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Trop Med Infect Dis ; 8(8)2023 Aug 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37624341


Currently, more than 500,000 cases of various helminthes in humans are reported annually in the Russian Federation. This figure may not reflect the true incidence of helminthes, as only nine separate nosological forms are compulsory notifiable. The rest of the species of detected helminthes are included in a separate category of "other helminthes" or "rare helminthes". The bulk of the latter is represented by the helminthes with a rate of incidence that does not exceed one case per 100,000 people. This review is based on data derived from publications in the Russian language, both from the Russian Federation and international, as well as data available from various health treatment facilities in Russia. These data largely cover the period of the 1990s-2010s. A total of 15 species of "rare helminthes" are described in this review: anisakiosis, capillariosis, clonorchosis, dioctophymosis, dipylidiosis, echinochasmosis, fasciolosis, gastrodiscoidosis (amphistomiosis), metagonimosis, metorchiosis, nanophyetosis, pseudamphistomosis, sparganosis (spirometrosis), strongyloidosis and trichostrongylosis. Details of their geographical distribution, clinical and epidemiological peculiarities, and the difficulties they pose in diagnosis are provided. The public health importance of "rare helminthes" in Russia at present and in the forthcoming years is stressed.

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 24(4): 907-914, 2017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28490964


Mobile phones communicate with base stations using 900 MHz microwaves. The current study was aimed to survey the effects of long-term 900 MHz microwave exposure of mice on experimentally induced cutaneous candidiasis. Forty inbred, male, BALB/c mice were randomly divided into four groups. Cutaneous lesions with Candida albicans were experimentally induced on the lateral-back skin of the 20 mice. One group of the diseased mice were exposed (6 h per day and 7 d per week) to 900 MHz microwave radiation, while the other groups were not exposed. Two unexposed control groups were also included. The skin lesions were regularly monitored and the live candida cell density was enumerated using the colony-forming unit (CFU) assay. The process was repeated after a one week resting interval. One week later, all mice were challenged through intra tail veins using LD90 dose of C. albicans. Mortality of the mice was recorded and the candida load of the kidney homogenates from died animals was counted. 900 MHz microwave exposed mice had 1.5 day and 3.7 day delays on wound healing in stages two. Live Candida inoculated Wave exposed (LCW) mice also showed higher yeast loads in skin lesions at days 5, 7 and 9 post inoculation. Survival analysis of live candida challenged mice showed the radiation exposed group is prone to death induced by systemic infection and candida enumeration from the kidney homogenates showed radiation exposed animals have had significantly higher yeast load in the tissue. In collection, long-term 900 MHz radiation exposure of mice led to longevity of skin wounds and susceptibility of the animals to systemic challenge and higher incidences of microorganisms in internal tissues.

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 23(3): 426-33, 2016 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27081370


Over the last decade, communication industries have witnessed a tremendous expansion, while, the biological effects of electromagnetic waves have not been fully elucidated. Current study aimed at evaluating the mutagenic effect of long-term exposure to 900-MHz radiation on alpha-Int1 gene sequences of Candida albicans. A standard 900 MHz radiation generator was used for radiation. 10 ml volumes from a stock suspension of C. albicans were transferred into 10 polystyrene tubes. Five tubes were exposed at 4 °C to a fixed magnitude of radiation with different time periods of 10, 70, 210, 350 and 490 h. The other 5 tubes were kept far enough from radiation. The samples underwent genomic DNA extraction. PCR amplification of alpha-Int1 gene sequence was done using one set of primers. PCR products were resolved using agarose gel electrophoresis and the nucleotide sequences were determined. All samples showed a clear electrophoretic band around 441 bp and further sequencing revealed the amplified DNA segments are related to alpha-Int1 gene of the yeast. No mutations in the gene were seen in radiation exposed samples. Long-term exposure of the yeast to mobile phone radiation under the above mentioned conditions had no mutagenic effect on alpha-Int1 gene sequence.