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J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 14(3): e2021MS002568, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865619


An intermediate complexity moist general circulation model is used to investigate the sensitivity of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) to resolution, diffusion, tropical tropospheric waves, and parameterized gravity waves. Finer horizontal resolution is shown to lead to a shorter period, while finer vertical resolution is shown to lead to a longer period and to a larger amplitude in the lowermost stratosphere. More scale-selective diffusion leads to a faster and stronger QBO, while enhancing the sources of tropospheric stationary wave activity leads to a weaker QBO. In terms of parameterized gravity waves, broadening the spectral width of the source function leads to a longer period and a stronger amplitude although the amplitude effect saturates in the mid-stratosphere when the half-width exceeds ∼ 25 m/s. A stronger gravity wave source stress leads to a faster and stronger QBO, and a higher gravity wave launch level leads to a stronger QBO. All of these sensitivities are shown to result from their impact on the resultant wave-driven momentum torque in the tropical stratosphere. Atmospheric models have struggled to accurately represent the QBO, particularly at moderate resolutions ideal for long climate integrations. In particular, capturing the amplitude and penetration of QBO anomalies into the lower stratosphere (which has been shown to be critical for the tropospheric impacts) has proven a challenge. The results provide a recipe to generate and/or improve the simulation of the QBO in an atmospheric model.

Q J R Meteorol Soc ; 144(715): 1820-1830, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31031423


This work revisits the theory of the mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) wave on a sphere. Three analytic methods are employed in this study: (a) derivation of a simple ad hoc solution corresponding to the MRG wave that reproduces the solutions of Longuet-Higgins and Matsuno in the limits of zero and infinite Lamb's parameter, respectively, while remaining accurate for moderate values of Lamb's parameter, (b) demonstration that westward-propagating waves with phase speed equalling the negative of the gravity-wave speed exist, unlike the equatorial ß-plane, where the zonal velocity associated with such waves is infinite, and (c) approximation of the governing second-order system by Schrödinger eigenvalue equations, which show that the MRG wave corresponds to the branch of the ground-state solutions that connects Rossby waves with zonally symmetric waves. The analytic conclusions are confirmed by comparing them with numerical solutions of the associated second-order equation for zonally propagating waves of the shallow-water equations. We find that the asymptotic solutions obtained by Longuet-Higgins in the limit of infinite Lamb's parameter are not suitable for describing the MRG wave even when Lamb's parameter equals 104. On the other hand, the dispersion relation obtained by Matsuno for the MRG wave on the equatorial ß-plane is accurate for values of Lamb's parameter as small as 16, even though the equatorial ß-plane formally provides an asymptotic limit of the equations on the sphere only in the limit of infinite Lamb's parameter.

Q J R Meteorol Soc ; 143(704): 1554-1564, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31423027


Observational evidence for an equatorial non-dispersive mode propagating at the speed of gravity waves is strong, and while the structure and dispersion relation of such a mode can be accurately described by a wave theory on the equatorial ß-plane, prior theories on the sphere were unable to find such a mode except for particular asymptotic limits of gravity wave phase speeds and/or certain zonal wave numbers. Here, an ad hoc solution of the linearized rotating shallow-water equations (LRSWE) on a sphere is developed, which propagates eastward with phase speed that nearly equals the speed of gravity waves at all zonal wave numbers. The physical interpretation of this mode in the context of other modes that solve the LRSWE is clarified through numerical calculations and through eigenvalue analysis of a Schrödinger eigenvalue equation that approximates the LRSWE. By comparing the meridional amplitude structure and phase speed of the ad hoc mode with those of the lowest gravity mode on a non-rotating sphere we show that at large zonal wave number the former is a rotation-modified counterpart of the latter. We also find that the dispersion relation of the ad hoc mode is identical to the n = 0 eastward propagating inertia-gravity (EIG0) wave on a rotating sphere which is also nearly non-dispersive, so this solution could be classified as both a Kelvin wave and as the EIG0 wave. This is in contrast to Cartesian coordinates where Kelvin waves are a distinct wave solution that supplements the EIG0 mode. Furthermore, the eigenvalue equation for the meridional velocity on the ß-plane can be formally derived as an asymptotic limit (for small (Lamb Number)-1/4) of the corresponding second order equation on a sphere, but this expansion is invalid when the phase speed equals that of gravity waves i.e. for Kelvin waves. Various expressions found in the literature for both Kelvin waves and inertia-gravity waves and which are valid only in certain asymptotic limits (e.g. slow and fast rotation) are compared with the expressions found here for the two wave types.