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Phys Rev Lett ; 113(24): 245001, 2014 Dec 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25541774


Self-guiding of an ultraintense laser requires the refractive index to build up rapidly to a sufficient value before the main body of the pulse passes by. We show that placing a low-intensity precursor in front of the main pulse mitigates the diffraction of its leading edge and facilitates reaching a self-guided state that remains stable for more than 10 Rayleigh lengths. Furthermore, this precursor slows the phase slippage between the trapped electrons and the wakefield and leads to an accelerating structure that is more stable, contains more energy, and is sustained longer. Examples from three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that the conversion efficiency from the laser to the self-trapped electrons increases by an order of magnitude when using the precursor.

Opt Lett ; 39(19): 5630-3, 2014 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25360945


We show that the bifurcations between dynamical states originating in the nonlinear dynamics of an external-cavity semiconductor laser at constant current can be detected by its terminal voltage V. We experimentally vary the intensity fed back into the gain medium by the external cavity and show that the dc component V(dc) of V tracks the optical intensity-based bifurcation diagram. It is shown using computational results based upon the Lang-Kobayashi model that whereas optical intensity accesses the dynamical-state variable |E|, V is related to population-inversion carrier density N. The change in feedback strength affects N and thereby the quasi-Fermi energy level difference at the p-i-n junction band-gap of the gain medium. The change in the quasi-Fermi energy-level thereby changes the terminal voltage V. Thus V is shown to provide information on the change in the dynamical-state variable N, which complements the more conventionally probed optical intensity.