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Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(3)dic. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408877


RESUMEN Introducción: La situación actual de la COVID-19 es un gran problema para la población humana. En la actualidad, no hay medicamentos curativos disponibles en el mercado. Los investigadores están haciendo todo lo posible para producir fármacos con que luchar contra la enfermedad. Se están considerando varios esfuerzos basados en diferentes orientaciones del conocimiento científico y en las tecnologías para el tratamiento de la enfermedad. Desafortunadamente, ninguno de estos medicamentos funciona absolutamente contra la corriente pandémica. Por lo tanto, las moléculas bioactivas de plantas, animales y microorganismos podrían ser una mejor opción para tratar la COVID-19. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre especies de la flora del Perú utilizadas en el tratamiento de enfermedades respiratorias y destacar las plantas con posible producción de metabolitos secundarios y lectinas vegetales potencialmente útiles como alternativa frente a la COVID-19. Métodos: Se revisaron artículos de literatura científica relacionados con el uso de la medicina tradicional en Perú, China e India para el tratamiento de enfermedades respiratorias, así como la información sobre lectinas vegetales y metabolitos secundarios con potencial utilidad contra la COVID-19. Resultados: Se presenta una amplia relación de géneros y especies de la flora del Perú con gran potencial contra la COVID-19. La mayoría de estas especies pertenecen a las familias Asteraceae, Loranthaceae, Piperaceae, Viscaceae y Zingiberaceae. Numerosas especies son endémicas del Perú. Conclusiones: La flora del Perú tiene más de 22 000 especies de plantas. Muchas de estas especies se utilizan tradicionalmente en el tratamiento de enfermedades respiratorias y pueden ser potencialmente útiles en el tratamiento de la COVID-19.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The current situation of COVID-19 is a big issue for the human population. At present, no healing drug is available in the market. Researchers are doing their best to produce drugs to fight the disease. Various efforts are being considered based on different directions of scientific knowledge and technologies for the treatment of the disease. Unfortunately, none of these drugs works absolutely against the pandemic. Therefore, bioactive molecules from plants, animals and microorganisms could be a better option to treat COVID-19. Objective: Review the literature about species of the flora of Peru used for the treatment of respiratory diseases and highlight the plants with potential in the production of secondary metabolites and plant lectins as an alternative against COVID-19. Methods: A review was conducted of scientific articles related to the use of traditional medicine in Peru, China, and India for the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as information about plant lectins and secondary metabolites potentially useful against COVID-19. Results: A long list is presented of genera and species of the flora of Peru with great potential against COVID-19. Most of these species belong to the Asteraceae, Loranthaceae, Piperaceae, Viscaceae and Zingiberaceae families. Numerous species are endemic to Peru. Conclusions: The flora of Peru has more than 22 000 plant species. Many of these species are traditionally used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and are potentially useful for the treatment of COVID-19.

Rev. argent. mastología ; 40(146): 65-86, mar. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1337978


Introducción: el cáncer de mama (CM) es el cáncer más frecuente diagnosticado durante el embarazo (PABC, del inglés Pregnancy Associatied Breast Cancer), con una incidencia de 1:3.000 embarazos. Objetivo: detallar las características clínicas e histopatológicas del PABC. Comparar estadios clínicos y detallar la sobrevida de las pacientes embarazadas y puérperas. Analizar el tratamiento durante el embarazo, los resultados obstétricos y neonatales. Material y método: estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo de PABC, en el período de enero de 2008 a julio de 2019 en los hospitales públicos y privados de la ciudad de Rosario. Resultados: del total 22 pacientes, 11 se encontraban embarazadas y 11 cursando el puerperio. La edad promedio fue de 37.3 años. La edad gestacional (EG) promedio al momento del diagnóstico fue de 16.8 semanas. En cuanto al subtipo histológico; el 72.72% (16 casos) ductal, 9.1% (2 casos) lobulillar, 4.54% (1 caso) medular, 4.54% (1 caso) cribiforme y 9.1% (2 casos) sin datos. El perfil inmuhohistoquímico mostró un 36.4% (8 casos) de triple negativos, 22.73% (5 casos) de Luminales A, 22.73% (5 casos) de Luminales B, 13.64% (3 casos) Her2 positivos y 4.5% (1 caso) sin dato. Los estudios clínicos al comparar las pacientes embarazadas y puérperas fueron similares. Estadios I y II: 7 pacientes en ambos grupos, estadios III: 2 pacientes en ambos grupos y estadios IV: 2 pacientes en ambos grupos. En el seguimiento medio de las pacientes (52.8 meses) se observó el fallecimiento de 5 de ellas (2 con diagnóstico de CM durante el puerperio y 3 durante el embarazo) y una recidiva locoregional de una paciente diagnosticada en el embarzo. Durante el embarazo, 2 pacientes realizaron cirugía conservadora y linfadenectomía seguida de quimioterapia, 1 paciente quimioterapia neoadyuvante seguida de cirugía conservadora y linfadenectomía, 3 pacientes quimioterapia y 1 paciente mastectomía y linfadenectomía. En 2 casos se difirió el tratamiento luego del parto. 2 pacientes realizaron la interrupción del embarazo en el primer trimestre. La quimioterapia fue administrada finalizando el primer trimestre. La radioterapia (RT) y la hormonoterapia se difirieron posparto, ninguna paciente realizó tratamiento anti Her2 durante la gestación. Los recién nacidos (RN) expuestos a quimioterapia intraútero (6 casos) nacieron vigorosos y sanos, ninguno presentó malformaciones. Se presentó un solo caso de bajo peso para la EG. El 44.4% (4 casos) de los embarazos fue finalizado a término, mientras que la finalización pretérmino representó el 55.6% (5 casos), con una EG medio de 34.4 semanas. En el 100% de los RN pretérmino la finalización del embarazo fue programada. Conclusiones: los subtipos más frecuentes fueron los tumores luminales. Se observó mayor frecuencia de tumores biológicamente más agresivos como el triple negativo comparado con la población general. No se encontraron diferencias al comparar los estadios clínicos al momento del diagnóstico de pacientes embarazadas vs puérperas. La quimioterapia administrada luego del primer trimestre es segura para el feto. Se debe evitar el parto prematuro, dado el pronóstico negativo de la prematuridad en el desarrollo cognitivo de los RN.

Introduction: breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer diagnosed during pregnancy with an incidence of 1:3.000 pregnancies. Objetive: to detail the clinical and histopathological charactersitics of Pregnancy-associatied Breast Cancer (PABC). To compare clinical stages and to detail the survival of pregnant and postpartum patients. To analyze the treatment during pregnancy, and the obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Material and method: a retrospective, descriptive, and observational study of PABC was carried otu from january 2008 to july 2019 in the state and private hospitals of the city of Rosario. Results: of a total of 22 patients, 11 were pregnant and 11 were in the postpartum period. The patient´s average age was 37.3 years old. The average gestational age (GA) at the time of diagnosis was 16.8 weeks. As for the hitological subtype; 72.72% (16 cases) ductal, 9.1% (2 cases) lobular, 4.54% (1 case) cribriform and 9.1% (2 cases) without data. The immunohistochemical profile showed 36.4% triple negative, 22.73% of Luminal A, 22.73% of Luminal B, 13.64% HER2 positive, and 4.5% without data. The clinical stages when comparing pregnant and postpartum patients were similar. Stages I and II: 7 patients in both groups, stage III: 2 patients in both groups and stage IV: 2 patients in both groups. In the mean follow-up of the patients (52.8 moths), the death of 5 of them was detected (2 with a dignosis of BC during the puerperium and 3 during pregnancy) and a locoreginal recurrence of a patient diagnosed in pregnancy. During pregnancy, 2 patients underwent conservative surgery and lymphadenectomy followed by chemotherapy, 1 patient neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by conservative surgery and lymphadenectomy, 3 patients chemotherapy and 1 patient underwent mastectomy and lymphadenectomy. In 2 cases, treatment was postponed after delivery. 2 patients performed the termination of pregnancy in the firts trimester. Chemotherapy was performed after the firts trimester. Radiotherapy (RT) and hormone therapy were postpartum deferred. None of the patients underwent anti-Her2 treatment during pregnancy. Newborns exposed to intrauterine chemotherapy (6 cases) were born vigorous and healthy, none of them presented malformations. Only one case presented low weight for gestational age. 44.4% of the pregnancies were due on term, while 55.6% were preterm births, with and average gestational age of 34.4% weeks. In 100% of preterm born infants, the end of the pregnancy was scheduled. Conclusions: the most frequent subtype were lumianl tumors. A preponderance of biologically more aggresive tumors such as triple negative was observed. The clinical stages at the time of diagnosis of pregnant and postpartum patients were similar. Chemotherapy after the first trimester is safe for the fetus. If possible, preterm bith should be avoided, giver the negative pronostic effect of prematurity on cognitive development.

Female , Pregnancy , Breast Neoplasms , Pregnancy , Postpartum Period
Acta Trop ; 205: 105392, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32061627


There are 8 million people with Chagas disease worldwide and in El Salvador approximately 39% of the population is at risk of contracting the disease. One of the principal challenges in mitigating Chagas is evaluating the role of the vector ecology of triatomine species in the transmission of the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite in anthropogenically modified habitats, where new patterns of transmission frequently arise. Field studies of triatomine vector ecology in El Salvador have largely focused on describing parameters that contribute to infestation patterns, which may themselves be rooted in the morphological variability that exists in triatomine populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphology of the vector species Triatoma dimidiata with respect to the characteristics of the ecological landscape the vector inhabits throughout El Salvador. We used image analyses to evaluate T. dimidiata morphological variability and then used Geographic Information Systems to intersect the morphological point-data with map layers containing different environmental characteristics. Our study found that the variation in the size, shape, and coloration of T. dimidiata varied in relation to elevation, Holdridge life zone, soil type and land use. We further characterize the local morphological adaptations of T. dimidiata with respect to the local ecological, biological, and geographical conditions in El Salvador. We suggest that future studies consider a molecular exploration of local T. dimidiata species complex in El Salvador, especially since morphological studies of triatomine species complex have found that variability correlate with the genetic variability of the population.

Animal Distribution , Chagas Disease/transmission , Ecosystem , Insect Vectors/physiology , Triatoma/physiology , Trypanosoma cruzi/physiology , Animals , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , El Salvador/epidemiology , Insect Vectors/parasitology , Triatoma/parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/genetics
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 21(2): 22-35, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058338


ABSTRACT Hemiparasitic plants commonly known as mistletoe (muérdago in Spanish) in the families Santalaceae and Loranthaceae are common in various kinds of plants or trees, and many hemiparasitic plants are used for medicinal purposes in various parts of the world. The objective of the present work, carried out in Psittacanthus linearis (suelda con suelda), a representative species in the seasonally dry forest (SDF) from the north of Perú, was to study aspects of in vitro tissue culture, carry out preliminary phytochemical analysis, and assess antibacterial activity. Seeds of individuals of P. linearis, which used Prosopis pallida (algarrobo) as host plant, were collected and used to induce in vitro seed germination, clonal propagation, callus induction and organogenesis. Stems, leaves and fruits of individuals of P. linearis were dried, powdered, and subjected to ethanol extraction. Posteriorly the extract was first recovered with ethanol and the remnant with chloroform, which formed the ethanolic and chloroformic fraction. A preliminary phytochemical screening was performed and preliminary antibacterial studies with Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were carried out and their results are discussed. This is the first report about in vitro tissue culture, phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of P. linearis. The results may have important implications for understanding physiological and biochemical interactions between host and hemiparasitic species as well as P. linearis with P. pallida and other SDF species.

RESUMEN Las plantas hemiparásitas o 'mistletoe' o 'muérdago' son comunes en varios grupos vegetales o árboles, perteneciendo a las familias Santalaceae and Loranthaceae y muchas plantas hemiparásitas son usadas como medicina en varios lugares del mundo. El objetivo del presente trabajo realizado en Psittacanthus linearis or 'suelda con suelda', especie representativa en el bosque estacionalmente seco (BES) del norte del Perú, fue estudiar algunos aspectos en el cultivo de tejidos in vitro, el análisis fitoquímico preliminar y su actividad antibacterial. Semillas de P. linearis teniendo a Prosopis pallida 'algarrobo' como hospedero, fueron colectadas y utilizadas en la germinación in vitro, propagación clonal, inducción de callos y procesos organogénicos. Tallos, hojas y frutos de plantas silvestres fueron secados, pulverizados y sometidos a extracción con etanol y el extracto fue recuperado primero con etanol y el remanente con cloroformo formando las fraciones etanólica y clorofórmica. Se realizó un estudio fitoquímico y antibacteriano preliminar utilizando Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli y Pseudomonas aeruginosa y los resultados son discutidos. Este trabajo es el primer estudio sobre cultivo de tejidos, análisis fitoquímico y actividad antibacteriana de P. linearis. Los resultados obtenidos tienen importantes implicancias para el conocimiento de las interacciones fisiológicas y bioquímicas entre las especies hospederas y las plantas hemiparásitas, como P. linearis con P. pallida y otras especies del BES.

Pak J Biol Sci ; 20(10): 507-515, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30187727


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Studies were undertaken to determine the effects of in vivo germination of mechanically scarified with and without sandpaper, chemically scarified with H2SO4 for 40 min and without H2SO4 and in vitro germinated with sandpaper and with sandpaper and GA3 seeds of ipomoea and Merremia in the Lambayeque region and surrounding areas (Peru). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seeds of 16 species of ipomoea and 3 species of Merremia collected from Lambayeque (Peru) were germinated under in vivo and in vitro conditions and measured the angle of divergence of seedlings and the data were analysed by ANOVA. RESULTS: in the in vivo germination process, mechanical and chemical scarification caused an increase in germination and in the in vitro germination process mechanical scarification with sandpaper and GA3 also caused an increase in germination. Seedling emergence was observed and recorded and found not to fit the classical models of hypogeal and epigeal emergence and in the seedling morphology the degree of apical cleft of paracotyledonary leaves and the angle of divergence between the two lobes of a paracotyledon were determined. The length of the apical cleft was highly correlated (r = 0.81) with the angle of divergence. CONCLUSION: Convolvulaceae is the most advanced family that produces seeds with physical dormancy (water-impermeable seed coat).

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 68(3): 217-232, sep.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-844993


Introducción: la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi, conocida como enfermedad de Chagas, es un problema importante de salud pública en países de América Central y Sudamérica.Objetivo: evaluar la actividad de extractos crudos de acetato de etilo de plantas in vitro de 6-8 meses y 10-12 meses de edad, de tallos leñosos y hojas de plantas silvestres maduras y el lignano tetrahidrofurano grandisina, aislados de Piper solmsianum, sobre las formas epimastigota y tripomastigota de T. cruzi in vitro.Métodos: en la evaluación del efecto de diversos extractos crudos de acetato de etilo y grandisina de P. solmsianum, sobre la viabilidad de las formas epimastigota y tripomastigota de T. cruzi, se utilizó el método MTT (3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromuro).Resultados: en la forma epimastigota, el mejor resultado en la inhibición del crecimiento fue obtenido con 50 µg/mL de extracto de tallo y en la forma tripomastigota con 25 y 50 µg/mL de grandisina y plantas in vitro de 6-8 meses de edad, respectivamente. En todos los casos los valores de inhibición oscilaron entre 86 a 96 por ciento. Plantas in vitro de 6-8 meses de edad y grandisina fueron más activas sobre las formas epimastigota y tripomastigota de T. cruzi con valores de CI50 de 0,018 y 0,360 µg/mL, respectivamente.Conclusiones: se demuestra la actividad tripanocida de extractos de plantas silvestres y plantas in vitro de P. solmsianum(AU)

Introduction: the infection by Trypanosoma cruzi, known as Chagas' disease, poses a major public health problem in Central and South America countries.Objective: to evaluate the activity of crude ethyl acetate extracts from in vitro plants of 6-8 and 10-12 months of age, stem barks and mature wild plant leaves and tetrahydrofuran lignin grandisin isolated from Piper solmsianum against the epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi in vitro.Methods: in the evaluation of the effect of various crude ethyl acetate extracts and grandisin from P. solmsianum on the viability of epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi, the MTT method (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-il)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) was used.Results: in the epimastigote form, the best results in growth inhibition was obtained with 50 µg/mL of stem extract, and in the trypomastigote form, with 25 and 50 µg/mL of grandisin and 6-8 months-old in vitro plants, respectively. The inhibition values in all cases ranged from 86 to 96 percent. 6-8 months old in vitro plants and grandisin were found to be active against the epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi with IC50 of 0.018 µg/mL and 0.360 µg/mL, respectively.Conclusions: the trypanocidal activity of extracts from wild plants and in vitro plants of P. solmsianum was proved(AU)

Humans , Trypanocidal Agents/therapeutic use , Trypanosoma cruzi/pathogenicity , Chagas Disease/pathology , South America , Central America
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 12(3): 269-282, mayo 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-723573


Piperaceae is an important family from neotropical American in which many biologically active compounds were identified. A survey of structural diversity and bioactivity reveals that groups of species specialize in the production of amides, phenylpropanoids, lignans and neolignans, benzoic acids and chromenes, alkaloids, polyketides, and a plethora of compounds of mixed biosynthetic origin. With this in mind, several explants obtained from in vitro plantlets were cultured in the presence of different plant growth regulator combinations (IAA, NAA, 2,4-D, DICAMBA, BAP and KIN). The callus induction was depended of Piper species, explant type and plant growth regulator combinations. From a callus culture, cell suspension cultures were established and their growth and metabolite accumulation studied. The achieve results may be useful for further characterization of the activated secondary metabolites pathways in in vitro systems of various Piper species.

Piperaceae es una familia importante de la América neotropical en la que muchos compuestos biológicamente activos han sido identificados. Un estudio general sobre la diversidad estructural y bioactividad reveló que grupos de especies se especializan en la producción de amidas, fenilpropanoides, lignanos y neolignanos, ácidos benzoicos y cromenes, alcaloides, policétidos y una diversidad de compuestos de origen biosintético mixto. Con este conocimiento, diversos explantes obtenidos de plántulas in vitro se cultivaron en presencia de diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento (AIA, ANA, 2,4-D, DICAMBA, BAP y KIN). La inducción de callos dependió de la especie de Piper, tipo de explante y las combinaciones de los reguladores de crecimiento. Suspensiones celulares se establecieron a partir de callos y estudiadas en su crecimiento y acumulación de metabolitos. Los resultados alcanzados pueden utilizarse para caracterizar rutas de producción de metabolitos secundarios, en sistemas in vitro, en varias especies de Piper.

Plant Growth Regulators , Piperaceae/growth & development , Piperaceae/metabolism , Cell Culture Techniques , Germination , Organogenesis , Piperaceae/embryology , Time Factors
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 14(2): 49-60, dic. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-671880


En el Nuevo Mundo el género iPiper (Piperaceae) comprende al menos 500 especies en las que muchos compuestos biológicamente activos fueron identificados; es por ello que el estudio sobre la química y biosíntesis de los miembros de este género son de gran interés, donde el cultivo de tejidos in vitro juega un rol fundamental. El propósito de este trabajo fue desarrollar varios sistemas de cultivo in vitro, en diferentes especies de Piper, con la finalidad de propagarlas clonalmente y regenerarlas por organogénesis directa para el establecimiento de plantas en campo, y la conservación y transferencia internacional de germoplasma. La germinación de semillas alcanzó aproximadamente entre el 20 y el 99% después de 4 semanas de cultivo. La micropropagación fue realizada en medio de cultivo MS suplementado con sacarosa 3%, AIA 0,02 mg L-1 y AG3 0,02 mg L-1. El potencial morfogenético de explantes de raíz, peciolo, hoja, nudo y entrenudo fue investigado con la finalidad de desarrollar un protocolo confiable de regeneración de plantas. La conservación e intercambio internacional de germoplasma in vitro también fue realizado, entre Perú, Brasil y Ecuador.

In the New World the genus Piper (Piperaceae) contains at least 500 species in which many biologically active compounds were identified; is why the study of the chemistry and biosynthesis in members of this genus are of interest, and here techniques in vitro tissue culture plays a fundamental role. The aim of this work was to establish several in vitro culture systems in different Piper species in order to propagate clonally and regenerate by direct organogenesis for the establishment the field plants, the conservation and international germoplasm exchange. The seed germination achieved approximately 20 - 99% after 4 weeks of culture. The micropropagation was performed on MS culture medium supplemented with sucrose (3%), IAA (0,02 mg L-1) and GA3 (0,02 mg L-1). Callus induction and morphogenetic potential of root, petiole, leaf, node and internode explants was investigated to develop a reliable plant regeneration protocol. The in vitro germplasm conservation and international germplasm exchange also was realized, between Perú, Brazil and Ecuador.

Organogenesis , Piper , Growth
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 10(3): 233-245, mayo 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-687013


Tuberculosis control is a high priority for the Ministry of Health from Peru. In the present work the inhibitory effect of both metanolic (MeOH) and ethyl acetate (AcOEt) crude extracts and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of both wild plants and in vitro plantlets of Plumbago scandens L. -Plumbaginaceae- against multidrug-resistance (MDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were determined. The plant material was constituted by roots and seeds, collected in the Motupe (Lambayeque) area. The in vitro plantlets were obtained from seedlings and micropropagated by shoot tips and nodal segments in Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture medium. The microbiological material consisting of one control strain and two strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF) was cultivated using the Lowenstein–Jensen culture medium. The MIC values varied from 0,65 to 1,3 mg/mL. Bacterial strains showed more sensitivite to the AcOEt crude extract. The GC analysis of the plant material showed the presence of the naphtoquinone plumbagin and other aromatic compounds. In conclusion, the MeOH y AcOEt crude extracts from roots of the wild plants and MeOH crude extract of in vitro plantlets of P. scandens showed a strong inhibitory activity against MDR strains of M. tuberculosis.

El control de la tuberculosis es un objetivo de alta prioridad para el Ministerio de Salud del Perú. En el presente trabajo se determinó el efecto inhibitorio de los extractos crudos metanólico (MeOH) y de acetato de etilo (AcOEt), expresados como concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) de plantas silvestres y plántulas in vitro de Plumbago scandens L. (Plumbaginaceae) sobre cepas multidrogoresistente (MDR) de Mycobacterium tuberculosis. El material vegetal estuvo constituido por raíces de plantas silvestres, en tanto que las plántulas in vitro fueron obtenidas de semillas y micropropagadas en medio de cultivo Murashige y Skoog (MS). El material microbiológico, constituido por una cepa control y dos cepas resistentes a isoniacida (INH) y rifampicina (RIF), fue cultivado en medio de cultivo Lowenstein-Jensen. Los valores CMI variaron entre 0,65 y 1,3 mg/mL, mostrándose más sensibles las cepas bacterianas frente al extracto crudo de AcOEt de plantas silvestres. El análisis cromatografía de gases (GC) determinó la presencia de la naftoquinona plumbagina y otros compuestos aromáticos. En conclusión, los extractos crudos de MeOH y AcOEt de raíces de plantas silvestres y extracto crudo de MeOH de plántulas in vitro de P. scandens ejercieron una fuerte acción inhibitoria sobre cepas MDR de M. tuberculosis.

Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Plumbaginaceae/chemistry , Chromatography, Gas , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Plant Roots/chemistry , Tissue Culture Techniques , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant
Phytochemistry ; 66(5): 573-9, 2005 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15721950


An extract of leaves and stems of Peperomia villipetiola has been found to contain myristicin (3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxy-allylbenzene) and seven chromenes, whose structures are methyl 5-hydroxy-7-methyl-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (1), methyl 5-methoxy-7-methyl-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-8-carboxylate (2), methyl 7-hydroxy-5-methyl-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (3), methyl 7-methoxy-5-methyl-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (4), 5-methanol-7-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylic acid (5), 5-methanol-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylic acid (6), and methyl 5-acetoxymethanol-7-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (7). A biosynthetic rationale for 1-7 suggests that orsellinic acid may be a common intermediate. The anti-fungal activities of the chromenes were measured bioautographically against Cladosporium cladosporioides and Cladosporium sphaerospermum: compounds 6 and 7 were found to be the most active.

Benzopyrans/chemistry , Macrolides/chemistry , Peperomia/chemistry , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Benzopyrans/isolation & purification , Macrolides/isolation & purification , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Models, Molecular , Molecular Conformation , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Plant Stems/chemistry , Spectrophotometry, Infrared
Cochabamba; UMSS- Fac. Agronomía. TESIS; 1999. 98 ; 28 cm p. ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1335358