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Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 66(3): 360-369, sep.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-737006


Introducción: a pesar de los enormes esfuerzos que realiza el Ministerio de Salud de Argentina para el control de Aedes aegypti, persisten en algunas regiones del país determinados índices de infestación que favorecen el desarrollo de epidemias o brotes de dengue. En este negativo indicador se destaca las provincias de Misiones y Buenos Aires, donde desempeña un papel importante el uso de insecticidas. Objetivos: determinar el nivel de resistencia a insecticidas químicos en cepas de Ae. aegypti de Misiones y Buenos Aires, Argentina. Métodos: se determinó en larvas el nivel de resistencia a insecticidas organofosforados (temefos y fenitrotion) y a piretroides (deltametrina y cipermetrina) a través de los bioensayos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. En el estado adulto se evaluó los piretroides (deltametrina, lambdacialotrina y cipermetrina) y el organofosforado clorpirifos. Resultados: tanto las larvas como los adultos resultaron susceptibles a todos los insecticidas evaluados. Conclusiones: el control químico de Ae. aegypti de las localidades estudiadas, de las provincias de Misiones y Buenos Aires, puede realizarse de forma efectiva, utilizando los insecticidas en uso para el control vectorial, como son, temefos como larvicida y como adulticidas e insecticidas, piretroides y el organofosforado clorpirifos(AU)

Introduction: despite the great efforts of the Ministry of Health in Argentina for the control of Aedes Aegypti, certain significant infestation indexes persist in some regions and lead to the occurrence of dengue epidemics or outbreaks. This negative indicator is remarkable in Misiones y Buenos Aires provinces where the use of pesticides is important. Objective: to determine the levels of resistance of Aedes aegypti strains to chemical insecticidal effects in Misiones and Buenos Aires provinces in Argentina. Methods: World Health Organization bioassays determined the level of resistance in mosquito larvae to organophosphate insecticides (temephos and fenitrotion) and to pyrethroids (deltametrin and cypermetrin). In adult mosquitoes, the action of pyrethroids (deltametrin, lambdacyalotrin and cypermetrin) as well as that of organophosphate ones called chlorpiriphos was evaluated. Results: both the larvae and the adult insects were susceptible to all the insecticides. Conclusions: The chemical control of Ae aegypti in the studied areas from Misiones and Buenos Aires provinces can be effectively exerted by using the insecticides for the vector control such as temephos as larvicide and pyrethroids and the organophosphate called chlorpiriphos as adulticides(AU)

Insecticide Resistance , Aedes , Argentina
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 65(3): 339-349, jul.-sep. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-692259


Introducción: el uso intensivo del larvicida químico temefos (abate) en Cuba, ha generado el desarrollo de mecanismos de resistencia en Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762). Por esta razón, apremia la necesidad de evaluar otras alternativas de control, como el pyriproxyfeno, inhibidor de crecimiento. Objetivos: determinar la eficacia de pyriproxyfeno como larvicida, pupicida y adulticida en cepas de referencia de Aedes aegypti y establecer su efecto sobre la reproducción. Métodos: para el estudio se utilizó una cepa de Aedes aegypti de referencia susceptible (Rockefeller) y otra resistente (SANtemF13) a temefos. La evaluación de pyriproxyfeno se realizó a través de bioensayos recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se determinó el efecto en la reproducción, midiendo la fecundidad y viabilidad de los huevos (fertilidad) en larvas de la cepa Rockefeller, sobrevivientes a dosis subletales de pyriproxyfeno. Resultados: en Rockefeller, pyriproxyfeno manifestó actividad larvicida en 32 por ciento, pupicida en 21 por ciento y adulticida solo 1 por ciento. En SANtem F13, resultó larvicida en 31 por ciento, pupicida 12 por ciento y adulticida 1 por ciento. El análisis de varianza entre rangos de dosis letales para larvas, pupas y adultos de las cepas referenciales, Rockefeller y SANtem F13, no mostró diferencias significativas (p= 0,000001). El pyriproxyfeno resultó ser un excelente inhibidor de la emergencia de adultos en las cepas de Aedes aegypti estudiadas a concentraciones bajas, inferiores a las recomendadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud en mosquitos del género Aedes. También tuvo fuerte efecto subletal y afectó la fertilidad de los adultos, en condiciones de laboratorio. Conclusión: el inhibidor de crecimiento pyriproxyfeno representa una buena alternativa a incluir dentro de las estrategias de control integrado de Aedes aegypti en Cuba, sin afectarse su eficacia por la resistencia que esta especie ha...

Introduction: intensive use of chemical larvicide temephos (abate) in Cuba has resulted in the development of resistance mechanisms in Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762). Therefore, there is an urgent need to consider other control alternatives, such as pyriproxyfen, a growth inhibitor. Objectives: determine the efficacy of pyriproxyfen as larvicide, pupicide and adulticide in reference strains of Aedes aegypti and establish its effect on reproduction. Methods: the study was based on a strain of reference Aedes aegypti susceptible to temephos (Rockefeller) and a strain resistant to temephos (SANtemF13). Pyriproxyfen was evaluated with bioassays recommended by the World Health Organization. Determination was made of the effect of pyriproxyfen on reproduction by measuring fecundity and egg viability (fertility) in larvae of the Rockefeller strain surviving sublethal doses of pyriproxyfen. Results: in the Rockefeller strain, pyriproxyfen was larvicidal in 32 percent, pupicidal in 21 percent and adulticidal in a mere 1 percent. In the SANtem F13 strain, it was larvicidal in 31 percent, pupicidal in 12 percent and adulticidal in 1 percent. Analysis of variance between ranges of lethal doses for larvae, pupas and adults of the reference strains Rockefeller and SANtem F13 did not show any significant differences (p= 0.000001). Pyriproxyfen was found to be an excellent inhibitor of adult emergence in the strains of Aedes aegypti studied when used at low concentrations, below those recommended by the World Health Organization for mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. It also showed a strong sublethal effect and affected the fertility of adults in laboratory conditions. Conclusion: growth inhibitor pyriproxyfen is a good alternative to be included among integrated control strategies against Aedes aegypti in Cuba without affecting its efficacy, due to the resistance that this species has developed to larvicide temephos

Mosquito Control/methods , Densovirinae , Insecticide Resistance/immunology
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 65(3): 328-338, jul.-sep. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-692258


Introducción: las enzimas desintoxicadoras citocromo P450 monooxigenasas (MFO) constituyen uno de los principales mecanismos de resistencia de Aedes aegypti a insecticidas. En Cuba, aunque la presencia de estas enzimas se ha estudiado in vivo mediante el uso de sinergistas, su actividad no se ha determinado cuantitativamente in vitro, elemento que resulta imprescindible para abordar estudios de resistencia metabólica en los insectos. Objetivo: estandarizar un método para detectar la actividad de las citocromo P450 monooxigenasas in vitro, y determinarla entonces, en larvas y adultos de cepas de referencia de Aedes aegypti. Métodos: se utilizaron 3 cepas de laboratorio de Aedes aegypti seleccionadas por 14 o 15 generaciones con temefos, deltametrina o propoxur, respectivamente, y una cepa susceptible a los insecticidas. Resultados: se establecieron las condiciones para los ensayos de actividad enzimática (concentración de proteínas y de sustrato, 0,4 mg/mL y 12 mmol/L, respectivamente; y tiempo de reacción de 10 min). Hubo un incremento significativo de la actividad de las citocromo P450 monooxigenasas en las cepas resistentes, con una mayor frecuencia fenotípica de este carácter en el estadio larva. Conclusiones: las modificaciones a la técnica para la determinación de la actividad enzimática permitieron discriminar entre mosquitos de cepas susceptibles y resistentes en los estadios larva y adulto, por lo que se cuenta con otra herramienta para la detección de la resistencia metabólica en Cuba

Introduction: cytochrome P450 monooxygenase detoxifying enzymes (MFO) are one of the main resistance mechanisms of Aedes aegypti to insecticides. In vivo studies of the presence of these enzymes have been conducted in Cuba with the use of synergists. However, their activity has not been quantitatively determined in vitro, an indispensable step in studies about metabolic resistance in insects. Objective: standardize a method to detect the activity of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase in vitro, and then determine such activity in larvae and adults of Aedes aegypti reference strains. Methods: the study was based on three laboratory strains of Aedes aegypti selected for 14 or 15 generations with temephos, deltamethrin or propoxur, respectively, and a strain susceptible to insecticides. Results: the conditions for enzyme activity assays were established (protein and substrate concentration: 0.4 mg/mL and 12 mmol/L, respectively, and reaction time: 10 min). There was a significant increase in cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity in resistant strains, with a higher phenotypic frequency in the larval stage. Conclusions: modifications to the technique used for determination of enzymatic activity made it possible to distinguish between mosquitoes from susceptible and resistant strains in larval and adult stages, providing a new tool for the detection of metabolic resistance in Cuba

Aedes/immunology , Insecticide Resistance/immunology
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 63(2): 166-170, mayo.-ago. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-615555


Introducción: el control del vector continúa siendo la única medida sostenible para evitar la transmisión de dengue, donde desempeña un papel esencial el uso de adulticidas en caso de altos índices de infestación del vector, en presencia de brotes o epidemias de dengue. Los piretroides son los más utilizados y el organofosforado cloriprifos, que por ser más costoso, su uso ha sido limitado. Objetivos: determinar la efectividad de los insecticidas, en su formulación comercial, que están hoy día en uso por la Unidad Nacional de Vigilancia y Lucha Antivectorial en Cuba para el control de adultos de Ae. aegypti, como son el clorpirifos (Terfos 48 CE) y los piretroides, lambdacialotrina (ICON 2.5 CE) y cipermetrina (Galgotrin 25 CE). Métodos: se utilizaron 15 cepas de Ae. aegypti, procedentes de los 15 municipios de La Habana, colectados en 2008 y la cepa susceptible de referencia Rockefeller. El nivel de efectividad de estos contra el estado adulto se determinó mediante bioensayos recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: en los bioensayos de efectividad en el campo, Terfos 48 CE fue el más efectivo, con 100 por ciento de mortalidad en todas las cepas, seguido por Icon 2.5 CE y Galgotrin 25 CE, con los cuales se obtuvo entre 98 y 100 por ciento de mortalidad. Conclusiones: las pruebas de campo demostraron que los insecticidas utilizados por el programa de erradicación de Ae. aegypti mantienen aún una elevada efectividad en La Habana; se recomienda el uso de clorpirifos con los piretroides para retardar la evolución de la resistencia a este último grupo.

Introduction: the vector control remains the sole sustainable measure to prevent dengue transmission in which the key role goes to adulticides in case of high rates of infestation by the vector, outbreaks or dengue epidemics. Pyrethroids are the most used whereas organophosphorous chloripirifos has been occasionally used because of the cost. Objectives: to determine the effectiveness of insecticides in their commercial formulation that is applied today by the National Unit of Anti-Vector Control and Surveillance in Cuba for the control of Ae aegypti adults such as chlorpirifos (Terfos 48 CE) and pyrethroids, lambda-cyhalothrin (ICON 2.5 CE) and cypermethrin (Galgotrin 25 CE). Methods: fifteen Ae. Aegypti strains from the 15 municipalities of La Habana province, collected in 2008, and the Rockefeller reference strain were used. The level of effectiveness of these products against the adult vector was determined through WHO-recommended bioassays. Results: in situ effectiveness bioassays, Terphos 48 CE was the most effective in causing 100 percent mortality of all the strains, followed by Icon 2.5 CE and Galgotrin 25 CE which reached 98 percent and 100 percent mortality rates respectively. Conclusions: the field tests showed that the insecticides currently in use in the Aedes aegypti eradication program are still highly effective in La Habana province. The combined use of chlorpirifos and pyrethroids are recommended to delay the evolution of resistance to this last group of insecticides.

Animals , Aedes , Insecticides , Mosquito Control/methods , Cuba
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 63(1): 81-86, ene.-abr. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-584975


INTRODUCCIÓN: a pesar de los enormes esfuerzos que realiza el programa de erradicación de Aedes aegypti en Cuba, persisten en algunas regiones del país determinados índices de infestación que favorecen el desarrollo de epidemias o brotes de dengue. En este negativo indicador se destaca la provincia La Habana, donde desempeña un papel importante el uso de insecticidas. OBJETIVOS: evaluar el impacto del uso de insecticidas, por el programa de erradicación de Ae. aegypti, en el desarrollo de resistencia en esta especie en La Habana. MÉTODOS: se utilizaron 15 cepas de Ae. aegypti, procedentes de los 15 municipios de La Habana, colectados en 2008. El nivel de susceptibilidad a insecticidas se determinó mediante bioensayos recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. RESULTADOS: 60 por ciento de las cepas mostró susceptibilidad a clorpirifos; de los piretroides evaluados, se observó mayor resistencia a cipermetrina, seguido por lambdacialotrina y ciflutrina. CONCLUSIONES: el insecticida clorpirifos es un buen candidato a utilizar con los piretroides, de forma rotacional, para retardar el desarrollo de la resistencia a los piretroides en Ae. aegypti de La Habana.

INTRODUCTION: in spite of the huge efforts of the Aedes aegypti eradication program in Cuba, there are still certain infestation indexes favoring the development of outbreaks or epidemics in some regions of the country. Havana province holds a leading position in this negative indicator, in which the use of insecticides plays an important role. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the impact of the use of insecticides in the development of drug resistance by this species in Havana. METHODS: fifteen Ae. aegypti strains from the fifteen municipalities of the province were used. They were all collected in 2008. The level of susceptibility to insecticides was measured by means of the WHO-recommended bioassays. RESULTS: sixty percent of the strains were susceptible to chlorpirifos; more resistance to pyrethroid cypermethrin was observed followed by lambdacyalothrin and cifluthrin. CONCLUSIONS: the insecticide Chlorpirifos is a good candidate to be used with pyrethroids, on a rotational scheme, to delay the development of resistance to pyrethroids in Ae. aegypti vectors in Havana province.

Animals , Aedes , Insecticides , Mosquito Control/standards , Cuba , Larva/drug effects
Rev Cubana Med Trop ; 63(2): 166-70, 2011.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23437526


INTRODUCTION: the vector control remains the sole sustainable measure to prevent dengue transmission in which the key role goes to adulticides in case of high rates of infestation by the vector, outbreaks or dengue epidemics. Pyrethroids are the most used whereas organophosphorous chloripirifos has been occasionally used because of the cost. OBJECTIVES: to determine the effectiveness of insecticides in their commercial formulation that is applied today by the National Unit of Anti-Vector Control and Surveillance in Cuba for the control of Ae aegypti adults such as chlorpirifos (Terfos 48 CE) and pyrethroids, lambda-cyhalothrin (ICON 2.5 CE) and cypermethrin (Galgotrin 25 CE). METHODS: fifteen Ae. Aegypti strains from the 15 municipalities of La Habana province, collected in 2008, and the Rockefeller reference strain were used. The level of effectiveness of these products against the adult vector was determined through WHO-recommended bioassays. RESULTS: in situ effectiveness bioassays, Terphos 48 CE was the most effective in causing 100 % mortality of all the strains, followed by Icon 2.5 CE and Galgotrin 25 CE which reached 98 % and 100 % mortality rates respectively. CONCLUSIONS: the field tests showed that the insecticides currently in use in the Aedes aegypti eradication program are still highly effective in La Habana province. The combined use of chlorpirifos and pyrethroids are recommended to delay the evolution of resistance to this last group of insecticides.

Aedes , Insecticides , Mosquito Control/methods , Animals , Cuba
Rev Cubana Med Trop ; 63(1): 81-6, 2011.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23437542


INTRODUCTION: In spite of the huge efforts of the Aedes aegypti eradication program in Cuba, there are still certain infestation indexes favoring the development of outbreaks or epidemics in some regions of the country. Havana province holds a leading position in this negative indicator, in which the use of insecticides plays an important role. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of the use of insecticides in the development of drug resistance by this species in Havana. METHODS: Fifteen Ae. aegypti strains from the fifteen municipalities of the province were used. They were all collected in 2008. The level of susceptibility to insecticides was measured by means of the WHO-recommended bioassays. RESULTS: Sixty percent of the strains were susceptible to chlorpirifos; more resistance to pyrethroid cypermethrin was observed followed by lambdacyalothrin and cifluthrin. CONCLUSIONS: The insecticide Chlorpirifos is a good candidate to be used with pyrethroids, on a rotational scheme, to delay the development of resistance to pyrethroids in Ae. aegypti vectors in Havana province.

Aedes , Insecticides , Mosquito Control/standards , Animals , Cuba , Larva/drug effects
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 62(3): 224-229, sep.-dic. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-584956


INTRODUCCIÓN: el uso continuado del organofosforado temefos para el control de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), ha propiciado la aparición de resistencia en varios países del mundo. El pyriproxyfeno es un análogo de la hormona juvenil recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como una de las alternativas para el control del vector del dengue en aguas de consumo humano. OBJETIVO: evaluar la eficacia del pyriproxyfeno en cepas con diferentes niveles de resistencia a temefos, para ser utilizado como una posible alternativa en el control de Ae. aegypti. MÉTODOS: para el estudio se utilizaron dos cepas de Ae. aegypti de referencia, una susceptible y otra resistente a temefos y tres cepas de campo colectadas en los municipios Boyeros, Cotorro y 10 de Octubre, todos pertenecientes a Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Para la evaluación de temefos y pyriproxyfeno, se utilizaron bioensayos recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. RESULTADOS: a concentraciones altas el pyriproxyfeno tuvo una acción larvicida. A concentraciones entre 0,01 y 1 ppb, se evidenció la inhibición de la emergencia, porque hubo un incremento en la mortalidad pupal y en menor medida en los adultos en el proceso de romper la exhubia pupal. Este regulador del crecimiento resultó efectivo a las mismas dosis en todas las cepas, independiente de su grado de resistencia a temefos, con valores de IE50 dentro del rango reportado para el género Aedes. CONCLUSIÓN: según los resultados obtenidos, la eficacia del pyriproxyfeno no se vio afectada con el nivel de resistencia a temefos presente en las cepas de estudio y lo convierte en una herramienta útil para el control de Ae. aegypti.

INTRODUCTION: the continuous use of the organophosphate temephos for Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) has prompted the emergence of resistance to this product in several countries. Pyriproxyfen is an analogue of the juvenile hormone recommended by the World Health Organization as one of the alternative regulators of the dengue vector in drinking waters. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the efficacy of pyriproxyfen in those strains with various degrees of temephos resistance, in order to be used as a possible regulator of Ae. aegypti. METHODS: for this study, two reference Ae. aegypti strains were used, one susceptible and the other resistant to temephos, and three field strains collected in Boyeros, Cotorro and 10 de Octubre municipalities, all of them from the City of Havana province, Cuba. For the temephos and pyriproxyfen evaluation, the WHO recommended bioassays were used. RESULTS: at high concentrations, pyriproxyfen showed larvicidal properties. At 0,01 and 1 ppb concentrations, inhibition of emergence due to increase of pupal mortality and to lesser extent in adults in the process of breaking the pupal exubia was demonstrated. This growth regulator was effective at the same doses in all the strains, regardless of the degree of temephos resistance, being IE50 values within the range for Aedes genus. CONCLUSION: According to the results, the effectiveness of pyriproxyfen was not affected by the degree of temephos resistance in the studied strains, and this is a useful tool in the Ae aegypti control.

Animals , Aedes , Mosquito Control/methods , Pyridines , Aedes/classification , Insecticide Resistance , Temefos
Rev Cubana Med Trop ; 62(3): 224-9, 2010.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23437553


INTRODUCTION: the continuous use of the organophosphate temephos for Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) has prompted the emergence of resistance to this product in several countries. Pyriproxyfen is an analogue of the juvenile hormone recommended by the World Health Organization as one of the alternative regulators of the dengue vector in drinking waters. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the efficacy of pyriproxyfen in those strains with various degrees of temephos resistance, in order to be used as a possible regulator of Ae. aegypti. METHODS: for this study, two reference Ae. aegypti strains were used, one susceptible and the other resistant to temephos, and three field strains collected in Boyeros, Cotorro and 10 de Octubre municipalities, all of them from the City of Havana province, Cuba. For the temephos and pyriproxyfen evaluation, the WHO recommended bioassays were used. RESULTS: at high concentrations, pyriproxyfen showed larvicidal properties. At 0,01 and 1 ppb concentrations, inhibition of emergence due to increase of pupal mortality and to lesser extent in adults in the process of breaking the pupal exubia was demonstrated. This growth regulator was effective at the same doses in all the strains, regardless of the degree of temephos resistance, being IE50 values within the range for Aedes genus. CONCLUSIONS: according to the results, the effectiveness of pyriproxyfen was not affected by the degree of temephos resistance in the studied strains, and this is a useful tool in the Ae. aegypti control.

Aedes , Mosquito Control/methods , Pyridines , Aedes/classification , Animals , Insecticide Resistance , Temefos