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Cureus ; 15(11): e48862, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111447


Background Modern clinical orthodontics' functional appliances, a well-established modality of treatment, exhibit an amazing diversity of design. Clinical findings show that people have difficulty adjusting to these devices due to their size and unfixed positioning inside the mouth and that patient adaptation may vary based on the type of orthodontic functional appliance employed. Despite the fact that they appear to inflict more pain and soreness than, for example, removable plates, the effects of various orthodontic functional appliances on patients' acclimation have not yet been researched. Aim The current study's goal was to assess how different functional appliances' shapes and designs affected patients' willingness to accept them. Materials and methods About 20 adult volunteers (10 males and 10 females, age 18-32 years) with marked Class II division 1 malocclusion and not familiar with orthodontic appliances were selected as test subjects. Impressions for working casts were taken, and construction bites were prepared for the fabrication of eight functional appliances of various designs for each individual test subject. These appliances had eight design variations. There were three tests: one for speech effects, one for initial acceptance, and one for final acceptance after wearing different scales. Results Overall, the correlation between the quality of speech and pronunciation after wearing the appliance and the type of functional appliance was statistically significant. The quality of speech and pronunciation after wearing the appliance was maximum in frequency range 1 (FR1), while it was minimum in the medium-size activator. The difference was statistically significant (p=0.001). Overall, the correlation between the comfort and acceptability of functional appliances after wearing them and the type of functional appliance was statistically significant. The acceptance of functional appliances after wearing was maximum in FR1, while it was minimum in the medium-size activator. The difference was statistically significant (p=0.001). Overall, the correlation between the type of functional appliance and initial acceptance was significant statistically, with the maximum initial acceptance in medium-sized activators and the minimum initial acceptance in small bionators (p=0.001). Conclusion The study's findings show that patient acceptance of various kinds of functional appliances varies significantly.

J Orthod Sci ; 12: 20, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37351385


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare the shear bond strength of stainless-steel brackets using three different light curing units. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Using three LED curing units (3M ESPE Elipar, Ivoclar bluephase, and Woodpecker I LED light cure), 120 precoated metal brackets (Gemini series, 3M Unitek) were cured. The shear bond strength was recorded using a universal testing machine. RESULT: The shear strength of the bracket in different light-curing systems was examined with ANOVA test. The mean shear strength of group A, group B, and group C were 16.03 ± 14.30 MPA, 16.86 ± 11.89 MPA, and 20.51 ± 19.40, respectively. The result of the analysis shows that there is a major difference in shear bond strength of these three different light-curing systems with F value = 3.94 and P value 0.04. CONCLUSION: We used three LED light-curing units with different intensities and manufacturing companies. The result showed that woodpecker I LED light had significantly highest mean SBS than the other two (Elipar LED curing light and 3M ESPE, Ivoclar bluephase).

Bioinformation ; 18(6): 543-546, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37168787


It is of interest to assess levels of serum cornitine in male tobacco users and also find its correlation with bone mineral density. Assessment for serum cotinine levels was done using commercially available Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA Kit). While bone mineral density was measured using bone densitometry through ultrasound in the wrist region. Karl Pearson's coefficient was used to assess correlation between BMD values and serum cotinine (ng/ml) levels. Inter group BMD association was measured using Chi square test. The present study showed that the first 3 groups had a low BMD level compared to control group, indicative of osteopenia. BMD values were lesser for chewers from group II as compared to smokers from group I and individuals using both smoked and smokeless form of tobacco from Group III. In group III (both forms of tobacco), osteopenic individuals were more. Thus, data shows effect of tobacco usage on bone mineral density. Smokeless form of tobacco has relatively serious effects on bone density.

Cureus ; 14(12): e32510, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36654547


Background: Many dentists use articaine as their choice of local anesthetic agent. However, the use of articaine is limited to inferior alveolar nerve blocks (IANBs), and literature data are scarce concerning its perception and choice among various dental practitioners. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the extent of articaine use as a local anesthetic in dentistry, its perception basis, and the consistency of evidence of the efficacy and safety of articaine in recent practice. Methods: The present study utilized a survey tool that was given to all the participating dental practitioners, and the participants were given five minutes to fill out the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was in English and had 14 questions to be answered. The data gathered were statistically assessed to formulate the results. Results: The results of this cross-sectional survey reported that articaine is used as a choice of local anesthetic by more than half of the participating dental practitioners. Sixty percent (n = 480) participants used articaine in their practice, followed by lidocaine, which was used by 33% (n = 264) dental practitioners, mepivacaine by 2% (n = 16) participants, prilocaine by 1% (n = 8) dental practitioners, and other local anesthetics by 4% (n = 32) participants, respectively. Concerning the safety and efficacy of articaine use, 43% used it for all procedures except for IANBs, whereas 20% used it for all procedures, including IANBs. Conclusion: Despite the reported efficacy and safety of articaine as a local anesthetic for all dental procedures, many dental practitioners refrain from using it, especially for IANBs. These data depict a difference between current research evidence and reported clinical practice.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 14(5): 648-651, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34934277


AIM AND OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to contrast and compare serum ferritin, hemoglobin, Vitamin D3, Ca++, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), and serum albumin levels between preschoolers with severe caries (SC) and measures taken for caries control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sample size of 300 children was selected but only 266 participated; 54.14% with SC and 45.86% caries-free. Blood samples for serum ferritin, hemoglobin, Vitamin D3, Ca++, TRH, and serum albumin levels were taken. RESULTS: The mean age was estimated to be 40.82 + 14.09 months. The serum ferritin level estimated mean value for sample pedodontic subjects came to be 29.58 ± 17.87 µg/L whereas their hemoglobin level with mean value 115.13 ± 10.12 g/L was measured. Logistic regression analysis (LRA) suggested that children with SC were nearly two times as likely to have ferritin level depreciation and likely six times more chance of FeDA (iron deficiency anemia) than in children with caries control. Children with SC had significantly lower mean Vitamin D3 value (p < 0.001), Ca++ (p < 0.001), and serum albumin (p < 0.001) levels, and significantly higher thyrotropin-releasing factor (p < 0.001) levels than those subjects without caries. CONCLUSION: Analysis of children with SC at a very young age significantly showed an increased chance of low ferritin levels than children with a caries-free mouth. The level of hemoglobin was deficient in children with SC at a very young age. Children with SC at a very young age appeared to be malnourished when compared with children without dental caries. Other contrasting parameters like FeDA, Vitamin D3, Ca++, and serum albumin concentrations were significantly deficient in children with SC at a very young age, in contrast, to a sample of children with a caries-free mouth. The analysis also suggested an increased level of TRH. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The following research study sets a benchmark for the dental fraternity and other health specialists to analyze serum ferritin, hemoglobin, Vitamin D3, Ca++, TRH, and serum albumin levels while generally treating pediatric patients. Accordingly, supplements should be prescribed rationally even in dental caries. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Jha A, Jha S, Shree R, et al. Association between Serum Ferritin, Hemoglobin, Vitamin D3, Serum Albumin, Calcium, Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone with Early Childhood Caries: A Case-Control Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021;14(5):648-651.
