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Harmful Algae ; 81: 106-118, 2019 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30638494


Phytoplankton production in coastal waters influences seafood production and human health and can lead to harmful algal blooms. Water temperature and eutrophication are critical factors affecting phytoplankton production, although the combined effects of warming and nutrient changes on phytoplankton production in coastal waters are not well understood. To address this, phytoplankton production changes in natural waters were investigated using samples collected over eight months, and under 64 different initial conditions, established by combining four different water temperatures (i.e., ambient T, +2, +4, and + 6 °C), and two different nutrient conditions (i.e., non-enriched and enriched). Under the non-enriched conditions, the effect of warming on phytoplankton production was significantly positive in some months, significantly negative in others, or had no effect. However, under enriched conditions, warming affected phytoplankton production positively in all months except one, when the salinity was as low as 6.5. These results suggest that nutrient conditions can alter the effects of warming on phytoplankton production. Of several parameters, the ratio of initial nitrate concentration to chlorophyll a concentration [NCCA, µM (µg L-1)-1] was one of the most critical factors determining the directionality of the warming effects. In laboratory experiments, when NCCA in the ambient or nutrient-enriched waters was ≥1.2, warming increased or did not change phytoplankton production with one exception; however, when NCCA was <1.2, warming did not change or decreased production. In the time series data obtained from the coastal waters of four target countries, when NCCA was 1.5 or more, warming increased phytoplankton production, whereas when NCCA was lower than 1.5, warming lowered phytoplankton production, Thus, it is suggested that NCCA could be used as an index for predicting future phytoplankton production changes in coastal waters.

Chlorophyll A , Phytoplankton , Harmful Algal Bloom , Temperature
Harmful Algae ; 80: 46-54, 2018 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30502811


Among mixotrophic dinoflagellates, the maximum mixotrophic growth rate of the red-tide dinoflagellate Paragymnodinium shiwhaense is relatively high, whereas mortality due to predation is low. To investigate the effects of major environmental parameters on P. shiwhaense, growth and ingestion rates of one strain of P. shiwhaense on the algal prey species Amphidinium carterae (also a dinoflagellate) were determined under various light intensities (0-500 µE m-2s-1), water temperatures (5-30 °C), and salinities (5-40). Cells of P. shiwhaense did not grow well in darkness but grew well at light intensities ≥ 10 µE m-2s-1. There were no significant differences in either growth or ingestion rates of P. shiwhaense fed A. carterae at light intensities between 10 and 500 µE m-2s-1. Furthermore, P. shiwhaense did not grow at 5 °C or ≥ 28 °C. Its growth rates between 7 and 26 °C were significantly affected by temperature, and the optimal temperature for maximal growth was 25 °C. With increasing salinity from 5 to 20, the growth rate of P. shiwhaense fed A. carterae increased and became saturated at salinities between 20 and 40, while the ingestion rate at salinities between 10 and 40 did not significantly change. Thus, overall, the growth and ingestion rates of P. shiwhaense fed A. carterae were affected by temperature and salinity, but not by light intensity other than darkness. These findings provide a beginning basis for understanding the ecology of this potentially harmful algal species in marine coastal ecosystems.

Dinoflagellida/physiology , Harmful Algal Bloom , Salinity , Temperature , Dinoflagellida/growth & development , Dinoflagellida/radiation effects , Ecosystem , Population Density
Harmful Algae ; 73: 98-109, 2018 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29602510


The phototrophic euglenophyte Eutreptiella eupharyngea often causes blooms in the coastal waters of many countries, but its mode of nutrition has not been assessed. This species has previously been considered as exclusively auxotrophic. To explore whether E. eupharyngea is a mixotrophic species, the protoplasm of E. eupharyngea cells were examined using light, epifluorescence, and transmission electron microscopy after eubacteria, the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp., and diverse algal species were provided as potential prey. Furthermore, the ingestion rates of E. eupharyngea KR on eubacteria or Synechococcus sp. as a function of prey concentration were measured. In addition, grazing by natural populations of euglenophytes on natural populations of eubacteria in Masan Bay was investigated. This study is the first to report that E. eupharyngea is a mixotrophic species. Among the potential prey organisms offered, E. eupharyngea fed only on eubacteria and Synechococcus sp., and the maximum ingestion rates of these two organisms measured in the laboratory were 5.7 and 0.7 cells predator-1 h-1, respectively. During the field experiments, the maximum ingestion rates and grazing impacts of euglenophytes, including E. eupharyngea, on natural populations of eubacteria were 11.8 cells predator-1 h-1 and 1.228 d-1, respectively. Therefore, euglenophytes could potentially have a considerable grazing impact on marine bacterial populations.

Bacteria/classification , Euglenida/physiology , Aquatic Organisms , DNA/genetics , Euglenida/genetics , Harmful Algal Bloom , Microalgae/physiology , Phylogeny
Harmful Algae ; 68: 105-117, 2017 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28962973


Cryptophytes are ubiquitous and one of the major phototrophic components in marine plankton communities. They often cause red tides in the waters of many countries. Understanding the bloom dynamics of cryptophytes is, therefore, of great importance. A critical step in this understanding is unveiling their trophic modes. Prior to this study, several freshwater cryptophyte species and marine Cryptomonas sp. and Geminifera cryophila were revealed to be mixotrophic. The trophic mode of the common marine cryptophyte species, Teleaulax amphioxeia has not been investigated yet. Thus, to explore the mixotrophic ability of T. amphioxeia by assessing the types of prey species that this species is able to feed on, the protoplasms of T. amphioxeia cells were carefully examined under an epifluorescence microscope and a transmission electron microscope after adding each of the diverse prey species. Furthermore, T. amphioxeia ingestion rates heterotrophic bacteria and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. were measured as a function of prey concentration. Moreover, the feeding of natural populations of cryptophytes on natural populations of heterotrophic bacteria was assessed in Masan Bay in April 2006. This study reported for the first time, to our knowledge, that T. amphioxeia is a mixotrophic species. Among the prey organisms offered, T. amphioxeia fed only on heterotrophic bacteria and Synechococcus sp. The ingestion rates of T. amphioxeia on heterotrophic bacteria or Synechococcus sp. rapidly increased with increasing prey concentrations up to 8.6×106 cells ml-1, but slowly at higher prey concentrations. The maximum ingestion rates of T. amphioxeia on heterotrophic bacteria and Synechococcus sp. reached 0.7 and 0.3 cells predator-1 h-1, respectively. During the field experiments, the ingestion rates and grazing coefficients of cryptophytes on natural populations of heterotrophic bacteria were 0.3-8.3 cells predator-1h-1 and 0.012-0.033d-1, respectively. Marine cryptophytes, including T. amphioxeia, are known to be favorite prey species for many mixotrophic and heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates. Cryptophytes, therefore, likely play important roles in marine food webs and may exert a considerable potential grazing impact on the populations of marine bacteria.

Bacteria/metabolism , Cryptophyta/microbiology , Cryptophyta/physiology , Harmful Algal Bloom , Seawater , Bacteria/ultrastructure , Bays , Cryptophyta/ultrastructure , Heterotrophic Processes , Republic of Korea , Synechococcus/metabolism , Synechococcus/ultrastructure
Harmful Algae ; 68: 224-239, 2017 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28962983


Heterotrophic nanoflagellates are ubiquitous and known to be major predators of bacteria. The feeding of free-living heterotrophic nanoflagellates on phytoplankton is poorly understood, although these two components usually co-exist. To investigate the feeding and ecological roles of major heterotrophic nanoflagellates Katablepharis spp., the feeding ability of Katablepharis japonica on bacteria and phytoplankton species and the type of the prey that K. japonica can feed on were explored. Furthermore, the growth and ingestion rates of K. japonica on the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea-a suitable algal prey item-heterotrophic bacteria, and the cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp., as a function of prey concentration were determined. Among the prey tested, K. japonica ingested heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus sp., the prasinophyte Pyramimonas sp., the cryptophytes Rhodomonas salina and Teleaulax sp., the raphidophytes Heterosigma akashiwo and Chattonella ovata, the dinoflagellates Heterocapsa rotundata, Amphidinium carterae, Prorocentrum donghaiense, Alexandrium minutum, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Gymnodinium catenatum, A. sanguinea, Coolia malayensis, and the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum, however, it did not feed on the dinoflagellates Alexandrium catenella, Gambierdiscus caribaeus, Heterocapsa triquetra, Lingulodinium polyedra, Prorocentrum cordatum, P. micans, and Scrippsiella acuminata and the diatom Skeletonema costatum. Many K. japonica cells attacked and ingested a prey cell together after pecking and rupturing the surface of the prey cell and then uptaking the materials that emerged from the ruptured cell surface. Cells of A. sanguinea supported positive growth of K. japonica, but neither heterotrophic bacteria nor Synechococcus sp. supported growth. The maximum specific growth rate of K. japonica on A. sanguinea was 1.01 d-1. In addition, the maximum ingestion rate of K. japonica for A. sanguinea was 0.13ngC predator-1d-1 (0.06 cells predator-1d-1). The maximum ingestion rate of K. japonica for heterotrophic bacteria was 0.019ngC predator-1d-1 (266 bacteria predator-1d-1), and the highest ingestion rate of K. japonica for Synechococcus sp. at the given prey concentrations of up to ca. 107 cells ml-1 was 0.01ngC predator-1d-1 (48 Synechococcus predator-1d-1). The maximum daily carbon acquisition from A. sanguinea, heterotrophic bacteria, and Synechococcus sp. were 307, 43, and 22%, respectively, of the body carbon of the predator. Thus, low ingestion rates of K. japonica on heterotrophic bacteria and Synechococcus sp. may be responsible for the lack of growth. The results of the present study clearly show that K. japonica is a predator of diverse phytoplankton, including toxic or harmful algae, and may also affect the dynamics of red tides caused by these prey species.

Dinoflagellida/physiology , Heterotrophic Processes/physiology , Bacteria/metabolism , Diatoms/cytology , Diatoms/ultrastructure , Dinoflagellida/cytology , Dinoflagellida/growth & development , Dinoflagellida/ultrastructure , Feeding Behavior
Harmful Algae ; 63: 23-31, 2017 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28366397


Red tides by the ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides have caused large scaled mortality of fish and great loss in aquaculture industry in many countries. Detecting and quantifying the abundance of this species are the most critical step in minimizing the loss. The conventional quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method has been used for quantifying the abundance of this species. However, when analyzing >500 samples collected during huge C. polykrikoides red tides in South Sea of Korea in 2014, this conventional method and the previously developed specific primer and probe set for C. polykrikoides did not give reasonable abundances when compared with cell counting data. Thus improved qPCR methods and a new specific primer and probe set reflecting recent discovery of 2 new ribotypes have to be developed. A new species-specific primer and probe set for detecting all 3 ribotypes of C. polykrikoides was developed and provided in this study. Furthermore, because the standard curve between cell abundance and threshold cycle value (Ct) is critical, the efficiencies of 4 different preparation methods used to determine standard curves were comparatively evaluated. The standard curves were determined by using the following 4 different preparations: (1) extraction of DNA from a dense culture of C. polykrikoides followed by serial dilution of the extracted DNA (CDD method), (2) extraction of DNA from each of the serially diluted cultures with different concentrations of C. polykrikoides cultures (CCD method), (3) extraction of DNA from a dense field sample of C. polykrikoides collected from natural seawater and then dilution of the extracted DNA in serial (FDD method), and (4) extraction of DNA from each of the serially diluted field samples having different concentrations of C. polykrikoides (FCD method). These 4 methods yielded different results. The abundances of C. polykrikoides in the samples collected from the coastal waters of South Sea, Korea, in 2014-2015, obtained using the standard curves determined by the CCD and the FCD methods, were the most similar (0.93-1.03 times) and the second closest (1.16-1.33 times) to the actual cell abundances obtained by enumeration of cells. Thus, our results suggest that the CCD method is a more effective tool to quantify the abundance of C. polykrikoides than the conventional method, CDD, and the FDD and FCD methods.

Dinoflagellida/metabolism , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Ribotyping/methods , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Harmful Algal Bloom/physiology
Harmful Algae ; 62: 37-51, 2017 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28118891


To investigate interactions between the nematocyst-bearing mixotrophic dinoflagellate Paragymnodinium shiwhaense and different heterotrophic protist and copepod species, feeding by common heterotrophic dinoflagellates (Oxyrrhis marina and Gyrodinium dominans), naked ciliates (Strobilidium sp. approximately 35µm in cell length and Strombidinopsis sp. approximately 100µm in cell length), and calanoid copepods Acartia spp. (A. hongi and A. omorii) on P. shiwhaense was explored. In addition, the feeding activities of P. shiwhaense on these heterotrophic protists were investigated. Furthermore, the growth and ingestion rates of O. marina, G. dominans, Strobilidium sp., Strombidinopsis sp., and Acartia spp. as a function of P. shiwhaense concentration were measured. O. marina, G. dominans, and Strombidinopsis sp. were able to feed on P. shiwhaense, but Strobilidium sp. was not. However, the growth rates of O. marina, G. dominans, Strobilidium sp., and Strombidinopsis sp. feeding on P. shiwhaense were very low or negative at almost all concentrations of P. shiwhaense. P. shiwhaense frequently fed on O. marina and Strobilidium sp., but did not feed on Strombidinopsis sp. and G. dominans. G. dominans cells swelled and became dead when incubated with filtrate from the experimental bottles (G. dominans+P. shiwhaense) that had been incubated for one day. The ingestion rates of O. marina, G. dominans, and Strobilidium sp. on P. shiwhaense were almost zero at all P. shiwhaense concentrations, while those of Strombidinopsis sp. increased with prey concentration. The maximum ingestion rate of Strombidinopsis sp. on P. shiwhaense was 5.3ngC predator-1d-1 (41 cells predator-1d-1), which was much lower than ingestion rates reported in the literature for other mixotrophic dinoflagellate prey species. With increasing prey concentrations, the ingestion rates of Acartia spp. on P. shiwhaense increased up to 930ngCml-1 (7180cellsml-1) at the highest prey concentration. The highest ingestion rate of Acartia spp. on P. shiwhaense was 4240ngC predator-1d-1 (32,610 cells predator-1d-1), which is comparable to ingestion rates from previous studies on other dinoflagellate prey species calculated at similar prey concentrations. Thus, P. shiwhaense might play diverse ecological roles in marine planktonic communities by having an advantage over competing phytoplankton in anti-predation against potential protistan grazers.

Ciliophora/physiology , Copepoda/physiology , Dinoflagellida/physiology , Food Chain , Animals , Ciliophora/growth & development , Copepoda/growth & development , Diet , Dinoflagellida/growth & development , Eating , Phytoplankton/growth & development , Phytoplankton/physiology , Predatory Behavior
J Phycol ; 53(1): 131-145, 2017 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27779746


A small (7-11 µm long) dinoflagellate with thin amphiesmal plates was isolated into culture from a water sample collected in coastal waters of Yeosu, southern Korea, and examined by LM, SEM, and TEM, and molecular analyses. The hemispheric episome was smaller than the hyposome. The nucleus was oval and situated from the central to the episomal region of the cell. A large yellowish-brown chloroplast was located at the end of the hyposome, and some small chloroplasts extended into the periphery of the episome. The dinoflagellate had a single elongated apical vesicle (EAV) and a type E eyespot, which are key characteristics of the family Suessiaceae. Unlike other genera in this family, it had two long furrow lines, one on the episome and the other on the hyposome, and encircling the dorsal, and lateral sides of the cell body. The pyrenoid lacked starch sheaths, but tubular invaginations into the pyrenoid matrix from the cytoplasm were observed. In the TEM, the dinoflagellate was observed to have cable-like structures (CLSs) near the eyespot but so far not observed in other dinoflagellates. The SSU rDNA sequences examined were 1.2%-5.1% different from those of other genera in the family Suessiaceae, whereas the LSU (D1-D3) rDNA sequences of this dinoflagellate were 15.1%-31.5% different. The dinoflagellate lacked a 51-bp fragment in domain D2 of the LSU rDNA, but it had an ~100-bp fragment in domain D2. This feature has been found previously only in the genera Leiocephalium and Polarella, two other genera of the Suessiaceae. The molecular phylogeny and sequence divergence based on SSU, and LSU rDNA indicate that the Korean dinoflagellate holds a taxonomically distinctive position and we consider it to be a new species in a new genus in the family Suessiaceae, named Yihiella yeosuensis gen. et sp. nov.

Dinoflagellida/classification , Dinoflagellida/genetics , DNA, Algal/genetics , DNA, Protozoan/genetics , DNA, Ribosomal/genetics , Dinoflagellida/cytology , Dinoflagellida/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Phylogeny , Republic of Korea , Species Specificity
J Eukaryot Microbiol ; 60(1): 13-24, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23190195


Few protistan grazers feed on toxic dinoflagellates, and low grazing pressure on toxic dinoflagellates allows these dinoflagellates to form red-tide patches. We explored the feeding ecology of the newly described heterotrophic dinoflagellate Gyrodinium moestrupii when it fed on toxic strains of Alexandrium minutum, Alexandrium tamarense, and Karenia brevis and on nontoxic strains of A. tamarense, Prorocentrum minimum, and Scrippsiella trochoidea. Specific growth rates of G. moestrupii feeding on each of these dinoflagellates either increased continuously or became saturated with increasing mean prey concentration. The maximum specific growth rate of G. moestrupii feeding on toxic A. minutum (1.60/d) was higher than that when feeding on nontoxic S. trochoidea (1.50/d) or P. minimum (1.07/d). In addition, the maximum growth rate of G. moestrupii feeding on the toxic strain of A. tamarense (0.68/d) was similar to that when feeding on the nontoxic strain of A. tamarense (0.71/d). Furthermore, the maximum ingestion rate of G. moestrupii on A. minutum (2.6 ng C/grazer/d) was comparable to that of S. trochoidea (3.0 ng C/grazer/d). Additionally, the maximum ingestion rate of G. moestrupii on the toxic strain of A. tamarense (2.1 ng C/grazer/d) was higher than that when feeding on the nontoxic strain of A. tamarense (1.3 ng C/grazer/d). Thus, feeding by G. moestrupii is not suppressed by toxic dinoflagellate prey, suggesting that it is an effective protistan grazer of toxic dinoflagellates.

Dinoflagellida/physiology , Food Chain , Aquatic Organisms , Dinoflagellida/growth & development , Plankton , Republic of Korea , Species Specificity
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 109(31): 12604-9, 2012 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22814379


Survival of free-living and symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) in coral reefs is critical to the maintenance of a healthy coral community. Most coral reefs exist in oligotrophic waters, and their survival strategy in such nutrient-depleted waters remains largely unknown. In this study, we found that two strains of Symbiodinium spp. cultured from the environment and acquired from the tissues of the coral Alveopora japonica had the ability to feed heterotrophically. Symbiodinium spp. fed on heterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp.), and small microalgae in both nutrient-replete and nutrient-depleted conditions. Cultured free-living Symbiodinium spp. displayed no autotrophic growth under nitrogen-depleted conditions, but grew when provided with prey. Our results indicate that Symbiodinium spp.'s mixotrophic activity greatly increases their chance of survival and their population growth under nitrogen-depleted conditions, which tend to prevail in coral habitats. In particular, free-living Symbiodinium cells acquired considerable nitrogen from algal prey, comparable to or greater than the direct uptake of ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, or urea. In addition, free-living Symbiodinium spp. can be a sink for planktonic cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp.) and remove substantial portions of Synechococcus populations from coral reef waters. Our discovery of Symbiodinium's feeding alters our conventional views of the survival strategies of photosynthetic Symbiodinium and corals.

Dinoflagellida/genetics , Dinoflagellida/metabolism , Genes, Protozoan , Base Sequence , Coral Reefs , Dinoflagellida/cytology , Molecular Sequence Data , Nitrogen/metabolism , Synechococcus/metabolism , Water Microbiology
J Eukaryot Microbiol ; 55(4): 271-88, 2008.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18681841


We investigated the feeding of the small heterotrophic dinoflagellates (HTDs) Oxyrrhis marina, Gyrodinium cf. guttula, Gyrodinium sp., Pfiesteria piscicida, and Protoperidinium bipes on marine heterotrophic bacteria. To investigate whether they are able to feed on bacteria, we observed the protoplasm of target heterotrophic dinoflagellate cells under an epifluorescence microscope and transmission electron microscope. In addition, we measured ingestion rates of the dominant heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Gyrodinium spp., on natural populations of marine bacteria (mostly heterotrophic bacteria) in Masan Bay, Korea in 2006-2007. Furthermore, we measured the ingestion rates of O. marina, G. cf. guttula, and P. piscicida on bacteria as a function of bacterial concentration under laboratory conditions. All HTDs tested were able to feed on a single bacterium. Oxyrrhis marina and Gyrodinium spp. intercepted and then ingested a single bacterial cell in feeding currents that were generated by the flagella of the predators. During the field experiments, the ingestion rates and grazing coefficients of Gyrodinium spp. on natural populations of bacteria were 14-61 bacteria/dinoflagellate/h and 0.003-0.972 day(-1), respectively. With increasing prey concentration, the ingestion rates of O. marina, G. cf. guttula, and P. piscicida on bacteria increased rapidly at prey concentrations of ca 0.7-2.2 x 10(6) cells/ml, but increased only slowly or became saturated at higher prey concentrations. The maximum ingestion rate of O. marina on bacteria was much higher than those of G. cf. guttula and P. piscicida. Bacteria alone supported the growth of O. marina. The results of the present study suggest that some HTDs may sometimes have a considerable grazing impact on populations of marine bacteria, and that bacteria may be important prey.

Bacteria , Dinoflagellida/microbiology , Animals , Dermoscopy , Dinoflagellida/ultrastructure , Korea , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Pfiesteria piscicida/microbiology , Pfiesteria piscicida/ultrastructure , Predatory Behavior/physiology , Water Microbiology
J Eukaryot Microbiol ; 50(4): 274-82, 2003.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15132171


As part of the development of a method to control the outbreak and persistence of red tides using mass-cultured heterotrophic protist grazers, we measured the growth and ingestion rates of cultured Oxyrrhis marina (a heterotrophic dinoflagellate) on cultured Heterosigma akashiwo (a raphidophyte) in bottles in the laboratory and in mesocosms (ca. 60 liter) in nature, and those of the cultured grazer on natural populations of the red-tide organism in mesocosms set up in nature. In the bottle incubation, specific growth rates of O. marina increased rapidly with increasing concentration of cultured prey up to ca. 950 ng C ml(-1) (equivalent to 9,500 cells ml(-1)), but were saturated at higher concentrations. Maximum specific growth rate (mumax), KGR (prey concentration sustaining 0.5 mumax) and threshold prey concentration of O. marina on H. akashiwo were 1.43 d(-1), 104 ng C ml(-1), and 8.0 ng C ml(-1), respectively. Maximum ingestion and clearance rates of O. marina were 1.27 ng C grazer(-1) d(-1) and 0.3 microl grazer(-1) h(-1), respectively. Cultured O. marina grew well effectively reducing cultured and natural populations of H. akashiwo down to a very low concentration within 3 d in the mesocosms. The growth and ingestion rates of cultured O. marina on natural populations of H. akashiwo in the mesocosms were 39% and 40%, respectively, of those calculated based on the results from the bottle incubation in the laboratory, while growth and ingestion rates of cultured O. marina on cultured H. akashiwo in the mesocosms were 55% and 36%, respectively. Calculated grazing impact by O. marina on natural populations of H. akashiwo suggests that O. marina cultured on a large scale could be used for controlling red tides by H. akashiwo near aquaculture farms that are located in small ponds, lagoons, semi-enclosed bays, and large land-aqua tanks to which fresh seawater should be frequently supplied.

Dinoflagellida/growth & development , Dinoflagellida/physiology , Pest Control, Biological , Animals , Dinoflagellida/metabolism , Eating/physiology , Ecology , Eukaryota/physiology