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Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 29(3): 150-159, 04-oct-2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1357925


Introducción: las infecciones de las vías urinarias relacionadas con la instalación de catéter vesical son de las infecciones asociadas a la atención sanitaria más comunes en México y el mundo. Representan un riesgo latente para el desarrollo de complicaciones y pueden ocasionar la muerte. Objetivo: analizar los factores de riesgo que se asocian directamente a la infección del tracto urinario en la instalación del catéter vesical. Metodología: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, con muestra de 90 pacientes de un hospital de segundo nivel de atención en el que se identificaron los factores de riesgo de infección de vías urinarias asociadas a la instalación de sonda vesical. Resultados: se observó un tipo de cumplimiento de los indicadores de calidad durante la instalación de sonda vesical con frecuencia en el 52.22% de los participantes. Un tipo de cumplimiento con frecuencia en el 48.90% de los participantes durante el mantenimiento de la sonda vesical, y un tipo de cumplimiento con frecuencia del 47.78% al momento del retiro de la sonda. Los principales factores de riesgo identificados asociados a la infección del tracto urinario fueron: a) que la sonda sea instalada por un médico interno, b) una estancia mayor a 3 días en urgencias y c) que la sonda sea instalada por una enfermera general. Conclusiones: se encontraron indicadores de cumplimiento cercano al 50%, lo que se considera muy bajo en la medición de los indicadores de calidad durante la instalación, mantenimiento y retiro de la sonda vesical, incluso estos están por debajo del porcentaje nacional.

Introduction: Urinary tract infections related to the installation of a bladder catheter are the most common infections associated with health care in Mexico and the world. They represent a latent risk for the development of complications and can cause death. Objective: To analyze the risk factors that are directly associated with urinary tract infection in the installation of the bladder catheter. Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study; with a sample of 90 patients from a second-level care hospital in which the risk factors for urinary tract infection associated with the installation of a urinary catheter were identified. Results: A type of compliance with the quality indicators was observed during the urinary catheter installation with a frequency of 52.22% of the participants. A type of compliance with a frequency of 48.90% of the participants during the maintenance of the urinary catheter, and a type of compli- ance with a frequency of 47.78% at the time of catheter removal. The main risk factors identified associated with urinary tract infection were: a) that the catheter is installed by an intern, b) a stay of more than 3 days in the emergency room, and c) that the catheter is installed by a general nurse. Conclusions: Compliance indicators were found close to 50%, which is considered very low in the measurement of quality indicators during the installation, maintenance and removal of the urinary catheter, even these are below the national percentage.

Humans , Urinary Tract , Urinary Tract Infections , Cross-Sectional Studies , Urinary Catheters , Secondary Care , Mexico
Int J Nurs Sci ; 7(3): 344-348, 2020 Jul 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32817858


OBJECTIVES: To develop a method that measures nursing potential through the factor analysis of relevant nursing data and social context by taking maternal mortality as the study problem. METHODS: A Cross-sectional and analytical study, a multivariate analysis was performed. The Nursing Coverage Index, the Human Development Index, population density and the proportion of nurses with a bachelor's degree or upper degree, are studied by federative entity, only data from government sources are used. The Index of Nursing Qualification in Mexico (INQM) was constructed through principal component analysis. RESULTS: The highest correlation was between the INQM and the Nursing Coverage Prioritization Index (NCPI), which was 0.849 (P < 0.01) and showed a strong positive linear relationship. The Population Density Prioritization Index (PDPI) shows a strong positive correlation with the INQM (0.716, P < 0.01). Three factors were extracted by principal component analysis and the INQM was generated with the three main components in a model. There is very low correlation between INQM and maternal mortality rate (MMR) and no statistical significance was found. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that nursing qualification must include economic, geographic and social variables. The INQM is an indicator that summarises the potential of each federative entity. Given these results, a contribution is provided for the application of these indices, which can help determine nursing potential in a specific geographical region.

Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 28(3): 170-176, Jul-sept 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1343063


Introducción: el papel del cuidador es una experiencia única y transformadora; al enfrentarse al cuidado, lo hace en un entorno desconocido y demandante de intervenciones que comprometen la vida del ser cuidado. Muchas veces se actúa sin tener preparación alguna, tan sólo con la presuposición de que lo hecho es lo mejor. Objetivo: describir las necesidades y experiencias humanas de los cuidadores familiares de una institución oncológica pública de la Ciudad de México. Metodología: estudio cualitativo de corte interpretativo-fenomenológico; el muestreo fue a conveniencia; se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a seis cuidadores familiares; y la segmentación de los textos se efectuó mediante el programa Aquad 7. Resultados: se obtuvieron dos categorías. La primera fue las necesidades del cuidar/cuidado del cuidador familiar con su correspondiente subcategoría; la segunda categoría fue el cuidador familiar en el ambiente hospitalario con su subcategoría. Conclusiones: los cuidadores familiares son una necesidad real en las instituciones de salud, por lo que deben existir programas dirigidos a fortalecer su participación en el cuidado.

Introduction: The role of the caregiver is a unique and transformative experience, when faced with care, it is performed in an environment, most of the time unknown and demanding of interventions that compromise the life of being cared for. In most of the times caregivers act without having any preparation, only with the intuition that what they do is the best. They develop needs and experiences in relation to the experience learned with the person cared for. Objective: To describe the needs and human experiences of family caregivers of a public oncology institution in Mexico City. Methods: Qualitative study of interpretive-phenomenological cut. Sampling was at convenience. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six family caregivers. The segmentation of the texts was done through the Aquad 7 program. Results: Two categories were obtained. The first was: "The needs of care of the family caregiver" with its correspondent subcategory. The second category was: "The family caregiver in the hospital environment" with its subcategory. Conclusions: The presence of family caregivers is a real need in health institutions, so there must be programs aimed at strengthening their participation in care.

Humans , Male , Female , Professional-Family Relations , Family/psychology , Caregivers/psychology , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Hospitals, Public
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 26(2): 73-81, Abril.-Jun. 2018. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031369



Introducción: la teoría de mediano rango de autocuidado en la enfermedad crónica representa un área de oportunidad para la promoción de prácticas saludables en enfermería (comportamientos de autocuidado y gestión de la enfermedad), además de dos procesos subyacentes: la reflexión y la toma de decisiones.

Objetivo: construir y validar un instrumento que permita evaluar y analizar los comportamientos de autocuidado en población mexicana con insuficiencia cardiaca.

Metodología: estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo, con una muestra por conveniencia que incluyó pacientes ya diagnosticados, mayores de 18 años y sin deterioro cognitivo que aceptaron participar. El análisis se hizo mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial no paramétrica. Resultados: al juicio de varios expertos, la escala se evaluó como clara, comprensible y precisa; estuvo integrada en dos dimensiones (monitoreo-mantenimiento y monitoreo-gestión), que representan el 30.28% de la varianza explicada en una solución factorial confirmatoria. Conclusiones: el estudio constituye el primer instrumento validado para medir conductas de autocuidado en población mexicana con insuficiencia cardiaca, identifica la discontinuidad en el proceso de autocuidado y facilita la selección de estrategias e intervenciones que previenen la descompensación.


Introduction: The theory of medium range of self-care in chronic disease represents an area of opportunity for promoting healthy practices (behaviors of self-care and disease management), together with two underlying processes: reflection and decision-making.

Objective: To construct and validate an instrument for assessing and analyzing self-care behaviors in Mexican population with cardiac insufficiency.

Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study, with a convenience sample that included patients who agreed to participate, already diagnosed, over 18 years of age, without cognitive impairment. The analysis was made using descriptive and non-parametric inferential statistics.

Results: The scale was evaluated by several experts and they concluded that it was understandable and accurate; it was integrated in two dimensions (monitoring-maintenance and monitoring-management) that represent 30.28% of the variance explained in a confirmatory factorial solution. Conclusions: The study is the first validated instrument to measure self-care behaviors in Mexican population with cardiac insufficiency, identifies discontinuity in the self-care process and facilitates the selection of strategies and interventions that prevent decompensation.

Humans , Self Care , Nursing , Cross-Sectional Studies , Heart Failure , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 25(4): 299-309, Octubre.-Dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031353



Introducción: la diabetes mellitus (DM2) es uno de los principales problemas de salud, debido a los altos costos de atención por su acelerado crecimiento, complicaciones, discapacidad o muerte temprana. El cuidado de enfermería es en sí la máxima expresión del humanismo que el gremio aporta a la salud y al bienestar de las personas; mejor aún, si este se vincula con el fundamento teórico disciplinar, se integran las bases epistémicas que coadyuvan a la consolidación profesional.

Desarrollo: el propósito del presente trabajo es construir una propuesta de plan domiciliario de autocuidado para pacientes adultos mayores ambulatorios con DM2 mediante la integración taxonómica de los diagnósticos de enfermería (NANDA), los resultados esperados (NOC) y las intervenciones de enfermería (NIC).

Conclusiones: la presente propuesta constituye una guía y su aplicación dependerá de las necesidades de cada paciente en lo individual, en el entorno familiar y en el de la atención a la salud. La expectativa de su aplicación es el cuidado domiciliario de las personas adultas mayores con DM2; su fundamento es la educación para el autocuidado de la persona y su familia, más allá del ámbito clínico hospitalario, con la participación de todos los involucrados, en acciones concretas a nivel familiar e individual.


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM2) is one of the main health problems, due to the high costs of care resulting from to its rapid growth, complications, disability and/or early death. Nursing care is in itself the highest expression of humanism that the guild brings to the health and well-being of people; better still, if this is linked to the theoretical disciplinary foundation, it is when the epis- temic bases that contribute to professional consolidation are integrated.

Development: The purpose of the present study is to construct a proposal for a self-care home plan for elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus through the taxonomic integration of nurs¬ing diagnoses (NANDA), expected results (NOC) and nursing interventions.

Conclusions: This proposal is a guide and its application will depend on the needs of each patient, their family and health care environments. The expectation of its application is the home care of the elderly with DM2; its foundation is the education for the self-care of the person and his family, beyond the hospital clinical scope, with the participation of all involved, in concrete actions at the family and individual level.

Ambulatory Care , Self Care , Patient Compliance , Diabetes Mellitus , Nursing Diagnosis , Education , Home Health Nursing , Aged , Patients , Health Services for the Aged , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 25(2): 139-144, Abril.-Jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031330



En enfermería, sus teóricas disciplinares describen diferentes abordajes para el cuidado de las personas, recurriendo siempre al metaparadigma, obteniendo así una perspectiva teorizada del cuidado. En este sentido, los discursos que institucionalizan y sustentan su práctica tratan generalmente sobre apoyo, ayuda, autodeterminación, autonomía, confort, enseñanza del cuidado, humanismo, integralidad, limitación del daño, prevención de la enfermedad y/o promoción de la salud. No obstante, en la práctica diaria se demuestra que más que procurar acciones preventivas que tomen como punto de partida de intervención los determinantes sociales de salud para aportar un cuidado incluyente, transcultural y humanizado, la mayoría del quehacer cotidiano que se realiza se fundamenta en acciones que en el mejor de los casos son para la curación, o bien, para la contención de la enfermedad, es por ello que en la práctica diaria las acciones de prevención son minúsculas. Finalmente, la suficiencia de recursos humanos, materiales y financieros son el factor más importante para poder proveer cuidados seguros; la idoneidad o escasez de estos es el resultado conjunto de las políticas públicas prevalecientes, mismas que favorecen, o no, un sistema de salud justo e incluyente y son también las que mayormente impactan la realidad nacional en salud.


In nursing, their disciplinary theorists describe different approaches to caring for people always using the metaparadigm, thus obtaining a theorized care perspective. In this sense the speeches that institutionalize and sustain their practice usually deal on support, help, self-determination, autonomy, comfort, care education, humanism, integrity, damage limitation, disease prevention and/or health promotion. However, in daily practice it is shown that rather than taking preventive actions that have as an intervention starting point social determinants of health to provide an inclusive, transcultural and humanized care, most of the daily work done is based on actions that in best-case scenario are for healing or for containing the disease, which is why in daily practice prevention actions are tiny.

Finally, the adequacy of human, material and financial resources are the most important factor to provide safe care; the suitability or lack of these is the combined result of the prevailing public policies that favor or not a fair and inclusive health system and are also those that mostly impact the national health reality.

Humans , Patient-Centered Care , Social Determinants of Health , Nursing , Public Health Nursing , Humanization of Assistance , Social Indicators , Models, Nursing , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 25(1): 75-79, Enero.-Mar. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031319


ResumenEn el desarrollo profesional, se puede ser simplemente profesional, profesional suficiente, profesional destacado o, en el mejor de los casos, profesional excelente. La diferencia entre uno y otro la hace el grado de compromiso que cada persona tenga y demuestre en lo individual hacia la consolidación de su persona y, por consiguiente, del gremio; el grado de compromiso va muy relacionado con la avidez de conocimiento que se torna perceptible a partir de la superación profesional continua, académica y de posgrado. Por lo tanto, si la pregunta es ¿qué es para mí enfermería? las posibles respuestas en este orden de ideas podrían ser: es solo mi trabajo, es parte de mi forma de vida, o es mi filosofía de vida. Seguramente la respuesta seleccionada irá a la par del tipo de profesional que cada uno de nosotros hemos alcanzado a ser. Evidentemente, practicar el humanismo es conocerse uno mismo: es el autoconcepto reflejado en otra persona. Como ha dicho Duchscher, el humanismo implica el respeto a la libertad interna del propio hombre para pensar, sentir y creer.

AbstractThroughout professional development, one can simply be professional, professional enough, an outstanding professional or, in the best-case scenario, an excellent professional. The difference between each degree has to do with the commitment that individuals show toward themselves and, therefore, toward their professional association. This degree of commitment is closely related to the eagerness for knowledge that becomes perceptible from the continuous academic and professional development. Thus, if the question is What does nursing mean to me?, the possible answers along these lines would be "It's just my job/' "It's part of my lifestyle/' or "It is my philosophy of life." Surely, the selected answer will be on par with the type of professional that each of us has become. Obviously, practising humanism implies knowing oneself: it is the self-concept reflected in another person. As Duchscher has stated, humanism implies respect for the man's own inner freedom to think, feel and believe.

Clinical Competence , Professional Competence , Knowledge , Humanization of Assistance , Nursing Services , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 23(3): 177-186, Septiembre.-Dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031264



Introducción: se describen aspectos demográficos y de salud de los adultos mayores y a partir de la postura de Rene Lourau se aborda con el análisis institucional la atención que se les brinda. Objetivo: caracterizar la institucionalización de la atención diferenciada a los adultos mayores y las formas como esta se percibe y justifica.

Metodología: diseño descriptivo, cualitativo, inductivo con enfoque naturalista. Los participantes fueron entrevistados durante el primer semestre de 2013 en el sur de la Ciudad de México. La información se obtuvo al analizar el discurso de las doce entrevistas semiestructuradas a adultos mayores, sus familiares y el personal de salud (enfermeras y médicos); asimismo, se hizo el análisis de las políticas públicas y la normatividad establecida para la atención de los adultos mayores, así como de las observaciones realizadas durante la recopilación de datos en escenarios naturales. Resultados: la atención a la salud a los adultos mayores en la Ciudad de México presenta características en el ámbito instituido de alta calidad, la cual está sustentada con un marco jurídico legal vasto; sin embargo, en el aspecto instituyente los largos tiempos de espera, el trato irrespetuoso y la falta de recursos son aspectos primordiales que los usuarios quisieran mejorar. Conclusiones: el punto de equilibrio entre lo instituido y lo instituyente es lo institucionalizado. La población estudiada ve más aspectos positivos que negativos, por lo que podría decirse que sí existe una atención diferenciada pero está más enfocada a favorecer a los adultos mayores.


Introduction: Demographic and health aspects of older adults are described, and based on Rene Lourau's position an institutional analysis of care for this age group is offered. Objective: To characterize the institutionalization of differentiated services to older adults and the ways it is perceived and justified.

Methodology: A descriptive, qualitative, inductive design with naturalistic approach where participants were interviewed during the first half of 2013 in southern Mexico City. Information was obtained by analyzing the speech in twelve semi-structured interviews with older adults, their families, and health staff (nurses and doctors); public policies and regulations established for the care of the elderly are analyzed, as are observations made during data collection in the natural setting. Results: Health care to older adults in Mexico City has high quality characteristics in the field, which is supported by an extensive legal framework; however, in terms of institutionalization, long waiting times, disrespectful treatment, and lack of resources are key aspects that users would like to improve.

Conclusions: The balance between the instituted and the instituting is the institutionalized. In the population studied more positive than negative aspects are highlighted, so it is possible to say that care is differentiated, but it is mostly focused on favoring older adults.

Nursing Care , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires , Quality of Health Care , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 22(3): 165-169, Septiembre.-Dic. 2014. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031233



El análisis institucional es una teoría crítica de las formas sociales que se considera como socioanálisis institucional y se apoya en tres nociones: lo instituido, lo instituyente, y lo institucionalizado. El concepto de institución considera que esta es un movimiento de transformación del mundo existente; mientras que la institucionalización es un proceso, una lucha que concierne a todos los aspectos del fenómeno social. La sociopoética defiende la construcción colectiva del conocimiento y transforma el acto de investigación en un acontecimiento poético. Su premisa es que todas las personas poseen diversos conocimientos, con lo que se crea la responsabilidad ética de favorecer la dialogicidad entre el cuidar y el profundizar en la práctica de la enfermería. Algunos preceptos que permiten el funcionamiento de la organización hospitalaria están instituidos, enmarcan lo cotidiano de los servicios y autolimitan el ser institucionalizado. Al considerar las dimensiones física y espiritual en el acto del cuidar, se privilegia la esencia de la enfermería en una comprensión de lo humano en el ser humano. Así, la sociopoética establece un puente hacía una ecología política y de espíritu, consolidando la solidaridad entre los seres vivos y la pluralidad de la autogestión.


Institutional analysis is a critical theory of social forms, considered as institutional social analysis. It is based on three concepts: the instituted, the instituting, and the institutionalized. Seen as a concept, institution is a movement to transform the existing world, while institutionalization is a process, a battle that concerns all aspects of social phenomenon. Sociopoetics defends collective construction of knowledge, and transforms the act of research in a poetic event. Its basic argument is that all people have different skills, which helps to create an ethical responsibility to promote dialogicity between caring and specialized practice of nursing. Some principles that allow the operation of the hospitalary organization are instituted; they frame everyday services and self-restrict being institutionalized. When considering the physical and spiritual dimensions in the act of caring, the essence of nursing is favored in understanding the human in the human being. Thus, sociopoetics establishes a bridge towards a political and spiritual ecology, strengthening solidarity between the living and the plurality of self-management.

Nursing Care , Philosophy, Nursing , Nursing Research , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. neurol ; 12(2): 98-101, may.-ago.-2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1034727


En la cultura griega, para proteger el equilibrio universal la diosa Némesis castigaba la desmesura. A partir de esta metáfora se realizó un ejercicio crítico desde la concepción teórica, epistemológica y práctica de la enfermería, centrándose en explorar el concepto de cuidado en las dimensiones de interacción, participación y significado. A partir de este análisis, se concluyó que existe un distanciamiento entre los aspectos teóricos y filosóficos con la práctica cotidiana de la profesión.

In Greek culture, to protect the universal balance the goddess Nemesis punished excess. From this metaphor a critical exercise was made of the theoretical, epistemological and practical conception of nursing, focusing on exploring the concept of care in the dimensions of interaction, participation and meaning. From this analysis, it was concluded that there is a critical distance between theoretical and philosophical aspects with the daily practice of the profession.

Humans , Philosophy, Nursing , Knowledge
Salud Publica Mex ; 53(1): 11-6, 2011.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21340135


OBJECTIVE: To identify dominant and preferred organizational culture models at second level nursing services in Morelos. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between April and June, 2008. Nursing caregivers from Public Health Services of Morelos State participated. We gathered and analyzed data about socioeconomic characteristics and organizational culture, and we applied the Xi² and Kappa coefficient statistical tests using Stata version 10 software. RESULTS: We interviewed 30 nurses, randomly selected from a total of 397, with at least one year of seniority. It was identified that the dominant organizational culture is one of power and the preferred culture is one of performance. A Kappa positive coefficient of 0.17 (p = 0.047) was found between the dominant model and the preferred performance model. CONCLUSIONS: Identifying said organizational culture models helps to understand performance differences in the management of nursing care services currently provided to users of the hospital and to aspire to improvements in the service itself.

Hospitals, Public , Nursing Service, Hospital/organization & administration , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology , Organizational Culture , Adult , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Mexico , Middle Aged , Models, Theoretical , Power, Psychological , Sampling Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Salud pública Méx ; 53(1): 11-16, Jan.-Feb. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-574959


OBJETIVO: Identificar los modelos de cultura organizacional, dominante y preferido, en enfermería en el segundo nivel de atención a la salud. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Entre abril y junio de 2008 se hizo un estudio transversal con personal de enfermería de los Servicios de Salud del Estado de Morelos. Se obtuvo información sobre los datos sociodemográficos y la cultura organizacional. Se hicieron pruebas de ji² y de correlación Kappa, y se usó Stata v.10. RESULTADOS: Se entrevistó a 30 enfermeras seleccionadas aleatoriamente de un total de 397, con al menos un año de antigüedad laboral. Se identificó que la cultura organizacional dominante es la del poder y la preferida es la del desempeño. El coeficiente Kappa positivo de 0.17 (p= 0.047) entre lo que domina y el modelo del desempeño que se prefiere. CONCLUSIONES: Identificar estos modelos de la cultura organizacional permite entender los diferenciales de desempeño en la gestión del cuidado enfermero a los usuarios hospitalarios y plantearse aspiraciones de mejoras en el propio servicio.

OBJECTIVE: To identify dominant and preferred organizational culture models at second level nursing services in Morelos. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between April and June, 2008. Nursing caregivers from Public Health Services of Morelos State participated. We gathered and analyzed data about socioeconomic characteristics and organizational culture, and we applied the Xi² and Kappa coefficient statistical tests using Stata version 10 software. RESULTS: We interviewed 30 nurses, randomly selected from a total of 397, with at least one year of seniority. It was identified that the dominant organizational culture is one of power and the preferred culture is one of performance. A Kappa positive coefficient of 0.17 (p = 0.047) was found between the dominant model and the preferred performance model. CONCLUSIONS: Identifying said organizational culture models helps to understand performance differences in the management of nursing care services currently provided to users of the hospital and to aspire to improvements in the service itself.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Hospitals, Public , Nursing Service, Hospital/organization & administration , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology , Organizational Culture , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico , Models, Theoretical , Power, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sampling Studies
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 18(2): 63-73, Mayo.-Ago. 2010. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031112



Introducción: en México los adultos mayores son el grupo poblacional que crece rápidamente presentando mayores necesidades de salud, siendo necesario que cuenten con cuidados paliativos diversos. El nivel de calidad de vida de las personas puede determinar la percepción de la calidad de la atención de los servicios de enfermería. Objetivo: conocer la percepción de la calidad interpersonal de la atención de los servicios de enfermería que tienen los adultos mayores de acuerdo a su nivel de calidad de vida. Metodología: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal que se realizó mediante la aplicación de una encuesta para evaluar la calidad de la atención de los servicios de enfermería y calidad de vida en los adultos mayores en cuatro centros de atención. Resultados: se entrevistó a 622 adultos mayores, 80.7 % opinó que la atención de los servicios de enfermería es muy buena o buena. Referente a la calidad de vida 88.3 % se ubicó en los niveles medio, medio alto y alto. El análisis estadístico indicó que aparentemente el nivel de calidad de vida no influye en la percepción de la calidad de la atención de enfermería. Conclusiones: aún cuando no se encontró asociación estadística entre la calidad de vida y calidad de la atención de los servicios de enfermería, no sería conducente descartar que exista cierta vinculación, misma que no necesariamente se pueda probar con un abordaje positivista siendo necesario profundizar en este tipo de estudios.


Introduction: the older population is the group which is growing faster. They have greater health needs; therefore it is necessary to provide them care services. The quality of life could determine the perception of nursing care quality. Objective: of to Know the perception of the quality of nursing care services in older adults according to their quality of life. Methodology: observational, descriptive and cross study was conducted applying a survey to evaluate the quality of nursing care and quality of life in older adults in four health care units. Results: six hundred and twenty two elderly patients were interviewed. Nursing care was very good in 80.7% of patients. Regarding the quality of life 88.3 % was located at the middle, middle-high and high status. No statistical association was found between quality of life and quality of nursing care, Conclusions: it would be inappropriate to rule out that there is some link that can not necessarily be proved using a positivist approach, so it is necessary to have further research into this kind of study.

Humans , Nursing , Aged , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Quality of Health Care , Quality of Life , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 18(1): 53-55, Enero.-Abr. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031108



En el movimiento armado de la Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920) la participación de la mujer fue preponderante, sus tareas no se limitaron a aspectos domésticos y militares; también destacaron como: telegrafistas, empleadas de oficina, reporteras, editoras de periódicos, maestras y “enfermeras”. El propósito de este trabajo es resaltar las aportaciones de las “enfermeras” pioneras de este periodo. Se sabe que en dicho movimiento las heroínas anónimas fueron muchas; no obstante, la evidencia escrita es exigua. Se hace referencia a tres mujeres que destacaron durante este movimiento armado como impulsoras de la enfermería contemporánea: Leonor Villegas de Magnón, Elena Arizmendi y Refugio Esteves Reyes; quienes por su iniciativa, preocupación y entrega para cuidar las heridas de los partícipes de la Revolución Mexicana, merecen ser recordadas.


In times of the armed movement of the Mexican Revolution (19101920) women participation was predominant, their tasks were not limited to domestic and military aspects, also highlighted as telegraph operators, clerks, reporters, newspaper editors, teachers and "nurses". The purpose of this paper is to highlight the contributions of the pioneer "nurses" of this period. It is well known that at this movement were many anonymous heroes; however, written evidence is limited. There is a reference about three women during the armed movement highlighted as drivers of contemporary nursing: Leonor Villegas de Magnon, Elena Arizmendi and Refugio Reyes Esteves, who by their initiative, concern and care delivery for the wounded participants in the Mexican Revolution, deserve to be remembered.

Humans , Biography , Nursing , History, 20th Century , Mexico
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 16(3): 155-160, Sep.-Dic. 2008. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-968325


Introducción: Mantener niveles altos de satisfacción laboral permite mejorar los procesos, fomenta el trabajo en equipo, aumenta la calidad de la atención de enfermería y el rendimiento de su productividad; así como la satisfacción de los usuarios. Objetivo: Conocer el grado de satisfacción laboral del personal de enfermería del Hospital General de México. Metodología: Se realizó estudio transversal, en una muestra aleatoria de 159 enfermeras que representan 10% del total del personal del Hospital General de México, la recolección de la información fue a través de un cuestionario ex profeso que contempló el modelo desarrollado por Herzberg. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 36 años, 63% tiene una escolaridad de nivel técnico, los hechos que le produjeron mayor satisfacción son: sanar y apoyar a los pacientes, reconocimiento de su trabajo por sus superiores, ingresar y pertenecer al Hospital General de México. Los factores de ambiente de trabajo y capacitación fueron satisfactorios; no así para el salario. Discusión: La satisfacción del trabajador en el desempeño de sus funciones es un factor determinante de la calidad de la atención; en este trabajo faltó profundizar en los aspectos extrínsecos de la satisfacción. Conclusiones: La satisfacción laboral intrínseca demostró estrecha relación con los principales factores que la originaron.

Introduction: Maintaining high levels of working fulfillment leads to improved processes, fosters teamwork, and increases the quality of nursing care and the performance of its productivity, as well as patients' satisfaction. Objective: Knowing the level of working fulfillment in nurses from the Hospital General de México. Methodology: We performed a cross-sectional study in a sample of 159 nurses randomly selected representing 10% of the total staff of the Hospital General de México, the information was recollected through a questionnaire that was specially developed following the model developed by Herzberg. Results: The average age was 36 years old, 63% had a technical education level, events that granted more satisfied to the nurses: were healing and supporting the patients; the recognition of their work by their superiors; working and being part of the Hospital General de México. The working environment and training were satisfactory, but not the wages. Discussion: Working fulfillment of the nurses is a determinant factor in the quality of the attention to patients. We need to deepen our study in the extrinsic aspects of this fulfillment. Conclusions: The intrinsic working fulfillment demonstrated a close relation among the principal factors that originate.

Humans , Quality Control , Quality of Health Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Nursing , Hospitals, Public , Job Satisfaction , Mexico
Cir. & cir ; Cir. & cir;74(6): 505-508, nov.-dic. 2006.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-571232


Se presenta un resumen de la historia de los principales hospitales del puerto de Acapulco, desde la Colonia hasta finales del siglo XX. Los frailes agustinos principiaron la atención hospitalaria hacia la mitad del siglo XVI, posteriormente Bernardino Álvarez, con el apoyo de la corona española, fundó el primer hospital formal de Acapulco, el Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Consolación; durante los siglos XVI y XVII, los servicios a los enfermos fueron proporcionados por frailes, y al finalizar el siglo XVIII se contaba con médicos y cirujanos. Desde el fin de la Guerra de Independencia y hasta la séptima década del siglo XIX, probablemente el puerto careció de hospital regular. Hasta 1920 empezaron a llegar y a residir en Acapulco médicos cirujanos titulados. En 1938 se fundó el Hospital Civil Morelos, sustituido en 1972 por el Hospital General de Acapulco. En la cuarta década del siglo pasado se creó la Cruz Roja. En 1957 principió la actividad hospitalaria del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), subrogando inicialmente los servicios al Hospital Civil. Fue hasta 1963 cuando se inauguró la Unidad Médico- Social de Acapulco del IMSS; la medicina en Acapulco inició así el camino hacia la modernidad. En 1992 abrió sus puertas el Hospital Regional de IMSS “Vicente Guerrero”. En 1960 los servicios médicos para los burócratas y sus familiares se subrogaban en el Hospital Civil Morelos, poco después tuvieron su propio hospital al crearse el Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE). Durante el siglo XX, Acapulco tuvo otros hospitales para miembros de la marina y del ejército, y para personas con posibilidades económicas.

This study attempts to recount the history of the main hospitals of the port of Acapulco from colonial times until the end of the 20th century. The Augustine friars began hospital care at the end of the first part of the 16th century. Later, Bernardino Alvarez (1514?-1584), with the support of the Spanish crown, founded the first formal hospital in Acapulco called Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Consolación (Our Lady of Consolation Hospital). During the 16th and 17th centuries, the sick were attended by friars, and by the end of the 19th century there were physicians and surgeons. From the end of the Independence War until the end of the 19th century, the port did not have any true hospital. The first degreed physicians and surgeons arrived and resided in Acapulco in 1920. In 1938, the Hospital Civil Morelos (Morelos Civil Hospital) began providing services. It was replaced by the Hospital General de Acapulco (General Hospital of Acapulco). At the fourth decade of the past century the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) was created. In 1957 the hospital services of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, Mexican Institute of Social Security), which was founded in 1963, was inaugurated with the Unidad Medico/Social (Medical and Social Unit) of the IMSS in Acapulco. This began the journey of modernity in Acapulco. In 1992, Hospital Regional Vicente Guerrero (Regional Hospital Vicente Guerrero) of the IMSS, initiated its services. In 1960, medical services for civil workers and their families were housed in the Hospital Civil Morelos (Morelos Civil Hospital). Shortly afterwards, the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales para los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE, Security and Social Services Institute for State Employees) had their own hospital. During the 20th century, Acapulco has added other hospital services to care for members of the navy and armed forces, as well as for those persons with financial resources for private care.

History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Hospitals/history , Academies and Institutes/history , Mexico , Social Security/history
Cir Cir ; 74(6): 505-8, 2006.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17244509


This study attempts to recount the history of the main hospitals of the port of Acapulco from colonial times until the end of the 20th century. The Augustine friars began hospital care at the end of the first part of the 16th century. Later, Bernardino Alvarez (1514?-1584), with the support of the Spanish crown, founded the first formal hospital in Acapulco called Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Consolación (Our Lady of Consolation Hospital). During the 16th and 17th centuries, the sick were attended by friars, and by the end of the 19th century there were physicians and surgeons. From the end of the Independence War until the end of the 19th century, the port did not have any true hospital. The first degreed physicians and surgeons arrived and resided in Acapulco in 1920. In 1938, the Hospital Civil Morelos (Morelos Civil Hospital) began providing services. It was replaced by the Hospital General de Acapulco (General Hospital of Acapulco). At the fourth decade of the past century the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) was created. In 1957 the hospital services of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, Mexican Institute of Social Security), which was founded in 1963, was inaugurated with the Unidad Medico/Social (Medical and Social Unit) of the IMSS in Acapulco. This began the journey of modernity in Acapulco. In 1992, Hospital Regional Vicente Guerrero (Regional Hospital Vicente Guerrero) of the IMSS, initiated its services. In 1960, medical services for civil workers and their families were housed in the Hospital Civil Morelos (Morelos Civil Hospital). Shortly afterwards, the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales para los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE, Security and Social Services Institute for State Employees) had their own hospital. During the 20th century, Acapulco has added other hospital services to care for members of the navy and armed forces, as well as for those persons with financial resources for private care.

Hospitals/history , Academies and Institutes/history , History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Mexico , Social Security/history
Salud pública Méx ; 37(6): 556-571, nov.-dic. 1995. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-167473


El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar la magnitud, distribución, frecuencia, patrones, tendencias, factores de riesgo, grupos en riesgo, predicciones y evaluación de las intervenciones del SIDA/VIH en México, en los últimos doce años. Se presentan los resultados del Registro Nacional de Casos de SIDA, encuestas centinelas de VIH en 18 ciudades del país, análisis de los certificados de defunción, estudios transversales y longitudinales, observacionales y de intervención. Hasta el primer trimestre de 1995 se han estimado 34 230 casos de SIDA, 120 000 infectados por VIH y 21 000 muertes por SIDA. La tendencia es de crecimiento amortiguado con periodos de 18 meses de duplicación de los casos. El patrón epidemiológico es de transmisión, principalmente en hombres homosexuales y bisexuales, y con una relación hombre-mujer de 6 a 1. En 1992, en México el SIDA constituyó la décimo novena causa de muerte en población general. Existen por lo menos dos patrones de transmisión, uno urbano-occidental que contribuye con más del 90 por ciento de los casos, y uno rural-caribeño, de más reciente aparición. La transmisión sanguínea del SIDA tiene una tendencia descendente, de la heterosexual y la perinatal son moderadamente ascendentes. La seroprevalencia en la población general adulta es de 0.06 por ciento; en cambio en grupos con prácticas de riesgo se encuentran tasas hasta del 50 por ciento. Los factores de riesgo identificados son semejantes a los descritos en otros países y han servido para el diseño de intervenciones. Se han realizado evaluaciones de las intervenciones con resultados positivos en la prevención de la transmisión sanguínea y por vía sexual en prostitutas; los resultados en homosexuales no han sido satisfactorios. Para el año 2000 se calcula la cifra de 77 000 a 88 000 casos acumulados de SIDA en México

The purpose of this study is to analyze the HIV/AIDS magnitude, distribution, frequency, patterns, trends, risk factors, risk groups, estimation and evaluation of interventions in Mexico during the last twelve years. Results of a summary of statistics and results from several sources are presented including the National Registr of AIDS cases, HIV sentinel surveillance in 18 cities of the country, analysis of death certificates, cross-sectional, longitudinal, observational, and intervention studies. As of March 1995, 34 230 AIDS cases, 120 000 HIV infections and 21 000 AIDS deaths are estimated. A damaged exponential growth with duplication of AIDS cases every 18 months can be seen. Epidemiological patterns of transmission are found primarily among men with homosexual and bisexual practices. The male: female ratio is 6 to 1. In 1992 AIDS was the 19th cause of death among the general population. At least two patterns of transmission have been identified: one is the western-urban pattern which contributes with more than 90% of cases and the other, more recent, has been described as Caribbeanrural. Blood transmission of AIDS shows a downward trend, and heterosexual and perinatal transmission is slightly increasing. Seroprevalence among adults is 0.06%: however, among groups with risk practices, rates up to 50% have been found. Risk factors are similar to those described in the literature in other countries, and have been used for designing interventions. Evaluation of interventions has been accomplished by demonstrating positive results in the prevention of blood transmission and sexual transmission among female commercial sex workers; prevention efforts directed to men with homosexual practices have not been successful. Between 77 000 and 88 000 cumulated AIDS cases are estimated in Mexico for the year 2000.

Humans , Male , Female , Risk Groups , Homosexuality, Male , Population Characteristics , Sex Work , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/mortality , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/transmission
Article | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-26909


This article reviews literature on the epidemiology, pathogenicity, and control of HIV and Micobacterium tuberculosis coinfection. Regarding pathogenicity, immune system deterioration makes HIV-infected people more likely to develop active tuberculosis on primary or secondary exposure to the bacillus or to suffer reactivation of latent infections, and to experience considerably higher rates of extrapulmonary manifestations, relapses, and death. Regarding epidemiology, as of 1990 there were an estimated 3 million people coinfected with HIV and M. tuberculosis, with some 300 000 active tuberculosis cases and 120 000-150 000 tuberculosis deaths occurring annually among those coinfected. Over 500 000 coinfected people are thought to reside in the Americas, over 400 000 of them in Latin America. In general, the impact of coinfection is evident. Relatively high and increasing prevalences of HIV infection have been detected among tuberculosis patients around the world, and tuberculosis has become a frequent complication of AIDS cases. Moreover, there is no longer any doubt that coinfection obstructs tuberculosis prevention and control. Among other things, it effects BCG vaccination policies, suggests the need to administer preventive chemoprophylaxis to HIV-infected individuals at high risk of harboring or contracting tuberculosis infections, and complicates both detection and treatment of active tuberculosis cases. The recent proliferation of M. tuberculosis strains resistant to multiple drugs, most notably in the United States, compounds the problem... (AU)

Revised translation of an article entitled "Epidemiología del SIDA y la tuberculosis" that was published in Spanish in the BOSP. Vol. 116(6):546-65, 1994

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Tuberculosis , Prevalence , Mortality , Caribbean Region , Latin America