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J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(47): 475901, 2018 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30387447


In order for methods combining ab initio density-functional theory and many-body techniques to become routinely used, a flexible, fast, and easy-to-use implementation is crucial. We present an implementation of a general charge self-consistent scheme based on projected localized orbitals in the projector augmented wave framework in the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package. We give a detailed description on how the projectors are optimally chosen and how the total energy is calculated. We benchmark our implementation in combination with dynamical mean-field theory: first we study the charge-transfer insulator NiO using a Hartree-Fock approach to solve the many-body Hamiltonian. We address the advantages of the optimized against non-optimized projectors and furthermore find that charge self-consistency decreases the dependence of the spectral function-especially the gap-on the double counting. Second, using continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo we study a monolayer of SrVO3, where strong orbital polarization occurs due to the reduced dimensionality. Using total-energy calculation for structure determination, we find that electronic correlations have a non-negligible influence on the position of the apical oxygens, and therefore on the thickness of the single SrVO3 layer.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(23): 235501, 2009 Dec 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366157


The phase stability of group VB (V, Nb, and Ta) transition metals is explored by first-principles electronic-structure calculations. Alloying with a small amount of a neighboring metal can either stabilize or destabilize the body-centered-cubic phase relative to low-symmetry rhombohedral phases. We show that band-structure effects determine phase stability when a particular group VB metal is alloyed with its nearest neighbors within the same d-transition series. In this case, the neighbor with less (to the left) and more (to the right) d electrons destabilize and stabilize bcc, respectively. When alloying with neighbors of higher d-transition series, electrostatic Madelung energy dominates and stabilizes the body-centered-cubic phase. This surprising prediction invalidates current understanding of simple d-electron bonding that dictates high-symmetry cubic and hexagonal phases.
