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Int J Speech Lang Pathol ; : 1-11, 2023 Jul 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37395393


Purpose: Language learning, including on a speech-generating device (SGD), relies on having communication opportunities to use language. Yet, children who use SGDs do not consistently use their devices throughout the day. As a first step towards increasing device use, it is important to determine how the numerous contexts (e.g. recess, lunch, academic) that exist throughout the school day impact the frequency and type of communication opportunities that children have. Within this study, we used complex adaptive systems theory to investigate whether there were differences in how frequently nonspeaking autistic children classified as emerging communicators (i.e. children who do not consistently produce two-word utterances independently and do not communicate for a variety of communicative functions) used their SGDs to communicate and the type of communication they produced (i.e. spontaneous, prompted, or imitation) across different classroom contexts.Method: Fourteen autistic children who use an SGD as their primary mode of communication were videotaped up to nine times throughout different school days. The videos were coded for the type of device use (i.e. whether the child's use of the device was spontaneous, prompted, or imitation) and classroom context, which were categorised by the inherent level of support and directiveness.Result: There was a significant difference in SGD use across classroom contexts. Overall, the children communicated more and engaged in more spontaneous, prompted, and imitated communication in classroom contexts with high levels of structure (e.g. tabletop work) compared to contexts with low levels of structure and directiveness (e.g. free play).Conclusion: This study highlights the need to increase communication opportunities across all school contexts. Creating appropriate communication opportunities in all contexts, especially those with less structure, will help ensure that communication does not become context-bound.