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Arch Esp Urol ; 60(5): 571-6, 2007 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17718213


OBJECTIVE: To present a case of infantile myofibromatosis of visceral location and a review of the literature. METHOD/RESULTS: We report the case of an 11-year-old Caucasian girl hospitalized for abdominal tumorous mass, weight loss and lack of appetite. Physical examination showed: cutaneous-mucous paleness and a painless, palpable tumorous mass of 8-10cm in the right abdominal flank, of firm consistency with defined edges and extending past the midline. Blood test showed hemoglobin 90 mg/l and erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 130 mm/hour. Chest x-ray and bone study were normal, while abdominal x-ray showed intratumorous calcification, intravenous urographyc showed light displace downwards and outwards of the right kidney. Ultrasound showed a solid echogenic mass with a diameter of 11cm in the right abdominal flank, above and extending towards the lower portion of the right kidney. Surgical treatment for possible neuroblastoma was initiated, during which various tumorous growths were observed in the mesocolon, the largest measuring 7cm, which were removed. Macroscopic examination showed whitish well-defined tumorous growths of firm consistency with focal calcifications. Microscopic examination showed a proliferation of fibroblastic type cells, with some areas having smooth muscle cell characteristics. Diagnosis was myofibromatosis. CONCLUSIONS: Infantile myofibromatosis is the most common fibrous disorder of infancy and childhood, more commonly found between birth and two years of age, may also appear later in life. Etiology is unclear, but certain studies report estrogen involvement in its pathogenesis. Clinical symptoms depend on the location and extension of the lesion and age at presentation. Spontaneous relapse may occur. Prognosis is good in the absence of visceral damage, although generalized congenital myofibromatosis with visceral damage is associated with high mortality especially in the first months of life, due to its destructive capacity, obstruction of vital organs, growth inhibition or infection. Urologic concerns include possible infiltration of genito-urinary organs (kidney, corpus spongiosum) and its association with urologic abnormalities. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies show that the tumor is composed of myofibroblasts, with estrogen receptors, displaying vimentin and smooth muscle actin immunoreactivity. Strict follow up is recommended in patients with congenital myofibromatosis to avoid or detect possible complications that may be life-threatening (Bone survey abdominal-pelvic ultrasound, echocardiogram, chest-abdominal CT and biopsy). The treatment of choice is surgical removal, with extensive excision to avoid possible relapse.

Colonic Diseases , Female Urogenital Diseases , Myofibromatosis , Child , Colonic Diseases/diagnosis , Colonic Diseases/surgery , Female , Female Urogenital Diseases/diagnosis , Female Urogenital Diseases/surgery , Humans , Myofibromatosis/diagnosis , Myofibromatosis/surgery
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 60(5): 571-576, jun. 2007.
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-055461


Objetivo: Presentar un caso de miofibromatosis infantil de localización visceral y hacer una revisión de la literatura. Método/Resultados: Niña de 11 años, blanca, ingresa por tumoración abdominal, pérdida de peso y falta de apetito. Examen físico: palidez cutáneo-mucosa, tumoración palpable flanco abdominal derecho de 8-10cm, bordes definidos, consistencia firme y no dolorosa, que pasa la línea media. Analítica sanguínea: hemoglobina 90 mg/lt, VSG 130 mm/1 hora. Rx de tórax y Survey óseo normales, Rx abdomen simple: calcificaciones intratumorales, Urografía Intravenosa (UIV): ligero desplazamiento del riñón derecho, no infiltración. Ecografía: masa sólida, ecogénica, en flanco abdominal derecho por encima y hacia el polo inferior del riñón derecho, de 11cm de diámetro. Se decide tratamiento quirúrgico por posible Neuroblastoma, en acto operatorio se observan varias tumoraciones en el meso del colon transverso, la mayor de 7cm, las que son resecadas y extirpadas. Macroscopicamente: tumoraciones de aspecto blanquecino, aparente buena delimitación, al corte consistencia firme, aspecto arremolinado y calcificaciones focales. Microscopicamente: tumoración constituida por una proliferación de células de carácter fibroblástico, con características en algunas áreas semejantes a las células musculares lisas. Diagnóstico: miofibromatosis. Conclusiones: La miofibromatosis infantil es más común entre el nacimiento y los dos años de edad, es el tumor fibroso más frecuente en la infancia, aunque puede aparecer a cualquier edad. Etiología incierta, pero algunos estudios implican a los estrógenos en su patogenia. La clínica depende de la localización y extensión de las lesiones y la edad de presentación. El pronóstico es bueno, si no hay daño visceral, pudiendo haber regresión espontánea, aunque la miofibromatosis congénita generalizada tiene alta mortalidad, sobre todo en los primeros meses de vida, debido a su naturaleza localmente destructiva, obstrucción de órganos vitales, retrazo en el crecimiento o infección. Desde el punto de vista urológico puede haber infiltración de órganos genitourinarios (riñón, cuerpo esponjoso) y asociación con anomalías urológicas. En los estudios ultraestructurales e inmunohistoquímicos el tumor está constituido por miofibroblastos, mostrando receptores de estrógenos y marcadores positivos mesenquimatosos y de músculo: vimentina y actina músculoespecífica. Se recomienda seguimiento estricto de los pacientes con miofibromatosis congénita para evitar o diagnosticar precozmente posibles complicaciones que pudieran poner en peligro la vida del paciente (Survey oseo, UIV, ecografía abdomino-pélvica, ecocardio, TAC tóraco-abdominal y biopsia). El tratamiento de elección es el quirúrgico, con exéresis amplias para evitar posibles recidivas (AU)

Objective: To present a case of infantile myofibromatosis of visceral location and a review of the literature. Method/Results: We report the case of an 11-year-old Caucasian girl hospitalized for abdominal tumorous mass, weight loss and lack of appetite. Physical examination showed: cutaneous-mucous paleness and a painless, palpable tumorous mass of 8-10cm in the right abdominal flank, of firm consistency with defined edges and extending past the midline. Blood test showed hemoglobin 90 mg/l and erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 130 mm/hour. Chest x-ray and bone study were normal, while abdominal x-ray showed intratumorous calcification, intravenous urographyc showed light displace downwards and outwards of the right kidney. Ultrasound showed a solid echogenic mass with a diameter of 11cm in the right abdominal flank, above and extending towards the lower portion of the right kidney. Surgical treatment for possible neuroblastoma was initiated, during which various tumorous growths were observed in the mesocolon, the largest measuring 7cm, which were removed. Macroscopic examination showed whitish well-defined tumorous growths of firm consistency, with focal calcifications. Microscopic examination showed a proliferation of fibroblastic type cells, with some areas having smooth muscle cell characteristics. Diagnosis was myofibromatosis. Conclusions: Infantile myofibromatosis is the most common fibrous disorder of infancy and childhood, more commonly found between birth and two years of age, may also appear later in life. Etiology is unclear, but certain studies report estrogen involvement in its pathogenesis. Clinical symptoms depend on the location and extension of the lesion and age at presentation. Spontaneous relapse may occur. Prognosis is good in the absence of visceral damage, although generalized congenital myofibromatosis with visceral damage is associated with high mortality, especially in the first months of life, due to its destructive capacity, obstruction of vital organs, growth inhibition or infection. Urologic concerns include possible infiltration of genito-urinary organs (kidney, corpus spongiosum) and its association with urologic abnormalities. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies show that the tumor is composed of myofibroblasts, with estrogen receptors, displaying vimentin and smooth muscle actin immunoreactivity. Strict follow up is recommended in patients with congenital myofibromatosis to avoid or detect possible complications that may be life-threatening (Bone survey, abdominal-pelvic ultrasound, echocardiogram, chest-abdominal CT and biopsy). The treatment of choice is surgical removal, with extensive excision to avoid possible relapse (AU)

Female , Child , Humans , Myofibromatosis/diagnosis , Myofibromatosis/surgery , Neuroblastoma/complications , Tomography, Emission-Computed/methods , Radiography, Thoracic/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Myofibromatosis/complications , Myofibromatosis , Urogenital System/pathology , Urogenital System/surgery , Myofibromatosis/radiotherapy , Prognosis , Urogenital Neoplasms/complications , Urogenital Neoplasms/diagnosis , Urogenital Neoplasms/surgery
Arch Esp Urol ; 59(5): 538-41, 2006 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16903560


OBJECTIVE: To report a case of prostate lymphoma and a brief review of the literature. METHODS/RESULTS: A 70 year-old mele patient was referred to the Urology departament with a clinical picture of prostatism, with acute urinary retention (AUR). Surgery with retropubic prostatectomy was performed, and pathology revealed a primary prostate lymphoma. The patient was referred to the departament of Oncology where he received polychemotherapy and radiotherapy. The patient is currently followed by regular visits to Urology outpatients service. The case study is followed by a brief bibliographic review, where we analyse clinical menifestations of this entity, complementary studies useful for diagnosis (laboratory test, trasrectal prostate biopsy, transuretral resection, ultrasound and computerised axial tomography), treatment options (surgery, polychemotherapy, radiotherapy) as well as survival in these patients. CONCLUSIONS: Of the cases reviewed, mean age at diagnosis was 57 years. Clinical debut was with prostate symptoms, with or without AUR and sometimes manifestations of renal failure due to obstructive uropathy, as well as general symptoms (astenia, anorexia, weight loss). PSA values remain unaltered in prostate lymphoma patients. Histologic diagnosis may be made by transrectal prostate biopsy, although transurethral resection (TUR) may be necessary for confirmation. Ultrasound and CT scan are of great utility for diagnosis of both local and distant tumors. From a therapeutic point of view, surgery for the obstruction of the lower urinary tract (TURP or retropubic prostatectomy) may be necessary, as well as the cyclophosphamide based polychemotherapy with corticosteroids and other cytostatic agents, and radiotherapy; intratecal chemotherapy has also been used adjuvant bone marrow transplantation.

Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell/pathology , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Aged , Humans , Male
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(6): 636-639, jul.-ago. 2006. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-049361


OBJETIVO: Presentar un caso clínico de un paciente varón con un papiloma invertido de la uretra anterior. MÉTODO/RESULTADO: Se trata de un varón, de 40 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud, que acude a consulta de Urología por presentar un cuadro de disuria y uretrorragia en 3 ocasiones. Tras la realización de un estudio previo que incluyó radiografía de uretrocistografía miccional y en la que se observó un defecto de lleno en uretra anterior, se decide realizar cistouretroscopía bajo anestesia, realizándose en este mismo acto una resección endoscópica de la tumoración que ocasionaba dicho defecto de llenado. El estudio anatomopatológico de la pieza informa un papiloma invertido uretral. CONCLUSIONES: La localización en la uretra masculina del papiloma invertido es rara. Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes son la disuria y la hematuria, aunque los situados en uretra anterior pueden provocar uretrorragia. El diagnóstico se realiza por la clínica, la ecografía, la endoscopía y la uretrocistografía miccional, en la que se puede observar un defecto de llenado a nivel de la uretra. El tratamiento consiste en la resección transuretral (RTU) de la lesión, siendo conveniente los controles endoscópicos anuales tras la cirugía

OBJECTIVE: We present a clinical case of inverted papilloma of the anterior urethra in a male patient. METHODS/RESULTS: 40 years-old man, without antecedents. The patient presented with dysuria and urethral bleeding on three occacions. Preliminary studies included radiographic voiding urethrocystography which revealed anterior urethral filling defect. Cystourethroscopy under anaesthetic was performed, allowing endoscopic resection of the tumour causing the filling defect. The Pathologic study of the resected specimen reported urethral inverted papilloma. CONCLUSIONS: Inverted papilloma located in the male urethra is rare. The most frequent clinical manifestations are dysuria and haematuria, although urethral bleeding may present when located in the anterior urethra. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, ultrasound, endoscopy and mictional urethrocystography which allows detection of urethral filling defect. Treatment consists of transurethral resection of the lesion. Annual post-operative endoscopiy control is recommended

Male , Adult , Humans , Papilloma, Inverted/diagnosis , Urethral Neoplasms/diagnosis
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(5): 538-541, jun. 2006. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-049041


OBJETIVO: Presentar un caso portador de un linfoma de próstata, en un paciente de 70 años de edad y hacer una breve revisión de la literatura. MÉTODO/RESULTADOS: Se trata de un paciente varón de 70 años de edad, que es visto en consulta de Urología por presentar un cuadro de prostatismo, llegando a la retención aguda de orina (RAO). Es intervenido quirúrgicamente realizándosele una prostatectomía retropúbica, obteniéndose como resultado anatomopatológico un linfoma primario de próstata, el paciente fue remitido a Oncología, siendo tratado con radioterapia, llevando actualmente seguimiento en consulta de Urología. Se hace una breve revisión bibliográfica, donde analizamos las manifestaciones clínicas de esta entidad, las pruebas complementarias que nos ayudan a hacer el diagnóstico (exámenes de laboratorio, biopsia prostática transrectal, resección transuretral, ecografía, tomografía axial computarizada), los tratamientos que se aplican (cirugía, radioterapia, poliquimioterapia) así como la supervivencia de estos pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: La edad promedio de diagnóstico en la casuística revisada por nosotros fue de 57 años. La forma clínica de debut son síntomas de prostatismo, pudiendo estar presente la RAO y en algunos casos manifestaciones de insuficiencia renal por uropatía obstructiva, así como manifestaciones generales (astenia, anorexia, pérdida de peso). Las cifras de antígeno específico prostático (PSA) no sufren alteraciones en los linfomas prostáticos. El diagnóstico histológico se puede realizar a través de la biopsia de próstata transrectal, aunque puede ser necesario la resección transuretral (RTU) de próstata para una mejor confirmación. La ultrasonografía y la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) son de gran utilidad para el diagnóstico tanto local como de extensión de estos tumores. Desde el punto de vista del tratamiento puede ser necesario la cirugía desobstructiva (RTU, prostatectomía a cielo abierto), así como la poliquimioterapia a base de ciclofosfamida en asociación con corticoides y otros citostáticos, la radioterapia y también se ha utilizado la quimioterapia intratecal, el transplante autólogo de médula ósea como complemento

OBJECTIVE: To report a case of prostate lymphoma and a brief review of the literature. METHODS/RESULTS: A 70 year-old mele patient was referred to the Urology departament with a clinical picture of prostatism, with acute urinary retention (AUR). Surgery with retropubic prostatectomy was performed, and pathology revealed a primary prostate lymphoma. The patient was referred to the departament of Oncology where he received polychemotherapy and radiotherapy. The patient is currently followed by regular visits to Urology outpatients service.The case study is followed by a brief bibliographic review, where we analyse clinical menifestations of this entity, complementary studies useful for diagnosis (laboratory test, trasrectal prostate biopsy, transuretral resection, ultrasound and computerised axial tomography), treatment options (surgery, polychemotherapy, radiotherapy) as well as survival in these patients. CONCLUSIONS: Of the cases reviewed, mean age at diagnosis was 57 years. Clinical debut was with prostate symptoms, with or without AUR and sometimes manifestations of renal failure due to obstructive uropathy, as well as general symptoms (astenia, anorexia, weight loss). PSA values remain unaltered in prostate lymphoma patients. Histologic diagnosis may be made by transrectal prostate biopsy, although transurethral resection (TUR) may be necessary for confirmation. Ultrasound and CT scan are of great utility for diagnosis of both local and distant tumors. From a therapeutic point of view, surgery for the obstruction of the lower urinary tract (TURP or retropubic prostatectomy) may be necessary, as well as the cyclophosphamide based polychemotherapy with corticosteroids and other cytostatic agents, and radiotherapy; intratecal chemotherapy has also been used adjuvant bone marrow transplantation

Male , Aged , Humans , Lymphoma/pathology , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology
Arch Esp Urol ; 59(2): 183-6, 2006 Mar.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16649525


OBJECTIVES: We report a clinical case of inverted papilloma of the anterior male urethra. METHODS/RESULTS: 40-year-old male without significant past medical history presenting with dysuria and referring three episodes of urethral bleeding. Preliminary studies included voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) which revealed a filling defect in the anterior urethra. Urethrocystoscopy was performed under anesthesia, with resection of the tumor. Pathologic study reported a urethral inverted papilloma. CONCLUSIONS: Inverted papillomas of the male urethra are rare. The most frequent clinical manifestations are dysuria and hematuria, although they may present with urethral bleeding when located in the anterior urethra. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, ultrasound, endoscopy and VCUG which enable detection of urethral filling defects. The treatment of choice is transurethral resection of the lesion. Annual endoscopic control is recommended after surgery.

Papilloma, Inverted , Urethral Neoplasms , Adult , Humans , Male , Papilloma, Inverted/diagnostic imaging , Radiography , Urethral Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(3): 281-284, abr. 2006. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-046827


OBJETIVO: Presentar un caso de anuria obstructiva debida a la compresión ureteral por un aneurisma de la arteria ilíaca externa izquierda, en un paciente monorreno. MÉTODO/RESULTADOS: Paciente de 76 años de edad, masculino, monorreno derecho, acude al servicio de urgencia por presentar dolor lumbar izquierdo y anuria de varios días, tras realizársele diferentes investigaciones (ecografía, arteriografía), se detecta una hidronefrosis del riñón izquierdo al ser comprimido el uréter por una tumoración aneurismática de la arteria ilíaca externa. Por tal motivo se le realiza nefrostomía derivativa de urgencia y posterior reparación del aneurisma por angiología. La evolución fue favorable. CONCLUSIONES: Los aneurismas aorto-ilíacos constituyen una rara causa de anuria obstructiva. Los pacientes afectados suelen ser varones de más de 50 años de edad, fumadores, con antecedentes de padecer de diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial (HTA), enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), etc. El diagnóstico se basa en la clínica, en la que prima el dolor lumboabdominal, también el hallazgo de una tumoración abdominal que late, así como manifestaciones de insuficiencia renal. Son de utilidad para complementar el diagnóstico la ecografía, la urografía intravenosa (UIV), la arteriografía y la tomografía axial computarizada (TAC). El tratamiento quirúrgico del aneurisma por lo general alivia la obstrucción

OBJECTIVE: To report one case of obstructive anuria due to ureteral compression by an external iliac artery aneurysm in a patient with a single kidney. METHODS/RESULTS: We report the case of a 76-year-old male with a single kidney presenting at the emergency department with left lumbar pain and anuria for several days. Hydronephrosis of the solitary left kidney due to an aneurysmatic tumor of the external iliac artery was diagnosed after performing various tests (ultrasound, arteriography). Emergency percutaneous nephrostomy was performed with subsequent vascular repair of the aneurysm. The outcome was favourable. CONCLUSIONS: Aorto-iliac aneurysm constitutes a rare cause of obstructive anuria. Patients affected are usually males over 50 years of age, smokers, with a history of diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension (AHT), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, outstandingly lumboabdominal pain, and the finding of a beating abdominal tumor, as well as signs of a renal failure. Useful complementary studies for diagnosis include ultrasound, intravenous urography (IVU), arteriography and computerised axial tomography (CT). Surgical treatment of the aneurysm generally relieves the obstruction

Male , Aged , Humans , Anuria/etiology , Iliac Aneurysm/complications , Ureteral Obstruction/etiology
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(3): 284-287, abr. 2006. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-046828


OBJETIVO: Presentar un caso clínico al que se le detecta un triple uréter, con triple sistema ureteropielocalicial del riñón izquierdo y desembocadura independiente de los uréteres en vejiga, en una paciente femenina, que fue sometida a un estudio por padecer cólicos nefríticos derechos. MÉTODO/RESULTADOS: Paciente femenina, de 27 años de edad, que acude a consulta de Urología por sufrir cólicos nefríticos derechos, por tal motivo es estudiada realizándosele, entre otros estudios, una urografía excretora por venoclisis y una tomografía axial computarizada (TAC), donde se detecta una litiasis renal derecha, hidronefrosis derecha y doble sistema pielocalicial derecho, en el riñón izquierdo se observan tres sistemas pielocaliciales, con tres uréteres, desembocando estos de forma independiente en la vejiga. CONCLUSIONES: Las diferentes variedades de anomalías ureterales de número, generalmente son diagnosticadas por síntomas y signos de obstrucción, infección, presencia de litiasis, hematuria, dolor, así como reflujo y ureterocele, en el caso de las triplicaciones ureterales generalmente se acompañan de otras anomalías ureterales de número en el riñón contralateral. La urografía excretora constituye un método diagnóstico eficaz, aunque también la TAC y la ecografía pudieran ayudar a esclarecer el mismo

OBJECTIVE: To report the case of a left complete triple ureter with ureteral pyelocalicial system draining independently into the bladder in a patient consulting for episodes of right renal colic. METHODS/RESULTS: 27-year-old female patient consulting for episodes of right renal colic. Several studies including intravenous urography and CT scan were performed revealing a right renal lithiasis and a double ureteral pyelocalicial system on the right side; the left kidney showed three pyelocalicial systems with three ureters, draining each of them separately into the bladder. CONCLUSIONS: The anomalies of ureter number are generally diagnosed by signs and symptoms of obstruction, infection, lithiasis, hematuria, pain, reflux, and ureterocele. Cases of triple ureter are generally are accompanied by other ureteral number anomalies of the opposite kidney. Intravenous urography is an effective diagnostic tool, although CT scan ultrasound may also help to clarify the diagnosis

Female , Adult , Humans , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnosis , Kidney Pelvis/abnormalities , Ureter/abnormalities
Arch. esp. urol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(2): 183-186, mar. 2006. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-046797


OBJETIVO: Presentar un caso clínico de un paciente masculino con un papiloma invertido de la uretra anterior.MÉTODO/RESULTADO: Se trata de un paciente varón, de 40 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud, que acude a consulta de Urología por presentar un cuadro de disuria y uretrorragia en 3 ocasiones. Tras la realización de un estudio previo que incluyó radiografía de uretrocistografía miccional y en la que se observó un defecto de llenado en uretra anterior, se decide realizar cistouretroscopía bajo anestesia, realizándose en este mismo acto una resección endoscópica de la tumoración que ocasionaba dicho defectode llenado. El estudio anatomopatológico de la piezainforma un papiloma invertido uretral. CONCLUSIONES: La localización en la uretra masculina del papiloma invertido es rara. Las manifestaciones clínicasmás frecuentes son la disuria y la hematuria, aunque los situados en uretra anterior pueden provocar uretrorragia.El diagnóstico se realiza por la clínica, la ecografía, la endoscopía y la uretrocistografía miccional, en la que se puede observar un defecto de llenado a nivel de la uretra. El tratamiento consiste en la resección transuretral (RTU) de la lesión, siendo conveniente los controles endoscópicos anuales tras la cirugía

OBJECTIVES: We report a clinical case of inverted papilloma of the anterior male urethra. ;;METHODS/RESULTS: 40-year-old male without significant past medical history presenting with dysuria and referring three episodes of urethral bleeding. Preliminary studies ;;included voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) which revealed a filling defect in the anterior urethra. Urethrocystoscopy was performed under anesthesia, with resection of the tumor. Pathologic study reported a urethral inverted papilloma. ;;CONCLUSIONS: Inverted papillomas of the male urethra are rare. The most frequent clinical manifestations are dysuria and hematuria, although they may present with urethral bleeding when located in the anterior urethra. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, ultrasound, endoscopy and VCUG which enable detection of urethral filling defects. The treatment of choice is transurethral resection of the lesion. Annual endoscopic control is recommended after surgery

Male , Adult , Humans , Papilloma, Inverted , Urethral Neoplasms