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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449473


Introducción: La compensación ambiental es la alternativa final para enfrentar los impactos de proyectos de desarrollo que no pueden ser evitados, reducidos o mitigados. La compensación de hábitats pretende sustituir recursos ecológicamente equivalentes. El Método Hectárea de Hábitat se diseñó inicialmente para evaluar la equivalencia ecológica de vegetación nativa y emplea puntajes de indicadores relativos a un hábitat de referencia. La suma de estos puntajes mide la condición estructural del ambiente de manera relativa a la referencia, cuantificando el número de hectáreas necesarias para compensar la pérdida de un hábitat similar. Aunque el método no está exento de limitaciones, los valores se pueden estimar a partir de datos de campo recogidos sin ambigüedad, de forma reproducible, con menos sesgos que métodos más cualitativos. En este artículo, usamos una modificación del Método Hectárea de Hábitat para determinar el área equivalente necesaria para compensar la pérdida de hábitat en un área silvestre protegida en Costa Rica. Metodología: Trabajamos en la Reserva Biológica Lomas de Barbudal, Pacífico norte de Costa Rica, un área silvestre protegida donde se inundarán cerca de 113 hectáreas para el Embalse de Río Piedras. En una propiedad previamente identificada como un sitio potencial de compensación, evaluamos indicadores de paisaje, suelo, estructura de la vegetación y servicios ecosistémicos; asignamos los puntajes en relación con el sitio a inundar. Resultados: El puntaje de la condición ambiental en el sitio de compensación fue de 44,7% (±15,9%) del sitio inundado. En consecuencia, considerando la incertidumbre de nuestras mediciones, compensar la pérdida de cada hectárea requeriría entre 2.23 y 3.49 hectáreas de un ambiente similar. Conclusión: Se necesitan entre 2.23 y 3.49 hectáreas de reemplazo, para compensar la pérdida de hábitat en el Embalse de Río Piedras.

Introduction: Environmental compensation is the final alternative to face the impacts of development projects that cannot be avoided, reduced, or mitigated. The offset of affected habitats or environmental elements usually substitutes ecologically equivalent resources. The Habitat-Hectare Method was initially designed to assess the ecological equivalence of native vegetation, and employs indicator scores relative to a reference habitat. The sum of these scores measures the structural condition of the environment against the reference, quantifying the number of hectares needed to compensate for the loss of similar habitat. Although it is not exempt from limitations, the values can be estimated from field data collected without ambiguity, in a reproducible way, with less bias than more qualitative methods. In this paper, we use a modification of the Habitat-Hectare Method to determine the equivalent area needed to compensate for habitat loss in a protected wilderness in Costa Rica. Methods: We worked in the Lomas de Barbudal Biological Reserve, north Pacific of Costa Rica, a protected wilderness where nearly 113 hectares will be flooded for the Río Piedras Reservoir. In a property previously identified as a potential compensation site, we assessed indicators for landscape, soil, vegetation structure, and ecosystem services; the scores were assigned in relation to the environment found at the flood site. Results: The environmental condition score at the compensation site was 44.7% (±15.9%) of the impact site. Consequently, considering the uncertainty in our measurements, compensating for the loss of each hectare would require between 2.23 and 3.49 hectares of a similar environment. Conclusion: Between 2.23 and 3.49 hectares of are needed to compensate for the loss of habitat in the Río Piedras Reservoir.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449474


Introducción: Cerca de 113 hectáreas dentro de la Reserva Biológica Lomas de Barbudal (RBLB) se inundarían si se llegara a establecer el embalse de riego Río Piedras en el noroeste de Costa Rica. Ante ese impacto inevitable, la legislación costarricense requiere evaluar la pérdida de diversidad en el sitio y compensarla siguiendo el principio de equivalencia ecológica. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la pérdida de diversidad en el sitio y, valorar esta condición en una propiedad privada adyacente considerada como sitio potencial para compensar por esas pérdidas. Metodología: La diversidad, composición y prioridad de conservación de plantas vasculares, fauna vertebrada y artrópodos del sotobosque fueron evaluadas en el sitio de inundación en RBLB y en una propiedad privada adyacente identificada como sitio potencial de compensación. La equivalencia en diversidad entre ambos sitios se valoró mediante un procedimiento que asigna puntajes a los diferentes indicadores del sitio de compensación respecto a los observados en RBLB. La suma de esos puntajes representa la condición de diversidad del sitio de compensación y puede utilizarse como criterio para fundamentar acciones resarcitorias. Resultados: Todos los grupos sustitutos registraron un alto número de especies, aunque la información aportada por las plantas herbáceas, los mamíferos no voladores y los reptiles fue limitada. En contraste, los otros grupos indican una mayor diversidad en el sitio potencial de inundación, atribuida a sutiles diferencias ambientales y a su mejor conservación. En consecuencia, se valoró sustituir el área afectada por un área mayor del sitio de compensación para resarcir las perdidas en diversidad estimadas. Conclusión: Nuestro análisis muestra que grupos sustitutos pueden ser empleados en estudios ambientales a corto plazo. Sin embargo, los grupos a utilizar deben seleccionarse cuidadosamente, considerando los objetivos y el alcance del proyecto. Cuantificar la condición de diversidad del sitio de compensación respecto a la que se encuentra en un sitio de referencia parece ser un procedimiento válido, repetible y evaluable que permite establecer criterios sobre los cuales basar medidas resarcitorias.

Introduction: About 113 hectares within the Lomas de Barbudal Biological Reserve (RBLB) would be flooded if the Río Piedras irrigation reservoir were established in northwestern Costa Rica. Given this inevitable impact, Costa Rican legislation requires evaluating the loss of diversity in the site and compensating for it following the principle of ecological equivalence. Objetive: Our goal was to assess the loss of diversity at that site and evaluate the condition of an adjacent private property as a potential site to compensate for those losses. Methodology: The diversity, composition, and conservation priority of vascular plants, vertebrate fauna, and understory arthropods were assessed at the RBLB flood site and on an adjacent private property identified as a potential offset site. The equivalence in diversity between both sites was evaluated by assigning scores to the different indicators at the compensation site concerning those observed in RBLB. The sum of these scores represents the diversity condition of the compensation site and can be used as a criterion to support compensatory actions. Results: All surrogate groups recorded a high number of species, although the information provided by herbaceous plants, non-flying mammals, and reptiles was limited. In contrast, the other groups indicate a greater diversity in the potential flood site, attributed to subtle environmental differences and the better conservation at this site. Consequently, it was assessed to replace the affected area with a larger offset site area to compensate for the estimated losses in diversity. Conclusion: Our analysis shows that surrogate groups can be used in short-term environmental studies. However, the groups to be used must be carefully selected, considering the objectives and scope of the project. Quantifying the diversity condition of the compensation site concerning that found in a reference site seems to be a valid, repeatable, and evaluable procedure that allows establishing criteria on which to base compensatory measures.

Ecol Appl ; 32(2): e2493, 2022 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34773674


Many wetlands around the world that occur at the base of watersheds are under threat from land-use change, hydrological alteration, nutrient pollution, and invasive species. A relevant measure of whether the ecological character of these ecosystems has changed is the species diversity of wetland-dependent waterbirds, especially those of conservation value. Here, we evaluate the potential mechanisms controlling variability over time and space in avian species diversity of the wetlands in the Palo Verde National Park, a Ramsar Site of international importance in Costa Rica. To do so, we assessed the relative importance of several key wetland condition metrics (i.e., surface water depth, wetland extent, and vegetation greenness), and temporal fluctuations in these metrics, in predicting the abundance of five waterbirds of high conservation value as well as overall waterbird diversity over a 9-yr period. Generalized additive models revealed that mean NDVI, an indicator of vegetation greenness, combined with a metric used to evaluate temporal fluctuations in the wetland extent best predicted four of the five waterbird species of high conservation value as well as overall waterbird species richness and diversity. Black-bellied Whistling-ducks, which account for over one-half of all waterbird individuals, and all waterbird species together were better predicted by including surface water depth along with wetland extent and its fluctuations. Our calibrated species distribution model confidently quantified monthly averages of the predicted total waterbird abundances in seven of the 10 sub-wetlands making up the Ramsar Site and confirmed that the biophysical diversity of this entire wetland system is important to supporting waterbird populations both as a seasonal refuge and more permanently. This work further suggests that optimizing the timing and location of ongoing efforts to reduce invasive vegetation cover may be key to avian conservation by increasing waterbird habitat.

Ecosystem , Wetlands , Animals , Birds , Conservation of Natural Resources , Costa Rica
Rev Biol Trop ; 61 Suppl 1: 25-33, 2013 Sep.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24459750


In Central America, palm swamps are known collectively as yolillales. These wetlands are usually dominated by the raffia palm Raphia taedigera, but also by the royal palm Manicaria saccifera and -in lower extensions- by the American oil palm Elaeis oleifera. The yolillales tend to be poor in woody species and are characteristic of regions with high rainfall and extensive hydroperiods, so they remain flooded most of the year. The dominance of large raffia palm leaves in the canopy, allow these environments to be distinguishable in aerial photographs, which consequently has helped to map them along most of their distribution. However, while maps depicting yolillales are available, the extent of their surface area, perimeter and connectivity remains poorly understood. This is particularly true for yolillales in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, countries that share a good proportion of palm dominated swaps in the Rio San Juan Basin. In addition, it is not known the actual area of these environments that is under any category of protection according to the conservation systems of both countries. As a first step to catalog yolillal wetlands in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, this paper evaluates cartographic maps to delineate yolillales in the region. A subsample of yolillales mapped in this study were visited and we geo-referenced them and evaluate the extent and condition of the swamp. A total of 110 883.2ha are classified as yolillales in Nicaragua, equivalent to 22% of wetland surface area recorded for that country (excluding the Cocibolca and Xolothn Lakes). In Costa Rica, 53 931.3ha are covered by these palm dominated swamps, which represent 16.24% of the total surface area covered by wetlands. About 47% of the area covered by yolillales in Nicaragua is under some category of protection, the largest extensions protected by Cerro Silva, Laguna Tale Sulumas and Indio Maiz Nature Reserves. In Costa Rica, 55.5% of the area covered by yolillal is located within protected areas, mainly the Tortuguero National Park, Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge and the Sierpe-Thrraba National Wetland. Therefore, in both countries, about half the area covered by these wetlands is not protected by their systems of protection of wilderness areas.

Arecaceae/classification , Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Wetlands , Costa Rica , Nicaragua , Population Dynamics