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Pak J Med Sci ; 34(3): 583-589, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30034420


OBJECTIVES: To establish a possible relation of dependency between pulmonary hypertension (PHT) and several factors, with the evaluation of their predictive potential, in Graves' disease. METHODS: For identifying the factors implied in producing PHT and for evaluating its reversibility, we made echocardiography exams, sessions of monitoring the blood pressure during 24 hours and biological test in a group of 42 patients with Graves' disease (group H), comparing them with themselves in a euthyroid status (group E, n=25) and with a control group (group C, n=25). In order to analyse the relation of dependency between pulmonary hypertension (PHT) and the factors identified in the H group, we used both the simple linear regression method (polynomial of degree 1) and the non-linear regression method (polynomial of degree 2, 3) for establishing one model of functional dependency. We used the values of the coefficients of correlation r (degree of dependency) and of determination R2 (the type of dependency). The statistical test (F-test, AIC criterion, test t) was applied by choosing the most appropriate model of determination, with a higher predictive potential. RESULTS: We identified PHT at 47.6% of the patients with Graves' disease. Once the euthyroidism status is obtained, PHT is normalized. While inducing PHT, we identified a strong relationship of dependency on several possible new factors such as: pre-treatment period, age, level of the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibody and values of systolic blood pressure, besides the already known ones (high level of thyroids hormones, cardiac output, pulmonary vascular resistance). CONCLUSIONS: The non-linear model best explains the relation of determination between pulmonary pressure and those factors having a better predictive potential (from 51% to 90%), compared with the linear model, the only exception being the age factor and the systolic blood pressure, where both models seems to be appropriate.

Pak J Med Sci ; 33(1): 111-120, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28367183


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at assessing the incidence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) at newly diagnosed hyperthyroid patients and at finding a simple model showing the complex functional relation between pulmonary hypertension in hyperthyroidism and the factors causing it. METHODS: The 53 hyperthyroid patients (H-group) were evaluated mainly by using an echocardiographical method and compared with 35 euthyroid (E-group) and 25 healthy people (C-group). In order to identify the factors causing pulmonary hypertension the statistical method of comparing the values of arithmetical means is used. The functional relation between the two random variables (PAPs and each of the factors determining it within our research study) can be expressed by linear or non-linear function. By applying the linear regression method described by a first-degree equation the line of regression (linear model) has been determined; by applying the non-linear regression method described by a second degree equation, a parabola-type curve of regression (non-linear or polynomial model) has been determined. We made the comparison and the validation of these two models by calculating the determination coefficient (criterion 1), the comparison of residuals (criterion 2), application of AIC criterion (criterion 3) and use of F-test (criterion 4). RESULTS: From the H-group, 47% have pulmonary hypertension completely reversible when obtaining euthyroidism. The factors causing pulmonary hypertension were identified: previously known- level of free thyroxin, pulmonary vascular resistance, cardiac output; new factors identified in this study- pretreatment period, age, systolic blood pressure. According to the four criteria and to the clinical judgment, we consider that the polynomial model (graphically parabola- type) is better than the linear one. CONCLUSIONS: The better model showing the functional relation between the pulmonary hypertension in hyperthyroidism and the factors identified in this study is given by a polynomial equation of second degree where the parabola is its graphical representation.
