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Science ; 284(5419): 1495-503, 1999 May 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10348732


Elevations measured by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter have yielded a high-accuracy global map of the topography of Mars. Dominant features include the low northern hemisphere, the Tharsis province, and the Hellas impact basin. The northern hemisphere depression is primarily a long-wavelength effect that has been shaped by an internal mechanism. The topography of Tharsis consists of two broad rises. Material excavated from Hellas contributes to the high elevation of the southern hemisphere and to the scarp along the hemispheric boundary. The present topography has three major drainage centers, with the northern lowlands being the largest. The two polar cap volumes yield an upper limit of the present surface water inventory of 3.2 to 4.7 million cubic kilometers.

Evolution, Planetary , Mars , Water , Extraterrestrial Environment , Ice
Science ; 282(5396): 2053-60, 1998 Dec 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9851922


Elevations from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) have been used to construct a precise topographic map of the martian north polar region. The northern ice cap has a maximum elevation of 3 kilometers above its surroundings but lies within a 5-kilometer-deep hemispheric depression that is contiguous with the area into which most outflow channels emptied. Polar cap topography displays evidence of modification by ablation, flow, and wind and is consistent with a primarily H2O composition. Correlation of topography with images suggests that the cap was more spatially extensive in the past. The cap volume of 1.2 x 10(6) to 1.7 x 10(6) cubic kilometers is about half that of the Greenland ice cap. Clouds observed over the polar cap are likely composed of CO2 that condensed out of the atmosphere during northern hemisphere winter. Many clouds exhibit dynamical structure likely caused by the interaction of propagating wave fronts with surface topography.

Carbon Dioxide , Ice , Mars , Water , Extraterrestrial Environment
Science ; 279(5357): 1686-92, 1998 Mar 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9497281


The first 18 tracks of laser altimeter data across the northern hemisphere of Mars from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft show that the planet at latitudes north of 50 degrees is exceptionally flat; slopes and surface roughness increase toward the equator. The polar layered terrain appears to be a thick ice-rich formation with a non-equilibrium planform indicative of ablation near the periphery. Slope relations suggest that the northern Tharsis province was uplifted in the past. A profile across Ares Vallis channel suggests that the discharge through the channel was much greater than previously estimated. The martian atmosphere shows significant 1-micrometer atmospheric opacities, particularly in low-lying areas such as Valles Marineris.

Extraterrestrial Environment , Mars , Atmosphere , Ice , Spacecraft
Science ; 252(5003): 247-9, 1991 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769269


The Magellan radar mapping mission is in the process of producing a global, high-resolution image and altimetry data set of Venus. Despite initial communications problems, few data gaps have occurred. Analysis of Magellan data is in the initial stages. The radar system data are of high quality, and the planned performance is being achieved in terms of spatial resolution and geometric and radiometric accuracy. Image performance exceeds expectations, and the image quality and mosaickability are extremely good. Future plans for the mission include obtaining gravity data, filling gaps in the initial map, and conducting special studies with the radar.

Science ; 252(5003): 260-5, 1991 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769272


The Magellan Venus orbiter carries only one scientific instrument: a 12.6-centimeter wavelength radar system shared among three data-taking modes. The synthetic-aperture mode images radar echoes from the Venus surface at a resolution of between 120 and 300 meters, depending on spacecraft altitude. In the altimetric mode, relative height measurement accuracies may approach 5 meters, depending on the terrain's roughness, although orbital uncertainties place a floor of about 50 meters on the absolute uncertainty. In areas of extremely rough topography, accuracy is limited by the inherent line-of-sight radar resolution of about 88 meters. The maximum elevation observed to date, corresponding to a planetary radius of 6062 kilometers, lies within Maxwell Mons. When used as a thermal emission radiometer, the system can determine surface emissivities to an absolute accuracy of about 0.02. Mosaicked and archival digital data products will be released in compact disk (CDROM) format.

Science ; 252(5003): 265-70, 1991 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17769273


Magellan probes Venus' surface by 12.6-cm-wavelength vertical and oblique radar scattering and measures microwave thermal emission. Emissivity and root-meansquare slope maps between 330 degrees and 30 degrees E and 90 degrees N and 80 degrees S are dissimilar, although some local features are exceptions. Inferred surface emissivities typically are approximately 0.85, but vary from approximately 0.35 at Maxwell to approximately 0.95 northeast of Gula Mons and other locations. Lowest emissivities appear in topographically high areas; this relation suggests that a phase change or differences in chemical weathering occur at about 6055-kilometer radius. Initial results indicate that there are significant variations in the surface scattering function.

Science ; 220(4604): 1379-81, 1983 Jun 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17730653


Observations of thermal radio emission from the surface of Venus, made by the Pioneer Venus radar mapper at a wavelength of 17 centimeters, show variations that are dominated by changes in surface emissivity. The regions of lowest emissivity (0.54 +/- 0.05 for the highland areas of Aphrodite Terra and Theia Mons) correspond closely to regions of high radar reflectivity reported earlier. These results support the inference of inclusions of material with high electrical conductivity in the surface rock of these areas.

Science ; 217(4560): 640-2, 1982 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17817535


Observations of the surface of Venus, carried out by the Pioneer Venus radar mapper at a wavelength of 17 centimeters, reveal a global mean reflectivity at normal incidence of 0.13 +/- 0.03. Over the surface, variations from a low of 0.03 +/- 0.01 to a high of 0.4 +/- 0.1 are found, with Theia Mons, previously identified as possibly volcanic, showing a value of 0.28 +/- 0.07. Regions of high reflectivity may consist of rocks with substantial inclusions of highly conductive sulfides.

Science ; 216(4543): 293-5, 1982 Apr 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17832744


The nucleus of the periodic comet Encke was detected in November 1980 with the Arecibo Observatory's radar system (wavelength, 12.6 centimeters). The echoes in the one sense of circular polarization received imply a radar cross section of 1.1 +/- 0.7 square kilometers. The estimated bandwidth of these echoes combined with an estimate of the rotation vector of Encke yields a radius for the nucleus of l.5(+2.3)(-1.0) kilometers. The uncertainties given are dependent primarily on the range of models considered for the comet and for the manner in which its nucleus backscatters radio waves. Should this range prove inadequate, the true value of the radius of the nucleus might lie outside the limits given.

Science ; 205(4401): 90-3, 1979 Jul 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17778913


Three large Venus surface features, identified previously in images obtained from Earth-based radar observations, are shown by the Pioneer Venus radar mapper to be elevated 5 to 10 kilometers above the surrounding terrain. Two of these features, one bright and the other dark, lie adjacent to each other astride the 65 degrees N parallel between longitudes 310 degrees E and 10 degrees E. The combined region forms a huge tectonically uplifted plateau, surmounted by radar-bright ridges that may have either a volcanic or tectonic origin. The third feature, located at 30 degrees N, 283 degrees E, is radar-bright and may consist of volcanic material extruded along a fault zone. A first radar-scattering image, compiled from data obtained by the mapper in its imaging mode, shows a region north of the equator; several circular depressions seen in this area may result from meteoritic impact.

Science ; 203(4382): 805-6, 1979 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17833005


To determine the wind directions and speeds on Venus, as each Pioneer probe fell to the surface we tracked its motion in three dimensions using a combination of Doppler and long-baseline radio interferometric methods. Preliminary results from this tracking, coupled with results from test observations of other spacecraft, enable us to estimate the uncertainties of our eventual determinations of the velocity vectors of the probes with respect to Venus. For altitudes below about 65 kilometers and with time-averaging over 100-second intervals, all three components of the velocity should have errors of the order of 0.3 meter per second or less.

Science ; 203(4382): 806-8, 1979 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17833006


Altimetry and radar scattering data for Venus, obtained from 10 of the first 13 orbits of the Pioneer Venus orbiter, have disclosed what appears to be a rift valley having vertical relief of up to 7 kilometers, as well as a neighboring, gently rolling plain. Planetary oblateness appears unlikely to exceed 1/2500 and may be substantially smaller.

Science ; 196(4290): 650-3, 1977 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17760059


Observations of the Galilean satellites with the radar system at the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, show that their surfaces are highly diffuse scatterers of radio waves of length 12.6 centimeters; spectra of the radar echoes are asymmetric and broad. The geometric radar albedos for the outer three satellites-0.42 +/- 0.10, 0.20 +/- 0.05, and 0.09 +/- 0.02 for Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, respectively-show about the same relative decreases as do the optical albedos, although the latter presumably bear only on material much nearer the surface. Radii of 1420 +/- 30, 2640 +/- 80, and 2360 +/- 70 kilometers for Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto were determined from the radar data and are in good agreement with the corresponding optically derived values. Io, observed successfully only once, appears to have an albedo comparable to Ganymede's, but no radius was estimated for it.

Science ; 193(4258): 1123-4, 1976 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17792750


A new radar image of Venus covering the latitude range 46 degrees to 75 degrees and the approximate longitude range 290 degrees to 10 degrees is shown. The resolution is approximately 20 kilometers.

Science ; 179(4072): 473-6, 1973 Feb 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17739140


We describe a method for the determination of the gravity potential of Venus from multiple-frequency radar measurements. The method is based on the strong frequency dependence of the absorption of radio waves in Venus' atmosphere. Comparison of the differing radar reflection intensities at several frequencies yields the height of the surface relative to a reference pressure contour; combination with measurements of round-trip echo delays allows the pressure, and hence the gravity potential contour, to be mapped relative to the mean planet radius. Since calibration data from other frequencies are unavailable, the absorption-sensitive Haystack Observatory data have been analyzed under the assumption of uniform surface reflectivity to yield a gravity equipotential contour for the equatorial region and a tentative upper bound of 6 x 10(-4) on the fractional difference of Venus' principal equatorial moments of inertia. The minima in the equipotential contours appear to be associated with topographic minima.

Science ; 175(4021): 514-6, 1972 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17755652


Surface height variations over the entire equatorial region on Venus have been estimated from extended series of measurements of interplanetary radar echo delays. Most notable is a mountainous section of about 3-kilometer peak height located at a longitude of 100 degrees (International Astronomical Union coordinate system). The eastern edge has an average inclination of about 0.5 degrees, which is unusually steep for a large-scale slope on Venus. The resolution of the radar measurements along the surface of Venus varied between about 200 and 400 kilometers with a repeatability in altitude determination generally between 200 and 500 meters. The mean equatorial radius was found to be 6050.0+/-0.5 kilometers.

Science ; 174(4016): 1321-4, 1971 Dec 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17801893


Radar observations of Mars with a surface resolution of 1.3 degrees in latitude and 0.8 degrees in longitude have been carried out during the opposition of 1971. With a precision in surface height measurement approaching 75 meters in regions of high reflectivity, it has been possible to measure the detailed characteristics of a number of craters. Many of these can be identified with craters shown in Mariner photographs of Mars. In addition, a scarp has been seen at 41 degrees west, 14 degrees south with an average slope of about 6 degrees extending over about 40 kilometers.

Science ; 170(3962): 1090-2, 1970 Dec 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17777829


A radar interferometer was used to map unambiguously the surface reflectivity of Venus in the polarized mode at a wavelength of 70 centimeters. The observed region extended from 260 degrees to 30 degrees in longitude and from -60 degrees to 50 degrees in latitude with a surface resolution of approximately 3 degrees by 3 degrees . The result agrees well in most respects with earlier maps made elsewhere at shorter wavelengths and, in addition, discloses a number of new "features."

Science ; 160(3831): 985-7, 1968 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17768889


The Venus radius of 6085 +/- 10 kilometers, deduced from combining observations made with the Venera 4 and Mariner V space probes is incompatible with the value of 6050 +/- kilometers determined from Earth-based radar mesurements.

Science ; 160(3830): 876-8, 1968 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17774403


Precise measurements of the Doppler shift of radar waves reflected from Moon disclose unexpectedly large discrepancies-averaging about 0.6 centimeter per second-between the radial velocities and the predictions based on the Eckert-Brown lunar ephemeris. These residuals have a rapidly changing component corresponding to a relatively large, variable, and unexplained discrepancy in radial acceleration of about 10(-4) centimeter per second, per second, in magnitude and about 1 day in period.
