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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436206


Introdução: O uso de tecnologias educacionais validadas favorece o acesso às informações confiáveis e adequadas e representa uma importante ferramenta de comunicação de risco para portadores de câncer durante emergências em saúde pública.Objetivo: Avaliar a validade e confiabilidade de uma cartilha eletrônica sobre a COVID-19 para adultos portadores de câncer. Métodos: Estudo metodológico de validação por 22 juízes especialistas residentes vinculados à plataforma nacional de curriculum vitae do Brasil. A amostragem foi realizada por conveniência e bola-de-neve, e a seleção, conforme os critérios de Jasper. A validade da cartilha foi avaliada por questionário eletrônico através do índice de validade de conteúdo (CVI), coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC), o instrumento de avaliação da adequabilidade de materiais (SAM) e a análise temática metalinguística para tecnologias educacionais (MeTA-Edu) de proposições dissertativas. Resultados: A banca avaliadora foi composta por 22 doutores com características sociodemográficas homogêneas e elevado especialização na área de educação (86,4%) e experiência docente (média = 17,8 anos). De modo geral, a tecnologia educacional foi validada pelos juízes especialistas quanto ao conteúdo (CVI global = 0,953) com alto grau de concordância (ICC= 0,958) e adequação de conteúdo, literacia necessária para a compreensão, desenho gráfico, layout e tipografia, estimulação e motivação de aprendizagem e adequação cultural (SAM= 90,6%). Após análise temática, foram identificadas 94 proposições dissertativas, principalmente no tipo de linguagem visual (47,9%), e função referencial/informativa (68,1%). Assim, 83,0% das sugestões foram acatadas e 17,0%, rejeitadas mediante justificativa. Conclusão: A validade e confiabilidade da cartilha "Descomplicando a COVID-19 para pessoas com câncer" foi ratificada pelos juízes especialistas. Estes achados podem contribuir para a otimização metodológica da validação de tecnologias educacionais e inovação de estratégias de educação em saúde, subsidiando a assistência oncológica em tempos de crise.

Introduction: validated educational technologies favor access to reliable and adequate information, representing a critical risk communication tool for cancer patients during public health emergencies.Objective: to assess the validity and reliability of an electronic booklet on COVID-19 for adults with cancer. Methods: methodological validation by a panel of 22 experts linked to Brazil's national curriculum vitae database. Sampling was performed by convenience, snowball, and selection techniques according to Jasper's criteria. The validity of the booklet was evaluated by an electronic questionnaire using the content validity index (CVI), intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), the suitability assessment of materials (SAM) instrument, and the metalinguistic thematic analysis for educational technologies (MeTA-Edu) of dissertation proposals. Results: the expert panel consisted of 22 doctors with homogeneous sociodemographic characteristics, high specialization in education (86.4%), and teaching experience (mean = 17.8 years). In general, the educational technology was validated by experts for content (overall CVI = 0.953) with a high degree of agreement (ICC = 0.958) and suitability of the content, literacy demand, graphics, layout, and typography, learning stimulation and motivation, and cultural appropriateness (SAM = 90.6%). After thematic analysis, 94 dissertation proposals were identified, mainly of the visual language type (47.9%) and referential/informative function (68.1%). Most expert suggestions were accepted (83.0%), and only 17.0% were rejected.Conclusion: the validity and reliability of the booklet "Uncomplicating COVID-19 for people with cancer" were ratified by experts. These findings can contribute to the methodological optimization of the validation of educational technologies and innovation of health education strategies, subsidizing cancer care in times of crisis

Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437455


Introduction: continual mutations of the sars-cov-2 virus, with the possibility of reinfection or reactivation of the virus, can lead to a further spread of the virus and consequently new infection periods. The state of pernambuco, brazil, has faced many adversities amidst the pandemic, requiring studies and new spatiotemporal techniques to understand the pandemic development and planning actions to reverse the current situation.Objective: the aim was to evaluate the mortality and lethality trends of covid-19 from april 2020 to june 2021 in the state of pernambuco, brazil, with the division into two periods according to the waves of infection to date (1st period and 2nd period).Methods: an ecological time-series study was carried out with population data from the pernambuco state health department. We collected the number of confirmed cases and deaths for covid-19. The trends were analyzed according to the prais-winsten regression model in two moments from march 2020 to september 2020 and the second from october 2021 to june 2022. Differences were considered significant when p<0.05.Results: the state of pernambuco had 581,594 confirmed cases of covid-19, where 51,370 were severe cases, and 530,224 were mild cases, in addition to 18,444 deaths. Given the trends analyzed, mortality was increasing in the second period (april/2020 to june/2021), while lethality decreased in the first period and was stationary in the second period.Conclusion: this study found an increasing trend in mortality of covid-19 in the state of pernambuco, brazil in the second period, highlighting an urgent need to develop surveillance measures as well as public policies for vulnerable populations, in addition to continuing preventive measures.

Introdução: mutações contínuas do vírus SARS-CoV-2, com possibilidade de reinfecção ou reativação do vírus, podem levar a uma maior disseminação do vírus e, consequentemente, novos períodos de infecção. O estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, tem enfrentado muitas adversidades em meio à pandemia, exigindo estudos e novas técnicas espaço-temporais para entender o desenvolvimento da pandemia e planejar ações para reverter a situação atual.Objetivo: o objetivo foi avaliar as tendências de mortalidade e letalidade do COVID-19 de abril de 2020 a junho de 2021 no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, com a divisão em dois períodos de acordo com as ondas de infecção até o momento (1º Período e 2º Período).Método: foi realizado um estudo ecológico de série temporal com dados populacionais da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde de Pernambuco. Coletamos o número de casos confirmados e óbitos por COVID-19. As tendências foram analisadas segundo o modelo de regressão Prais-Winsten em dois momentos de março de 2020 a setembro de 2020 e o segundo de outubro de 2021 a junho de 2022. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando p<0,05.Resultados: o estado de Pernambuco teve 581.594 casos confirmados de COVID-19, sendo 51.370 graves casos, sendo 530.224 casos leves, além de 18.444 óbitos. Dadas as tendências analisadas, a mortalidade foi crescente no segundo período (abril/2020 a junho/2021), enquanto a letalidade diminuiu no primeiro período e ficou estacionária no segundo período.Conclusão: este estudo encontrou uma tendência crescente na mortalidade por COVID-19 no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil no segundo período, destacando a necessidade urgente de desenvolver medidas de vigilância e políticas públicas para populações vulneráveis, além de continuar com as medidas preventivas adotadas até o momento.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35162177


Amazonas suffered greatly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The mortality and fatality rates soared and scarcity of oxygen and healthcare supplies led the health system and funerary services to collapse. Thus, we analyzed the trends of incidence, mortality, and lethality indicators of COVID-19 and the dynamics of their main determinants in the state of Amazonas from March 2020 to June 2021. This is a time-series ecological study. We calculated the lethality, mortality, and incidence rates with official and public data from the Health Department. We used the Prais-Winsten regression and trends were classified as stationary, increasing, or decreasing. The effective reproduction number (Rt) was also estimated. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05. We extracted 396,772 cases of and 13,420 deaths from COVID-19; 66% of deaths were in people aged over 60; 57% were men. Cardiovascular diseases were the most common comorbidity (28.84%), followed by diabetes (25.35%). Rural areas reported 53% of the total cases and 31% of the total deaths. The impact of COVID-19 in the Amazon is not limited to the direct effects of the pandemic itself; it may present characteristics of a syndemic due to the interaction of COVID-19 with pre-existing illnesses, endemic diseases, and social vulnerabilities.

COVID-19 , Aged , Comorbidity , Humans , Incidence , Male , Mortality , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 31(3): 447-457, Sep.-Dec. 2021. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1356363


INTRODUCTION: the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Brazilian North region is worrying. There is a lack of resources for Public Health, a low human development index, and poverty indicators above the national average OBJECTIVE: to analyze mortality and lethality from COVID-19 in the State of Roraima, Brazil METHODS: this is an ecological time-series study of secondary data on COVID-19 in Roraima, Northern Brazil, from March 2020 to July 2021. The incidence, mortality, and lethality rates due to COVID-19 were calculated. The Prais-Winsten regression model was used to calculate the time series trends. Trends were classified as increasing, decreasing, or stationary. The trend was considered static when the p-value was not significant (p>0.05 RESULTS: in the state of Roraima, from March 2020 to July 2021, there were 123,125 cases and 1,903 accumulated deaths due to COVID-19. The first wave (March 2020 to October 2021) of COVID-19 recorded the incidence rate (2,995.30 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants - July 2020) and mortality (56.32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants - June 2020) higher lethality. However, in the second wave (November 2020 to July 2021), the highest lethality rate was observed (3.47% - February 2021). It was observed that during the first wave, the incidence rate of COVID-19 showed increasing trends. During this period, the mortality rate had a stationary tendency (p>0.05) and the percentage lethality with a decreasing trend (p<0.05). During the second wave, there was a more aggravating scenario for lethality, which changed from a daily reduction rate of 0.90% to stationary trends CONCLUSION: the pandemic in the state of Roraima is not yet under control, so it is necessary to strengthen strategies to mitigate the spread of the pandemic in the region and prevent the formation of new waves

INTRODUÇÃO: o contexto da pandemia da Covid-19 na região Norte é preocupante, visto que há falta de recursos para a Saúde Pública, baixo índice de desenvolvimento humano e indicadores de pobreza acima da média nacional OBJETIVO: analisar a letalidade e mortalidade por COVID-19 no Estado de Roraima, Brasil MÉTODO: trata-se de um estudo ecológico de séries temporais de dados secundários sobre a COVID-19 no estado de Roraima, região Norte do Brasil, no período de março de 2020 a julho de 2021. Foram calculadas as taxas de incidência, mortalidade e letalidade por COVID-19. Utilizou-se o modelo de regressão de Prais-Winsten para calcular as taxas de construção de séries temporais. As taxas foram classificadas como crescentes, decrescentes ou estacionárias. A tendência foi considerada estacionária quando o p-valor não foi significativo, (p>0,05 RESULTADOS: no estado de Roraima, durante o período de março de 2020 a julho de 2021, houve um total de 123.125 casos e 1.903 óbitos acumulados devido a COVID-19. A primeira onda (março de 2020 a outubro de 2021) da COVID-19 foi registrada a taxa de incidência (2.995,30 novos casos por 100.000 habitantes - julho de 2020) e de mortalidade (56,32 óbitos por 100.000 habitantes - junho de 2020) letalidade mais elevada. Entretanto, foi na segunda onda (novembro de 2020 a julho de 2021) que foi observada a taxa de letalidade mais elevada (3,47% - fevereiro de 2021). Observou-se que durante a primeira onda, a taxa de incidência da COVID-19 apresentou tendências crescentes. Neste período, a taxa de mortalidade encontrava-se com tendência estacionária (p>0,05) e a letalidade percentual com tendência decrescente (p<0,05). Durante a segunda onda, observou-se um cenário mais agravante para a letalidade, que transitou de uma taxa de redução diária de 0,90%, para tendências estacionárias CONCLUSÃO: a pandemia no estado de Roraima ainda não está controlada, assim faz-se necessário o fortalecimento de estratégias para mitigar o avanço da pandemia na região e evitar a formação de novas ondas

Incidence , Pandemics , COVID-19 , COVID-19/mortality
J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 31(3): 496-506, Sep.-Dec. 2021. graf, map, tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1356370


INTRODUCTION: Inserted in the vulnerable context of the Brazilian Amazon, the state of Tocantins has suffered damages with the dissemination of COVID-19 in its territory; however, little evidence is published from this state. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the case-fatality, mortality, and incidence of COVID-19 in Tocantins. METHODS: This is an ecological study, population-based, time-series analysis of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the state of Tocantins from March 2020 to August 2021. RESULTS: During the examined period, 219,031 COVID-19 cases, and 3,594 deaths were registered due to disease. Two possible occurrence peaks were characterized in this time-series analysis. Remarkably, the Second Wave had the highest lethality rates (3.02% - April 2021), mortality (39.81 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants - March 2021), and incidence (1,938.88 cases per 100,000 inhabitants - March 2021). At the end of the period, mortality, incidence, and lethality showed flat trends, suggesting a positive outcome of the vaccination program. CONCLUSION: The prevention, surveillance, and control actions of COVID-19 cases in Tocantins State have been directed to mitigate the deleterious effects of the pandemic. Nevertheless, efforts are still needed to decrease lethality, mortality, and incidence trends, and ultimately to achieve control of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region

INTRODUÇÃO: Inserido em vulnerável contexto da Amazônia Brasileira, o estado de Tocantis tem sofrido danos com a disseminação da COVID-19 em seu território; entretanto, escassas evidências têm sido publicadas sobre este estado. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a letalidade, mortalidade e incidência da COVID-19 em Tocantins. MÉTODO: Este é um estudo ecológico, de base populacional, com análises de séries temporais de casos e óbitos de COVID-19 no estado do Tocantins de março de 2020 a agosto de 2021. RESULTADOS: No período examinado, foram registrados 219.031 casos de COVID-19 e 3,594 óbitos devido a doença. Foram caracterizadas nesta análise de série temporal a formação de duas possíveis ondas. Notavelmente, a segunda onda apresentou as maiores taxas de letalidade (3,02% - abril de 2021), mortalidade (39,81 óbitos por 100.000 habitantes - março de 2021) e incidência (1.938,88 casos por 100.000 habitantes - março de 2021). No final do período, a mortalidade, incidência e letalidade apresentaram tendências estacionárias, sugerindo um resultado positivo do programa de vacinação. CONCLUSÃO: As ações de prevenção, vigilância e controle dos casos de COVID-19 no Estado do Tocantins têm sido direcionadas para mitigar os efeitos deletérios da pandemia. No entanto, esforços ainda são necessários para diminuir as tendências da letalidade, mortalidade e, em última instância, para alcançar o controle da pandemia de COVID-19 na região.

Humans , COVID-19/mortality , Brazil/epidemiology , Time Series Studies , Incidence , Ecological Studies , Sociodemographic Factors
J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 31(3): 507-520, Sep.-Dec. 2021. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1356371


INTRODUCTION: coronavirus 2019 Disease (COVID-19) was quickly declared a pandemic, and Brazil is facing the most significant health and hospital crisis in its history. From March to June 2021 represented 50.8% of all deaths in the State of Espirito Santo OBJECTIVE: to analyze the lethality and mortality by COVID-19 in the State of Espirito Santo from March 2020 to June 2021. METHODS: an ecological study was carried out, using a time series of public and official data available on the Health Department of the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Were considered information about cases and deaths (from March 2020 to June 2021) of COVID-19. Percentage case-fatality and mortality and incidence rates per 100,000 population were calculated. Time-series analyses were performed using the Prais-Winsten regression model, estimating the Daily Percent Change (DPC), and the trends were classified as flat, increasing, or decreasing. Significant differences were considered when p<0.05. RESULTS: 524,496 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of June 30, 2021, and 11,516 progressed to death. The presence of cardiovascular diseases represents more than half of confirmed comorbidities (54.37%) in patients with COVID-19, followed by diabetes (19.95%) and obesity (9.34%). Men had higher mortality and lethality, especially in older age groups, but the incidence was higher among women. A characteristic profile of two waves was observed; the first wave was extended from March to October 2020 and the second complete wave from November 2020 to June 2021. During the second wave, high peaks of incidence, lethality, and mortality were recorded. At the end of the second wave, the incidence rate remained with increasing trends (p < 0.05), with a DPC of 2.06%. CONCLUSION: the peak concentration of cases, deaths, and indicators of lethality, mortality evidenced even after one year of pandemic, characterizes the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, still in entire evolution in the State Espirito Santo and Brazil.

INTRODUÇÃO: a doença do Coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) foi rapidamente declarada pandemia, e o Brasil está enfrentando a crise hospitalar e de saúde mais significativa de sua história. De março a junho de 2021 representou 50,8% de todas as mortes no Estado do Espírito Santo. OBJETIVO: analisar a letalidade e mortalidade por COVID-19 no Estado do Espírito Santo no período de março de 2020 a junho de 2021. MÉTODO: foi realizado um estudo ecológico, utilizando uma série histórica de dados públicos e oficiais disponíveis na Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Foram consideradas informações sobre casos e óbitos (de março de 2020 a junho de 2021) da COVID-19. Foram calculadas as percentagens de letalidade e mortalidade e taxas de incidência por 100.000 habitantes. As análises de séries temporais foram realizadas usando o modelo de regressão de Prais-Winsten, estimando a variação percentual diária (DPC), e as tendências foram classificadas como estacionaria, crescentes ou decrescentes. Diferenças significativas foram consideradas quando p <0,05. RESULTADOS: 524.496 casos confirmados de COVID-19 até 30 de junho de 2021 e 11.516 evoluíram para óbito. A presença de doenças cardiovasculares representa mais da metade das comorbidades confirmadas (54,37%) em pacientes com COVID-19, seguida de diabetes (19,95%) e obesidade (9,34%). Os homens apresentaram maior mortalidade e letalidade, principalmente nas faixas etárias mais velhas, mas a incidência foi maior entre as mulheres. Observou-se um perfil característico de duas ondas; a primeira onda foi estendida de março a outubro de 2020 e a segunda onda completa de novembro de 2020 a junho de 2021. Durante a segunda onda, altos picos de incidência, letalidade e mortalidade foram registrados. Ao final da segunda onda, a taxa de incidência manteve-se com tendência crescente (p <0,05), com DPC de 2,06%. CONCLUSÃO: o pico de concentração de casos, óbitos e indicadores de letalidade, mortalidade evidenciados mesmo após um ano de pandemia, caracteriza a gravidade da pandemia COVID-19, ainda em evolução total no Estado do Espírito Santo e Brasil.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Health Profile , COVID-19/mortality , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Prevalence , Ecological Studies , Spatio-Temporal Analysis
J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 31(3): 549-561, Sep.-Dec. 2021. graf, map, tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1356374


INTRODUCTION: By late 2019, China notified a new disease rising, and with the agent's identification, it was called COVID-19. Despite the efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO) and worldwide countries, the disease spread out of control; on March 11, WHO declared the pandemic state. Brazil is the biggest country in South America, demarcated into 26 states with different economic, cultural, and social aspects. Paraná is one of the Brazilian federative units, it is the sixth more economically important and ranks second in Education. Its first COVID-19 case was confirmed on March 12, 2020, and the first death was on March 27, two weeks after the first death in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: This study objective is to determine the mortality and case-fatality rates of COVID-19 in the State of Paraná, Brazil, from March 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021. METHODS: It is an ecological time-series study, using all cases (854,326) and deaths (17,229 deaths) of COVID-19 reported in public and official database of the State of Paraná Health Department. Case fatality and mortality rates were stratified by sex and age. For trend analysis, the period was divided into a first "wave" (March to November 2020) and a second "wave" (December 2020 to March 2021). The Prais-Winsten regression model for population mortality and case-fatality rates allowed classifying whether it increased, decreased, or was flat. RESULTS: Women were more affected by the number of cases, with 454,056 cases (53.15%) confirmed and 7,257 fatalities (42.12%). A total of 400,270 men (46.85%) were infected and 9,972(57.87%) died. For the first year of COVID-19, in the State of Paraná, the incidence was calculated as 7404.12/100,000 inhabitants, the mortality was 149.32/100,000 inhabitants, and the case-fatality rate was 2.02%. We saw a tendency for decreasing the case-fatality rate (DPC = -0,18; p<0,001). The mortality and incidence showed an increasing trend (DPC=1,13, p<0,001; DPC=1,58, p<0,001, respectively. CONCLUSION: The level and variability of transmission during this first year of pandemic suggest that the disease in the State of Paraná was never under control.

INTRODUÇÃO: no final de 2019, a China notificou o surgimento de uma nova doença, com a identificação do agente, passou a chamar-se COVID-19. Apesar dos esforços da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e de países em todo o mundo, a doença se espalhou fora de controle; em 11 de março, a OMS declarou o estado de pandemia. O Brasil é o maior país da América do Sul, demarcado em 26 estados com diferentes aspectos econômicos, culturais e sociais. O Paraná é uma das unidades federativas brasileiras, é o sexto mais importante economicamente e o segundo em Educação. Seu primeiro caso de COVID-19 foi confirmado em 12 de março de 2020, e o primeiro óbito em 27 de março, duas semanas após o primeiro óbito no Brasil. OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste estudo é determinar as taxas de mortalidade e letalidade da COVID-19 no Estado do Paraná, Brasil, de 1º de março de 2020 a 31 de março de 2021. MÉTODO: trata-se de um estudo ecológico de série temporal que avaliou todos os casos (854.326) e óbitos (17.229 óbitos) da COVID-19 notificados em banco de dados público e oficial da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Paraná. As taxas de letalidade e mortalidade foram estratificadas por sexo e idade. Para análise de tendência, o período foi dividido em uma "primeira onda" (março a novembro de 2020) e uma "segunda onda" (dezembro de 2020 a março de 2021). O modelo de regressão de Prais-Winsten para taxas de mortalidade populacional e letalidade permitiu classificar as tendências em crescentes, decrescentes ou estacionárias. RESULTADOS: as mulheres foram as mais afetadas pelo número de casos, com 454.056 casos (53,15%) confirmados e 7.257 óbitos (42,12%). Um total de 400.270 homens (46,85%) foram infectados e 9.972 (57,87%) morreram. Para o primeiro ano da COVID-19, no Estado do Paraná a incidência foi calculada em 7.404,12/100.000 habitantes, a mortalidade foi de 149,32 / 100.000 habitantes e a letalidade foi de 2,02%. Observamos uma tendência de diminuição da taxa de letalidade (DPC= -0,18; p <0,001). A mortalidade e incidência apresentaram tendência crescentes (DPC=1,13, p <0,001; DPC= 1,58, p <0,001, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: o nível e a variabilidade da transmissão durante este primeiro ano de pandemia sugerem que a doença no Estado do Paraná nunca esteve sob controle.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , COVID-19/mortality , Brazil/epidemiology , Mortality/trends , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Sociodemographic Factors
Pharmaceuticals (Basel) ; 14(8)2021 Aug 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34451868


Photodynamic therapy is one of the more unique cancer treatment options available in today's arsenal against this devastating disease. It has historically been explored in cutaneous lesions due to the possibility of focal/specific effects and minimization of adverse events. Advances in drug delivery have mostly been based on biomaterials, such as liposomal and hybrid lipoidal vesicles, nanoemulsions, microneedling, and laser-assisted photosensitizer delivery systems. This review summarizes the most promising approaches to enhancing the photosensitizers' transdermal delivery efficacy for the photodynamic treatment for cutaneous pre-cancerous lesions and skin cancers. Additionally, discussions on strategies and advantages in these approaches, as well as summarized challenges, perspectives, and translational potential for future applications, will be discussed.

J Food Biochem ; 45(5): e13712, 2021 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33786844


Residues from wine and juice processing still contain about 70% of the phenolic compounds in grapes. These compounds are valued for having several bioactive properties that are explored in the pharmaceutical and food sectors. This paper aims to summarize the most recent advances in the use of enzymatic techniques for the recovery of bioactive compounds from GP for industrial application. For this, we analyzed scientific articles and patent applications from the last 20 years in the main indexed and patent databases. Among the most used enzymes in the recovery of bioactive compounds in wastes, cellulases, pectinases, tannases, glucoamylases, and proteases such as trypsin and chymotrypsin, are the most important. As a result, extracts are obtained with greater retrieval of compounds such as anthocyanins, gallic acid, catechins, epicatechins, and trans-resveratrol and the improvement of coloring, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and vasoprotective properties. Although the use of enzymes for the recovery of phenolics is an old strategy, the number of studies focusing on the functional characteristics and industrial applicability of the extracts obtained has been recently growing. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Phenolic compounds have acted as anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, anticarcinogens, and antimicrobials, being additives or relevant ingredients for various products in the food and pharmaceutical industry. Although there are several techniques for extracting/recovering phenolics from grape pomace, there is still no agreement on which method is ideal. In recent years, several extractions methods have been applied in seeking optimized conditions to recover phenolics from grape residues. Among them, the use of enzymes has been gaining attention for being considered a green and promising technology. The present study aims to carry out a review that would bring a new perspective to the recovery of bioactive compounds from grape residues by enzymatic techniques, with a view to industrial purpose.

Vitis , Anthocyanins , Fruit/chemistry , Plant Extracts , Polyphenols/analysis
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 29(4): 564-568, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741725


Objective: Among the veins used as a graft in myocardial revascularizations and ends, great saphenous vein is the most used. Knowing the presence and location of valves has great importance when evaluating the surgical anatomy of the great saphenous vein. Despite major surgical application and many works involving great saphenous vein, the number of valves present in it from the saphenous hiatus to the medial epicondyle of the femur is still described inaccurately. The objective of this study is to quantify the valves of the great saphenous vein from the saphenous hiatus to the medial epicondyle of the femur to determine the best portion of the great saphenous vein to perform revascularization surgeries. Methods: This is a crosssectional observational study in which it was analyzed great saphenous vein extracted from 30 cadavers. It was measured the length of the veins; (diameter) at its proximal, middle and distal, quantifying the number of valves in each one and the total number of valves at the great saphenous vein. Results: The frequency of valves in the great saphenous vein taken from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the saphenous hiatus was 4.82, ranging between 2 and 9. Moreover, there is a significant difference in the number of valves in the proximal and distal relative to the average. Conclusion: the median and distal portions of the saphenous vein in the thigh, are the best options for the realization of bridges due to the fact that these portions have fewer valves which therefore would tend to decrease the risk of complications connected with the valves in these grafts. .

Objetivo: Dentre as veias empregadas para revascularizações do miocárdio e de extremidades, a veia safena magna é a mais utilizada. Conhecer a presença e localização de válvulas é de grande importância quando se avalia a anatomia cirúrgica da veia safena magna. Apesar de grande aplicação cirúrgica e de muitos trabalhos envolvendo a veia safena magna, o número de válvulas presente nela desde o hiato safeno até o epicôndilo medial do fêmur ainda é descrito de forma imprecisa. O objetivo do presente trabalho é quantificar as válvulas da veia safena magna desde o hiato safeno até o epicôndilo medial do fêmur para determinar a melhor porção da veia safena magna para a realização de cirurgias de revascularização. Métodos: Este é um estudo transversal e observacional em que foram analisadas veias safena magna extraídas de 30 cadáveres. Foram realizadas as medidas das variáveis do comprimento das veias; (diâmetro) em suas porções proximal, média e distal; quantificação do número de válvulas nestas e número de válvulas total na veia safena magna. Resultados: A frequência de válvulas da veia safena contadas desde o epicôndilo medial do fêmur até o hiato safeno foi de 4,82, podendo variar entre 2 e 9. Além disso, houve diferença significante do número de válvulas da porção proximal em relação à média e distal. Conclusão: As porções média e distal da veia safena magna na coxa são as melhores opções para a realização de pontes em decorrência do fato destas porções terem menor quantidade de válvulas o que, portanto, tenderia a diminuir o risco de complicações relacionadas as válvulas nestes enxertos. .

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Saphenous Vein/anatomy & histology , Venous Valves/anatomy & histology , Age Factors , Analysis of Variance , Cadaver , Cross-Sectional Studies , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Reference Values , Sex Factors
Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc ; 29(4): 564-8, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25714210


OBJECTIVE: Among the veins used as a graft in myocardial revascularizations and ends, great saphenous vein is the most used. Knowing the presence and location of valves has great importance when evaluating the surgical anatomy of the great saphenous vein. Despite major surgical application and many works involving great saphenous vein, the number of valves present in it from the saphenous hiatus to the medial epicondyle of the femur is still described inaccurately. The objective of this study is to quantify the valves of the great saphenous vein from the saphenous hiatus to the medial epicondyle of the femur to determine the best portion of the great saphenous vein to perform revascularization surgeries. METHODS: This is a cross sectional observational study in which it was analyzed great saphenous vein extracted from 30 cadavers. It was measured the length of the veins; (diameter) at its proximal, middle and distal, quantifying the number of valves in each one and the total number of valves at the great saphenous vein. RESULTS: The frequency of valves in the great saphenous vein taken from the medial epicondyle of the femur to the saphenous hiatus was 4.82, ranging between 2 and 9. Moreover, there is a significant difference in the number of valves in the proximal and distal relative to the average. CONCLUSION: the median and distal portions of the saphenous vein in the thigh, are the best options for the realization of bridges due to the fact that these portions have fewer valves which therefore would tend to decrease the risk of complications connected with the valves in these grafts.

Saphenous Vein/anatomy & histology , Venous Valves/anatomy & histology , Adolescent , Adult , Age Factors , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Analysis of Variance , Cadaver , Coronary Artery Bypass/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Reference Values , Sex Factors , Young Adult