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Comput Biol Med ; 167: 107626, 2023 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37918262


BACKGROUND: Infant crying is the first attempt babies use to communicate during their initial months of life. A misunderstanding of the cry message can compromise infant care and future neurodevelopmental process. METHODS: An exploratory study collecting multimodal data (i.e., crying, electroencephalography (EEG), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), facial expressions, and body movements) from 38 healthy full-term newborns was conducted. Cry types were defined based on different conditions (i.e., hunger, sleepiness, fussiness, need to burp, and distress). Statistical analysis, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) techniques were used to identify relevant features for cry type classification and to evaluate a robust DL algorithm named Acoustic MultiStage Interpreter (AMSI). RESULTS: Significant differences were found across cry types based on acoustics, EEG, NIRS, facial expressions, and body movements. Acoustics and body language were identified as the most relevant ML features to support the cause of crying. The DL AMSI algorithm achieved an accuracy rate of 92%. CONCLUSIONS: This study set a precedent for cry analysis research by highlighting the complexity of newborn cry expression and strengthening the potential use of infant cry analysis as an objective, reliable, accessible, and non-invasive tool for cry interpretation, improving the infant-parent relationship and ensuring family well-being.

Algorithms , Crying , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Acoustics , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Kinesics
Front Neurosci ; 17: 1266873, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37799341


Introduction: Even though infant crying is a common phenomenon in humans' early life, it is still a challenge for researchers to properly understand it as a reflection of complex neurophysiological functions. Our study aims to determine the association between neonatal cry acoustics with neurophysiological signals and behavioral features according to different cry distress levels of newborns. Methods: Multimodal data from 25 healthy term newborns were collected simultaneously recording infant cry vocalizations, electroencephalography (EEG), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and videos of facial expressions and body movements. Statistical analysis was conducted on this dataset to identify correlations among variables during three different infant conditions (i.e., resting, cry, and distress). A Deep Learning (DL) algorithm was used to objectively and automatically evaluate the level of cry distress in infants. Results: We found correlations between most of the features extracted from the signals depending on the infant's arousal state, among them: fundamental frequency (F0), brain activity (delta, theta, and alpha frequency bands), cerebral and body oxygenation, heart rate, facial tension, and body rigidity. Additionally, these associations reinforce that what is occurring at an acoustic level can be characterized by behavioral and neurophysiological patterns. Finally, the DL audio model developed was able to classify the different levels of distress achieving 93% accuracy. Conclusion: Our findings strengthen the potential of crying as a biomarker evidencing the physical, emotional and health status of the infant becoming a crucial tool for caregivers and clinicians.

Rev. psicopatol. salud ment. niño adolesc ; (monografico 6): 45-53, Jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223876


El documento partede una reflexión sobre la política de restricción de visitas de los padres en las unidades neonatales y del acompañamientoen las plantas de maternidad que se aplicó en los hospitales en las primeras fases de la pandemia. Casi un año tras suinicio, un grupo de neonatólogos con espíritu autocrítico trabajamos de forma conjunta, en el marco del Grup d’EstudisNeonatals, con la voluntad de analizar los posibles efectos adversos de las medidas sobre aspectos fundamentales comoson el neurodesarrollo del recién nacido, la lactancia materna y la salud psicológica de los progenitores. Y, finalmente,desde el conocimiento y recursos que teníamos en ese momento, elaborar nuevas recomendaciones.(AU)

The document is based on a reflection on the policy ofrestricting parental visits in neonatal units and the accompanying in maternity wards that was applied in hospitals inthe early phases of the pandemic. Almost a year after its beginning, a group of neonatologists with a self-critical spiritworked together, within the framework of the Grup d’Estudis Neonatals, with the aim of analyzing the possible adverseeffects of the measures on fundamental aspects such as the neurodevelopment of the newborn, breastfeeding andthe psychological health of the parents. And, finally, from the knowledge and resources we had at that time, to developnew recommendations.(AU)

El document parteix d’una reflexiósobre la política de restricció de visites dels pares a les unitats neonatals i de l’acompanyament a les plantes dematernitat que es va aplicar als hospitals a les primeres fases de la pandèmia. Gairebé un any després del seu inici,un grup de neonatòlegs amb esperit autocrític treballem conjuntament, en el marc del Grup d’Estudis Neonatals,amb la voluntat d’analitzar els possibles efectes adversos de les mesures sobre aspectes fonamentals com sónel neurodesenvolupament del nounat, la lactància materna i la salut psicològica dels progenitors. I, finalment, desdel coneixement i recursos que teníem en aquell moment, elaborar noves recomanacions.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pandemics , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Patient Escort Service , Visitors to Patients , Mental Health , Pregnant Women/psychology , Pregnancy/psychology
Antioxidants (Basel) ; 11(4)2022 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35453333


During pregnancy, cycles of hypoxia and oxidative stress play a key role in the proper development of the fetus. Hypoxia during the first weeks is crucial for placental development, while the increase in oxygen due to the influx of maternal blood stimulates endothelial growth and angiogenesis. However, an imbalance in the number of oxidative molecules due to endogenous or exogenous factors can overwhelm defense systems and lead to excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Many pregnancy complications, generated by systemic inflammation and placental vasoconstriction, such as preeclampsia (PE), fetal growth restriction (FGR) and preterm birth (PTB), are related to this increase of ROS. Antioxidants may be a promising tool in this population. However, clinical evidence on their use, especially those of natural origin, is scarce and controversial. Following PRISMA methodology, the current review addresses the use of natural antioxidants, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), melatonin and resveratrol (RESV), as well as other classical antioxidants (vitamin C and E) during the prenatal period as treatment of the above-mentioned complications. We review the effect of antioxidant supplementation on breast milk in lactating mothers.

Pediatr. catalan ; 81(2): 102-107, Abril - Juny 2021.
Article in Catalan | IBECS | ID: ibc-218063


Fonament: Des de l’inici de la pandèmia per SARS-CoV-2,la majoria d’unitats neonatals d’arreu del món han aplicatprotocols de restricció de la presència de mares i pares,amb l’objectiu de protegir el personal sanitari i els nounats.Objectiu. Avaluar els efectes col·laterals derivats de la pocapresència de mares i pares al costat dels seus nadons a lesunitats neonatals, i els relacionats amb les restriccions ales plantes de maternitat. Mètode: Revisió de la literatura. S’ha consultat Pubmed iGoogle Scholar utilitzant com a paraules clau ‘SARS-CoV-2’i ‘covid-19’ combinades amb ‘neonatal’, ‘NICU’ i ‘parents’,‘family centered care’ i ‘neurodevelopmental care’. S’hanconsultat dominis en què es recullen resums actualitzatsde l’evidència científica disponible sobre la pandèmia perSARS-CoV-2: i el web de laSocietat Espanyola de Neonatologia ( Laveu de les famílies s’ha cercat mitjançant les pàgines deles associacions que els representen i a les xarxes socials.Resultats. El model de cures centrades en el desenvolupa-ment i la família, que ha demostrat efectes positius sobre lasalut dels nadons ingressats i el neurodesenvolupament delsprematurs, es veu amenaçat si es limita la presència paren-tal. La restricció també ha demostrat tenir efectes adversossobre la lactància materna i la salut psicològica dels pares imares. Les dades disponibles fins ara posen de manifest uncomportament benigne de la infecció covid-19 en nadons.Conclusions: En un moment crucial per a la implantació delmodel de cures centrades en el desenvolupament a les uni-tats neonatals catalanes, i amb les dades disponibles, ésimprescindible redissenyar les polítiques d’acompanyamentparental als nadons ingressats.(AU)

Fundamento: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, lamayoría de unidades neonatales de todo el mundo han aplicadoprotocolos de restricción de la presencia parental, con el objetivode proteger al personal sanitario y a los propios recién nacidos. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos colaterales derivados de la menor pre-sencia de los padres junto a sus bebés en las unidades neonatales,y los relacionados con las restricciones en las plantas de maternidad.Método: Revisión de la literatura. Se ha realizado búsqueda enPubmed i Google Scholar utilizando como palabras clave ‘SARS-CoV-2’ y ‘covid-19’ en combinación con ‘neonatal’, ‘NICU’ y ‘pa-rents’, ‘family centered care’ y ‘neurodevelopmental care’. Se hanconsultado dominios donde se recogen resúmenes actualizados dela evidencia científica disponible sobre la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2: y la web de la Sociedad Es-pañola de Neonatología ( La opinión de las familiasse ha buscado en las páginas web de las asociaciones que las re-presentan y en las redes sociales. Resultados: El modelo de cuidados centrados en el desarrollo y lafamilia, que ha demostrado efectos positivos sobre la salud de losrecién nacidos ingresados y el neurodesarrollo de los prematuros,se ve amenazado si se limita la presencia parental. La restriccióntambién ha demostrado tener efectos adversos sobre la lactanciamaterna y la salud psicológica de los progenitores. Los datos dis-ponibles hasta ahora ponen de manifiesto un comportamiento be-nigno de la infección por covid-19 en recién nacidos. Conclusiones: En un momento crucial para la implantación del mo-delo de cuidados centrados en el desarrollo en las unidades neo-natales catalanas, y con los datos disponibles, es imprescindiblerediseñar las políticas de acompañamiento de los padres a sushijos recién nacidos ingresados.(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the side effects of the limitation of parentspresence with their babies in neonatal units and those related torestrictions on maternity wards access. Method: Literature review. A search using ‘SARS-CoV-2’ and ‘CO-VID-19’ as keywords combined to ‘neonatal’, ‘NICU’, ‘parents’,‘family centered care’ and ‘neurodevelopmental care’. Consulta-tion of websites containing updated and summarized scientific li-terature about the pandemic and its consequences in newbornshas also been performed: The voice of the families has been mainly obtainedthrough the websites of their associations and the social networks. Results. The family-centered care model has shown positive effectson the health of sick newborns and on premature infants’ neuro-development. This model of care is under threat if parental accessis limited. It has been shown that these restrictions have also ad-verse effects on breastfeeding and on caregivers’ psychologicalwellbeing. Data from different neonatal series report a benigncourse of COVID-19 infection in neonates and preterm babies. Conclusions: At a crucial moment for the implementation of thedevelopmental centered care model in Catalan neonatal units, andwith the available data, it is essential to redesign the policies regar-ding parents who accompany their babies admitted to the units.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pandemics , Intensive Care, Neonatal , Parenting , Spain , Social Isolation
Breastfeed Med ; 16(4): 309-312, 2021 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33351698


The amount of milk production in mothers of babies admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is mostly determined by some actions focused on the first hours and days after birth. Working for an improvement in our previous results in terms of maternal expressed breast milk (MEBM) production, we designed a pilot project and a small observational study. After increasing the number of breast milk pumps to allow full-time availability and implementing educational strategies and updated information for parents, the volume of MEBM production by day 14 after birth was doubled and increased to >500 mL per day. The rate of exclusive breastfeeding at discharge improved from 26.67% to 76.19%. The cost of the use of donor milk per patient decreased by 15.7%. This study is an example of a cost-beneficial quality improvement strategy. It demonstrates the importance of an optimal supply of breast milk pumps in NICU and educational interventions focused on enhancing MEBM production.

Milk, Human , Mothers , Breast Feeding , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Pilot Projects
Ital J Pediatr ; 41: 88, 2015 Nov 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26568429


BACKGROUND: Thymic enlargement is a common and physiological finding in children and neonates' X-rays, but it is usually asymptomatic. Occasionally it can cause respiratory distress. In most cases the aetiology of this expansion remains unclear and it is diagnosed as a thymic hyperplasia. True thymic hyperplasia is defined as a gland expansion, both in size and weight, while maintaining normal microscopic architecture. Often it is a diagnosis of exclusion and prognosis is good. Thymic haemorrhage is an unusual condition related to high foetal and neonatal mortality. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of spontaneous massive thymic haemorrhage in a newborn developing at birth acute respiratory distress associated with severe bilateral haemothorax. Thymic enlargement was evident after pleural evacuation and confirmed by radiographic, Computed Tomography (CT) images and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sequences. The spontaneous resolution of this enlargement seen with CT scan and MRI sequences suggested a thymic haemorrhage; surgery was not necessary. CONCLUSION: Thymic haemorrhage should be considered in newborn infants with pleural effusion, mediastinal space enlargement and Respiratory Distress.

Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Hemorrhage/diagnosis , Hemothorax/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Thymus Gland/blood supply , Hemorrhage/embryology , Hemothorax/embryology , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Thymus Gland/embryology