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World Allergy Organ J ; 17(3): 100886, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38463018


Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is an inflammatory condition of the nasal and paranasal tissues, characterized by the presence of bilateral nasal polyps. While etiology and pathogenetic mechanisms are heterogeneous and complex, in most patients, disease is mediated predominantly through type 2 inflammatory processes. Clinical management is challenging, and a multidisciplinary approach is preferred. Principal treatment approaches are the use of local/systemic corticosteroids and sinonasal surgery, although outcomes can be unsatisfactory. Recent availability of biological therapies targeting underlying inflammatory processes can offer effective treatment options in uncontrolled disease. Specialist guidelines greatly assist clinical decision-making, although as these are chiefly written from a global/international perspective, they may not wholly accommodate disease patterns and clinical practice at a regional level. An expert panel of specialists from Latin America was convened to develop regional guidance on the management of CRSwNP through a consensus approach. The present article presents the chief observations and recommendations which can provide guidance for clinicians in the Latin American region.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 75(Suppl 1): 860-866, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37206765


Performing endoscopic sinus surgery requires an intricate understanding of the anatomy of the paranasal sinuses, orbits and skull base. Avoidance of adverse events requires careful review of pre-operative computed tomography (CT) images to recognize potential areas of safety concern. Using a preoperative checklist may aid surgeons in identifying these features. The objective of this study is to determine the educational value of a pre-operative CT sinus review tool and to determine if its use improves identification of important anatomical features. Otolaryngologists from varying practice levels reviewed 2 preoperative sinus CTs, with and without the tool. A 6-item Likert scale questionnaire assessed the operator experience with the tool. The number of high-risk features identified, determination of overall safety risk and difficulty, and time needed for review were compared between the two groups. A total of 18 participants reviewed 36 CT scans. The use of the CT review tool improved identification of important anatomical feature from 47% to 74% on average. All participants agreed that the tool was useful in capturing important anatomical variations in an organized manner and enabled overall assessment of surgical risk and difficulty. The checklist required significantly more time to complete. A preoperative CT sinus tool is perceived to be a useful tool by surgeons who perform endoscopic sinus surgery. The tool requires more time, but increases the number and consistency of high-risk features identified.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1413922


Introducción: las alteraciones otorrinolaringológicas en pacientes con COVID-19 tienen particular importancia a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, todavía no hay consenso en la literatura acerca de la epidemiología, la gravedad y el tiempo de recuperación de estos trastornos. Objetivo: este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la asociación entre los síntomas otorrinolaringológicos y la positividad del SARS-CoV-2 confirmada mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcripción inversa (RT-PCR), así como la gravedad, duración y recuperación de estos síntomas en pacientes de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, un hospital de referencia de COVID-19 en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: estudio observacional, prospectivo, tipo casos y controles, realizado entre el 9 de octubre de 2020 y el 14 de enero de 2021. Los casos incluyeron adultos que obtuvieron una prueba positiva para el SARS-CoV-2 mediante RT-PCR. Los casos se emparejaron en una proporción de 2:1 con adultos sintomáticos seleccionados al azar con una prueba negativa, o con pacientes prequirúrgicos. Resultados: se incluyeron 130 casos y 253 controles entre los 10.004 pacientes sometidos a la prueba del SARS-CoV-2. La edad media era de 41,8 años (desviación estándar [DE]: 16,3). Los síntomas otorrinolaringológicos asociados a la positividad al SARS-CoV-2 fueron anosmia/hiposmia (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 5,82; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95 %: 1,92-17,68), disgeusia/hipogeusia (aOR: 9,09; IC del 95 %: 2,86-28,92) y tos seca (aOR: 3,18; IC del 95 %: 1,56-6,48). La duración media de la anosmia/hiposmia y de la disgeusia/hipogeusia en los pacientes con SARS-CoV-2 positivos fue de 14,5 días y 15 días (rango intercuartílico [IQR]: 8-27), respectivamente. Hasta el 70,3 % y el 67,5 % de la población informó de una recuperación completa de la anosmia/hiposmia y la disgeusia/hipogeusia. En cuanto a la gravedad de los síntomas de anosmia/hiposmia y disgeusia/hipogeusia, el 62,1 % y el 65,4 % de la población positiva para SARS-CoV-2 los clasificó como graves. Sin embargo, solo el 6,1 % de ellos recibió tratamiento para estos síntomas. Conclusiones: los síntomas otorrinolaringológicos asociados con la positividad para SARS-CoV-2 son útiles para orientar el diagnóstico, pero establecer sus características clínicas también es esencial para un tratamiento adecuado.

Introduction: Otolaryngological disorders in COVID-19 patients have drawn attention worldwide. However, there is still no consensus regarding the prevalence, severity or recovery of these disorders. This study aimed to assess the association between otolaryngological symptoms and SARS-CoV-2 positivity confirmed by RT-PCR, as well as the severity, duration, and recovery of these symptoms in patients receiving care at Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, a COVID-19 referral hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: Observational, analytic, prospective, case-control study conducted between October 9, 2020, and January 14, 2021. Cases included adults who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Cases were matched in a 2:1 ratio with randomly selected symptomatic adults with a negative test, or patients awaiting surgery. Results: Of 10004 patients tested for SARS-CoV-2, 130 cases and 253 controls were included. The mean age was 41.8 years (standard deviation [SD]: 16.3). The otolaryngological symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 positivity were anosmia/hyposmia (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 5.82; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.92-17.68), dysgeusia/ hypogeusia (aOR: 9.09; 95% CI: 2.86-28.92), and dry cough (aOR: 3.18; 95% CI: 1.56-6.48). The median duration of anosmia/hyposmia and dysgeusia/hypogeusia in SARS-CoV-2 positive patients was 14.5 days and 15 days (interquartile range [IQR]: 8-27), respectively. Up to 70.3% and 67.5% of the population reported a complete recovery of anosmia/hyposmia and dysgeusia/hypogeusia. Regarding the severity of anosmia/hyposmia and dysgeusia/hypogeusia symptoms, 62.1% and 65.4% of the SARS-CoV-2 positive population classified them as severe. However, only 6.1% of them received treatment for these symptoms. Conclusions: Otolaryngological symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 positivity are a useful guide to diagnosis, although adequate treatment also requires determination of their clinical characteristics.

Humans , Olfaction Disorders , SARS-CoV-2
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 50(1): 28-35, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1363373


Introducción: la Rinosinusitis Crónica se define como la inflamación crónica de la nariz y los senos paranasales por más de 12 semanas. La prevalencia varía entre el 5% - 30% de acuerdo con la zona geográfica según un estudio de carga de enfermedad (2012-2014), la prevalencia de las enfermedades respiratorias crónicas (rinitis y sinusitis crónica) varió entre el 10% y el 25%. Objetivo: establecer un conjunto de consideraciones basadas en consenso de expertos, para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la rinosinusitis crónica en pacientes adultos, en el contexto colombiano. Métodos: se llevó a cabo un consenso formal (Delphi y nominal). Se conformó un grupo de expertos, se definieron el alcance y las preguntas. Se realizaron dos rondas de calificación anónimas, y una discusión para las preguntas sin consenso. En las preguntas con opciones de uno a nueve, se consideró consenso con una mediana de uno a tres o de siete a nueve. En las preguntas tipo Likert, se consideró consenso un porcentaje igual o superior al 80% en acuerdos o desacuerdos. Resultados: se definieron y calificaron 18 preguntas, con la participación de 17 otorrinolaringólogos, de 8 ciudades colombianas, todos miembros de la Asociación Colombiana de Otorrinolaringología y con un promedio de experticia de 19.2 años (Desviación estándar [DE]: 10,2). Se obtuvieron 18 recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de esta patología. Conclusiones: las recomendaciones emitidas por los expertos permiten orientar y estandarizar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la rinosinusitis crónica en adultos, en el contexto de los servicios de salud en Colombia.

Introduction: Chronic Rhinosinusitis is defined as chronic inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses for more than 12 weeks. The prevalence varies between 5% - 30% depending on the geographical area according to a disease burden study (2012-2014), the prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases (rhinitis and chronic sinusitis) varied between 10% - 25%. Objective: To establish a set of considerations based on expert consensus, for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in adult patients, in the Colombian context. Methods: A formal consensus (Delphi and nominal) was carried out. A group of experts was formed, the scope and questions were defined. Two anonymous grading rounds were conducted, and a discussion for questions without consensus. In the Questions with options from one to nine were considered consensus with a median of one to three or seven to nine. In the Likert-type questions, a percentage equal to or greater than 80% in agreements or disagreements was considered consensus. Results: 18 questions were defined and scored, with the participation of 17 otorhinolaryngologists, from eight Colombian cities, all members of the Colombian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and with an average experience of 19.2 years (Standard desviation [SD]: 10.2). 18 recommendations were obtained for the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. Conclusions: The recommendations issued by the experts allow to guide and standardize the diagnosis and treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis in adults, in the context of health services in Colombia.

Humans , Sinusitis , Therapeutics , Diagnosis
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1363402


Introducción: Los quistes de retención mucoso de los senos paranasales son un hallazgo imagenológico incidental muy frecuente. Usualmente comprometen el seno maxilar. Metodología: Se realizó una amplia búsqueda de la literatura, sobre quistes de retención mucoso nasosinusales, en enero de 2021 en múltiples bases de datos. Se seleccionaron 21 artículos sobre el tema para la realización de la revisión. Discusión: En la mayoría de los casos el tratamiento de los quistes de retención mucoso nasosinusales debe ser expectante debido a su tendencia a la involución y curso asintomático. Sin embargo, en la práctica clínica se observa con frecuencia un manejo quirúrgico sin una indicación clara. Conclusiones: Las indicaciones quirúrgicas de los quistes de retención mucoso son: obstrucción del ostium del seno paranasal, compromiso del complejo ostiomeatal o compromiso del nervio infraorbitario con síntomas secundarios. Es importante que el cirujano reconozca la naturaleza y comportamiento de esta patología para evitar procedimientos quirúrgicos innecesarios.

Introduction: Mucous retention cysts of the paranasal sinuses are a very common incidental imaging finding. They usually involve the maxillary sinus. Methodology: An extensive literature search on nasosinusal mucosal retention cysts was conducted in January 2021 through multiple databases. 21 articles on the subject were included as evidence for this paper. Discussion: In most cases, treatment should be expectant due to its tendency to involution and asymptomatic course. However, in clinical practice, surgical management is frequently observed without a clear indication. Conclusions: Surgical indications for mucosal retention cysts are: obstruction of the sinus ostium, involvement of the ostiomeatal complex, or involvement of the infraorbital nerve with secondary symptoms. It is important for the surgeon to recognize the nature and behavior of this pathology in order to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures.

Humans , Orbital Neoplasms , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin , Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 50(2): 124-132, 20220000. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1382340


Introducción: la revolución tecnológica que hemos vivido en los últimos años ha generado un extendido uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) como tecnología de base para el desarrollo de diversos sistemas y soluciones en medicina. En el campo de la otorrinolaringología, estamos viendo hasta ahora los primeros esfuerzos para aprovechar este surgimiento. Objetivo: el presente proyecto busca describir el proceso de desarrollo de una app móvil creada gracias al trabajo colaborativo entre otorrinolaringólogos e ingenieros biomédicos, que tiene la intención de optimizar la evaluación preoperatoria de la tomografía de senos paranasales (TC de SPN). Métodos: el desarrollo de la app siguió el método de priorización para especificaciones de MoSCoW. Utilizamos la información recolectada de encuestas realizadas a 29 expertos en rinología de diferentes partes del mundo, quienes evaluaron variantes anatómicas en la tomografía y se utilizaron dos modelos de regresión para la predicción de dificultad y riesgo a partir de herramientas de aprendizaje estadístico. Conclusión: hemos desarrollado una herramienta y un modelo estadístico que es fácil de utilizar y que idealmente ayudará al cirujano en el proceso de evaluación preoperatoria de TC de SPN. Este es un ejercicio que permite demostrar la eficacia de un desarrollo colaborativo para lograr soluciones en nuestra especialidad y un acercamiento hacia la IA.

Introduction: The recent technology revolution that we have experienced has generated extensive interest in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development of various systems and solutions in medicine. In the field of Otorhinolaryngology, we are seeing the first efforts to take advantage of this flourishing area. Objective: We sought to describe the development process of a mobile app created through a collaborative effort between ENT surgeons and biomedical engineers. This app has the intention to optimize the preoperative evaluation of paranasal sinus tomography (CT) to improve safety and outcomes in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS). Methods: The development of the app followed the prioritization method for MoSCoW specifications. We used the information collected from surveys of 29 Rhinology experts from different parts of the world, who evaluated anatomical variants on sinus CT scans. Two regression models were used to predict difficulty and risk using statistical learning. Conclusion: Via statistical modelling, we have developed a user-friendly tool that will ideally help surgeons assess the risk and difficulty of ESS based on the pre-operative CT scan of the sinuses. This is an exercise that demonstrates the efficacy of the collaborative efforts between surgeons and engineers to leverage AI tools and promote better solutions for our patients.

Humans , Paranasal Sinuses , Software , Artificial Intelligence , Tomography
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 278(6): 1869-1877, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33191442


PURPOSE: To provide a novel solution to reduce aerosol exposure in the operating room during endoscopic sinus and skull base procedures in the COVID-19 era. METHODS: We have designed a 3D printable midfacial mask that partially seals the nose, while allowing instrumentation during endoscopic transnasal surgery. The mask when connected to a vacuum system creates a constant negative pressure inside it, sucking out aerosols and gases generated during surgical procedures. Its effectiveness was tested using vapour exhalations by a human volunteer and drilling bone in a head model. The physical barrier effect was measured using fluorescein atomization in a head model. RESULTS: The pressure and airflow measured remained negative inside it in all the different situations tested. The mask was capable of completely evacuating human adult exhalation, and was more effective than the hand suction instrument. However, it was as effective as hand suction instrument at preventing aerosol spread from bone drilling. The physical barrier effect achieved a 72% reduction in the splatter created from the fluorescein atomization. CONCLUSIONS: The mask effectively prevented the spread of aerosols and reduced droplet spread during simulated transnasal endoscopic skull base surgery in laboratory conditions. This device has potential benefits in protecting surgical personnel against airborne transmission of COVID-19 and could be useful in reducing chronic exposure to the hazard of surgical smoke.

COVID-19 , Aerosols , Endoscopy , Humans , SARS-CoV-2 , Skull Base/surgery
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 48(1): 53-61, 20200000. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1097449


Objetivos: La cirugía endoscópica del seno frontal es quizá uno de los procedimientos más complejos en el manejo endoscópico de los senos paranasales debido a su localización y a las múltiples variantes anatómicas que pueden encontrarse durante su disección. Es indispensable conocer al detalle la anatomía quirúrgica de esta región en nuestra población, para optimizar la planeación quirúrgica de los pacientes. Actualmente en nuestro país se desconoce la frecuencia de estas variaciones. El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar la frecuencia de las variables anatómicas del seno frontal y realizar un estudio radio-anatómico en una muestra de pacientes en Colombia. Diseño del estudio: Observacional, descriptivo de tipo transversal. Métodos: Muestra aleatorizada de 406 tomografías computarizadas de senos paranasales que incluyeron 812 senos frontales recolectados durante el año 2018 Resultados: La celdilla suprabular fue la más comúnmente reportada con una frecuencia de 59.61%. La segunda celdilla fue la supra agger nasi con una frecuencia de 57.88%, seguido de la celdilla supra agger frontal (25.12%), celdilla suprabular frontal (22.17%), celdillas supraorbitarias (34.98%) y las celdilla frontal intersinusal (24,14%). La arteria etmoidal anterior se reportó colgante en un 31.28% y el diámetro AP más frecuente fue entre 5 -10 milímetros. Conclusiones: Para realizar una sinusotomía frontal endoscópica de forma adecuada es necesario conocer al detalle la anatomía del receso del seno frontal. Las diferentes variantes radio-anatómicas son muy frecuentes en el grupo poblacional estudiado. Creemos que este trabajo permitirá a los cirujanos un mejor entendimiento de esta región de difícil acceso quirúrgico en nuestra población. Palabras clave: Seno frontal, senos paranasales, seno clasificación frontal, cirugia endoscopica nasosinusal

Objectives: Endoscopic frontal sinus surgery is perhaps, one of the most complex procedures in the endoscopic sinus surgery, due to its anatomical location and the multiple anatomical variants that can be found. It is essential to know in detail the anatomy of this region in order to obtain a better understanding for the surgical planning. Currently, the frequency of these anatomical variations remains unknown in our country. Therefore, the objective of the study is to evaluate the frequency of the anatomical variants of the frontal sinus and to carry out a radio-anatomic study in a sample of patients from Colombia. Study design: Observational, cross-sectional descriptive. Methods: Randomized sample of 406 CT scan of the paranasal sinuses that included 812 frontal sinuses collected during the year 2018. Results: The supra bulla cell was the most frequently reported with a frequency of 59.61%. The second cell was the supra agger (57.88%) followed by supra agger frontal cell (25.12%), supra bulla frontal cell (22.17%), supraorbital ethmoid cells (34,98%) and frontal septal cell (24,14%) . The anterior ethmoidal artery was found hanging in 31.28% and the most frequent AP diameter was between 5 -10 mm. Conclusions: To perform an appropriate endoscopic frontal sinusotomy, it is necessary to know in detail the anatomy of the frontal sinus recess. The different radio-anatomical variants of the frontal sinus are very frequent in the population group studied. We believe that this study will allow surgeons to obtain a better understanding of this anatomical region of difficult surgical access.

Humans , Frontal Sinus , Paranasal Sinuses
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1141460


Introducción: las listas de chequeo son herramientas que buscan evitar errores y complicaciones al momento de realizar un procedimiento. El adenoma hipofisiario es la primera causa de cirugía endoscópica transnasal de la región selar, y se estima que ocurren hasta un 20 % de complicaciones derivadas de esta cirugía. Objetivo: desarrollar una lista de chequeo preoperatoria que sirva como una guía para la evaluación prequirúrgica de los pacientes a quienes se les realicen cirugías de la región selar. Metodología: se realizó una revisión de la literatura para desarrollar una lista de chequeo preliminar y una serie de declaraciones que resumían los puntos importantes de la lista. Se construyó un comité de expertos en cirugía endoscópica de la base de cráneo conformado por neurocirujanos y otorrinolaringólogos de hospitales de Bogotá. Utilizando la metodología Delphi modificada, se llegó a un consenso para la realización de la lista de chequeo final. Resultados: se describieron 15 declaraciones; de estas, hubo una discrepancia en 6 declaraciones. Por esta razón, se realizaron modificaciones en 5 declaraciones, y se llegó a un consenso entre los expertos participantes. La lista de chequeo final aprobada está compuesta por 4 ítems. Discusión/conclusiones: la cirugía para el manejo de la patología de la región selar es compleja y requiere de un equipo quirúrgico entrenado y disciplinado para lograr los mejores desenlaces posibles. Consideramos que nuestra lista de chequeo es una herramienta que permitirá a los equipos que realizan estas cirugías en Colombia tener una visión más completa del paciente y, eventualmente, ayudar a evitar errores y posibles complicaciones.

Introduction: checklists that seek to avoid errors are very useful tools for any surgical practice. Pituitary adenomas are the leading indication to perform a transnasal endoscopic surgery in the sellar region and up to 20 % complications have been reported related to this procedure. Objetive: develop a preoperative checklist, based on an expert consensus, to serve as a guide for the skull base teams to consistently evaluate preoperatively all patients with pathologies in the sellar region. Methods: a literature review was conducted to develop a preliminary checklist and a series of statements summarizing the most important items on the list. A committee of experts in endoscopic skull base surgery was summoned, made up of neurosurgeons and otolaryngologists from hospitals in Bogotá. Using the modified Delphi methodology, a consensus was reached for the completion of the final checklist. Results: fifteen statements were developed. A discrepancy was seen in six statements. Modifications were made for five statements, thus reaching a consensus among the participating experts. The final approved checklist is made up of 4 items. Conclusion: surgery for treating different pathologies in the sellar region is complex and requires a welltrained and disciplined surgical team to achieve the best possible outcomes. We consider that our preoperative checklist is a valuable resource for skull base surgical teams performing transnasal endoscopic surgery of the sellar region. This tool will allow skull base surgical teams in Colombia to have a more comprehensive view of the patient and eventually help to avoid errors and possible complications.

Humans , Skull Base , Pituitary Diseases , Endoscopy , Checklist
Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 71(2): 233-237, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31275836


The prevention of middle turbinate lateralization, and middle meatal synechiae formation, is the key to maintain a patent ostiomeatal complex following endoscopic sino-nasal surgery (ESS). Different techniques have been described to prevent this undesirable outcome, however, most of them are invasive, expensive, uncomfortable and/or obstructive. We present our technique to modified silastic sheets to circumvent these problems and improve ventilation and drainage of sinuses after surgery. The aim of this paper is to present how this silastic sheeting can be easily customized to the shape of the ethmoid cavity after ESS, allowing for ventilation of the aerated sinonasal cavities and at the same time preventing problematic synechiae/scar formation. A practical and easy technique to customize silastic stents following ESS is presented. Silastic sheets could be easily customized of the ethmoid cavity after ESS providing an excellent alternative to reduce middle turbinate lateralization and synechiae formation.

J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 48(1): 18, 2019 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31039822


BACKGROUND: Depression and chronic pain are debilitating disorders that co-exist with many chronic diseases. Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is no exception. Nonetheless, little is known about the association between these co-related conditions and the treatment of CRS. The objective of this study is to measure outcomes following endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in CRS patients reporting significant pre-operative depression and pain. METHODS: This is a prospective longitudinal cohort study examining patients with CRS who had failed maximal medical therapy and subsequently underwent ESS. Participants completed a several patient-reported outcome (PRO) instruments pre-operatively and 6 months post-operatively. The PROs included the Sinonasal Outcome Test-22 (SNOT-22), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) measuring symptoms of depression and an assessment of chronic pain using the pain intensity (P), interference with enjoyment of life (E) and general (G) activity instrument, the PEG instrument. RESULTS: The study had 142 participants complete their pre-operative and post-operative surveys. The participation rate was 40.1% among eligible patients. The prevalence of at least moderate depression was 22 patients (15.5%) among participants. Compared with non-depressed participants, the pre-operative sino-nasal disease burden and pain scores were higher among depressed participants (p <  0.001) and the gain in health following surgery was smaller (p <  0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-operative disease burden is higher among depressed patients. Post-operative gains in sino-nasal quality of life attributable to endoscopic sinus surgery were significantly smaller among depressed participants. Pre-operative screening for depression could identify opportunities for medical intervention and improve outcomes among CRS patients.

Depressive Disorder/complications , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Pain, Postoperative/etiology , Quality of Life , Rhinitis/psychology , Sinusitis/psychology , Adult , Aged , Chronic Disease , Cohort Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Rhinitis/surgery , Sinusitis/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Health Promot Pract ; 20(3): 455-465, 2019 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29614923


Despite the value of community health worker programs, such as Promotores de Salud, for addressing health disparities in the Latino community, little consensus has been reached to formally define the unique roles and duties associated with the job, thereby creating unique job training challenges. Understanding the job tasks and worker attributes central to this work is a critical first step for developing the training and evaluation systems of promotores programs. Here, we present the process and findings of a job analysis conducted for promotores working for Planned Parenthood. We employed a systematic approach, the combination job analysis method, to define the job in terms of its work and worker requirements, identifying key job tasks, as well as the worker attributes necessary to effectively perform them. Our results suggest that the promotores' job encompasses a broad range of activities and requires an equally broad range of personal characteristics to perform. These results played an important role in the development of our training and evaluation protocols. In this article, we introduce the technique of job analysis, provide an overview of the results from our own application of this technique, and discuss how these findings can be used to inform a training and performance evaluation system. This article provides a template for other organizations implementing similar community health worker programs and illustrates the value of conducting a job analysis for clarifying job roles, developing and evaluating job training materials, and selecting qualified job candidates.

Community Health Workers/education , Family Planning Services/organization & administration , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Hispanic or Latino/statistics & numerical data , Humans
J Gerontol Soc Work ; 61(8): 867-886, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30216135


Although the number of older workers in the U.S. is increasing, there is a gap in knowledge on whether or not they actually enjoy working. This study, based on a conceptual framework focusing on job resources and demands, explored likely workplace determinants of work enjoyment among older workers aged 50 or over. Using the 2012 wave of the Health and Retirement Study, a partial proportional odds model was used to detect determinants of work enjoyment. Results showed that higher levels of work enjoyment were significantly and negatively associated with the level of perceived retirement pressure and promotion preference for younger workers, and positively associated with moving to less demanding positions. Self-employment showed a noticeable enhancement of work enjoyment. This study highlights the significance of flexible work options and age discrimination in the workplace in understanding work enjoyment later in life.

Job Satisfaction , Perception , Workplace/standards , Aged , Ageism/psychology , Employment/methods , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Stress, Psychological/etiology , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workload/psychology , Workload/standards , Workplace/psychology
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 46(3): 231-239, 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-988216


Los recientes avances en el campo de cirugía endoscópica endonasal (CEE) han permitido disminuir la morbilidad de los abordajes abiertos tradicionales, mejorando o al menos igualando los resultados oncológicos y funcionales que hemos visto en estos procedimientos en el manejo de tumores malignos de senos paranasales y base del cráneo. El manejo oncológico de estas patologías complejas se beneficia de un abordaje multidisciplinario, en donde la decisión quirúrgica se basa en el estadio del tumor, localización, histología y relación con estructuras vecinas. La adecuada y cuidadosa selección de pacientes para este tipo de técnicas es esencial para lograr resultados exitosos. Este artículo pretende hacer una revisión narrativa y, exponer las indicaciones que utilizamos en nuestra institución para elegir cada uno de estos abordajes.

Recent advances in the field of endoscopic endonasal surgery (EES) have allowed us to reduce morbidity and to improve the oncological and functional outcomes observed when the traditional open approaches for management of malign sinonasal and skull base tumors are carried out. Oncologic care of these complex pathologies benefits from the inclusion of a multidisciplinary approach where the surgical decision is based on the tumor stage, location, relation with neighboring structures and histology. A careful and adequate patient selection constitutes the key to obtain successful outcomes. The objective of this paper is to perform an narrative review of the current literature and to present the benefits, limitations and the indications of endoscopic approach in our institute.

Humans , Endoscopy , Paranasal Sinus Neoplasms , Skull Base Neoplasms
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 46(2): 127-135, 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-970792


Introducción: La cirugía endoscópica endonasal se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para el manejo de patologías que comprometen la base de cráneo. En casos bien seleccionados, estas técnicas permiten resecciones quirúrgicas con una menor morbilidad sin comprometer los principios oncológicos de resección. Con el desarrollo de instrumental especializado, nuevas tecnologías y la experiencia de los cirujanos, la cirugía endoscópica endonasal se usa cada vez más en cirugía de base de cráneo en niños. Objetivo: presentar una serie de casos de pacientes pediátricos con tumores de base de cráneo manejados con cirugía endoscópica endonasal. Diseño: Estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo serie de casos. Metodología: se describe la experiencia con pacientes pediátricos llevados a cirugía endoscópica endonasal para manejo de tumores de base de cráneo en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología entre julio de 2014 y diciembre de 2016. Resultados: Fueron intervenidos 8 pacientes entre los 2 y 14 años, con una edad promedio de nueve años y un seguimiento promedio de 16 meses. En el 75% se hizo una resección total del tumor. Un paciente requirió una reintervención y un paciente fue sometido a radiocirugía post-operatoria. 1 paciente falleció a pesar de múltiples intervenciones, quimioterapia y radioterapia. Conclusión: La cirugía endoscópica endonasal para tumores de base de cráneo puede ser utilizada de forma segura en los pacientes pediátricos, es una técnica que en casos bien seleccionados pueden ofrecer excelentes resultados disminuyendo la morbilidad y complicaciones de las técnicas abiertas.

Introduction: Endoscopic endonasal approaches have become an instrumental tool in the management of skull base pathologies. In well selected cases, these techniques allow surgical resections with less morbidity without compromising oncological resection principles. As technology, instrumentation and surgeon experience have progressed, these techniques are being used more often in pediatric skull base surgery. Objective: To present a case series of pediatric patients with skull base tumors who underwent endonasal endonasal surgery. Methods: Case series of patients who underwent endoscopic endonasal surgery for pediatric skull base tumor resections at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (National Cancer Institute), between July 2014 and December 2016. Results: 8 patients between 2 and 14 years-old underwent endoscopic endonasal surgery. The average time of follow-up was 16 months. 75% patients had gross total resection. 1 patient requiered a second intervention and 1 patient adjuvant radiation treatment. 1 patient died despite multiple interventions, radiation and chemotherapy. Conclusion: Endoscopic endonasal approaches to the skull base can be used safely to manage skull base tumors in pediatric patients. These techniques could offer excelent outcomes in well selected patients, with potentital less morbidity and complications associated with open approaches.

Humans , Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery , Skull Base , Head and Neck Neoplasms
Can Assoc Radiol J ; 68(2): 178-186, 2017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28438285


The interaction between fungi and the sinonasal tract results in a range of clinical presentations with a broad spectrum of clinical severity. The most commonly accepted classification system divides fungal rhinosinusitis into invasive and noninvasive subtypes based on histopathological evidence of tissue invasion by fungi. Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis is subdivided into acute invasive and chronic invasive categories. The chronic invasive category includes a subcategory of chronic granulomatous disease. Noninvasive fungal disease includes localized fungal colonization, fungal ball, and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. Noninvasive disease is simply fungal material (or the products of the inflammatory reaction of the sinus mucosa) that fills the sinuses but does not invade tissue. Bone loss is related to expansion of the sinus(es). Invasive disease causes tissue destruction, such that it expands past the bony confines of the sinuses. It can rapidly spread, causing acute necrosis. Alternatively, there may be slow tissue invasion characterized by symptoms confused with normal sinusitis, but destruction of normal nasal and paranasal structures.

Mycoses/diagnostic imaging , Rhinitis/diagnostic imaging , Rhinitis/microbiology , Sinusitis/diagnostic imaging , Sinusitis/microbiology , Humans , Intraoperative Period , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Mycoses/surgery , Rhinitis/surgery , Sinusitis/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 39(3): 139-145, sept. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-605817


Craniopharyngiomas are rare benign tumors originated from epithelial remnants of Rathke’s pouch. Its localization may cause endocrine and visual disturbances. We present a case of a 49 year old male patient referred to our Institution for management of a large supraselar Craniopharyngioma. Surgical management was performed by the Skull Base team of the San Ignacio University Hospital (Neurosurgery and Otolaryngology) using a totally Endoscopic four hands technique through a Trans Selar approach.

Los craneofaringiomas son tumores benignos poco frecuentes, originados de restos epiteliales de la bolsa de Rathke, que por su localización puede producir alteraciones visuales y endocrinas. Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 49 años de edad que nos fue referido a nuestra institución para manejar un gran craneofaringioma supraselar. El manejo quirúrgico se llevó a cabo por el Grupo de Cirugía Endoscópica de Base de Cráneo del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (Neurocirugía - Otorrinolaringología), utilizando una técnica totalmente endoscópica a cuatro manos, a través de un abordaje Trans Selar. Se presenta este caso clínico para demostrar la técnica endoscópica transnasal que actualmente utilizamos para el manejo de los tumores de hipófisis, haciendo énfasis en las ventajas que ofrece estatécnica.

Pituitary Gland/abnormalities , Pituitary Gland/surgery
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-605809


La adenoidectomía con técnica de electrocoagulación-succión bajo control visual es un procedimiento cada vez más utilizado para el tratamiento de hipertrofia obstructiva de las adenoides, dada su comprobada efectividad en cuanto a la precisión y extensión completa en la remoción del tejidoadenoideo, su baja complejidad técnica, rapidez y seguridad al minimizar riesgos. En este estudio se evalúan diferentes aspectos de esta técnica tales como: el tiempo quirúrgico del procedimiento, el sangrado transoperatorio y la incidencia de complicaciones en las primeras semanas del postoperatorio. Esta técnica quirúrgica es la que utilizamos en la actualidad en el Servicio deOtorrinolaringología del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio en Bogotá.

Visually controlled suction-cautery adenoidectomy is the most common technique to perform adenoidectomy in developed countries, due to its proven effectiveness in removing enlarged adenoid tissue, its low technical complexity, and decrease in operating time, trans-operative bleeding and higher safety rate. The present prospective study evaluates different outcomes when using this surgical technique, such as duration of the procedure, intra-operative bleeding and incidence of complications. This technique is the one currently used by the authors at San Ignacio University Hospital in Bogota.

Adenoidectomy/education , Adenoidectomy/instrumentation , Adenoidectomy/methods , Adenoidectomy/rehabilitation
Physiol Genomics ; 39(3): 183-94, 2009 Nov 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19470804


The major thiol redox buffer glutathione (l-gamma-glutamyl-l-cysteinylglycine, GSH) is central to cell fate determination, and thus, associated metabolic and regulatory pathways are exquisitely sensitive to a wide range of environmental cues. An imbalance of cellular redox homeostasis has emerged as a pathologic hallmark of a diverse range of human gene-environment disorders. Despite the central importance of GSH in cellular homeostasis, underlying genetic regulatory pathways remain poorly defined. This report describes the annotation and expression analysis of genes contributing to GSH homeostasis in the invertebrate chordate Ciona intestinalis. A core pathway comprising 19 genes contributing to the biosynthesis of GSH and its use as both a redox buffer and a conjugate in phase II detoxification as well as known transcriptional regulators were analyzed. These genes exhibit a high level of sequence conservation with corresponding human, rat, and mouse homologs and were expressed constitutively in tissues of adult animals. The GSH biosynthetic genes Gclc and Gclm were also responsive to the prototypical antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone. The present evidence of a conserved GSH homeostasis pathway in C. intestinalis together with its phylogenetic position as a basal chordate and lifestyle as a filter feeder constantly exposed to natural marine toxins introduces this species as an important animal model for defining molecular mechanisms that potentially underlie genetic susceptibility to environmentally associated stress.

Ciona intestinalis/genetics , Genomics/methods , Glutathione/metabolism , Homeostasis/genetics , Signal Transduction/genetics , Amino Acid Sequence , Animals , Ciona intestinalis/metabolism , Cloning, Molecular , Gene Expression Profiling , Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase/classification , Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase/genetics , Glutathione/biosynthesis , Molecular Sequence Data , Phylogeny , Protein Subunits/classification , Protein Subunits/genetics , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sequence Homology, Amino Acid , Transcription Factors/genetics