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Cir Pediatr ; 37(2): 50-54, 2024 Apr 01.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38623796


INTRODUCTION: The course in Primary Care in Pediatric Trauma (ATIP in Spanish) has been taught in Spain since 1997, and there are currently 9 accredited training centers. Care of polytraumatized pediatric patients often takes place in an environment conducive to errors resulting from forgetfulness, which is why checklists - mnemonic tools widely used in industry and medicine - are particularly useful to avoid such errors. Although several checklists exist for pediatric trauma care, none have been developed within the setting of our course. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The criteria for being selected as an expert in Primary Care in Pediatric Trauma were agreed upon with the scientific polytrauma committee of the Spanish Pediatric Surgery Society. The items that make up the checklist were obtained from a review of the literature and consultation with selected experts, using the Delphi Technique. RESULTS: 10 experts representing the 9 groups or training centers in Primary Care in Pediatric Trauma were selected, and a 28-item checklist was drawn up in accordance with their design recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: With the consensus of all the groups, a checklist for the treatment of polytraumatized pediatric patients was drawn up using the Delphi Technique, an essential requirement for the dissemination of this checklist, which should be adapted and validated for use in each healthcare center.

INTRODUCCION: El curso de Asistencia Inicial al Trauma Pediátrico se imparte en España desde 1997, existiendo en la actualidad 9 centros formadores acreditados. La asistencia al paciente pediátrico politraumatizado se produce muchas veces en un ambiente proclive al error por olvido, por lo que las listas de verificación, como herramientas mnemotécnicas de amplia difusión en la industria y en medicina, serían especialmente útiles para evitarlos. Aunque existen varias listas de verificación para la asistencia al traumatismo pediátrico, ninguna se ha desarrollado en el entorno de nuestro curso. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Se acordaron los criterios para ser seleccionado como experto en Asistencia Inicial al Trauma Pediátrico con la comisión científica de politrauma de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica. Los ítems para formar la lista de verificación se obtuvieron a partir de una revisión bibliográfica y de la consulta a los expertos seleccionados, empleando un método Delphi. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 10 expertos que representan los 9 grupos o centros formadores en Asistencia Inicial al Trauma Pediátrico y se elaboró una lista de verificación con 28 ítems, siguiendo sus recomendaciones de diseño. CONCLUSIONES: Se diseñó una lista de verificación para el manejo del paciente pediátrico politraumatizado, con el consenso de todos los grupos empleando un método Delphi, requisito fundamental para facilitar la difusión de esta lista. Sería preciso adaptar y validar dicha lista para su uso en cada centro asistencial.

Checklist , Multiple Trauma , Humans , Child , Delphi Technique , Consensus , Primary Health Care
Cir. pediátr ; 36(3): 116-121, Jul. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-222805


Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de la campana de succión durante lapubertad, según las horas diarias de uso y la duración del tratamiento. Material y métodos: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente los pacientestratados con campana de succión durante la pubertad en el periodo 2010-2021. Se recogieron diferentes variables, incluyendo el hundimientoinicial y final, el hundimiento corregido expresado en centímetros y enporcentaje con respecto al hundimiento inicial, las horas diarias de uso,la duración del tratamiento y las complicaciones. Se categorizaron lospacientes en grupos según las horas diarias de uso (≤ 3 horas; 4-5 horas;≥ 6 horas) y la duración del tratamiento (6-12 meses; 13-24 meses; 25-36meses; > 36 meses), y se analizaron estadísticamente. Resultados: Se estudiaron un total de 50 pacientes; 41 varones y9 mujeres, con una edad media de 12,5 años (rango 10-14 años). Nose observaron diferencias significativas entre los diferentes grupos enrelación con el hundimiento inicial, el índice torácico y el hundimientofinal. El hundimiento corregido aumentó en relación con las horas diariasde uso, con diferencias significativas. Las complicaciones fueron leves,3 pacientes abandonaron el seguimiento y 5 pacientes de los 25 quefinalizaron el tratamiento, alcanzaron una buena corrección. Conclusiones: Para aumentar la eficacia del tratamiento, el tiempode uso de la campana de succión durante la pubertad debería alcanzarlas 6 horas diarias. Este método es bien tolerado, presenta leves com-plicaciones y puede ser una alternativa a la cirugía en algunos casos.(AU)

Objective: To assess the efficacy of the vacuum bell during puberty,according to the daily hours of use and treatment duration.Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of patients treatedwith vacuum bell during puberty in the 2010-2021 period was carried out. Several variables were collected, including baseline and finalsinking, repaired sinking expressed in cm and as a percentage frombaseline sinking, daily hours of use, treatment duration, and complications. Patients were categorized into groups according to the daily hoursof use (≤ 3 hours; 4-5 hours; ≥ 6 hours) and treatment duration (6-12months; 13-24 months; 25-36 months; > 36 months), and they werestatistically analyzed.Results: A total of 50 patients – 41 male and 9 female – were studied, with a mean age of 12.5 years (range: 10-14 years). No significantdifferences among groups were observed in terms of baseline sinking,thoracic index, and final sinking. Repaired sinking did increase withthe daily hours of use, with significant differences. Complications weremild. 3 patients withdrew from follow-up, and 5 out of the 25 patientswho completed treatment achieved a good repair. Conclusions: To increase treatment efficacy, the vacuum bell shouldbe used for 6 hours/day during puberty. This method is well-tolerated,causes mild complications, and may be an alternative to surgery insome cases.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Funnel Chest/drug therapy , Funnel Chest/therapy , Puberty , Retrospective Studies
Cir Pediatr ; 36(3): 116-121, 2023 Jul 01.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37417215


OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of the vacuum bell during puberty, according to the daily hours of use and treatment duration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of patients treated with vacuum bell during puberty in the 2010-2021 period was carried out. Several variables were collected, including baseline and final sinking, repaired sinking expressed in cm and as a percentage from baseline sinking, daily hours of use, treatment duration, and complications. Patients were categorized into groups according to the daily hours of use (≤ 3 hours; 4-5 hours; ≥ 6 hours) and treatment duration (6-12 months; 13-24 months; 25-36 months; > 36 months), and they were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 50 patients -41 male and 9 female- were studied, with a mean age of 12.5 years (range: 10-14 years). No significant differences among groups were observed in terms of baseline sinking, thoracic index, and final sinking. Repaired sinking did increase with the daily hours of use, with significant differences. Complications were mild. 3 patients withdrew from follow-up, and 5 out of the 25 patients who completed treatment achieved a good repair. CONCLUSIONS: To increase treatment efficacy, the vacuum bell should be used for 6 hours/day during puberty. This method is well-tolerated, causes mild complications, and may be an alternative to surgery in some cases.

OBJETIVO: Evaluar la eficacia de la campana de succión durante la pubertad, según las horas diarias de uso y la duración del tratamiento. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente los pacientes tratados con campana de succión durante la pubertad en el periodo 2010-2021. Se recogieron diferentes variables, incluyendo el hundimiento inicial y final, el hundimiento corregido expresado en centímetros y en porcentaje con respecto al hundimiento inicial, las horas diarias de uso, la duración del tratamiento y las complicaciones. Se categorizaron los pacientes en grupos según las horas diarias de uso (≤ 3 horas; 4-5 horas; ≥ 6 horas) y la duración del tratamiento (6-12 meses; 13-24 meses; 25-36 meses; > 36 meses), y se analizaron estadísticamente. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron un total de 50 pacientes; 41 varones y 9 mujeres, con una edad media de 12,5 años (rango 10-14 años). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre los diferentes grupos en relación con el hundimiento inicial, el índice torácico y el hundimiento final. El hundimiento corregido aumentó en relación con las horas diarias de uso, con diferencias significativas. Las complicaciones fueron leves, 3 pacientes abandonaron el seguimiento y 5 pacientes de los 25 que finalizaron el tratamiento, alcanzaron una buena corrección. CONCLUSIONES: Para aumentar la eficacia del tratamiento, el tiempo de uso de la campana de succión durante la pubertad debería alcanzar las 6 horas diarias. Este método es bien tolerado, presenta leves complicaciones y puede ser una alternativa a la cirugía en algunos casos.

Funnel Chest , Humans , Male , Female , Child , Funnel Chest/surgery , Vacuum , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Puberty
Cir. pediátr ; 35(4): 160-164, Oct. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-210857


Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio es evaluar los casos de hiper-lipasemia detectados en el posoperatorio de la apendicitis perforada.Material y método: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente los casos deapendicitis perforada en nuestro centro durante 7 años (2013-2019),seleccionando aquellos con mediciones preoperatorias y posoperatorias de lipasa sérica. Las diferentes variables recogidas se analizaron estadísticamente de manera descriptiva y univariante. Resultados: Se estudiaron un total de 88 pacientes que se dividieron en tres grupos según el valor de la lipasa posoperatoria: 57 correspondenal grupo 1 (lipasa 70-194 U/L, rango normal), 20 al grupo 2 (lipasa 195-582 U/L) y 11 al grupo 3 (lipasa > 582 U/L, valor tres veces por encimadel normal). Las variables que mostraron diferencias estadísticamentesignificativas fueron el sexo, el absceso posoperatorio, la suboclusión/oclusión intestinal posoperatoria, la lipasa preoperatoria, los días denutrición parenteral, los días de ingreso en UCI y los días de estanciahospitalaria. La lipasa posoperatoria mostró una correlación moderadacon la lipasa preoperatoria y ningún caso cumplió criterios diagnósticosde pancreatitis aguda. Conclusiones: La hiperlipasemia en el posoperatorio de la apendicitis perforada no se asocia al desarrollo de pancreatitis clínica, perosí se asocia a una peor evolución en relación con un aumento de complicaciones, como la suboclusión/oclusión intestinal y el absceso intraabdominal, y un mayor número de días de ingreso en UCI, de díasde nutrición parenteral y de estancia hospitalaria. Existe una moderadacorrelación entre la lipasa preoperatoria y posoperatoria, de modo queambas podrían ser útiles como marcadores pronósticos.(AU)

Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the hyperli-pasemia cases detected in the postoperative period of perforated ap-pendicitis. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of the perforatedappendicitis cases occurred in our institution over a 7-year period (2013-2019) was carried out. Only cases where preoperative and postoperativeserum lipase levels were available were included. The variables collectedwere statistically assessed by means of a descriptive, univariate analysis.Results: A total of 88 patients were studied. They were divided into3 groups according to postoperative lipase levels – 57 were allocatedto Group 1 (lipase: 70-194 U/L, normal range), 20 were allocated toGroup 2 (lipase: 195-582 U/L), and 11 were allocated to Group 3 (li-pase: > 582 U/L, which triples normal levels). Statistically significantdifferences were found in the following variables: sex, postoperativeabscess, postoperative subocclusion/intestinal occlusion, preoperativelipase levels, days of parenteral nutrition, days of ICU stay, and daysof hospital stay. Postoperative lipase had a moderate correlation withpreoperative lipase, and none of the cases met acute pancreatitis di-agnostic criteria. Conclusions: Hyperlipasemia in the postoperative period of perfo-rated appendicitis is not associated with developing clinical pancreatitis,but it is associated with worse progression in terms of increased compli-cations, such as subocclusion/intestinal occlusion and intra-abdominalabscess, and longer ICU stay, hospital stay, and parenteral nutrition.There is a moderate correlation between preoperative and postoperativelipase, which means they could both prove useful as prognostic markers.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Appendicitis , Appendix/surgery , Appendectomy , Lipase , Intestinal Obstruction , Postoperative Period , Postoperative Complications , General Surgery , Pediatrics , Child Health
Cir Pediatr ; 35(4): 160-164, 2022 Oct 01.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36217785


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the hyperlipasemia cases detected in the postoperative period of perforated appendicitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the perforated appendicitis cases occurred in our institution over a 7-year period (2013-2019) was carried out. Only cases where preoperative and postoperative serum lipase levels were available were included. The variables collected were statistically assessed by means of a descriptive, univariate analysis. RESULTS: A total of 88 patients were studied. They were divided into 3 groups according to postoperative lipase levels - 57 were allocated to Group 1 (lipase: 70-194.0 U/L, normal range), 20 were allocated to Group 2 (lipase: 195-582 U/L), and 11 were allocated to Group 3 (lipase: > 582 U/L, which triples normal levels). Statistically significant differences were found in the following variables: sex, postoperative abscess, postoperative subocclusion/intestinal occlusion, preoperative lipase levels, days of parenteral nutrition, days of ICU stay, and days of hospital stay. Postoperative lipase had a moderate correlation with preoperative lipase, and none of the cases met acute pancreatitis diagnostic criteria. CONCLUSIONS: Hyperlipasemia in the postoperative period of perforated appendicitis is not associated with developing clinical pancreatitis, but it is associated with worse progression in terms of increased complications, such as subocclusion/intestinal occlusion and intra-abdominal abscess, and longer ICU stay, hospital stay, and parenteral nutrition. There is a moderate correlation between preoperative and postoperative lipase, which means they could both prove useful as prognostic markers.

OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio es evaluar los casos de hiperlipasemia detectados en el posoperatorio de la apendicitis perforada. MATERIAL Y METODO: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente los casos de apendicitis perforada en nuestro centro durante 7 años (2013-2019), seleccionando aquellos con mediciones preoperatorias y posoperatorias de lipasa sérica. Las diferentes variables recogidas se analizaron estadísticamente de manera descriptiva y univariante. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron un total de 88 pacientes que se dividieron en tres grupos según el valor de la lipasa posoperatoria: 57 corresponden al grupo 1 (lipasa 70-194 U/L, rango normal), 20 al grupo 2 (lipasa 195-582 U/L) y 11 al grupo 3 (lipasa > 582 U/L, valor tres veces por encima del normal). Las variables que mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas fueron el sexo, el absceso posoperatorio, la suboclusión/oclusión intestinal posoperatoria, la lipasa preoperatoria, los días de nutrición parenteral, los días de ingreso en UCI y los días de estancia hospitalaria. La lipasa posoperatoria mostró una correlación moderada con la lipasa preoperatoria y ningún caso cumplió criterios diagnósticos de pancreatitis aguda. CONCLUSIONES: La hiperlipasemia en el posoperatorio de la apendicitis perforada no se asocia al desarrollo de pancreatitis clínica, pero sí se asocia a una peor evolución en relación con un aumento de complicaciones, como la suboclusión/oclusión intestinal y el absceso intraabdominal, y un mayor número de días de ingreso en UCI, de días de nutrición parenteral y de estancia hospitalaria. Existe una moderada correlación entre la lipasa preoperatoria y posoperatoria, de modo que ambas podrían ser útiles como marcadores pronósticos.

Appendicitis , Intestinal Obstruction , Pancreatitis , Acute Disease , Appendectomy/adverse effects , Appendicitis/complications , Appendicitis/surgery , Child , Humans , Lipase , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Postoperative Period , Retrospective Studies
Cir Pediatr ; 30(3): 146-151, 2017 Jul 20.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29043692


PURPOUSE: The aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound to differentiate appendicitis from nonspecific acute abdominal pain, that is the most common process requiring differential diagnosis in clinical practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients admitted for suspicion of appendicitis were prospectively evaluated in our hospital during two years (2013-2014). Cases of nonspecific acute abdominal pain and appendicitis assessed by ultrasound were enrolled in the study. The different variables collected were statistically analyzed by descriptive, univariate and diagnostic accuracy studies. RESULTS: A total of 275 patients were studied, 143 cases of nonspecific acute abdominal pain and 132 cases of appendicitis. Ultrasound sensitivity and specificity to differentiate appendicitis were 94.7% and 87.4% respectively, with a 12.6% rate of false positives and a 5.3% rate of false negatives. The rate of false negatives in perforated group was 17.4% and analysis according to Pediatric Appendicitis Score risk groups showed a 12.2% rate of false positives in low-risk group and a 6.3% rate of false negatives in high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: The use of ultrasound in low clinical probability cases of appendicitis could rise unnecessary surgery rate, due to the significant number of false positives in this group of patients. In high probability clinical cases, ultrasound does not contribute too much to diagnosis and it could be a confusion factor by the significant number of false negative associated to perforated appendicitis.

OBJETIVO: El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la ecografía para diferenciar la apendicitis del dolor abdominal agudo inespecífico, principal proceso con el que requiere diagnóstico diferencial en la práctica clínica. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Se evaluaron los pacientes atendidos por sospecha de apendicitis en nuestro centro durante 2 años (2013-2014), incorporando al estudio los casos de dolor abdominal agudo inespecífico y apendicitis en los que se realizó ecografía. Las diferentes variables recogidas se analizaron estadísticamente de manera descriptiva, univariante y con estudios de rendimiento diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 275 casos; 143 casos de dolor abdominal agudo inespecífico y 132 casos de apendicitis. La sensibilidad y especificidad de la ecografía para diferenciar apendicitis fue del 94,7% y 87,4%, respectivamente, con un porcentaje de falsos positivos del 12,6% y de falsos negativos del 5,3%. El porcentaje de falsos negativos en el grupo de apendicitis perforada alcanzó el 17,4% y el análisis según los grupos de riesgo establecidos por el Pediatric Appendicitis Score mostró un porcentaje de falsos positivos del 12,2% en el grupo de bajo riesgo y de falsos negativos del 6,3% en el grupo de alto riesgo. CONCLUSIONES: El uso de la ecografía en casos de baja probabilidad clínica de apendicitis podría incrementar la tasa de cirugía innecesaria, debido al significativo número de falsos positivos en este grupo de pacientes. En casos de alta probabilidad clínica de apendicitis, la ecografía aporta poco al diagnóstico, e incluso podría ser un factor de confusión por el significativo número de falsos negativos asociados a la apendicitis perforada.

Abdominal Pain/diagnostic imaging , Acute Pain/diagnostic imaging , Appendicitis/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/methods , Child , Diagnosis, Differential , False Negative Reactions , False Positive Reactions , Female , Humans , Male , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity
Cir. pediátr ; 30(3): 146-151, jul. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-168009


Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la ecografía para diferenciar la apendicitis del dolor abdominal agudo inespecífico, principal proceso con el que requiere diagnóstico diferencial en la práctica clínica. Material y métodos. Se evaluaron los pacientes atendidos por sospecha de apendicitis en nuestro centro durante 2 años (2013-2014), incorporando al estudio los casos de dolor abdominal agudo inespecífico y apendicitis en los que se realizó ecografía. Las diferentes variables recogidas se analizaron estadísticamente de manera descriptiva, univariante y con estudios de rendimiento diagnóstico. Resultados. Se estudiaron 275 casos; 143 casos de dolor abdominal agudo inespecífico y 132 casos de apendicitis. La sensibilidad y especificidad de la ecografía para diferenciar apendicitis fue del 94,7% y 87,4%, respectivamente, con un porcentaje de falsos positivos del 12,6% y de falsos negativos del 5,3%. El porcentaje de falsos negativos en el grupo de apendicitis perforada alcanzó el 17,4% y el análisis según los grupos de riesgo establecidos por el Pediatric Appendicitis Score mostró un porcentaje de falsos positivos del 12,2% en el grupo de bajo riesgo y de falsos negativos del 6,3% en el grupo de alto riesgo. Conclusiones. El uso de la ecografía en casos de baja probabilidad clínica de apendicitis podría incrementar la tasa de cirugía innecesaria, debido al significativo número de falsos positivos en este grupo de pacientes. En casos de alta probabilidad clínica de apendicitis, la ecografía aporta poco al diagnóstico, e incluso podría ser un factor de confusión por el significativo número de falsos negativos asociados a la apendicitis perforada (AU)

Purpose. The aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound to differentiate appendicitis from nonspecific acute abdominal pain, that is the most common process requiring differential diagnosis in clinical practice. Material and methods. Patients admitted for suspicion of appendicitis were prospectively evaluated in our hospital during two years (2013-2014). Cases of nonspecific acute abdominal pain and appendicitis assessed by ultrasound were enrolled in the study. The different variables collected were statistically analyzed by descriptive, univariate and diagnostic accuracy studies. Results. A total of 275 patients were studied, 143 cases of nonspecific acute abdominal pain and 132 cases of appendicitis. Ultrasound sensitivity and specificity to differentiate appendicitis were 94.7% and 87.4% respectively, with a 12.6% rate of false positives and a 5.3% rate of false negatives. The rate of false negatives in perforated group was 17.4% and analysis according to Pediatric Appendicitis Score risk groups showed a 12.2% rate of false positives in low-risk group and a 6.3% rate of false negatives in high-risk group. Conclusions. The use of ultrasound in low clinical probability cases of appendicitis could rise unnecessary surgery rate, due to the significant number of false positives in this group of patients. In high probability clinical cases, ultrasound does not contribute too much to diagnosis and it could be a confusion factor by the significant number of false negative associated to perforated appendicitis (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Appendicitis/diagnostic imaging , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Ultrasonography , Palpation/methods , Percussion/methods , Predictive Value of Tests , Diagnosis, Differential , Prospective Studies , -Statistical Analysis , ROC Curve
Acta pediatr. esp ; 71(3): 81-81[e54-e58], mar. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-110383


El divertículo de Meckel es la malformación congénita más frecuente del tracto gastrointestinal. La hemorragia digestiva baja, que se asocia a la presencia de mucosa gástrica ectópica, es una de sus formas de presentación en el niño y, generalmente, no se relaciona con un factor desencadenante demostrable. Presentamos los casos de 2 pacientes con hemorragia digestiva baja, en los que se detectó un divertículo de Meckel con mucosa gástrica ectópica. En ambos se había iniciado tratamiento con ibuprofeno poco tiempo antes del inicio del sangrado. Creemos que el ibuprofeno actuó como factor desencadenante de la hemorragia, ya que puede causar una erosión de la mucosa gástrica(AU)

Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding associated with ectopic gastric mucosa, is one of its manifestations in children and usually it has not demonstrable triggering factors. We present 2 patients with lower gastrointestinal bleeding in which Meckel's diverticulum with ectopic gastric mucosa was detected. Both received ibuprofen treatment started close before bleeding begin. Our opinion ibuprofen was the triggering factor for hemorrhage, because it can cause erosions in the gastric mucosa(AU)

Humans , Ibuprofen/adverse effects , Meckel Diverticulum/complications , Gastric Mucosa/pathology , Risk Factors
Acta pediatr. esp ; 68(9): 442-445, oct. 2010. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-83230


En los últimos años ha aumentado el uso de dermis artificial (Integra®) en niños, siendo su principal indicación la reconstrucción cutánea tras una quemadura o una extirpación de lesiones congénitas. Su uso en heridas traumáticas en niños es todavía poco frecuente, con escasas referencias en la bibliografía. Recientemente hemos utilizado dermis artificial en tres pacientes de 7, 9 y 13 años de edad, que presentaban heridas traumáticas en el miembro inferior izquierdo, el miembro inferior derecho y la región frontal, respectivamente. En todos los casos existía una importante pérdida de sustancia con exposición ósea y/o tendinosa. La dermis artificial se colocó entre los días 7 y 10 de evolución, siguiendo el protocolo habitual, tras el desbridamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones. En los tres casos la evolución ha sido satisfactoria, sin complicaciones y con unos buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales. El uso de dermis artificial en el caso de heridas traumáticas, con una importante pérdida de sustancia y exposición ósea y/o tendinosa, debe considerarse como una alternativa a los injertos de piel parcial o total, a los expansores tisulares e incluso a las transferencias de tejidos. En este tipo de heridas recomendamos la aplicación diferida de la dermis artificial (AU)

In recent years, the use of artificial dermal matrix (Integra®) in children has increased, being its main indication skin reconstruction after burn or removal of congenital lesions. Its use in traumatic wounds in children is rare, with few references in the literature. Recently, we have used artificial dermal matrix in 3 patients of 7, 9 and 13 years of age that presented traumatic wounds in left lower limb, right lower limb and frontal region respectively. In all cases there were important tissue defects with exposed bone and/or tendon. The artificial dermal matrix was applied between the 7th and 10th day of evolution, following the usual protocol, after surgical debridement of the wounds. In all 3 cases the evolution has been satisfactory, without complications and with good aesthetic and functional results. The use of artificial dermal matrix (Integra®) in cases of traumatic wounds, with important tissue subsastances and exposed bone and/or tendon, must be considered as an alternative to split or full thickness skin grafting, skin expansion and even skin flaps. We recommend in these wounds the deferred application of artificial dermal matrix (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Skin, Artificial , Wounds, Penetrating/surgery , Skin Transplantation/methods , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods
Cir. pediátr ; 21(4): 199-202, oct. 2008. tab
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-67655


La infección de la herida, tras la apendicectomía en la infancia, esun problema frecuente y que produce trastornos muy molestos. Revisamos prospectivamente a los niños operados por apendicitis aguda, con técnicas quirúrgicas convencionales, durante un período consecutivo de 9 meses (Grupo Control: 58 pacientes), y a los niños intervenidos durante los 9 meses siguientes, bajo las mismas circunstancias quirúrgicas excepto utilizar, de manera aleatoria, sutura recubierta de antiséptico (Vicryl Plus®, Ethicon Johnson & Johnson Medical), para el cierre de la pared abdominal en un Subgrupo o esponja de colágeno impregnada en gentamicina (Collatamp EG®, Acuña Fombona, S.A.;Schering-Plough, S.A.), introducida entre la musculatura de la incisión, en el otro Subgrupo (Grupo Estudio: 101 pacientes).Estudiamos en los dos grupos, fundamentalmente, la incidencia de abscesos de pared y la estancia media hospitalaria. La introducción de suturas recubiertas de antiséptico y/o esponja de colágeno impregnada en gentamicina, en el cierre de la herida quirúrgica postapendicectomía, ha contribuido a reducir de manera estadísticamente significativa la incidencia de abscesos de pared y de la estancia media hospitalaria de los niños incluidos en el Grupo Estudio, con respecto a los pertenecientes al Grupo Control (AU)

Postappendectomy wound infection is frequent in the pediatric age. It causes them important discomfort. We have conducted a prospective clinical study to evaluate this incidence under different surgical management. The subjects were children undergoing appendectomy for acute appendicitis. The patients belonging to the Control Group were operated, by standard surgical technique, along the first 9 months of the study period (n: 58).The Study Group was constituted by 101 children operated during the 9 consecutive months, identical on the basis of demographics and operations undergone, except for the use of, in an aleatory manner, sutures with antiseptic impregnation (Vicryl Plus®, Ethicon Johnson& Johnson Medical), to close the incision in children included in Study Sub-Group A, or gentamycin-containing collagen sponge (CollatampEG®, Acuña Fombona, S.A.; Schering-Plough, S.A.), placed within the muscles before wound closure,. In the children belonging to the Study Sub-Group B. We have analyzed in the two Groups the incidence of postoperative wound infection and the mean Hospital stay. The use of sutures with antiseptic impregnation and/or gentamycin containing collagen sponge, significantly reduced the wound infection rates in the children operated on for appendectomy included in the Study Group, compared with the ones in the Control Group, therefore contributing to decrease the Hospital length of stay (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Abdominal Abscess/diagnosis , Abdominal Abscess/surgery , Appendicitis/surgery , Suture Techniques , Appendectomy/methods , Collagen/therapeutic use , Abdominal Wall/pathology , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Abdominal Wall , Sutures , Prospective Studies , Length of Stay/trends , Gentamicins/therapeutic use
Acta pediatr. esp ; 66(5): 241-244, mayo 2008. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-68108


Se denomina tiroides ectópico a la presencia de tejido tiroideofuncionante en una localización diferente a su posición normal pretraqueal. Su prevalencia en la población general es muy baja, y es una causa rara de tumoración cervical. Presentamos el caso clínico de una niña de 8 años de edad con una tumoración cervical asintomática, que fue diagnosticada de tiroidesectópico cervical. En el niño con tumoración cervical, la localización habitual de la glándula tiroides en su posición normal mediante ecografía es un método fiable e inocuo para excluir el tiroides ectópico y evitar su exéresis inadvertida. A pesar de su rareza, es un diagnóstico que debe considerarse en la evaluación de todo niño con tumoración cervical(AU)

Ectopic thyroid is the presence of functional thyroid tissue at a site other than its normal pretracheal position. Its prevalence in the general population is very low, and it rarely produces a mass. Here, we present the case of an 8-year-old girl with a neck mass that was diagnosed as ectopic thyroid tissue. In children with neck masses, the location of the thyroid gland in its normal position by routine ultrasound scan is a reliable and noninvasive method of ruling out ectopic thyroid and avoiding its inadvertent excision. In spite of its rarity, this diagnosis should be considered in the evaluation of any child with a neck mass(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Carotid Body Tumor/complications , Carotid Body Tumor/diagnosis , Carcinoid Tumor/complications , Carcinoid Tumor/diagnosis , Carcinoid Tumor , Choristoma/diagnosis , Choristoma/pathology , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Thyroid Diseases/complications , Tomography, Emission-Computed/methods , Tomography, Emission-Computed/trends , Thyroid Gland/pathology , Thyroid Gland
Eur J Pediatr Surg ; 16(4): 265-8, 2006 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16981092


Endobronchial tuberculosis is rare in children, in whom it is usually a complication of primary tuberculosis. Endobronchial involvement may adopt several forms, with granuloma being infrequent. Here we report on 10 cases of endobronchial tuberculous granuloma diagnosed and treated in our Paediatric Surgery Service between 1991 and 2004. In 2 cases the presentation was acute and constituted the first manifestation of TB; the remaining patients were undergoing treatment or had been treated for primary TB, and presented with clinical symptoms or radiological signs that led us to suspect endobronchial involvement. In all cases the granuloma was removed by bronchoscopy. Patients received conventional medical TB treatment, with corticoids for 4 weeks following granuloma removal. The clinical course was favourable in all cases and on follow-up we saw no complications. Endobronchial tuberculous granuloma should be borne in mind in children with symptoms or signs of airway obstruction and especially during the course of tuberculosis treatment.

Bronchial Diseases/drug therapy , Tuberculosis/drug therapy , Bronchial Diseases/diagnosis , Bronchoscopy , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Granuloma/diagnosis , Granuloma/drug therapy , Humans , Infant , Male , Tuberculosis/diagnosis
J Perinatol ; 26(6): 368-70, 2006 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16724077


We report a case of a neonatal male with a prenatal diagnosis of umbilical cord cyst that was finally diagnosed as an ileal duplication cyst after post-natal surgical exploration of the umbilical mass. To our knowledge, a similar case has never been reported previously. Although this form of presentation of enteric duplication cyst is exceptional, it should be taken into consideration when evaluating suspected umbilical cord cysts.

Ileal Diseases/complications , Ileum/abnormalities , Adult , Cysts/complications , Cysts/diagnosis , Cysts/pathology , Cysts/surgery , Diagnosis, Differential , Digestive System Abnormalities/complications , Digestive System Abnormalities/pathology , Digestive System Abnormalities/surgery , Female , Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Humans , Ileal Diseases/pathology , Ileal Diseases/surgery , Ileum/pathology , Ileum/surgery , Infant, Newborn , Male , Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis , Umbilical Cord
An Pediatr (Barc) ; 64(3): 277-9, 2006 Mar.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16527098


Splenogonadal fusion is a rare congenital malformation that results from abnormal connection of splenic tissue with the gonad or the mesonephric structures during embryonic development. It is usually detected in males and is classified into two types, continuous and discontinuous. We present the case of a 3-year-old boy with an asymptomatic scrotal mass that was suspicious for discontinuous splenogonadal fusion on Doppler ultrasonography. The diagnosis was confirmed by surgical excision and histological analysis. Splenogonadal fusion is a benign anomaly that has sometimes led to unnecessary orchidectomy because of suspicion that the mass represented a malignant tumor. Consequently, it is essential to include this malformation in the differential diagnosis of scrotal masses in children.

Choristoma/diagnosis , Spleen , Testicular Diseases/diagnosis , Child, Preschool , Diagnosis, Differential , Humans , Male
An. pediatr. (2003, Ed. impr.) ; 64(3): 277-279, mar. 2006. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-045710


La fusión esplenogonadal es una rara malformación congénita que resulta de la unión anómala de tejido esplénico con la gónada o derivados mesonéfricos durante el desarrollo embrionario. Se detecta fundamentalmente en varones y se describen dos formas, continua y discontinua. Presentamos el caso de un niño de 3 años con una masa escrotal asintomática sospechosa de fusión esplenogonadal discontinua en la ecografía Doppler realizada. La extirpación quirúrgica y el análisis histológico confirman el diagnóstico. La fusión esplenogonadal es una anomalía benigna que en ocasiones ha motivado una innecesaria orquidectomía ante la sospecha de un tumor maligno, por lo que es esencial incluirla dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de las masas escrotales en el niño

Splenogonadal fusion is a rare congenital malformation that results from abnormal connection of splenic tissue with the gonad or the mesonephric structures during embryonic development. It is usually detected in males and is classified into two types, continuous and discontinuous. We present the case of a 3-year-old boy with an asymptomatic scrotal mass that was suspicious for discontinuous splenogonadal fusion on Doppler ultrasonography. The diagnosis was confirmed by surgical excision and histological analysis. Splenogonadal fusion is a benign anomaly that has sometimes led to unnecessary orchidectomy because of suspicion that the mass represented a malignant tumor. Consequently, it is essential to include this malformation in the differential diagnosis of scrotal masses in children

Male , Child, Preschool , Humans , Choristoma/diagnosis , Spleen , Testicular Diseases/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential
Eur J Pediatr Surg ; 15(6): 441-5, 2005 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16418966


Müllerian malformations include a broad range of anomalies, resulting from the incomplete formation and/or differentiation of the Müllerian ducts. The uterus didelphys with obstructed hemivagina represents the result of a lateral nonfusion of the Müllerian ducts with asymmetric obstruction, and it is almost always associated with renal agenesis. We report a case of incidental discovery of this anomaly in a 12-year-old girl during a routine renal ultrasound. A right multicystic dysplastic kidney had been detected in the prenatal and neonatal period with no evidence of uterine anomaly. Postnatal ultrasound examinations performed regularly had never detected either right renal tissue or the uterine anomaly before menarche. Hematocolpos after menarche made uterine anomaly detection easier. Magnetic resonance imaging performed to evaluate the uterine malformation detected a dysplastic right kidney. We review the present knowledge and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of this anomaly, and we emphasize the use of magnetic resonance imaging not only for the evaluation and classification of Müllerian malformations, but also for the detection of the persistence of renal tissue missed with other studies.

Polycystic Kidney Diseases/complications , Uterus/abnormalities , Vagina/abnormalities , Child , Female , Hematocolpos/etiology , Hematocolpos/surgery , Humans , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Nephrectomy , Polycystic Kidney Diseases/surgery