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Phys Rev E ; 109(4-1): 044135, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38755901


We investigate steady-state current fluctuations in two models of hardcore run-and-tumble particles (RTPs) on a periodic one-dimensional lattice of L sites, for arbitrary tumbling rate γ=τ_{p}^{-1} and density ρ; model I consists of standard hardcore RTPs, while model II is an analytically tractable variant of model I, called a long-ranged lattice gas (LLG). We show that, in the limit of L large, the fluctuation of cumulative current Q_{i}(T,L) across the ith bond in a time interval T≫1/D grows first subdiffusively and then diffusively (linearly) with T: 〈Q_{i}^{2}〉∼T^{α} with α=1/2 for 1/D≪T≪L^{2}/D and α=1 for T≫L^{2}/D, where D(ρ,γ) is the collective- or bulk-diffusion coefficient; at small times T≪1/D, exponent α depends on the details. Remarkably, regardless of the model details, the scaled bond-current fluctuations D〈Q_{i}^{2}(T,L)〉/2χL≡W(y) as a function of scaled variable y=DT/L^{2} collapse onto a universal scaling curve W(y), where χ(ρ,γ) is the collective particle mobility. In the limit of small density and tumbling rate, ρ,γ→0, with ψ=ρ/γ fixed, there exists a scaling law: The scaled mobility γ^{a}χ(ρ,γ)/χ^{(0)}≡H(ψ) as a function of ψ collapses onto a scaling curve H(ψ), where a=1 and 2 in models I and II, respectively, and χ^{(0)} is the mobility in the limiting case of a symmetric simple exclusion process; notably, the scaling function H(ψ) is model dependent. For model II (LLG), we calculate exactly, within a truncation scheme, both the scaling functions, W(y) and H(ψ). We also calculate spatial correlation functions for the current and compare our theory with simulation results of model I; for both models, the correlation functions decay exponentially, with correlation length ξ∼τ_{p}^{1/2} diverging with persistence time τ_{p}≫1. Overall, our theory is in excellent agreement with simulations and complements the prior findings [T. Chakraborty and P. Pradhan, Phys. Rev. E 109, 024124 (2024)1539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.109.024124].

Phys Rev E ; 109(2-1): 024124, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491605


We characterize collective diffusion of hardcore run-and-tumble particles (RTPs) by explicitly calculating the bulk-diffusion coefficient D(ρ,γ) for arbitrary density ρ and tumbling rate γ, in systems on a d-dimensional periodic lattice. We study two minimal models of RTPs: Model I is the standard version of hardcore RTPs introduced in [Phys. Rev. E 89, 012706 (2014)10.1103/PhysRevE.89.012706], whereas model II is a long-ranged lattice gas (LLG) with hardcore exclusion, an analytically tractable variant of model I. We calculate the bulk-diffusion coefficient analytically for model II and numerically for model I through an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm; notably, both models have qualitatively similar features. In the strong-persistence limit γ→0 (i.e., dimensionless ratio r_{0}γ/v→0), with v and r_{0} being the self-propulsion speed and particle diameter, respectively, the fascinating interplay between persistence and interaction is quantified in terms of two length scales: (i) persistence length l_{p}=v/γ and (ii) a "mean free path," being a measure of the average empty stretch or gap size in the hopping direction. We find that the bulk-diffusion coefficient varies as a power law in a wide range of density: D∝ρ^{-α}, with exponent α gradually crossing over from α=2 at high densities to α=0 at low densities. As a result, the density relaxation is governed by a nonlinear diffusion equation with anomalous spatiotemporal scaling. In the thermodynamic limit, we show that the bulk-diffusion coefficient-for ρ,γ→0 with ρ/γ fixed-has a scaling form D(ρ,γ)=D^{(0)}F(ρav/γ), where a∼r_{0}^{d-1} is particle cross section and D^{(0)} is proportional to the diffusion coefficient of noninteracting particles; the scaling function F(ψ) is calculated analytically for model II (LLG) and numerically for model I. Our arguments are independent of dimensions and microscopic details.

Phys Rev E ; 108(3-1): 034107, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37849159


We consider a one-dimensional lattice gas model of hardcore particles with nearest-neighbor interaction in presence of a time-periodic external potential. We investigate how attractive or repulsive interaction affects particle transport and determine the conditions for optimum transport, i.e., the conditions for which the maximum dc particle current is achieved in the system. We find that the attractive interaction in fact hinders the transport, while the repulsive interaction generally enhances it. The net dc current is a result of the competition between the current induced by the periodic external drive and the diffusive current present in the system. When the diffusive current is negligible, particle transport in the limit of low particle density is optimized for the strongest possible repulsion. But when the particle density is large, very strong repulsion makes particle movement difficult in an overcrowded environment and, in that case, the optimal transport is obtained for somewhat weaker repulsive interaction. Our numerical simulations show reasonable agreement with our mean-field calculations. When the diffusive current is significantly large, the particle transport is still facilitated by repulsive interaction, but the conditions for optimality change. Our numerical simulations show that the optimal transport occurs at the strongest repulsive interaction for large particle density and at a weaker repulsion for small particle density.

Phys Rev E ; 107(2-1): 024109, 2023 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36932496


We study dynamic correlations for current and mass, as well as the associated power spectra, in the one-dimensional conserved Manna sandpile. We show that, in the thermodynamic limit, the variance of cumulative bond current up to time T grows subdiffusively as T^{1/2-µ} with the exponent µ≥0 depending on the density regimes considered and, likewise, the power spectra of current and mass at low frequency f varies as f^{1/2+µ} and f^{-3/2+µ}, respectively. Our theory predicts that, far from criticality, µ=0 and, near criticality, µ=(ß+1)/2ν_{⊥}z>0 with ß, ν_{⊥}, and z being the order parameter, correlation length, and dynamic exponents, respectively. The anomalous suppression of fluctuations near criticality signifies a "dynamic hyperuniformity," characterized by a set of fluctuation relations, in which current, mass, and tagged-particle displacement fluctuations are shown to have a precise quantitative relationship with the density-dependent activity (or its derivative). In particular, the relation, D_{s}(ρ[over ¯])=a(ρ[over ¯])/ρ[over ¯], between the self-diffusion coefficient D_{s}(ρ[over ¯]), activity a(ρ[over ¯]) and density ρ[over ¯] explains a previous simulation observation [Eur. Phys. J. B 72, 441 (2009)10.1140/epjb/e2009-00367-0] that, near criticality, the self-diffusion coefficient in the Manna sandpile has the same scaling behavior as the activity.

Phys Rev E ; 103(4-1): 042133, 2021 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34005942


We calculate the bulk-diffusion coefficient and the conductivity in nonequilibrium conserved-mass aggregation processes on a ring. These processes involve chipping and fragmentation of masses, which diffuse on a lattice and aggregate with their neighboring masses on contact, and, under certain conditions, they exhibit a condensation transition. We find that, even in the absence of microscopic time reversibility, the systems satisfy an Einstein relation, which connects the ratio of the conductivity and the bulk-diffusion coefficient to mass fluctuation. Interestingly, when aggregation dominates over chipping, the conductivity or, equivalently, the mobility of masses, is greatly enhanced. The enhancement in the conductivity, in accordance with the Einstein relation, results in large mass fluctuations and can induce a mobility-driven clustering in the systems. Indeed, in a certain parameter regime, we show that the conductivity, along with the mass fluctuation, diverges beyond a critical density, thus characterizing the previously observed nonequilibrium condensation transition [Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3691 (1998)10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.3691] in terms of an instability in the conductivity. Notably, the bulk-diffusion coefficient remains finite in all cases. We find our analytic results in quite good agreement with simulations.

Phys Rev E ; 103(3-1): 032122, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33862746


We study relaxation of long-wavelength density perturbations in a one-dimensional conserved Manna sandpile. Far from criticality where correlation length ξ is finite, relaxation of density profiles having wave numbers k→0 is diffusive, with relaxation time τ_{R}∼k^{-2}/D with D being the density-dependent bulk-diffusion coefficient. Near criticality with kξ≳1, the bulk diffusivity diverges and the transport becomes anomalous; accordingly, the relaxation time varies as τ_{R}∼k^{-z}, with the dynamical exponent z=2-(1-ß)/ν_{⊥}<2, where ß is the critical order-parameter exponent and ν_{⊥} is the critical correlation-length exponent. Relaxation of initially localized density profiles on an infinite critical background exhibits a self-similar structure. In this case, the asymptotic scaling form of the time-dependent density profile is analytically calculated: we find that, at long times t, the width σ of the density perturbation grows anomalously, σ∼t^{w}, with the growth exponent ω=1/(1+ß)>1/2. In all cases, theoretical predictions are in reasonably good agreement with simulations.

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 052611, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575180


We derive hydrodynamics of a prototypical one-dimensional model, having variable-range hopping, which mimics passive diffusion and ballistic motion of active, or self-propelled, particles. The model has two main ingredients-the hardcore interaction and the competing mechanisms of short- and long-range hopping. We calculate two density-dependent transport coefficients-the bulk-diffusion coefficient and the conductivity, the ratio of which, despite violation of detailed balance, is connected to particle-number fluctuation by an Einstein relation. In the limit of infinite-range hopping, the model exhibits, upon tuning density ρ (or activity), a "superfluidlike" transition from a finitely conducting fluid phase to an infinitely conducting "superfluid" phase, characterized by a divergence in conductivity χ(ρ)∼(ρ-ρ_{c})^{-1} with ρ_{c} being the critical density. The diverging conductivity greatly increases particle (or vacancy) mobility and thus induces "giant" number fluctuations in the system.

Phys Rev E ; 99(5-1): 052604, 2019 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31212568


We study coarse-grained density fluctuations in the disordered phase of the paradigmatic Vicsek-like models of self-propelled particles with alignment interactions and random self-propulsion velocities. By numerically integrating a fluctuation-response relation-the direct consequence of an additivity property-we compute logarithm of the large-deviation probabilities of the coarse-grained subsystem density, while the system is in the disordered fluid phase with vanishing macroscopic velocity. The large-deviation probabilities, computed within additivity, agree remarkably well with that obtained from direct microscopic simulations of the models. Our results provide evidence of the existence of an equilibriumlike chemical potential, which governs the coarse-grained density fluctuations in the Vicsek-like models. Moreover, comparison of the particle-number fluctuations among several self-propelled particle systems suggests a common mechanism through which the number fluctuations arise in such systems.

Phys Rev E ; 97(6-1): 062142, 2018 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30011450


We study conserved stochastic sandpiles (CSSs), which exhibit an active-absorbing phase transition upon tuning density ρ. We demonstrate that a broad class of CSSs possesses a remarkable hydrodynamic structure: There is an Einstein relation σ^{2}(ρ)=χ(ρ)/D(ρ), which connects bulk-diffusion coefficient D(ρ), conductivity χ(ρ), and mass fluctuation, or scaled variance of subsystem mass, σ^{2}(ρ). Consequently, density large-deviations are governed by an equilibrium-like chemical potential µ(ρ)∼lna(ρ), where a(ρ) is the activity in the system. By using the above hydrodynamics, we derive two scaling relations: As Δ=(ρ-ρ_{c})→0^{+}, ρ_{c} being the critical density, (i) the mass fluctuation σ^{2}(ρ)∼Δ^{1-δ} with δ=0 and (ii) the dynamical exponent z=2+(ß-1)/ν_{⊥}, expressed in terms of two static exponents ß and ν_{⊥} for activity a(ρ)∼Δ^{ß} and correlation length ξ∼Δ^{-ν_{⊥}}, respectively. Our results imply that conserved Manna sandpile, a well studied variant of the CSS, belongs to a distinct universality-not that of directed percolation (DP), which, without any conservation law as such, does not obey scaling relation (ii).

Phys Rev E ; 95(6-1): 062128, 2017 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28709216


We derive hydrodynamics of paradigmatic conserved-mass transport processes on a ring. The systems, governed by chipping, diffusion, and coalescence of masses, eventually reach a nonequilibrium steady state, having nontrivial correlations, with steady-state measures in most cases not known. In these processes, we analytically calculate two transport coefficients, bulk-diffusion coefficient and conductivity. Remarkably, the two transport coefficients obey an equilibrium-like Einstein relation even when the microscopic dynamics violates detailed balance and systems are far from equilibrium. Moreover, we show, using a macroscopic fluctuation theory, that the probability of large deviation in density, obtained from the above hydrodynamics, is in complete agreement with the same derived earlier by Das et al. [Phys. Rev. E 93, 062135 (2016)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.93.062135] using an additivity property.

Phys Rev E ; 93(6): 062124, 2016 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27415225


We study symmetric simple exclusion processes (SSEP) on a ring in the presence of uniformly moving multiple defects or disorders-a generalization of the model we proposed earlier [Phys. Rev. E 89, 022138 (2014)PLEEE81539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.89.022138]. The defects move with uniform velocity and change the particle hopping rates locally. We explore the collective effects of the defects on the spatial structure and transport properties of the system. We also introduce an SSEP with ordered sequential (sitewise) update and elucidate the close connection with our model.

Phys Rev E ; 93(6): 062135, 2016 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27415236


We exactly calculate two-point spatial correlation functions in steady state in a broad class of conserved-mass transport processes, which are governed by chipping, diffusion, and coalescence of masses. We find that the spatial correlations are in general short-ranged and, consequently, on a large scale, these transport processes possess a remarkable thermodynamic structure in the steady state. That is, the processes have an equilibrium-like additivity property and, consequently, a fluctuation-response relation, which help us to obtain subsystem mass distributions in the limit of subsystem size large.

Phys Rev E ; 93(5): 052606, 2016 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27300950


Using an additivity property, we study particle-number fluctuations in a system of interacting self-propelled particles, called active Brownian particles (ABPs), which consists of repulsive disks with random self-propulsion velocities. From a fluctuation-response relation, a direct consequence of additivity, we formulate a thermodynamic theory which captures the previously observed features of nonequilibrium phase transition in the ABPs from a homogeneous fluid phase to an inhomogeneous phase of coexisting gas and liquid. We substantiate the predictions of additivity by analytically calculating the subsystem particle-number distributions in the homogeneous fluid phase away from criticality where analytically obtained distributions are compatible with simulations in the ABPs.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26651647


We show that an equilibriumlike additivity property can remarkably lead to power-law distributions observed frequently in a wide class of out-of-equilibrium systems. The additivity property can determine the full scaling form of the distribution functions and the associated exponents. The asymptotic behavior of these distributions is solely governed by branch-cut singularity in the variance of subsystem mass. To substantiate these claims, we explicitly calculate, using the additivity property, subsystem mass distributions in a wide class of previously studied mass aggregation models as well as in their variants. These results could help in the thermodynamic characterization of nonequilibrium critical phenomena.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26465422


We study a class of nonequilibrium lattice models on a ring where particles hop in a particular direction, from a site to one of its (say, right) nearest neighbors, with a rate that depends on the occupation of all the neighboring sites within a range R. This finite-range process (FRP) for R=0 reduces to the well-known zero-range process (ZRP), giving rise to a factorized steady state (FSS) for any arbitrary hop rate. We show that, provided the hop rates satisfy a specific condition, the steady state of FRP can be written as a product of a cluster-weight function of (R+1) occupation variables. We show that, for a large class of cluster-weight functions, the cluster-factorized steady state admits a finite dimensional transfer-matrix formulation, which helps in calculating the spatial correlation functions and subsystem mass distributions exactly. We also discuss a criterion for which the FRP undergoes a condensation transition.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26172690


We ask what happens when two nonequilibrium systems in steady state are kept in contact and allowed to exchange a quantity, say mass, which is conserved in the combined system. Will the systems eventually evolve to a new stationary state where a certain intensive thermodynamic variable, like equilibrium chemical potential, equalizes following the zeroth law of thermodynamics and, if so, under what conditions is it possible? We argue that an equilibriumlike thermodynamic structure can be extended to nonequilibrium steady states having short-ranged spatial correlations, provided that the systems interact weakly to exchange mass with rates satisfying a balance condition-reminiscent of a detailed balance condition in equilibrium. The short-ranged correlations would lead to subsystem factorization on a coarse-grained level and the balance condition ensures both equalization of an intensive thermodynamic variable as well as ensemble equivalence, which are crucial for construction of a well-defined nonequilibrium thermodynamics. This proposition is proved and demonstrated in various conserved-mass transport processes having nonzero spatial correlations.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25353453


We study a system of interacting particles in a periodically moving external potential, within the simplest possible description of paradigmatic symmetric exclusion process on a ring. The model describes diffusion of hardcore particles where the diffusion dynamics is locally modified at a uniformly moving defect site, mimicking the effect of the periodically moving external potential. The model, though simple, exhibits remarkably rich features in particle transport, such as polarity reversal and double peaks in particle current upon variation of defect velocity and particle density. By tuning these variables, the most efficient transport can be achieved in either direction along the ring. These features can be understood in terms of a traveling density wave propagating in the system. Our results could be experimentally tested, e.g., in a system of colloidal particles driven by a moving optical tweezer.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(3): 030601, 2014 Jan 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484126


We show that, in conserved-mass transport processes, the steady-state distribution of mass in a subsystem is uniquely determined from the functional dependence of variance of the subsystem mass on its mean, provided that the joint mass distribution of subsystems is factorized in the thermodynamic limit. The factorization condition is not too restrictive as it would hold in systems with short-ranged spatial correlations. To demonstrate the result, we revisit a broad class of mass transport models and its generic variants, and show that the variance of the subsystem mass in these models is proportional to the square of its mean. This particular functional form of the variance constrains the subsystem mass distribution to be a gamma distribution irrespective of the dynamical rules.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(4 Pt 1): 041104, 2011 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181084


For a class of nonequilibrium systems, called driven lattice gases, we study what happens when two systems are kept in contact and allowed to exchange particles with the total number of particles conserved. For both attractive and repulsive nearest-neighbor interactions among particles and for a wide range of parameter values, we find that, to a good approximation, one could define an intensive thermodynamic variable, such as the equilibrium chemical potential, that determines the final steady state for two initially separated driven lattice gases brought into contact. However, due to nontrivial contact dynamics, there are also observable deviations from this simple thermodynamic law. To illustrate the role of the contact dynamics, we study a variant of the zero-range process and discuss how the deviations could be explained by a modified large-deviation principle. We identify an additional contribution to the large-deviation function, which we call the excess chemical potential, for the variant of the zero-range process as well as the driven lattice gases. The excess chemical potential depends on the specifics of the contact dynamics and is in general a priori unknown. A contact dependence implies that, even though an intensive variable may equalize, the zeroth law could still be violated.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(5 Pt 1): 051130, 2011 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181391


We formulate an approximate thermodynamic theory of the phase transition in driven lattice gases with attractive nearest-neighbor interactions. We construct the van der Waals equation of state for a driven system where a nonequilibrium chemical potential can be expressed as a function of density and driving field. A Maxwell's construction leads to the phase transition from a homogeneous fluid phase to the coexisting phases of gas and liquid.
