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ACS Nano ; 15(3): 4802-4810, 2021 Mar 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33593052


In nanoscale communications, high-frequency surface acoustic waves are becoming effective data carriers and encoders. On-chip communications require acoustic wave propagation along nanocorrugated surfaces which strongly scatter traditional Rayleigh waves. Here, we propose the delivery of information using subsurface acoustic waves with hypersound frequencies of ∼20 GHz, which is a nanoscale analogue of subsurface sound waves in the ocean. A bunch of subsurface hypersound modes are generated by pulsed optical excitation in a multilayer semiconductor structure with a metallic nanograting on top. The guided hypersound modes propagate coherently beneath the nanograting, retaining the surface imprinted information, at a distance of more than 50 µm which essentially exceeds the propagation length of Rayleigh waves. The concept is suitable for interfacing single photon emitters, such as buried quantum dots, carrying coherent spin excitations in magnonic devices and encoding the signals for optical communications at the nanoscale.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 4130, 2020 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32807771


Energy harvesting is a concept which makes dissipated heat useful by transferring thermal energy to other excitations. Most of the existing principles are realized in systems which are heated continuously. We present the concept of high-frequency energy harvesting where the dissipated heat in a sample excites resonant magnons in a thin ferromagnetic metal layer. The sample is excited by femtosecond laser pulses with a repetition rate of 10 GHz, which results in temperature modulation at the same frequency with amplitude ~0.1 K. The alternating temperature excites magnons in the ferromagnetic nanolayer which are detected by measuring the net magnetization precession. When the magnon frequency is brought onto resonance with the optical excitation, a 12-fold increase of the amplitude of precession indicates efficient resonant heat transfer from the lattice to coherent magnons. The demonstrated principle may be used for energy harvesting in various nanodevices operating at GHz and sub-THz frequency ranges.