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Salud UNINORTE ; 38(3)Sep.-Dec. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536818


Introducción: El consumo de marihuana toma un singular interés en el contexto de la universidad y en los universitarios, pues su uso podría ser parte de las relaciones sociales con sus pares. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia y examinar los factores asociados al consumo de marihuana durante los últimos treinta días en estudiantes universitarios de Colombia durante 2016. Método: Estudio transversal analítico. Se realizó un análisis con 9555 universitarios colombianos. Fue considerado como consumidor de marihuana el universitario que manifestó haberla consumido durante los últimos treinta días. Se tomaron como variables de interés el sexo, la edad, la percepción de la situación económica, los problemas académicos y disciplinarios en la secundaria y las características de control parental. Para el análisis se reportó la prevalencia de la marihuana por cada una de las características estudiadas. Las asociaciones fueron estimadas a través de modelos lineales generalizados, tales análisis se ajustaron por el factor de expansión. Resultados: Se halló que el 9,7 % (IC 95 % 9,1 %- 10,4 %) había consumido marihuana en los últimos treinta días; los hombres (OR 2,23 IC95 % 1,92 - 2,59), aquellos que acusaron no tener control parental sobre los amigos (OR 2,32 IC95 % 1,58- 3,41) y que confesaron haber tenido problemas disciplinarios en la secundaria (OR 3,35 IC95 % 2,67-4,19), mostraron asociación con el consumo de marihuana. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de consumo de marihuana en estudiantes universitarios es elevada con respecto a otros países de la región. Destacan características como la presencia de problemas académicos o disciplinarios en la secundaria, así como un pobre control parental; ellas mostraron que tenían mayor relación con el consumo de marihuana entre los universitarios indagados.

Introduction: The consumption of marijuana takes on a singular interest in the context of the university and university students, because its use could be a part of relationships with their peers. Objective: To describe the prevalence and examine the factors associated with marijuana use during the last thirty days, in university students in Colombia, during the year 2016. Method: Cross-sectional analytical study. An analysis was carried out with 9555 Colombian university students. The university student who stated that he had used it during the last thirty (30) days was considered a marijuana user. The studied variables were sex, age, perception of the economic situation, academic and disciplinary problems in high school, and the characteristics of parental control. For analysis, the prevalence of marijuana was reported for each of the characteristics studied. The associations were estimated through generalized linear models; all analyzes were adjusted by the expansion factor. Results: It was found that 9.7% (95% CI 9.1%-10.4%) had used marijuana in the last thirty days; men (OR 2.23 CI95% 1.92 - 2.59), those who reported not having parental control over friends (OR 2.32 CI95% 1.58-3.41) and who confessed to having had disciplinary problems in high school (OR 3.35 CI95% 2.67-4.19) were associated with marijuana use. Conclusions: The prevalence of marijuana use in university students is high, compared to other countries in the region. They highlight characteristics such as the presence of academic or disciplinary problems in high school, as well as poor parental control; they showed that they had a greater relationship with the use of marijuana among the university students surveyed.