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Phys Rev E ; 107(6-1): 064136, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37464626


We study the phase diagram of a lattice gas of 2×2×1 hard plates on the three-dimensional cubic lattice. Each plate covers an elementary plaquette of the cubic lattice, with the constraint that a site can belong to utmost one plate. We focus on the isotropic system, with equal fugacities for the three orientations of plates. We show, using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, that the system undergoes two phase transitions when the density of plates is increased: the first from a disordered fluid phase to a layered phase, and the second from the layered phase to a sublattice-ordered phase. In the layered phase, the system breaks up into disjoint slabs of thickness two along one spontaneously chosen Cartesian direction, corresponding to a twofold (Z_{2}) symmetry breaking of translation symmetry along the layering direction. Plates with normals perpendicular to this layering direction are preferentially contained entirely within these slabs, while plates straddling two adjacent slabs have a lower density, thus breaking the symmetry between the three types of plates. We show that the slabs exhibit two-dimensional power-law columnar order even in the presence of a nonzero density of vacancies. In contrast, interslab correlations of the two-dimensional columnar order parameter decay exponentially with the separation between the slabs. In the sublattice-ordered phase, there is twofold symmetry breaking of lattice translation symmetry along all three Cartesian directions. We present numerical evidence that the disordered to layered transition is continuous and consistent with universality class of the three-dimensional O(3) model with cubic anisotropy, while the layered to sublattice transition is first-order in nature.

Phys Rev E ; 107(6-1): 064137, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37464694


We obtain the phase diagram of fully packed hard plates on the cubic lattice. Each plate covers an elementary plaquette of the cubic lattice and occupies its four vertices, with each vertex of the cubic lattice occupied by exactly one such plate. We consider the general case with fugacities s_{µ} for "µ plates," whose normal is the µ direction (µ=x,y,z). At and close to the isotropic point, we find, consistent with previous work, a phase with long-range sublattice order. When two of the fugacities s_{µ_{1}} and s_{µ_{2}} are comparable, and the third fugacity s_{µ_{3}} is much smaller, we find a spontaneously layered phase. In this phase, the system breaks up into disjoint slabs of width two stacked along the µ_{3} axis. µ_{1} and µ_{2} plates are preferentially contained entirely within these slabs, while plates straddling two successive slabs have a lower density. This corresponds to a twofold breaking of translation symmetry along the µ_{3} axis. In the opposite limit, with µ_{3}≫µ_{1}∼µ_{2}, we find a phase with long-range columnar order, corresponding to simultaneous twofold symmetry breaking of lattice translation symmetry in directions µ_{1} and µ_{2}. The spontaneously layered phases display critical behavior, with power-law decay of correlations in the µ_{1} and µ_{2} directions when the slabs are stacked in the µ_{3} direction, and represent examples of "floating phases" discussed earlier in the context of coupled Luttinger liquids and quasi-two-dimensional classical systems. We ascribe this remarkable behavior to the constrained motion of defects in this phase, and we sketch a coarse-grained effective field theoretical understanding of the stability of power-law order in this unusual three-dimensional floating phase.

Phys Rev E ; 103(6-1): 062101, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271608


We study the distribution of lengths and other statistical properties of worms constructed by Monte Carlo worm algorithms in the power-law three-sublattice ordered phase of frustrated triangular and kagome lattice Ising antiferromagnets. Viewing each step of the worm construction as a position increment (step) of a random walker, we demonstrate that the persistence exponent θ and the dynamical exponent z of this random walk depend only on the universal power-law exponents of the underlying critical phase and not on the details of the worm algorithm or the microscopic Hamiltonian. Further, we argue that the detailed balance condition obeyed by such worm algorithms and the power-law correlations of the underlying equilibrium system together give rise to two related properties of this random walk: First, the steps of the walk are expected to be power-law correlated in time. Second, the position distribution of the walker relative to its starting point is given by the equilibrium position distribution of a particle in an attractive logarithmic central potential of strength η_{m}, where η_{m} is the universal power-law exponent of the equilibrium defect-antidefect correlation function of the underlying spin system. We derive a scaling relation, z=(2-η_{m})/(1-θ), that allows us to express the dynamical exponent z(η_{m}) of this process in terms of its persistence exponent θ(η_{m}). Our measurements of z(η_{m}) and θ(η_{m}) are consistent with this relation over a range of values of the universal equilibrium exponent η_{m} and yield subdiffusive (z>2) values of z in the entire range. Thus, we demonstrate that the worms represent a discrete-time realization of a fractional Brownian motion characterized by these properties.

Phys Rev E ; 96(2-1): 023304, 2017 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28950451


We report on the development of two dual worm constructions that lead to cluster algorithms for efficient and ergodic Monte Carlo simulations of frustrated Ising models with arbitrary two-spin interactions that extend up to third-neighbors on the triangular lattice. One of these algorithms generalizes readily to other frustrated systems, such as Ising antiferromagnets on the Kagome lattice with further neighbor couplings. We characterize the performance of both these algorithms in a challenging regime with power-law correlations at finite wave vector.
