclístico. Os exames de imagem demonstraram fratura cominutiva em osso frontal, além de envolvimento de bordo superior e teto de órbita direita. O planejamento consistiu de reconstrução da área afetada com uso de tela de titânio pré-modelada em modelo estereolitográfico. O procedimento foi realizado sob anestesia geral e acesso coronal. Após instalação do material de fixação optou-se pela rotação de retalho de pericrânio e sutura da ferida cirúrgica. A paciente evoluiu bem, com melhora considerável da estética facial. Conclusão: Este trabalho relata a importância do bom planejamento em casos de sequela de fratura do osso frontal, no qual o uso de telas modeladas em modelo estereolitográfico tendem otimizar a cirurgia, trazendo benefícios estéticos e psicossociais. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Titanium , Frontal Bone , Craniocerebral Trauma
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 69: e20210034, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1340571


ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this research was to review the literature, compare different methods of surgical treatment for coronoid hyperplasia and report a clinical case of unilateral coronoid hyperplasia treated by coronoidectomy with intraoral access. Methods: A critical review of the literature was performed by selection of papers published in the last 20 years on the treatment of coronoid in adults in the PubMed, Medline, Scielo and Lilacs databases, with the terms coronoid hyperplasia OR coronoid elongation AND treatment OR management. The data was extracted for analysis. Results: twenty-four articles were selected. It included 42 patients, among them 69% were male patients and 81% were bilaterally affected. The age group with the highest prevalence was the people in the 20's and 30's. Sixty-nine percent of the patients were treated with coronoidectomy and 26.2% with coronoidotomy. The majority (83.3%) with intraoral access. No cases had surgical complications reported, and 71.4% underwent physiotherapy after surgery. Regarding the results, 83.3% were considered satisfactory, 11.9% were unsatisfactory. Conclusion: The great majority of the cases that brought significant results in the improvement of the pre and postoperative mouth opening were treated by coronoidectomy, proving to be an efficient and safe surgical treatment for the coronoid hyperplasia.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura e comparar diferentes métodos de tratamento cirúrgico para hiperplasia do coronoide, além de relatar um caso clínico de hiperplasia coronoide unilateral tratada por coronoidectomia pelo acesso intraoral. Métodos: A revisão eletrônica crítica da literatura foi feita selecionando artigos publicados nos últimos 20 anos sobre o tratamento da hiperplasia do coronoide em adultos nas bases de dados PubMed, Medline, Scielo e Lilacs com os termos coronoid hyperplasia OR coronoid elongation AND treatment OR management. Os dados foram extraídos para análise. Resultados: Foram selecionados 24 artigos. Incluindo um total de 42 pacientes, dentre eles 69% eram pacientes do sexo masculino e 81% foram acometidos bilateralmente. O grupo etário com a maior prevalência compreendeu de 20 a 30 anos. Sessenta e nove por cento dos pacientes foram tratados com coronoidectomia e 26,2% com coronoidotomia, a maioria (83,3%) com acesso intra-oral. Nenhum caso teve complicações cirúrgicas relatadas e 71,4% foram submetidas à fisioterapia após a cirurgia. Em relação aos resultados, 83,3% foram considerados satisfatórios, e 11,9% insatisfatórios. Conclusão: A grande maioria dos casos que trouxeram resultados significativos na melhora da abertura bucal pré e pós-operatória foram tratados pela coronoidectomia, demonstrando ser um tratamento cirúrgico eficiente e seguro para a hiperplasia do coronoide.

Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 14(53): 86-91, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1223883


Resumo Objetivos ­ Avaliar a percepção da atratividade do mento feminino pelos cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais, ortodontistas e leigos por meio de simulações de mentoplastia realizadas com auxílio de software. Materiais e métodos ­ A fotografia de perfil, juntamente com a telerradiografia de face lateral, foram manipuladas usando o software Dolphin Imaging versão 11.8 e diferentes situações clínicas foram projetadas. As alterações foram realizadas com movimentos ânteroposteriores, com imagens de mentoplastia de avanço (+2, +3 e +4) e recuo (-2, -3, -4). A referência do movimento foi dada em relação à Linha Vertical Verdadeira (LVV). Noventa pessoas foram entrevistadas, 30 ortodontistas, 30 cirurgiões maxilofaciais e 30 leigos. Eles observaram as fotos e classificaram o perfil em: extremamente agradável, agradável, desagradável e extremamente desagradável. Para avaliar a presença de diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação à análise de perfil, foi utilizado o teste Exato de Fisher. Resultados ­ A maioria dos leigos, cirurgiões e ortodontistas (46%) considerou o queixo no limite da LVV como um perfil extremamente atraente; 34,4% consideraram o queixo 2 mm antes da LVV como um perfil atrativo; queixo 3 mm além da LVV como pouco atrativo (45,5%) e os menos atraentes foram 4 mm além da LVV (75,6%). Conclusâo ­ Dessa forma, a maioria dos entrevistados demonstrou preferência pelo posicionamento do queixo no perfil LVV ou ligeiramente Classe II em pacientes do sexo feminino, o que pode orientar os profissionais num melhor planejamento (AU)

Abstract Objectives- Evaluate the perception of the female chin attractiveness by maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists and lay people through simulations of mentoplasty performed with the aid of a software. Profile photography along with lateral face teleradiography were manipulated using Dolphin Imaging Software version 11.8, and different clinical situations were designed. Methods: The alterations were performed with anteroposterior movements, with images of mentoplasty of advancement (+2, +3 and +4), and recoil (-2, -3, -4). The reference of the movement was given in relation to the True Vertical Line (TVL). Ninety people were interviewed. 30 orthodontists, 30 maxillofacial surgeons and 30 lay people. They observed the photos and classified the profile according to extremely pleasant, pleasant, unpleasant and extremely pleasant. To evaluate the presence of significant difference between the groups in relation to the profile analysis, the Fisher Exact test was used. Results: Most lay people, surgeons and orthodontists (46%) considered the chin at the limit of the TVL as an extremely attractive profile. 34.4% considered the chin 2 mm before the TVL as an attractive profile; chin 3 mm beyond the TVL as unattractive (45.5%), and the most unattractive ones were 4 mm beyond the TVL (75.6%). Conclusion: So the great majority of the people interviewed showed a preference for the positioning of the chin in the TVL or slightly Class II profile in female patients, which can guide professionals in a better planning. (AU)

Orthodontics , Orthognathic Surgery , Genioplasty
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(3): 20-24, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1253230


Introdução: O objetivo do trabalho é relatar um caso de ceratocisto associado à impactação dentária, o qual foi tratado com descompressão, seguido de enucleação da lesão e utilização de solução de Carnoy. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 14 anos, encaminhado para avaliação de lesão encontrada após exame imaginológico de rotina. O mesmo demonstrou extensa lesão radiolúcida localizada na região de ângulo e ramo da mandíbula, com presença do elemento 48 intralesional próximo a basilar. Foi realizado biópsia incisional e instalação de dispositivo de descompressão no mesmo tempo cirúrgico, o qual o resultado histopatológico foi de ceratocisto. Após 6 meses com o dispositivo, observou-se diminuição da lesão e melhora no posicionamento do dente incluso. Frente a boa resposta à descompressão, decidiu-se pela enucleação total da lesão, exodontia dos dentes 47 e 48, curetagem rigorosa e tereapia adjuvante com aplicação da solução de Carnoy. O paciente evoluiu bem, neoformação óssea na área operada e encontra-se em acompanhamento há 6 meses, sem sinais de recidiva. Considerações finais: O uso da descompressão cirúrgica em lesões císticas mandibulares minimiza os danos as estruturas circunvizinhas, riscos de fratura patológica e lesão nervosa. Em função das altas taxas de recidiva, a terapia adjuvante após a enucleção é imprescindível para essa lesão, sendo a aplicação da solução de Carnoy uma das técnicas com melhores resultados. Dessa forma, para aumentar a taxa de sucesso e minimizar as sequelas, o planejamento cirúrgico dos ceratocistos mandibulares extensos deve ser feito de forma criteriosa e cuidadosa... (AU)

Introduction: The objective of this study is to report a case of keratocyst associated with dental impaction, which was treated with decompression, followed by enucleation lesion and Carnoy solution. Case report: Male patient, 14 years old, referred for evaluation of lesion found after routine imaging. He showed extensive radiolucent lesion located in the region of the angle and branch of the mandible, with the presence of the intralesional element 48 near the basilar. An incisional biopsy was performed and a decompression device was installed during surgical time and the histopathological result was keratocyst. After 6 months of observation a reduction of the lesion and improvement in the positioning of the tooth even were noticed. Given the good response to decompression, it was decided to complete the enucleation of the lesion, extraction of teeth 47 and 48, rigorous curettage and adjuvant therapy with Carnoy's solution. Followed up for 6 months, patient evolved well creating a new bone formation in the operated area with no signs of relapse. Final considerations: The use of surgical decompression in cystic mandibular lesions minimizes damage to surrounding structures, pathological fracture risks, and nerve damage. Because of the high rates of recurrence, keratocysts require adjuvant therapy after enucleation and Carnoy's solution is one of the best performing techniques. Thus, to increase success rate and minimize sequelae, the surgical planning of extensive mandibular keratocysts should be done carefully and judiciously... (AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Surgery, Oral , Odontogenic Cysts , Decompression, Surgical , Decompression , Wounds and Injuries , Mandible
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(1): 13-17, jan.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1253530


Introdução: Quando presente, o terceiro molar inferior (3MI) pode causar vários problemas aos pacientes, dentre esses os defeitos periodontais com comprometimento do segundo molar inferior (2MI). Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a correlação do posicionamento dos 3MI com as alterações periodontais nos 2MI. Metodologia: Tratou-se de um estudo prospectivo de coorte, do qual participaram pacientes com presença de 3MI. As tomografias foram avaliadas, e registrada a posição do 3MI, de acordo com a classificação de Winter (vertical, mésio-angular, disto-angular e horizontal). Foram avaliadas as variáveis índice de placa, profundidade de sondagem, sangramento à sondagem, nível clínico de inserção e recessão gengival. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 32 pacientes (42 dentes). Os dentes classificados como mésio-angulares apresentaram os maiores índices de profundidade de sondagem tanto nos sítios distais quanto nos mesiais do 2MI (média 3,41mm), em comparação às demais angulações. Sangramento à sondagem (7 dentes) e índice de placa (12 dentes) estiveram mais presentes nos dentes verticais. Nenhum dente apresentou recessão gengival. Conclusões: Os 3MI mesioangulares demonstraram os piores resultados em relação à profundidade de sondagem do 2MI, e os verticais apresentaram maior sangramento à sondagem e maior índice de placa... (AU)

Introduction: When present, the lower third molar (3MI) can cause several problems to patients, including periodontal defects with involvement of the second lower molar (2MI). The objective of this research was to evaluate the correlation of the 3MI positioning with the periodontal changes in the 2MI. Methodology: This was a prospective cohort study involving patients with 3MI. The tomographs were evaluated and the position of the 3MI was recorded according to Winter's classification (vertical, mesio-angular, distal-angular and horizontal). The variables plaque index, probing depth, bleeding on probing, clinical insertion level and gingival recession were evaluated. Results: The sample consisted of 32 patients (42 teeth). The mesioangular teeth presented the highest probing depth indices in both the distal and mesial sites of the 2MI (average 3.41mm), compared to the other angles. Bleeding the probing (7 teeth) and plaque index (12 teeth) were more present in the vertical teeth. No teeth showed gingival recession. Conclusions: The mesioangular 3MI showed the worst results in relation to the 2MI probing depth, and the vertical ones showed greater bleeding on probing and higher plaque índex... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Surgery, Oral , Cohort Studies , Molar, Third , Tooth , Periodontal Index , Health , Gingival Recession
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(1): 18-21, jan.-mar. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1253532


Introdução: A apicotomia é uma técnica, que vem sendo utilizada em dentes com dilaceração radicular acentuada, com o intuito de liberar a porção do dente impactada e, dessa forma, permitir seu reposicionamento na arcada dentária. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de caso clínico do manejo ortocirúrgico de tracionamento ortodôntico associado à apicotomia em dente incluso com dilaceração radicular acentuada. Relato de caso: O paciente foi encaminhado para o serviço de bucomaxilofacial para exodontia do elemento incluso após insucesso de tracionamento ortocirúrgico, em que se verificou, ao exame radiográfico periapical, dente incluso com dispositivo ortodôntico e dilaceração radicular importante. Diante disso, realizou-se, sob anestesia local, a apicotomia e instalação do dispositivo ortodôntico. O paciente evoluiu bem, e, após 8 meses, o elemento dentário encontrava-se em posição oclusal e em função mastigatória. Considerações finais: Assim, a técnica da apicotomia mostra-se eficaz como alternativa ao insucesso do tracionamento ortodôntico tradicional, sendo uma técnica mais conservadora que a exodontia, necessitando de conhecimento teórico e domínio técnico do profissional... (AU)

Introduction: Apichotomy is a technique that has been used in teeth with severe root laceration in order to release the impacted tooth portion and thus allow its repositioning of the tooth in the dental arch. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical case report of orthosurgical orthodontic traction management associated with apichotomy in an included tooth with severe root laceration. Case report: The patient was referred to the Oral and Maxillofacial Service for extraction of the included element after ortho-surgical traction failure, which was verified by periapical radiographic examination, tooth included with orthodontic device and significant root laceration. Thus, under local anesthesia, apichotomy and orthodontic device installation were performed. The patient progressed well, and after 8 months the dental element was in occlusal position and in masticatory function. Final considerations: Thus, the apichotomy technique is effective as an alternative to the failure of traditional orthodontic traction, being a more conservative technique than extraction and requiring theoretical knowledge and technical mastery of the Professional... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Orthodontics , Apicoectomy , Surgery, Oral , Tooth, Impacted , Tooth Movement Techniques , Tooth, Unerupted , Dental Arch , Malocclusion
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 19(3): 35-38, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1253807


Introdução: A exodontia é um dos procedimentos mais realizados nos consultórios odontológicos, e as complicações podem surgir, principalmente, quando não existem exames de imagem no pré-operatório ou quando se usa força inadequada durante o procedimento. Dentes molares inferiores podem se deslocar para o espaço submandibular durante as exodontias, e , apesar de ser considerada uma complicação rara, o paciente pode evoluir com dor, trismo e, em casos mais graves, para infecção com envolvimento cervical. Relato de caso: O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um paciente com infecção crônica em região cervical após tentativa, sem sucesso, de remoção de um molar inferior cujo fragmento dentário havia sido deslocado para o espaço submandibular durante o procedimento cirúrgico. O tratamento de escolha foi a fistulectomia e a remoção cirúrgica do dente sob anestesia geral pelo acesso extraoral submandibular de Risdon, seguido de divulsionamento delicado até localização e remoção do corpo estranho deslocado. O paciente foi acompanhado clinicamente, por 3 meses, evoluindo bem, sem queixas e sem observação de recidiva do processo infeccioso. Considerações Finais: Deslocamento dentário para o espaço submandibular é um acidente, que pode ocorrer com qualquer profissional, razão por que é de extrema importância o conhecimento da prevenção e do tratamento dessa complicação... (AU)

Introduction: Exodontia is one of the most commonly performed procedures in dentistry, and complications can arise, especially when there is no preoperative imaging exams or when inadequate force is used during the procedure. Lower molar teeth may move into the submandibular space during the exodontia, and although it is considered a rare complication, the pacient may feel pain, trismus, and in more severe cases may evolve to infection with cervical involvement. Case report: This present article aims to report a case of a patient with chronic infection in the cervical region after an unsuccessful attempt of removing a lower molar, in which the dental fragment was moved to the submandibular space during the surgical procedure. The treatment of choice was a fistulectomy and the surgical removal of the tooth under general anesthesia by Risdon submandibular extraoral approuch, followed by delicate divulsion to the location and removal of the foreign body displaced. The case was followed clinically for 3 months, evolving well, without complaints and recurrence of the infectious process. Final considerations: Dental displacement to the submandibular space is an accident that can occur under any professional care, so it is extremely important to know the prevention and treatment of this complication... (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Surgery, Oral , Tooth Avulsion , Molar/surgery , Pain , Dental Offices , Dentistry , Infections , Anesthesia, General
J Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 77(10): 2017.e1-2017.e7, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31260676


PURPOSE: We evaluated the effects of melatonin used in the preoperative period for patients who had undergone surgical treatment of a zygomatic fracture. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A triple-blind, randomized clinical trial of 2 groups was conducted: the melatonin group (10 mg) and the placebo group. After allocation, 1 tablet of melatonin was used the night before and another tablet 2 hours before the start of surgery. Approximately 30 minutes before anesthetic induction, the following variables were evaluated: sleep quality, degree of sedation and anxiolysis using the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale, and the amount of opioid analgesic used intraoperatively. At the end of surgery, the time required for safe endotracheal extubation was evaluated. Next, a descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed. The margin of error considered was 5%. RESULTS: Of the 68 analyzed patients, 36 had been allocated to the melatonin group and 32 to the placebo group. In the sleep quality evaluation for the night before surgery, 61.1% of the melatonin group reported better or much better sleep than usual, and 100% of the placebo group reported worse sleep or sleep as usual (P < .001). Melatonin was no better than placebo in relation to anxiolysis (P > .05). The average final dose of the opioid was lower, and the difference was statistically significant, in the melatonin group (0.296 ± 0.036 µg/kg/min vs 0.372 ± 0.037 µg/kg/min in the placebo group). The interval required for safe endotracheal extubation was longer, and the difference was statistically significant, in the melatonin group (14.84 ± 1.8 minutes vs 12.72 ± 0.99 minutes in the placebo group). CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, melatonin was effective in improving sleep quality the night before surgery and in reducing intraoperative opioid consumption. An increase in the time required for safe endotracheal extubation was found in the melatonin group, and no improvement was seen in anxiolysis.

Antioxidants , Melatonin , Sleep , Zygomatic Fractures , Analgesics, Opioid , Antioxidants/therapeutic use , Double-Blind Method , Humans , Melatonin/therapeutic use , Preoperative Care , Zygomatic Fractures/surgery