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Niger J Clin Pract ; 26(9): 1273-1282, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37794539


Background: Nigeria has committed to global initiatives aimed at improving maternal and child health. Institutional audit of maternal mortality over a long period can provide useful information on the trends in maternal death and the impact of interventions. Aim: To evaluate the trends in annual deliveries, maternal mortality ratio and causes of maternal death at a tertiary institution in Nigeria over a period of 44 years (1976-2019). Materials and Methods: We conducted a temporal trend analysis of annual births, maternal deaths, maternal mortality ratio (MMR), and ranking of causes of maternal deaths at a Teaching Hospital, in Southwest Nigeria using available data from 1976 to 2019. Overall and segmental annual percent change (APC) of the observed trends were conducted using Joinpoint version software. Results: Over the 44-year study period, 1323 maternal deaths occurred at approximately 30 maternal deaths per annum. There was a four-fold increase in MMR from 881/100,000 total births in 1976 to 3389.8/100,000 total births in 2019, at an average increase of 3.1% per annum. (APC: 3.1%; P value < 0.001). The leading causes of maternal mortality were hypertension, sepsis, haemorrhage, and abortion, which together contributed to more than 70% of maternal deaths. All the leading causes of maternal deaths except abortion had constant ranking during the study period. Conclusion: The four-fold increase in MMR at our hospital from 1976-2019 is worrying and may suggest that previous efforts at reducing maternal mortality in our institution did not lead to significant improvement toward the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3). The hospital increasingly managed complex cases especially the unbooked patients who were referred to the hospital as a last resort.

Maternal Death , Maternal Mortality , Pregnancy , Female , Child , Humans , Nigeria/epidemiology , Universities , Hospitals, Teaching , Cause of Death , Retrospective Studies
West Afr J Med ; 40(8): 863-868, 2023 08 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37639545


BACKGROUND: Male infertility contributes 40 % of couple infertility. The prevalence of abnormal semen parameters has been on the increase. Age among other factors affects the fertility potential of males. This study analysed the pattern of seminal fluid parameters of males, seeking fertility treatment in hospitals and the relationship between age, volume and liquefaction time on these other semen parameters. METHODS: This is a multicentre retrospective cohort study conducted in eight secondary and tertiary hospitals in Nigeria. The case notes of couples that sort fertility care at the Gynaecology and Urology clinics of these hospitals from January 1st 2022 to December 31st 2022 were retrieved after receiving ethical approval. A purposeddesigned proforma based on the WHO manual for the examination of human semen was used for data collection. Outcome measures were time of semen collection and examination, volume of semen, sperm number, sperm concentration, PH, agglutination, liquefaction, motility,morphology, vitality, and white blood cell count. Data was analysed using SPSS version 23. Data were presented as means and proportions. P-value of < 0.05 was used as the level of significance. RESULTS: Overall, 1063 couples attended gynaecology and urology clinics with fertility-related concerns within the study period with a retrieval rate of 98.3%. The mean age of participants was 38.24 ± 8 years, while the mean semen volume and sperm concentrations were 2.62 ± 1.6 mls and 34.32 ± 7.4 million respectively. The age of participants significantly affected motility, volume and morphology (p-values of 0.001, 0.001 and 0.004 respectively). The total motility and sperm concentration have an inverse relationship with the age of the participants. CONCLUSION: This study shows that sperm motility decreases with the age of participants. It was also observed that the most common combined abnormality was oligoasthenozoospermia.

CONTEXTE: L'infertilité masculine représente 40 % de l'infertilité des couples. La prévalence des paramètres anormaux du sperme est en augmentation. L'âge, entre autres facteurs, affecte le potentiel de fertilité des hommes. Cette étude a analysé le profil des paramètres du liquide séminal des hommes cherchant un traitement de fertilité dans les hôpitaux et la relation entre l'âge, le volume et le temps de liquéfaction sur ces autres paramètres du sperme. MÉTHODES: Il s'agit d'une étude de cohorte rétrospective multicentrique menée dans huit hôpitaux secondaires et tertiaires au Nigeria. Les notes de cas des couples qui ont eu recours à des soins de fertilité dans les cliniques de gynécologie et d'urologie de ces hôpitaux entre le 1er janvier et le 31 décembre 2022 ont été récupérées après avoir reçu une approbation éthique. Un proforma conçu à dessein et basé sur le manuel de l'OMS pour l'examen du sperme humain a été utilisé pour la collecte des données. Les mesures des résultats étaient le temps de collecte et d'examen du sperme, le volume de sperme, le nombre de spermatozoïdes, la concentration en spermatozoïdes, le PH, l'agglutination, la liquéfaction, la motilité, la morphologie, la vitalité et la numération des globules blancs. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide de SPSS version 23. Les données ont été présentées sous forme de moyennes et de proportions. Une valeur P < 0,05 a été utilisée comme niveau de signification. RÉSULTATS: Dans l'ensemble, 1 063 couples ont fréquenté les cliniques de gynécologie et d'urologie pour des problèmes de fertilité au cours de la période d'étude, avec un taux de récupération de 98,3 %. L'âge moyen des participants était de 38,24 ± 8 ans, tandis que le volume moyen de sperme et les concentrations de spermatozoïdes étaient respectivement de 2,62 ± 1,6 ml et 34,32 ±7,4 millions. L'âge des participants a affecté de manière significative la motilité, le volume et la morphologie (valeurs p de 0,001, 0,001 et 0,004 respectivement). La motilité totale et la concentration en spermatozoïdes ont une relation inverse avec l'âge des participants. CONCLUSION: Cette étude montre que la mobilité des spermatozoïdes diminue avec l'âge des participants. Il a également été observé que l'anomalie combinée la plus fréquente était l'oligoasthénozoospermie. Mots-clés: Infertilité Masculine, Anomalies du Liquide séminal, Nigeria.

Semen , Sperm Motility , Male , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Tertiary Care Centers , Fertility
West Afr J Med ; 40(7): 730-735, 2023 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37515818


BACKGROUND: Uterine rupture is an obstetric emergency associated with significant maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity, especially in resource-constraint countries such as Nigeria. OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and feto-maternal outcome of uterine rupture in a Nigerian teaching hospital. METHODS: This was a retrospective review of all cases of uterine rupture managed over 21 years. The case notes of all affected women were retrieved, and information on sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics, clinical presentation, intraoperative findings, and fetal and maternal outcomes were extracted. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.0 and descriptive statistics were computed. Factors associated with maternal deaths secondary to rupture of the gravid uterus were determined using binary logistic regression analyses. Statistical significance was reported at P<0.05. RESULTS: There were 31,616 deliveries during the review period, out of which were 182 cases of uterine rupture giving an incidence of 5.76 per 1,000 deliveries. Most of the cases of uterine rupture (65.2%) were treated by uterine repair. Maternal and fetal deaths were recorded in 8.1% and 82.7% of cases respectively. Women aged at least 35 years (P=0.035), women who had laboured at home or traditional birth attendant's (TBA) place (P=0.002), women who had multiple sites rupture (P=0.049) and those who developed hypovolemic shock (P=0.002) were more likely to die from uterine rupture. CONCLUSION: Ruptured uterus remains a significant cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. Strategies for prevention include effective health education of the masses, the conduct of labour in a well-equipped health facility, and prompt referral of at-risk women.

CONTEXTE: La rupture utérine est une urgence obstétrique associée à une mortalité et une morbidité maternelles et périnatales significatives, en particulier dans les pays à ressources limitées comme le Nigeria. OBJECTIF: Déterminer l'incidence et l'issue fœto-maternelle de la rupture utérine dans un hôpital universitaire nigérian. MÉTHODES: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective de tous les cas de rupture utérine pris en charge sur une période de 21 ans. Les notes de cas de toutes les femmes concernées ont été récupérées et des informations sur les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et obstétriques, la présentation clinique, les résultats peropératoires et les issues fœtales et maternelles ont été extraites. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide de la version 23.0 de SPSS et des statistiques descriptives ont été calculées. Les facteurs associés aux décès maternels consécutifs à la rupture de l'utérus gravide ont été déterminés à l'aide d'analyses de régression logistique binaire. La signification statistique a été rapportée à P<0,05. RÉSULTATS: Il y a eu 31 616 accouchements pendant la période examinée, dont 182 cas de rupture utérine, soit une incidence de 5,76 pour 1 000 accouchements. La plupart des cas de rupture utérine (65,2 %) ont été traités par réparation utérine. Les décès maternels et fœtaux ont été enregistrés dans 8,1% et 82,7% des cas respectivement. Les femmes âgées d'au moins 35 ans (P=0,035), les femmes ayant accouché à domicile ou chez une accoucheuse traditionnelle (P=0,002), les femmes ayant eu des ruptures multiples (P=0,049) et celles ayant développé un choc hypovolémique (P=0,002) étaient plus susceptibles de mourir d'une rupture utérine. CONCLUSION: La rupture de l'utérus reste une cause importante de morbidité et de mortalité maternelles et périnatales au Nigeria. Les stratégies de prévention comprennent une éducation sanitaire efficace des masses, la conduite du travail dans un établissement de santé bien équipé et l'orientation rapide des femmes à risque. Mots-clés: Rupture utérine, Lagos, Mortalité maternelle, Mortalité périnatale, Incidence, Ligature tubaire bilatérale.

Uterine Rupture , Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Uterine Rupture/epidemiology , Uterine Rupture/etiology , Uterine Rupture/surgery , Nigeria/epidemiology , Universities , Hospitals, Teaching , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Uterus
West Afr J Med ; 39(1): 20-23, 2022 Jan 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35156783


BACKGROUND: Eclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence as well as the maternal outcomes of eclampsia at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). METHODS: This was a retrospective review. RESULTS: During the six-year review period, 4182 women gave birth at our facility, out of which 67 cases of eclampsia were diagnosed (16 per 1000 deliveries). Four women died constituting a case fatality rate of 5.9%. Fifteen women were admitted to the intensive care unit, 6 women had acute kidney injury while 5 had abruptio placentae. Further comparison of our data with previous studies from our institution decades ago showed a continuous decrease in total number of eclamptic cases presenting to our facility (572 eclamptics in 1977 - 1986, 299 ECLAMPTICS IN 1986 - 1995, 165 IN 1996-2005 AND 67 IN 2015-2020). CONCLUSION: The case fatality rate from eclampsia is still high in our hospital. Increased utilisation of antenatal care may play an important role in improving the maternal outcomes from this life-threatening obstetric condition. There is need for maternal education and increase awareness on the importance of antenatal care and early referral to tertiary level of care in order to reverse this trend.

CONTEXTE: L'éclampsie est l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité maternelles. OBJECTIFS: Déterminer l'incidence ainsi que les issues maternelles de l'éclampsie à l'hôpital universitaire de Lagos (LUTH). METHODES: Il s'agissait d'une revue rétrospective. RESULTATS: Au cours de la période d'examen de six ans, 4182 femmes ont accouché dans notre établissement, dont 67 cas d'éclampsie ont été diagnostiqués (9,5 pour 1 000 accouchements). Quatre femmes sont décédées, soit un taux de létalité de 5,9 %. Quinze femmes ont été admises à l'unité de soins intensifs, 6 femmes avaient une lésion rénale aiguë tandis que 5 avaient un décollement placentaire. Une comparaison plus poussée de nos données avec des études antérieures de notre institution il y a des décennies a montré une diminution continue du nombre total de cas d'éclampsie se présentant à notre établissement (572 éclamptiques en 1977­1986, 299 éclamptiques en 1986-1995, 165 en 1996-2005 et 67 en 2015­2020). CONCLUSION: Le taux de létalité de l'éclampsie est encore élevé dans notre hôpital. L'utilisation accrue des soins prénatals peut jouer un rôle important dans l'amélioration des résultats maternels de cette affection obstétricale potentiellement mortelle. Il est nécessaire d'éduquer les mères et d'accroître la sensibilisation à l'importance des soins prénatals et de l'orientation précoce vers le niveau de soins tertiaires afin d'inverser cette tendance. MOTS CLÉS: Éclampsie, issues maternelles, Grossesse, hypertension, Lagos.

Eclampsia , Eclampsia/epidemiology , Female , Hospitals, Teaching , Humans , Incidence , Maternal Mortality , Nigeria/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies , Universities
J Periodontol ; 85(1): 188-94, 2014 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23600996


BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study is to investigate the clinical correlates of a novel lateral-flow immunoassay with bleeding on probing (BOP), oral hygiene, and periodontal probing depth. This report offers a simple, rapid, and highly sensitive tool that addresses two issues important to periodontists: 1) detecting active periodontitis, and 2) predicting chronic periodontitis. METHODS: Seventy-six of 86 males requiring seminal fluid analysis as part of a separate study were serially recruited into the study. After basic dental and periodontal examination under natural light and with the use of the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN) probe, debris and calculus indices were recorded per participant. Participants were subsequently grouped into "good," "fair," and "poor" oral hygiene categories based on a simplified oral hygiene index. BOP was assessed with the ball-ended tip of the probe, and periodontitis was assessed with pocket probing as well as a lateral flow of neutrophil collagenase-2 immunoassay, which measures levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8. RESULTS: Neutrophil collagenase-2 immunoassay was 96% sensitive for poor oral hygiene, 95% sensitive for chronic periodontitis (defined as at least two sites with periodontal pockets), and 82.6% sensitive for at least two sites with BOP. CONCLUSION: Neutrophil collagenase-2 immunoassay had a high sensitivity for at least two sites with BOP and two sites with periodontal pockets but a lower relationship for single-site pockets and BOP.

Matrix Metalloproteinase 8/analysis , Periodontitis/diagnosis , Chronic Periodontitis/etiology , Dental Calculus/classification , Forecasting , Humans , Immunoenzyme Techniques/methods , Male , Oral Hygiene , Oral Hygiene Index , Patient Acuity , Periodontal Index , Periodontal Pocket/classification , Periodontitis/enzymology , Reagent Kits, Diagnostic , Sensitivity and Specificity
Nig Q J Hosp Med ; 23(1): 69-74, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24579499


BACKGROUND: Haemorrhage is a leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide and hysterectomy may become necessary to save life. This procedure is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To determine the, indications, risk factors and the management outcome for the procedure in our unit. METHODS: A retrospective case controlled study of 34 cases of emergency obstetric hysterectomy (EOH) performed at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital over a period often years was carried out. RESULTS: The incidence of EOH was 2.56 per thousand deliveries. Increasing parity, history of previous caesarean section, placenta praevia and current delivery by caesarean section were significant risk factors for the procedure. The indications were ruptured uterus (61.8%), intractable haemorrhage during caesarean section (32.4%), and uterine atony (5.9%). Majority (73.5%) of the patients had subtotal hysterectomy but the outcome indices were similar for the total and subtotal procedures. The case fatality rate was 11.8%. Post-operative complications included anemia (100%), urinary tract infection (UTI) (14.7%) and wound infection (11.7%). CONCLUSION: The incidence of EOH in our unit has increased since the last study published in 1983, but the associated mortality has decreased. The indications differed in proportion from those in developed countries although the risk factors were similar. The outcome indices were similar for the total and the subtotal procedures. EOH is still associated with considerable maternal morbidity and mortality which can be reduced by provision of better obstetric care for the population.

Emergency Medical Services/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Teaching/statistics & numerical data , Hysterectomy/statistics & numerical data , Obstetric Labor Complications/epidemiology , Obstetric Labor Complications/surgery , Adult , Female , Humans , Hysterectomy/mortality , Incidence , Middle Aged , Nigeria , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Niger J Med ; 21(4): 387-93, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23304945


BACKGROUND: Preconception, prenatal and postnatal care forms a continuum. Family planning is one of the important aspects of the spectrum. Contraceptive options are available but the uptake has been poor. Ante natal clinic attendees represent a major target population for well designed /appropriate post partum contraceptive counseling and care. OBJECTIVES: The study examined the sociodemographic data of antenatal clinic attendees at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), their knowledge about contraceptive methods, previous contraceptive practice and anticipated pattern of post partum contraceptive uptake. METHOD: A Semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 151 pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic in LUTH to collect data on their sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge of family planning methods, pre-pregnancy contraceptive use and their anticipated post-partum contraceptive choices. RESULTS: The mean age of the women was 29.9 years and the mean Parity was 1.1. Majority (90.7%) of the women were married. Ten women (6.6%) felt that they had poor knowledge about contraception while the rest had fair to excellent knowledge. The prevalence of contraceptive use before current pregnancy was 57.6% and the male condom was the method used in 56 cases (64.4%). Their major (54%) source of contraceptive commodity was the chemist/pharmacy. Sixty (69%) women stopped using contraceptive because they wanted to get pregnant. Sixty-eight (45.0%) women planned to use contraceptives after delivery and the male condom (55.9%) was the most preferred method of post-partum contraception. There is no statistical association between age, religion, parity and educational attainment and desire for post-partum contraception. CONCLUSION: Antenatal women in LUTH appeared quite knowledgeable about contraception but majority had no plan for contraceptive use post delivery. Information dissemination about benefits of child spacing and provision of incentives for easy uptake of post partum contraception would help to correct this imbalance.

Contraception Behavior , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Family Planning Services , Female , Hospitals, Teaching , Humans , Nigeria , Patient Education as Topic , Pregnancy , Socioeconomic Factors , Young Adult
West Afr J Med ; 17(3): 188-93, 1998.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9814090


Rupture of the gravid uterus remains one of the most disastrous complications of labour. Eighty cases of uterine rupture managed at Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos over an eight year period were therefore reviewed to evaluate the characteristic of ruptured uterus in Lagos. The incidence of ruptured uterus was 5.01 per 1000 deliveries and unbooked patients accounted for 80%. Spontaneous rupture occurred in 73.8% while traumatic rupture was responsible for 26.3%. Diagnosis was not made in 25% of the cases until surgery. Poor antenatal care, foeto-pelvic disproportion, previous Caesarean section scar, grand-multiparity were major aetiological factors. Repair of the rupture with or without sterilization was carried out in 70% of the cases. Booking status and the type of surgical procedure did not significantly affect the maternal outcome. Ruptured uterus was responsible for 16.9% of the total maternal deaths in the period of review. The commonest cause of death in this series was hypovolaemic shock (64.3%). The overall perinatal mortality was 86.3% but the registered patients fared better. It was concluded that the incidence of ruptured uterus is still very high and probably on the increase in Lagos. Suggestions are made to improve the situation since the identified aetiological factors are largely preventable.

Uterine Rupture/etiology , Adolescent , Adult , Age Distribution , Cause of Death , Female , Hospitals, University , Humans , Incidence , Nigeria , Parity , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Uterine Rupture/diagnosis , Uterine Rupture/surgery
J Obstet Gynaecol ; 17(4): 394-8, 1997 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15511900


A questionnaire survey of new patients attending the colposcopy clinic of a teaching hospital was carried out. The intention was to evaluate the information leaflet routinely sent to women who have been referred for colposcopy because of abnormal cervical smear results and use the findings to propose changes that will make the leaflet more suitable, effective and patient-friendly. The majority of the respondents received (90%), read (90%) and understood most or all (96%) of the information leaflet. Patients who received the leaflet performed better in the knowledge quiz than those who did not (P < 0.0001). Of the 111 patients who received and read the leaflet 50 (45%) found it reassuring or very reassuring and 58 (52%) thought it made them less anxious. On the contrary 20 (18%) patients found the leaflet worrying or very worrying and 33 (30%) thought it made them more anxious. Overall, 91 (82%) patients found the leaflet helpful or very helpful and 99 (89%) were satisfied with the information provided. The commonest difficulties with the leaflet identified by patients concerned the use of abbreviations and technical terms. We found the leaflet to be a useful method of providing information for patients before colposcopy. Whilst the leaflet appeared to have a major impact on patients' knowledge about abnormal smears and colposcopy, its effect in reducing anxiety was less pronounced.