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Physica A ; 620: 128772, 2023 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37124174


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruptions to urban systems worldwide, but the extent and nature of these disruptions are not yet fully understood when it comes to transportation. In this work, we aim to explore how social distancing policies have affected passenger demand in urban mass transportation systems with the goal of supporting informed decisions in policy planning. We propose an approach based on complex networks and clustering time series with similar behavior, investigating possible changes in similarity patterns during pandemics and how they reflect into a regional scale. The methods shown here proved useful in detecting that lines in central or peripheral regions present different dynamics, that bus lines have changed their behavior during pandemic so that similarity relations have changed significantly, and that when social distancing started, there was an abrupt shock in the properties of daily passenger time series, and the system did not return to its original behavior until the end of the evaluated period. The approach allows to track evolution of the community structure in different scenarios providing managers with tools to reinforce or destabilize similarities if needed.

Antioxidants (Basel) ; 12(2)2023 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36829907


We hypothesized that fetal exposure to the oxidative stress induced by the combined challenge of preeclampsia (PE) and high altitude would induce a significant impairment in the development of pulmonary circulation. We conducted a prospective study in La Paz (Bolivia, mean altitude 3625 m) in which newborns from singleton pregnancies with and without PE were compared (PE group n = 69, control n = 70). We conducted an echocardiographic study in these infants at the median age of two days. The percentage of cesarean deliveries and small for gestational age (SGA) infants was significantly higher in the PE group. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation did not vary significantly between groups. Estimated pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance were 30% higher in newborns exposed to PE and high altitude compared with those exposed only to high altitude. We also detected signs of right ventricular hypertrophy in infants subjected to both exposures. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that the combination of PE and pregnancy at high altitude induces subclinical alterations in the pulmonary circulation of the newborn. Follow-up of this cohort may provide us with valuable information on the potential increased susceptibility to developing pulmonary hypertension or other pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35719175


Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are a leading cause of maternal death in low- to middle-income countries (LMIC). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) updated diagnostic guidelines to align signs and symptoms with those associated with maternal death. We performed an observational study to ask whether ACOG guidelines were employed and associated with adverse outcomes in La Paz-El Alto, Bolivia, an LMIC. Methods: Medical records for all HDP discharge diagnoses (n = 734) and twice as many controls (n = 1647) were reviewed for one year at the three largest delivery sites. For the 690 cases and 1548 controls meeting inclusion criteria (singleton, 18-45 maternal age, local residence), health history, blood pressures, symptoms, lab tests, HDP diagnoses (i.e., gestational hypertension [GH]; preeclampsia [PE]; haemolysis, low platelets, high liver enzymes [HELLP] syndrome, eclampsia), and adverse outcomes were recorded. Bolivian diagnoses were compared to ACOG guidelines using accuracy analysis and associated with adverse outcomes by logistic regression. Findings: Both systems agreed with respect to eclampsia, but only 27% of all Bolivian HDP diagnoses met ACOG criteria. HDP increased adverse maternal- or perinatal-outcome risks for both systems, but ACOG guidelines enabled more pre-delivery diagnoses, graded maternal-risk assessment, and targeting of HDP terminating in maternal death. Interpretation: Bolivia diagnoses agreed with ACOG guidelines concerning end-stage disease (eclampsia) but not the other HDP due mainly to ACOG's recognition of a broader range of severe features. ACOG guidelines can aid in identifying pregnancies at greatest risk in LMICs, where most maternal and perinatal deaths occur. Funding: NIH TW010797, HD088590, HL138181, UL1 TR002535.

Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 27(1): 15-20, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289829


Introducción. La pandemia por COVID-19 también ha afectado a mujeres embarazadas. Aunque en menor porcentaje, reportes de eventos graves maternos y compromiso fetal generan preocupación. Igualmente, alteraciones como linfopenia y eosinopenia en gestantes con COVID-19, infrecuentes aun en gestantes normales, han sido reportadas. Objetivo. Caracterizar las alteraciones hematológicas en mujeres gestantes a término con COVID-19 residentes en la altura. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo que incluyó 295 mujeres embarazadas a termino con positividad para SARS-COV-2, internadas para fines de parto y alumbramiento en el Hospital de la Mujer de la ciudad de La Paz-Bolivia situada a 3640 m.s.n.m. Se analizó resultados de hemogramas, glucemia, creatinina, proteínas totales y coagulograma. Resultados. El promedio de edad fue 28,5 años, la edad gestacional correspondió a 37,4 semanas. Todas las gestantes fueron clasificadas con COVID-19 de presentación leve (Etapa I). Estudios laboratoriales reflejaron promedios de hemoglobina 13,0 g/dl, leucocitos 9825/ul y plaquetas 266 10³/ul; el coagulograma y las concentraciones de glucemia, creatinina, proteínas totales y albúmina estuvieron dentro de parámetros normales. Un 39 % de las gestantes presentaron leucocitosis asociada a neutrofilia y un 1.4 % linfopenia. Conclusiones. Las gestantes a término con COVID-19 leve en nuestro entorno generalmente no presentan linfopenia; sin embargo, su presencia sirve de alerta para tomar medidas de acción temprana en caso de complicación por COVID-19 en mujeres gestantes. Probablemente, los embarazos en edades tempranas y sin patología base están relacionados con cuadros clínicos menos graves de covid.

Introduction. COVID-19 pandemic has also affected pregnant women. Although at lower percentage, reports of serious maternal events as well as fetal compromise raise concern. Likewise, hematological conditions such as lymphopenia and eosinopenia in pregnant women with COVID-19, uncommon even in normal pregnant, have been reported. Objective. To characterize hematological alterations in full-term pregnant women with COVID-19, living at high altitude. Methods. It was conducted a retrospective descriptive longitudinal study that included 295 full-term pregnant women SARS-Cov-2 positives, hospitalized because of labor and delivery at Hospital de la Mujer in La Paz city (Bolivia) located at 3640 masl. Complete blood count, blood glucose, creatinine, total protein and clottin screening results were analyzed. Results. Average age was 28.5 years, and gestational age corresponded to 37.4 weeks. All pregnant women were classified with COVID-19 at Stage I. Laboratory studies showed averages of hemoglobin 13.0 g/dl, leukocytes 9825/ul and platelets 266 103 / ul; the clotting screening and the concentrations of glycemia, creatinine, total proteins and albumin were within normal parameters. 39% of the pregnant women had leukocytosis associated with neutrophilia and 1.4% had lymphopenia. Conclusions. Full-term pregnant women with COVID-19 at stage I in our context generally do not have lymphopenia; however, the presence ofsuch condition serves as a warning to take early action measures in case of COVID-19 complications in pregnant women. Probably, pregnancies at an early age and without underlying pathology are related to a less severe COVID-19.
