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Saudi Pharm J ; 29(1): 1-11, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33519270


Self-medication impacts both negatively and positively the health of people, which has become evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of self-medicated drugs used for respiratory symptoms, as COVID-19 preventive, for its symptoms or once tested positive. To determine the perception of symptom relief and demographic variables that promote self-medication in Peru. We performed a cross-sectional, analytical, multicenter study in 3792 study respondents on the use, the reason for use, and perception of relief after the use of six drugs during the quarantine period. An online questionnaire was developed, pretested and submitted to the general public. Multivariable logistic regression was used to ascertain factors that influence an individual's desire to self-medicate, associations were considered significant at p < 0.05 and using region (coast, mountain and jungle) as cluster group. The majority of respondents self-medicated with acetaminophen for respiratory symptoms and mainly because they had a cold or flu. It was observed that all the surveyed drugs (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, azithromycin, penicillin, antiretrovirals and hydroxychloroquine) were consumed for various symptoms including: fever, fatigue, cough, sneezing, muscle pain, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache and breathing difficulty. Over 90% of respondents perceived relief of at least one symptom. Multivariable logistic regression showed that older people have a higher frequency of antiretroviral self-medication, respondents who currently have a job had a higher frequency of penicillin self-medication, and that respondents from the Andes consumed less acetaminophen, while the ones from the rainforest consumed it more. There were significant percentages of self-medication, including drugs without sufficient scientific evidence. Age, region where one lived and job status were variables associated with self-medication frequency. Continuous awareness and sensitization about the risks of self-medication are warranted.

Kasmera ; 48(1): e48106042020, ene-jun 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103158


El coronavirus ha generado la última pandemia, por lo que, el conocer a esta enfermedad es importante en todas las poblaciones. Para eso se validó una escala breve para la medición de los conocimientos básicos acerca del Coronavirus (KNOW-P-COVID-19). Primero realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica, luego se sistematizó y obtuvo los aspectos más importantes, luego una validación del constructo con expertos, posteriormente el análisis factorial exploratorio y se aplicó la encuesta a un gran grupo poblacional peruano. Todos los ítems recibieron una evaluación favorable de los expertos (V de Aiken > 0,70); todos los valores del límite inferior (Li) del IC 95% son apropiados (Li > 0,59) y todos los valores del coeficiente V fueron estadísticamente significativos. En el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE), el Coeficiente de KMO = 0,690 y el valor p del chi cuadrado <0,001; el índice GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0,992; el CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0,916 y el indicador RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) = 0,034. La escala final se quedó con 9 indicadores, con dos factores: "indicaciones o acciones post infección" y "los síntomas y conocimiento previos". Se validó una escala del conocimiento básico en la enfermedad causada por COVID-19

The coronavirus has generated the last pandemic, therefore, knowing this disease is important in all populations. For this, a short scale was validated to measure basic knowledge about Coronavirus (KNOW-P-COVID-19). First, it carried out a bibliographic search, then it was systematized and obtained the most important aspects, then a validation of the construct with experts, then exploratory factor analysis and the survey was applied to a large Peruvian population group. All items received a favorable evaluation from the experts (Aiken's V> 0.70); all the lower limit values (Li) of the 95% CI are appropriate (Li> 0.59) and all the values of the V coefficient were statistically significant. In the Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFE), the KMO Coefficient = 0.690 and the p value of the chi square <0.001; the GFI index (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.992; the CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.916 and the RMSEA indicator (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) = 0.034. The final scale was left with 9 indicators, with two factors: "indications or actions post infection" and "the previous symptoms and knowledge". A basic knowledge scale in the disease caused by COVID-19 was validated

Kasmera ; 48(1): e48118032020, ene-jun 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087727


El coronavirus ha generado una suerte de "histeria colectiva" en diversas poblaciones. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo fue validar un test que mida el fatalismo ante la posibilidad de contagio por el coronavirus. Se realizó un proceso de validación en cinco fases: Búsqueda de la literatura y construcción del primer borrador, juicio de fondo con 28 expertos, evaluación de forma con 280 personas, piloto para análisis factorial exploratorio en 389 personas (en ambas se contó con 17 ciudades de Perú) y confirmación de la validez del constructo final con 10 expertos. Los estadísticos de KMO (0,779) y Bartlett (572,6; gl = 21; p < 0,001) presentaron resultados aceptables y significativos. La varianza total explicada por los 7 ítems distribuidos en 2 factores es de 58,9%, lo cual es adecuado. Los análisis robustos muestran que la estructura factorial es satisfactoria (X2 = 21,161; p = 0,007; CFI = 0,984; GFI = 0,996; TLI = 0,957; RMSEA = 0,067 y RMSR = 0,033). Se generó una escala de 7 ítems para medir las medidas fatalistas que las personas podrían tener o tomar si es que llegasen a enfermarse del coronavirus

Coronavirus has generated a kind of "mass hysteria" in various populations. A validation process was generated for a test that measures fatalism in the face of the possibility of infection by the coronavirus. A validation process was carried out in five phases: literature search and construction of the first draft, substantive judgement with 28 experts, formal evaluation with 280 people, pilot for exploratory factor analysis in 389 people (in both cases there were 17 cities in Peru) and confirmation of the validity of the final construct with 10 experts. The statisticians of KMO (0.779) and Bartlett (572.6; gl = 21; p < 0.001) presented acceptable and significant results. The total variance explained by the 7 items distributed in 2 factors is 58.9%, which is adequate. Robust analyses show that the factor structure is satisfactory (X2 = 21.161; p = 0.007; IFC = 0.984; GFI = 0.996; TLI = 0.957; RMSEA = 0.067 and RMSR = 0.033). A 7-item scale was generated to measure the fatalistic measures people might have or take if they became ill with the coronavirus
