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Acta amaz ; 50(3): 223-231, jul. - set. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118832


We assessed the effect of stocking density on physiological parameters (blood lactate, glucose, cortisol, hematocrit), water quality (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, unionized ammonia, carbon dioxide), and survival during the transportation of fingerling (24.5 ± 4.7 g) and juvenile (615.8 ± 122.2 g) pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) for six hours in plastic bags. The tested densities were 65, 80, 95, 110 and 125 g L-1 for fingerlings, and 50, 80, 110, 140 and 170 g L-1 for juveniles (three replicates each). Parameters were measured prior to and immediately after transportation, and at 24 and 96 hours recovery after transportation. No mortality was observed, except for fingerlings (< 3%) at densities of 110 and 125 g L-1 during recovery. All the water quality parameters were significantly altered after the transportation of fingerlings and juveniles. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and unionized ammonia increased, but pH decreased. Only carbon dioxide and unionized ammonia differed among densities. Cortisol levels did not increase over time, except for the juveniles at 170 g L-1, which still had high cortisol after 96 hours. Glucose significantly increased after transportation for all the treatments and returned to the initial values during the recovery period. Conversely, the lactate values were still high after 96 hours. Hematocrit was assessed only for juveniles and was significantly lower after transportation. We conclude that fingerling and juvenile pirarucu can be safely transported at densities up to 95 g L-1 and 140 g L-1, respectively. (AU)

Hydrocortisone , Lactic Acid , Glucose , Water Quality , Hematocrit
Ciênc. rural ; 45(6): 1066-1072, 06/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-747083


The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of beta-radiation with strontium-90 as single modality treatment of canine third eyelid squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Nine dogs diagnosed with third eyelid SCC were treated with strontium-90. Radiation therapy was administered in four fractions of 100cGy per site every four days and at a depth of 0.2cm (Strontium-90 build' up) in each fraction. Radiation with beta therapy was well tolerated in all animals with no occurrence of radiation induced cataracts. In all cases, there were increased signs of conjunctival inflammation around the mass, which subsided with topical anti-inflammatory. Two dogs required surgical treatment for local tumor recurrence at 150 days and 352 days. In the remaining seven cases, disease free interval ranged from 1239 days to 2555 days. Beta therapy using 90Sr may be a valid alternative for the treatment of third eyelid SCC in dogs.

O objetivo foi avaliar a eficácia da betaterapia com estrôncio-90 como modalidade única de tratamento em carcinomas de células escamosas (CEC) da terceira pálpebra de cães. Nove cães foram diagnosticados com CEC de terceira pálpebra, que foram tratados com estrôncio-90. A radioterapia foi administrada em quatro frações de 100cGy por local, a cada quatro dias e a uma profundidade de 0,2cm em cada fração. A betaterapia foi bem tolerada por todos os animais, sem ocorrência de catarata induzida pela radiação. Em todos os casos, houve um aumento dos sinais de inflamação da conjuntiva ao redor da neoformação, as quais cederam com o uso de anti-inflamatório tópico. Em dois cães houve a necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico, pois houve recorrência local do tumor aos 150 dias e aos 352 dias. Nos outros sete casos, o intervalo livre de doença variou entre 1.239 dias e 2.555 dias. Betaterapia usando 90Sr pode ser uma alternativa válida para o tratamento do CEC da terceira pálpebra em cães.