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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 297-312, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385932


Resumen El suicidio es una problemática de salud mental de alto impacto en la sociedad actual, tanto en el mundo como en Colombia. Dentro de las conceptualizaciones modernas como el modelo socioecológico de la prevención del suicidio, se ha reconocido que los factores familiares son determinantes muy importantes del riesgo y la protección. El presente estudio tuvo como propósito evaluar un modelo explicativo del riesgo por ideación suicida en adolescentes que involucre las dimensiones de socialización parental y la funcionalidad familiar percibida, así como establecer la influencia del estilo de socialización de padres y madres. Para tales objetivos, se desarrolló un estudio cuantitativo, de alcance explicativo y de corte transversal. A una muestra de 268 adolescentes de 12 a 16 años, el 51.9 % de sexo femenino y 48.1 % masculino, ubicados en la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia, se aplicó la Escala de socialización parental en la adolescencia (ESPA-29), el APGAR Familiar y la Escala de Ideación Suicida BECK-HF. Mediante SPSS 25 y AMOS 25 se evaluaron cinco modelos explicativos diferentes. El modelo de mejores indicadores de bondad de ajuste (χ. = 22.2, p = .022, CMINDF = 2.023, CFI = .968, TLI = .919, NFI = .942, RMSEA = .061) establece una influencia de la aceptación/implicación de ambos padres sobre el funcionamiento familiar, lo que reduce el nivel de ideación suicida. En este último, también inciden directamente la edad y la coerción/imposición del padre. Como conclusión, se demuestra la importancia del funcionamiento familiar, de las conductas de apoyo y afecto de la dimensión aceptación/implicación, pues presentan un efecto protector ante el riesgo suicida. De igual manera, los datos ponen de relieve que las conductas de coerción/imposición del padre, mas no de la madre, fueron un factor de riesgo. Como limitante de este estudio se presenta la no inclusión de otros factores en el modelo que podrían influir en el riesgo suicida, por lo que se sugiere realizar investigaciones que tengan en cuenta estos otros factores a nivel social e intrapersonales, pero con evaluaciones desde el modelo explicativo, que poco se evidencia en la literatura científica.

Abstract Suicide is a high-impact mental health problem in today's society, both in the world and in Colombia: in fact, epidemiological data shows that there has been an upward trend in the suicide rate both in the country and in the city of Valledupar, which is the local context of interest. On the other hand, within modern conceptualizations such as the socio-ecological model of suicide prevention, it has been recognized that family factors are very important determinants of risk and protection. The different investigations reviewed as antecedents show congruently that family dysfunction as well as coercive paternal socialization behaviors are risk factors for suicide. Likewise, adequate family functionality and parental acceptance, and involvement behaviors are protective factors. Similarly, different studies have shown that older adolescents and females are at greater risk of suicidal behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an explanatory model of the risk of suicidal ideation, which involved the dimensions of parental socialization and perceived family functionality, as well as to establish the influence of the parents' socialization style, based on the findings of previous studies. For this purpose, a quantitative, explanatory and cross-sectional study was developed. The ESPA-29, the APGAR and the BECK-HF Suicidal Ideation Scale were applied to a sample of 268 adolescents from the city of Valledupar, Colombia. A simple random sampling was used for the selection of participants within a neighborhood of the city of Valledupar. The sample consisted of 51.9 % female and 48.1 % male adolescents. The approval of the parents was obtained through an informed consent of the legal representative, as well as an informed consent for the adolescents, which complies with the characteristics requested by the Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos. Using SPSS 25 and AMOS 25, five different explanatory models were evaluated, with a SEM modeling-Path Analysis. The model of best goodness of fit indicators (χ. = 22.2, p = .022, CMINDF = 2.023, CFI = .968, TLI = .919, NFI = .942, RMSEA = .061) establishes an influence of acceptance/involvement of both parents on family functioning, which reduces the level of suicidal ideation; age and coercion/imposition of the father also directly affect the latter. The data demonstrate the importance of family functioning and of supportive and affective behaviors of the acceptance/involvement dimension, since they present a protective effect against suicidal risk. In the same way, the data shows that the coercion/imposition behaviors of the father, but not the mother, were a risk factor. Although the father's authoritarian style did predict a greater risk of suicidal ideation, it was the indulgent style, and not the authoritative style, that presented the lowest risk. Although the measurements obtained by this research do not allow us to unambiguously explain why this difference occurs between the study's findings and what is suggested by the scientific literature regarding maternal and paternal styles of socialization in the face of suicide, there are possible determining factors for the results. The possibility is raised that, at a cultural level, beliefs about the maternal role in families in the Colombian Caribbean region, which arise from a formation of matrilocal families, influence the perception of greater acceptability of punishment by the mother towards their children. On the other hand, there is the lack of evidence of significant differences in terms of suicide risk according to sex. Some directions are suggested for future research, mainly to broaden the research spectrum on the role of the family in suicide prevention and to corroborate in the context of the Colombian Caribbean region the finding about the absence of effect of coercion/imposition behaviors carried out by the mother.

Ansiedad estrés ; 28(2)may-aug. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-203073


l propósito de la investigación fue obtener evidencia psicométrica de la escala de Valoración del autoconcepto con población universitaria de una ciudad colombiana, denominada con la sigla EVA-42 y previamente desarrollada por los autores del presente estudio, con base en el modelo de autoconcepto de Shavelson. Para ello, se realizó un muestreo por conglomerados de 500 universitarios de sexo femenino y masculino, de edades entre 16 y 54 años a quienes se aplicó de manera digital el EVA-42. Se estimaron los indicadores de bondad de ajuste mediante Análisis factorial confirmatorio y correlaciones entre las sub-escalas del EVA42 y otro instrumento de medición de autoconcepto denominado AF5 para realizar evidencia de validez de criterio concurrente; así mismo, se estimaron coeficientes de fiabilidad por consistencia interna y se establecieron baremos mediante centiles. Los resultados del Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio soportan una estructura pentafactorial con CMIN/DF=1.758, RMSEA=.039, TLI=.950, CFI=.958 y NFI=.908, así como valores de Spearman-Brown y a>.8 para la fiabilidad de todas las subescalas. Se concluye que el instrumento es adecuado para la medición del autoconcepto con población universitaria colombiana.

he purpose of the research was to obtain psychometric evidence of a measuring self-concept with the university population of a Colombian city, called EVA-42 and previously developed by the authors based on the Shavelson self-concept model. To do this, a cluster sampling of 500 university students to whom the EVA-42 was applied digitally was carried out. Indicators of goodness of fit were estimated using CFA and correlations between the subscales of the EVA-42 and another instrument for measuring self-concept called AF5; Likewise, reliability coefficients were estimated by internal consistency and scales were established using centiles. The AFC results support a penta-factorial structure with CMIN / DF = 1.758, RMSEA = .039, TLI = .950, CFI = .958 and NFI = .908, as well as Spearman-Brown values and a> .8 for reliability of all subscales. It is concluded that the instrument is adequate for measuring self-concept with the Colombian university population.

Humans , Health Sciences , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Social Identification , Mathematics
Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 149-162, ene. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149386


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar un modelo explicativo del ausentismo laboral, con base en la relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial y la mediación de la percepción de relaciones sociales y del estrés laboral; este se conformó con base en las predicciones de modelos teóricos como Demandas-Control, Desbalance Esfuerzo-Recompensas y Apoyo Social, implícitos en el instrumento usado, así como en los antecedentes de investigación consultados. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un modelado con ecuaciones estructurales con los datos de medición de riesgo psicosocial y ausentismo hecha con 252 trabajadores de una compañía agroindustrial del departamento del Cesar en Colombia; fue aplicada la Batería de Riesgo Psicosocial de Villalobos, Vargas, Rondón y Felknor (2013a, 2013b). Con base en los indicadores de bondad de ajuste, se descartó el modelo teórico inicial, así como otros dos modelos planteados, por lo que se afirma que solo algunas formas específicas de ausentismo son determinadas por el estrés laboral producto de la conjunción de riesgo ante relaciones interpersonales y demandas laborales, combinado con riesgo proveniente de condiciones extralaborales. La inclusión de las relaciones interpersonales en el modelo es totalmente esperable con base en los hallazgos de diferentes investigaciones precedentes. Por otro lado, la exclusión del factor control sobre el trabajo fue inesperada, pues en estudios antecedentes esta guardó mayor relación con el ausentismo que las demandas del trabajo. Se discute sobre las limitaciones del estudio y sobre la necesidad de complejizar en Colombia la investigación sobre la relación del riesgo psicosocial con otros constructos psicológicos y con las consecuencias organizacionales.

Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate an explanatory model of work absenteeism, based on the relationship between psychosocial risk factors and the mediation of the perception of social relationships and work stress. This was based on the predictions of theoretical models such as Demands-Control, Unbalance Effort-Rewards and Social Support, implicit in the instrument used; as well as in the research background consulted. It is justified principally by the impact that absenteeism has on the stability of organizations and the relevance of its prediction for the Psychology of Work and Organizations. For the fulfillment of the objective, a modeling SEM is carried out with the psychosocial risk and absenteeism measurement data made with 252 workers of an agro-industrial company of the department of Cesar in Colombia; 96 % of participants were men, with an average age of 35 years, the majority did not complete secondary studies, 89 % were in operational positions, the majority in indefinite hiring; workers less than 6 months old had been excluded. The Psychosocial Risk Battery of Colombian researchers Villalobos, Vargas, Rondón, y Felknor (2013a, 2013b) was applied. This is one of the few validated and standardized instruments on Colombian population that measures psychosocial risk globally and conforms to the definitions legally accepted in the country regarding such occupational hazards. This battery measures workers' perception of intra-occupational risk factors, in particular, demands for work, control over work, social relations and leadership, as well as rewards and recognition for work; Likewise, it evaluates the extra-labor psychosocial risk associated with working conditions, as well as symptoms of work-related stress. The path analysis was executed using statistical software SPSS v25 and AMOS v24; the goodness-of-fit for the models was verified with indicators CMIN/DF, CFI, TLI y RMSEA; the correlations coefficients between variables and the function "modification Indices" of AMOS was operated to specify the appropriate model to the data. Based on goodness-of-fit measures, the initial theoretical model was discarded. In a second model, the mediating role of the social relations factor is ruled out and Unjustified Absenteeism, Non-Remunerated Absenteeism and Work Accident Absenteeism were excluded, but the adjustment of the model was not adequate either. In a third model, the factors Control on Work and Rewards were also excluded, although the fourth model, that inlayed correlations between de independent variables was the one who had the best goodness of fit; so, it is affirmed that only some specific forms of absenteeism are determined by work-related stress due to the arrangement of risk before interpersonal relationships and labor demands, combined with risk from extra-labor conditions. The inclusion of interpersonal relationships in the model is fully expected based on the findings of different previous investigations. On the other hand, the exclusion of the control factor over work was unexpected, since in previous studies it was more related to absenteeism than the demands of work. It is suggested that the findings should be taken with caution, given the limitations of the research, in particular, the homogeneity of the participants and the lack of comparability with other productive contexts; However, the relevance of the study is sustained in the fact that it is one of the first attempts in the country that uses explanatory models to establish the effects of psychosocial risk factors on organizational outcomes. Complementing the above, the possibility of using the Psychosocial Risk Battery together with the measurement of other important organizational outcomes such as presenteeism, motivation and job satisfaction, job performance and productivity, organizational commitment, accident rate in the workplace, among others, are also considered to empirically validate various models exposed in theory or corroborated in other countries and productive sectors.
