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Rev. bras. entomol ; 63(3): 205-211, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045576


ABSTRACT The rice stem bug, Tibraca limbativentris Stal (Hem.: Pentatomidae), is one of the main insect pests in Brazilian rice crops. Knowledge of its spatiotemporal distribution can support the development of an effective sampling system and improve IPM strategies. This study aimed to map the spatiotemporal distribution of rice stem bug in flooded rice crop in Southern Brazil. Flooded rice crop was scouted for two seasons to estimate insect densities. Four occurrence categories were observed: no insect, only adults, only nymphs, and both phases. The relationship between phenological stages and insect categories was established. Interpolation (mapping) of occurrence categories of T. limbativentris was performed by multiquadric equations. In two seasons during the rice cycle, the results indicate that rice stem bug "adults" were the most abundant category until the mid-vegetative phase of the rice; "nymphs" were the most abundant from the end of vegetative phase; "adults + nymphs" occurred from the beginning of reproductive phase; there were no rice stem bugs in more than 66% of the area, as they were most concentrated near the edge of the crop. The information presented here provides further knowledge about T. limbativentris spatiotemporal dynamics that can be applied to improve IPM strategies, such as developing sampling plans and localized control measures at the edge of rice fields.

Ciênc. rural ; 45(6): 1006-1012, 06/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-747089


Tibraca limbativentris (rice stem bug) is an insect highly injurious to the rice crop in Brazil. The aim of this research was to define the spatial distribution of the T. limbativentris and improve the sampling process by means of geostatistical application techniques and construction of prediction maps in a flooded rice field located in the "Planalto da Campanha" Region, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. The experiments were conducted in rice crop in the municipality of Itaqui - RS, in the crop years of 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12, counting fortnightly the number of nymphs and adults in a georeferenced grid with points spaced at 50m in the first year and in 10m in the another years. It was performed a geostatistical analysis by means adjusting semivariogram and interpolation of numeric data by kriging to verify the spatial dependence and the subsequent mapping population. The results obtained indicated that the rice stem bug, T. limbativentris, has a strong spatial dependence. The prediction maps allow estimating population density of the pest and visualization of the spatial distribution in flooded rice fields, enabling the improvement of the traditional method of sampling for rice stem bug.

Tibraca limbativentris (percevejo-do-colmo) é um inseto altamente prejudicial à cultura do arroz no Brasil. O objetivo com este trabalho foi definir a distribuição espacial de T. limbativentris e aperfeiçoar o método de amostragem por meio da aplicação de técnicas geoestatísticas e construção de mapas de predição em arrozal irrigado por inundação, no Planalto da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul. Os experimentos foram realizados em lavoura de arroz situada no município de Itaqui - RS, nos anos agrícolas de 2009/10, 2010/11 e 2011/12, efetuando-se amostragens quinzenais para contagem de ninfas e adultos, conforme grids georreferenciados com pontos espaçados em 50m na primeira safra e em 10m nas demais safras. Realizou-se a análise geoestatística via ajuste de semivariogramas e da interpolação dos dados numéricos por krigagem ordinária para verificar a dependência espacial e posterior mapeamento populacional. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o percevejo do colmo, T. limbativentris, possui forte dependência espacial. Os mapas de predição permitem estimar a densidade populacional da praga e a visualização de sua distribuição espacial em lavoura de arroz irrigado por inundação, possibilitando o aperfeiçoamento do método de amostragem tradicional para o percevejo-do-colmo.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(1): 236-239, jan.-fev. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-470019


Este estudo teve o objetivo de reconhecer as espécies de moscas frugívoras em mirtáceas: Eugenia uniflora L., Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg., Psidium cattleianum Sabine, Psidium guajava L. e Acca sellowiana (Berg.) Burret., bem como em Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae), na região do Vale do Caí, RS. Os frutos foram coletados no período de maturação de cada espécie frutífera, entre outubro de 2004 e julho de 2005, levados ao laboratório e acondicionados em potes com areia mantidos a 25 ± 1°C; 80 ± 10 por cento UR e fotofase de 12 horas. Os pupários obtidos foram individualizados e suas características foram registradas. De Tephritidae foi registrada apenas Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) e de Lonchaeidae Neosilba n. sp. 3, Neosilba zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal e Neosilba certa (Walker). As duas últimas são novos registros para o Rio Grande do Sul. Apenas em P. cattleianum foram registradas todas as espécies de moscas encontradas neste trabalho. Os resultados evidenciam que A. fraterculus é a espécie de mosca-das-frutas de maior ocorrência para a região do Vale do Caí, RS, nas frutíferas estudadas.

This study aimed at recognizing frugivorous flies species in Myrtaceae: Eugenia uniflora L., Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg. Psidium cattleianum Sabine, Psidium guajava L. and Acca sellowiana (Berg.) Burret., as well as in Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae), at Vale do Cai region, Rio Grande do Sul. Fruits were collected at the maturation stage of each fruit species between October 2004 and July 2005, and at the laboratory they were placed in pots with sand and were kept at 12h photoperiod, 80 ± 10 percent RH and 25 ± 1°C. Pupae were individualized and their characteristics were recorded. In Tephritidae only Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) was recorded and in Lonchaeidae, Neosilba n. sp. 3, Neosilba zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal and Neosilba certa (Walker). These last two species were recorded for the first time in Rio Grande do Sul. Only on P. cattleianum all species were recorded. Results show that A. fraterculus is the most frequent fruit-fly species found attacking the studied fruit plants in Vale do Caí region.