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MycoKeys ; 99: 109-130, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37649965


Two new species and a first geographical record of Hohenbuehelia are described from Thailand. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions with photoplates, as well as a multigene phylogeny are provided. Hohenbueheliaflabelliformissp. nov. is recognised by large flabelliform basidiomata, densely villose yellowish-white pileus with white hairs near the point of attachment, basidiospores that mostly are ellipsoid in front view and phaseoliform in side view, the absence of cheilocystidia, and a trichoderm pileipellis. Hohenbuehelialageniformissp. nov. is characterised by fleshy basidiomata, velutinous pileus with whitish hairs near the point of attachment and the margin, elsewhere pale greyish-yellow and with only sparse white hairs, pale brown to light brown and mucilaginous context, subglobose basidiospores, lageniform cheilocystidia, an ixotrichoderm pileipellis, and the absence of pileoleptocystidia. Hohenbueheliatristis is characterised by small creamy-white, spathuliform basidiomata that are larger than the type subspecies, minutely pubescent pileus with tiny greyish hairs that disappear when mature, leaving the surface glutinous, faintly translucent and shiny, ellipsoid to sub-ellipsoid basidiospores, lecythiform to sublageniform cheilocystidia, and an ixotrichoderm pileipellis. Hohenbueheliatristis is recorded for Thailand for the first time. Based on the polymorphism observed in part of the nrLSU gene, the presence of two divergent lineages within H.tristis is discussed.

Biodivers Data J ; 9: e75907, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34975279


BACKGROUND: Tylocinum Y.C. Li & Zhu L. Yang 2016 is a Boletaceae genus belonging in subfamily Leccinoideae. It was described in 2016 from China and, prior to this study, it contained only one species, T.griseolum Y.C. Li & Zhu L. Yang 2016. During our survey of Boletaceae from Thailand, we collected some specimens that could be identified as a Tylocinum species, different from T.griseolum. NEW INFORMATION: The bolete specimens, collected in forests dominated by Dipterocarpaceae and Fagaceae in northern Thailand, are described as Tylocinumbrevisporum Raghoonundon & Raspé sp. nov. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions with illustrations are provided, as well as a 3-gene phylogeny, which confirms the new taxon's position in Tylocinum. Tylocinumbrevisporum differs from the only other known Tylocinum species (T.griseolum) by its brownish-grey colour, greyish-orange to brownish-orange colour change in the hymenophore when bruised, smaller pores (≤ 0.5 mm), longer tubes (up to 6 mm long), shorter and narrower basidiospores, longer and broader basidia and longer pleurocystidia relative to cheilocystidia. T.brevisporum is the second species from the genus Tylocinum and the only one to be found outside China thus far.