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Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 10(1): 21-25, Enero-Abr. 2002. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-981316


El embarazo en la adolescencia se reconoce desde los 70' como un problema de salud pública, 25% de los embarazos son en adolescentes. Por lo que este estudio pretendió identificar las características socio-familiares, nivel de autoestima y conocimientos de este grupo en particular. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, no ciego. Se incluyeron 267 adolescentes entre 12 y 20 años, excluyendo a quienes fueron violentadas sexualmente en sus embarazos, que rehusaron contestar el cuestionario, presentaron retraso mental o salud grave. Se aplicó la prueba psicológica. ¿Se estima lo suficiente? de la Lic. María Dueñas, y un cuestionario de 65 preguntas para las demás variables. Resultados: Inicio de vida sexual activa entre los 12 y 16 años, escolaridad máxima de primaria, dedicadas al hogar, católicas, no utilizan métodos anticonceptivos y padres casados, escolaridad máxima de primaria; padre empleado con ingreso de $1000.00 mensuales, 38% son alcohólicos, refiriendo una comunicación intrafamiliar armoniosa. Las adolescentes viven en unión libre con su pareja cuyas edades fluctúan entre los 15 y 52 años, empleados, con actitud de aceptación al embarazo, nivel de autoestima de la madre adolescente en 54% correcta y 46% narcisista; nivel de conocimientos sobre reproducción humana, métodos de planificación familiar y enfermedades de transmisión sexual, 45% deficientes y 23% nulos. Discusión: Se encontraron diferencias en lo reportado en otros estudios con respecto al nivel de autoestima. Hubo similitud con escolaridad y nivel socioeconómico bajos, así como en el nivel de conocimientos sobre sexualidad y reproducción.

The present descriptive, transverse study, not blind, it looked into determine the socio-family situation, the self-estimate level and the knowledge of adolescent mothers about human reproduction, family planning methods and sexual transmission illnesses. 267 adolescent mothers between the 12 and 20 years old were studied; they received childbirth attention and they were consulted in the adolescent module of the General Hospital of Tampico; being excluded those who were raped in their pregnancies and who refused to answer the questionnaire or those who presented mental retardation problems or critically state of health. To know the self-estimate level, it was applied the standard test "Do you estimate enough?" from the S.A. María Dueñas, and a questionnaire of 65 items of multiple option, for the other variables. It was founded that the beginning of the active sexual life in the adolescent mothers fluctuates between the 12 and 16 years old; they have as maximun education, the primary school level, they are housewives, they are catholic, with urban residence, they have a soon born by normal childbirth, with Apgar of 8-9, and without utilization of family planning methods. They're family married parents, with education of primary school, the father is an employee with an income of $1,000.00 monthly mexican pesos and a third part of them are alcoholic; with harmonious intrafamiliar communication the adolescent mothers live in free union with their couple, with High School education; in 39% their age fluctuates between the 25 and 26 years old; with initial acceptance of their pregnancy. The self-estimate level was normal in 54% and narcissist level in 45%, not existing null level of se If-estimate. Unknowledge about the process of human reproduction was obtained; an acceptable knowledge of family planning methods was obtained, identifying 30% with unknowledge about about prevention of sexual transmission illnesses.

Humans , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Self Concept , Sexual Behavior , Single Parent , Sex Factors , Public Health , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Adolescent , Family Relations , Hospitals, General , Hospitals, Public , Interview, Psychological , Mexico