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Merc. trab. (Rio J. 1996) ; 26(69): 153-163, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | ECOS | ID: biblio-1549893


A partir de março de 2020, a Prefeitura de Maricá tomou uma série de ações para tentar mitigar o impacto socioeconômico da Covid-19 sobre a população, sobretudo sobre a mais vulnerável. Este texto faz um balanço, ainda no calor do momento, dos alcances e limites dessas ações, procurando extrair lições para Maricá e, possivelmente, para outros locais.

Coronavirus , Socioeconomic Factors , Coronavirus Infections , Pandemics , Income
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;17(4,supl.3): 1041-1048, 2015. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-776596


RESUMO O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ação antifúngica dos extratos de Allamanda blanchetti A.DC. e Momordica charantia L. no controle de Colletotrichumgloesporioides e qualidade pós-colheita em frutos de mamoeiro da cultivar Sunrise solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos nos Laboratório de Fitopatologia e Laboratório de Produtos de Origem Animal, CCA-UFPB, Campus.II, Areia-PB. Os frutos foram colhidos no estádio 1 de maturação, em seguida, sanitizados com hipoclorito de sódio a 1% por três minutos e pulverizados com os extratos etanólicos de A. blanchetti e M. charantia nas concentrações: 0, 10, 100, 500 e 1000 µg.mL-1. Os frutos foram distribuídos em bandejas de polipropileno expandido em temperatura ambiente (23±2 °C) e umidade relativa em torno de 70%. Após doze dias de armazenamento, os frutos foram avaliados quanto à incidência natural de C. gloesporioides, severidade, atividade da enzima peroxidase, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, relação SS/AT, perda de massa e aparência externa dos frutos. Foi realizada análise de regressão polinomial testando modelos até o terceiro grau para as concentrações dos extratos utilizando análise de variância pelo teste F enquanto as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, através do programa SAS® 9.2. Não se observou diferença estatística quando avaliou-se a incidência natural de C. gloesporioides em frutos de mamoeiro utilizando os extratos de A. blanchetti e M. charantia. Já na avaliação da severidade da antracnose, verificou-se diferença para o tratamento com o extrato de A. blanchetti, que apresentou as menores escalas de notas em relação ao tratamento com a M. charantia. Observou-se atividade da peroxidase (POD) em frutos de mamoeiro nos extratos de A. blanchetti e M. charantia. Os frutos tratados com A. blanchetti apresentaram teor de acidez, com máximo de 0,12 g de ácido cítrico.100 g-1 e no de M. charantiaapresentou aumento para 0,15 g de ácido cítrico.100 g-1. A relação SS/AT diminuiu com o aumento das concentrações dos dois extratos. Os frutos tratados com A. blanchetti apresentaram maior perda de massa durante todo o armazenamento, sendo maior que 10% aos nove dias. Já a perda de massa dos frutos tratados com M. charantia apresentou comportamento linear, sendo superior a 12% aos 12 dias de armazenamento. A cor evoluiu de 1 (verde) para 6 (casca alaranjada) e a aparência dos frutos diminuiu com o decorrer do tempo de 5 (excelente) para 3 (regular) em todas concentrações dos extratos de A. blanchetti e M. charantia. Os extratos de A. blanchetti e M. charantia não reduziram a incidência natural, porém, só o extrato de A. blanchetti foi responsável por reduzir a severidade da antracnose. Ocorreu a atividade da enzima peroxidase em todos os tratamentos avaliados e conservaram a qualidade pós-colheita em frutos até os nove dias de armazenamento.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the antifungal effect of the extracts Allamandablanchetti A.DC. and Momordica charantia L. in the control of Colletotrichum gloesporioides in papaya fruits of the Sunrise Solo cultivation, as well as their post-harvest quality. The trials were conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Pathology and Animal Products Laboratory, CCA-UFPB, Campus II, Areia-PB. The fruits were harvested at maturity stage 1, then sanitized with sodium hypochlorite 1% for three minutes and sprayed with ethanol extracts of A. blanchetti and M.charantia at concentrations of 0, 10, 100, 500 and 1000 μg.mL-1.The fruits were distributed in polypropylene trays expanded at room temperature (23±2 °C) and relative humidity around 70%. After twelve days of storage, the fruits were evaluated for natural incidence of C. gloesporioides, severity, peroxidase enzyme activity, soluble solids, titratable acidity, SS/TA ratio, weight loss and external appearance of the fruit. Polynomial regression testing models to the third degree were employed for the extracts of concentrations, using analysis of variance by F test. The averages were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability, through the SAS® 9.2 program. There was no statistical difference observed when we evaluated the natural incidence of C. gloesporioides in the papaya fruit, using extracts from A. blanchetti and M. charantia. In the assessment of the severity of the anthracnose, there was no statistical difference for the treatment with the extract of A. blanchetti, which had smaller scales of notes when compared with the treatment using the M. charantia. It was observed peroxidase activity (POD) in the papaya fruits treated with the extracts of A. blanchetti and M. charantia. The fruits treated with A. blanchetti presented a maximum dose of acidity of 0.12 g g-1 of citric acid.100 g-1. In the fruits treated with M. charantia this increase was of 0.15g of citric acid.100 g-1. The SS/TA ratio decreased with increasing concentrations of the two extracts. The fruits treated with A. blanchettipresented higher weight loss of approximately 10%, since the M. charantia was over 12%. The color evolved from 1 (green) to 6 (Orange Peel) and the appearance of the fruit got worse according to the time, from 5 (excellent) to 3 (regular) in all the concentrations of the extracts of A. blanchetti and M. charantia. The A. blanchetti and M. charantia extracts did not reduce the natural incidence, however, only the A. blanchetti extract was able to decrease the severity of the anthracnose. The peroxidase enzyme presented activity in all treatments and kept the postharvest quality of the fruits in the nine days of storage.

Plant Extracts/analysis , Carica/classification , Colletotrichum/classification , Apocynaceae/classification , Momordica charantia/classification
Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl;35(2)jun. 2014.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-737336


Given the many traditional uses of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. and the widespread employment of dry extracts in herbal medicine and phytocosmetics, the aim of this study is to characterize an atomized extract of O. ficus-indica cladodes, as well as to analyze its phytochemical composition and assay the total phenol content. In addition, the antioxidant, antimicrobial and photoprotective activities of the extract and its capacity to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase were assessed, with a view to its pharmaceutical use. The physicochemical characterization was performed by pharmacopoeial tests, thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Phytochemicals were analyzed by thin layer chromatography and total phenols by spectroscopy in the visible region. Antioxidant activity was detected by the method of free radical (DPPH?) scavenging and antimicrobial activity by the agar diffusion method, while inhibition of tyrosinase was estimated by the diphenolase activity assay and photoprotective activity by a spectrophotometric method. The pharmacopeial tests, IR spectroscopy and thermal analysis enabled the atomized extract to be characterized. Concerning the potential for pharmaceutical use, it was found that, under the study conditions, the extract did not show any antioxidant, antimicrobial or photoprotective activity. However, it did show a modest tyrosinase inhibitory capacity. The originality of the proposed research on O. ficus-indica in the pharmaceutical should be emphasized, as it opens new prospects for the study of a species that is so

Diante das múltiplas potencialidades da Opuntiaficus-indica (L.) Mill. relatadas na literatura e amplaempregabilidade dos extratos secos na produção defitoterápicos e fitocosméticos, este estudo objetivoucaracterizar o extrato nebulizado dos cladódios deO. ficus-indica bem como verificar a composiçãofitoquímica e quantificar os fenóis totais. O estudopropõe ainda avaliar as atividades antioxidante,antimicrobiana, inibidora da enzima tirosinase efotoprotetora do extrato visando à sua utilizaçãofarmacêutica. A caracterização físico-química foirealizada através de testes farmacopeicos, análisetérmica e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho.A caracterização fitoquímica foi feita por CCD e aquantificação de fenóis por espectroscopia na região dovisível (725 nm). A atividade antioxidante foi analisadapela técnica do sequestro do radical livre DPPH*,a atividade antibacteriana pelo método de difusãoem ágar, a atividade inibidora da enzima tirosinaseatravés da verificação da ação difenolase e a atividadefotoprotetora pelo método in vitro de Mansur. Asanálises farmacopeicas, espectroscópicas e térmicaspermitiram caracterizar o extrato nebulizado de O.ficus-indica. Quanto à avaliação das potencialidadesfoi detectado que, nas condições do estudo, o extratonão apresentou atividade antioxidante, antimicrobianae fotoprotetora. Contudo, demonstrou relativacapacidade inibitória da enzima tirosinase. Portanto,cabe então destacar a originalidade da pesquisa com aO. fícus-indica (L.) Mill. na área farmacêutica, dandoperspectivas para novos estudos com essa espécie tãoabundante e adaptada ao semi-árido brasileiro.

Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;47(4): 321-327, 8/4/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-705767


The aim of this study was to assess contrast sensitivity for angular frequency stimuli as well as for sine-wave gratings in adults under the effect of acute ingestion of alcohol. We measured the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) for gratings of 0.25, 1.25, 2.5, 4, 10, and 20 cycles per degree of visual angle (cpd) as well as for angular frequency stimuli of 1, 2, 4, 24, 48, and 96 cycles/360°. Twenty adults free of ocular diseases, with normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, and no history of alcoholism were enrolled in two experimental groups: 1) no alcohol intake (control group) and 2) alcohol ingestion (experimental group). The average concentration of alcohol in the experimental group was set to about 0.08%. We used a paradigm involving a forced-choice method. Maximum sensitivity to contrast for sine-wave gratings in the two groups occurred at 4 cpd sine-wave gratings and at 24 and 48 cycles/360° for angular frequency stimuli. Significant changes in contrast sensitivity were observed after alcohol intake compared with the control condition at spatial frequency of 4 cpd and 1, 24, and 48 cycles/360° for angular frequency stimuli. Alcohol intake seems to affect the processing of sine-wave gratings at maximum sensitivity and at the low and high frequency ends for angular frequency stimuli, both under photopic luminance conditions.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Alcohol Drinking/physiopathology , Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Contrast Sensitivity/drug effects , Fourier Analysis , Color Vision/drug effects , Ethanol/analysis , Psychophysics/methods , Review Literature as Topic , Size Perception , Task Performance and Analysis , Visual Acuity , Visual Perception/drug effects
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;16(3,supl.1): 700-706, 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727198


Os óleos essenciais de P. arboreum, P. dilatatum e P. divaricatum foram obtidos por hidrodestilação e analisados por CG-DIC e CG-EM. Extratos etanólicos foram preparados por extração exaustiva. A atividade antioxidante de óleos e extratos foi avaliada por meio do método de sequestro de radicais livres usando 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila. Os teores de óleos essenciais foram de 0,98%, 1,50% e 0,99% para P. arboreum, P. dilatatum e P. divaricatum, respectivamente. Esses óleos demonstraram riqueza em sesquiterpenos, sendo os principais componentes: biciclogermacreno (28,7%) e ß-copaen-4-α-ol (13,3%) para P. arboreum; germacreno D (16,7%), α-alaskeno (18,9%) e viridiflorol (12,5%) para P. dilatatum; e germacreno D (9,4%), valenceno (11,1%) e γ-cadineno (11,0%) para P. divaricatum. No teste de atividade antioxidante, com base nas percentagens de sequestro de radicais, foram determinados a concentrações efetivas (CE50) e o Índice de Atividade Antioxidante (IAA). Os seguintes valores de CE50 e IAA foram encontrados: ácido ascórbico (usado como referência) 226,84 µg.mL-1 e 5,30; extrato de P. arboreum 239,60 µg.mL-1 e 4,90, e extrato de P. dilatatum 367,70 µg.mL-1 e 3,20, respectivamente. A metodologia utilizada para a atividade antioxidante mostrou-se inadequada para o extrato da P. divaricatum. Os óleos essenciais não apresentaram atividade antioxidante significativa, entretanto, os extratos etanólicos de P. arboreum e de P. dilatatum apresentaram atividade antioxidante expressiva.

were obtained by means of hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The ethanolic extracts were prepared by exhaustive extraction. The antioxidant activity of the oils and extracts were evaluated by applying the free radical scavenging method using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical. The yields of the essential oils were 0.98%, 1.50% and 0.99% for P. arboreum, P. dilatatum and P. divaricatum, respectively. The oils are rich in sesquiterpenes, and the main components of P. arboreum are the bicyclogermacrene (28.7%) and ß-copaen-4-α-ol (13.3%); of P. dilatatum, the germacrene D (16.7%), α-alaskene (18.9%) and viridiflorol (12.5%); and of P. divaricatum, the germacrene D (9.4%), valencene (11.1%) and γ-cadinene (11.0%). The antioxidant activity test, based on the percentages of radical scavenging, determined the effective concentrations (CE50) and the Antioxidant Activity Index (AAI). The following CE50 and AAI values were found: 226.84 µg.mL-1 and 5.30 for ascorbic acid (used as the reference), 239.60 µg.mL-1 and 4.90 for P. arboreum, and 367.70 µg.mL-1 and 3.20 for P. dilatatum. The antioxidant evaluation using this methodology is not applicable for the P. divaricatum extract. These essential oils did not present a significant antioxidant activity. However, the ethanolic extracts of P. arboreum and P. dilatatum did show a strong antioxidant

Oils, Volatile/analysis , Piperaceae/metabolism , Antioxidants/analysis , Plants, Medicinal
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;45(4): 328-336, Apr. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-622754


The hypothalamus is a forebrain structure critically involved in the organization of defensive responses to aversive stimuli. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic dysfunction in dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamic nuclei is implicated in the origin of panic-like defensive behavior, as well as in pain modulation. The present study was conducted to test the difference between these two hypothalamic nuclei regarding defensive and antinociceptive mechanisms. Thus, the GABA A antagonist bicuculline (40 ng/0.2 µL) or saline (0.9% NaCl) was microinjected into the dorsomedial or posterior hypothalamus in independent groups. Innate fear-induced responses characterized by defensive attention, defensive immobility and elaborate escape behavior were evoked by hypothalamic blockade of GABA A receptors. Fear-induced defensive behavior organized by the posterior hypothalamus was more intense than that organized by dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei. Escape behavior elicited by GABA A receptor blockade in both the dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamus was followed by an increase in nociceptive threshold. Interestingly, there was no difference in the intensity or in the duration of fear-induced antinociception shown by each hypothalamic division presently investigated. The present study showed that GABAergic dysfunction in nuclei of both the dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamus elicit panic attack-like defensive responses followed by fear-induced antinociception, although the innate fear-induced behavior originates differently in the posterior hypothalamus in comparison to the activity of medial hypothalamic subdivisions.

Animals , Male , Rats , Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus/physiology , Escape Reaction/physiology , Hypothalamus, Posterior/physiology , Panic Disorder/metabolism , Bicuculline/pharmacology , Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus/drug effects , GABA-A Receptor Antagonists/pharmacology , Hypothalamus, Posterior/drug effects , Maze Learning , Pain Threshold/drug effects , Panic Disorder/etiology
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-447866


The serological profile of seropositive dogs according to anti-Leptospira agglutinins was checked in Belo Horizonte including variables such as race, sex, age and whether the dog had an owner or not. The dogs were captured by the Zoonosis Control Center in nine neighborhoods around the city and were separated in two categories - with owners or captured on the streets. The prevalence of anti-Leptospira agglutinins was evaluated in 3,417 blood samples using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) from September 2001 to September 2002. It was found that 13.1% of the dogs had seropositive results with the most reactive serovars being Canicola (7.0%), Ballum (6.1%), Pyrogenes (3.2%) and Icterohaemorrhagiae (2.9%). The prevalence of other serovars was less than 1.0%. Greater prevalence was found in male, crossbred dogs, without owners. There were no significant results due to age in 95% (P=0.808) of the cases. According to the results, more research should be done in order to isolate and classify the serovars in positive dogs, especially Ballum and Pyrogenes, which will suggest their inclusion in the commercial vaccines against leptospira used in dogs in this city.

Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-447702


A retrospective observational study was performed to evaluate variables of the use of the land to determine space and time distribution of bovine rabies in Minas Gerais State - Brazil, from 1976 to 1997. The analysis of 7526 records for bovine rabies diagnosis used direct immunofluorescence was performed. For analysis of the use of the land the data of the Agricultural Censuses of Minas Gerais - FIBGE, years of 1970, 1985 and 1995-1996 were studied. Factorial analysis of the main components, with the aid of the Minitab Program version 9.0, was used to investigate the behavior of rabies and variables of the use of the land. This disease was more associated to the permanent and temporary crops, natural and artificial pastures, and size of the bovine herds. On the other hand, it was less associated to the artificial and natural forests, resting crop areas or unused productive land. It was concluded that anthropics transformations in agrarian space, especially related to the use of the land had a determinant influence in the space and time distribution of the bovine rabies in Minas Gerais.

Realizou-se um estudo observacional retrospectivo com o objetivo de avaliar variáveis do uso da terra como determinante da distribuição da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais. Foram analisadas 7.526 fichas de diagnóstico de raiva por imunofluorescência direta, de 1976 a 1997. Utilizaram-se os dados dos Censos Agropecuários de Minas Gerais- FIBGE, anos de 1970, 1985 e 1995-1996. Empregou-se o método da análise fatorial de componentes principais, com auxílio do programa Minitab versão 9.0. A raiva bovina apresentou-se mais associada às lavouras permanentes e temporárias, às pastagens naturais e plantadas e ao efetivo bovino, e menos associada às matas naturais e plantadas, às lavouras em descanso e às terras produtivas não utilizadas. Concluiu-se que as transformações antrópicas no espaço agrário, especialmente no uso da terra, influenciaram de modo determinante a distribuição espacial e temporal da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais.

Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-447701


A retrospective observational study was performed for evaluating space and time distribution of bovine rabies in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, from 1976 to 1997. A total of 7,526 records of bovine rabies diagnoses using direct immunofluorescence was analysed. The MAP-INFO professional 4.5 was used for examining space distribution of bovine rabies. An annual growth tendency of positive diagnoses of rabies (Y=23,586X) mainly from April to August and in the number of positive counties (Y=0,0461X) was observed, characterizing an intense expansion of bovine rabies in Minas Gerais.

Realizou-se um estudo observacional retrospectivo com o objetivo de avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais. Foram analisadas 7.526 fichas de diagnóstico de raiva por imunofluorescência direta, de 1976 a 1997. Para distribuição espacial da raiva bovina foi utilizado o aplicativo de mapeamento MAP-INFO Professional 4.5. Foi observada tendência crescente anual não só de diagnósticos positivos de raiva (Y=23,588X), com predominância nos meses de abril a agosto, como também de municípios positivos (Y=0,0461X), caracterizando intensa expansão da raiva bovina em Minas Gerais.

Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-447536


Agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) using the O-polysaccharide was compared with serologic tests used in brucellosis diagnosis in non-infected, infected and early vaccinated cattle with strain B-19, in order to differentiate vaccinal antibodies from those resulting of natural infection by Brucella abortus. None of the techniques can differentiate with absolute reliability the vaccinal antibodies from antibodies associated with natural infection to Brucella abortus. Moreover, the use of AGID with this objective would cause maintenance of infected animals in the herd.

Comparou-se o teste de imunodifusão dupla em ágar gel (IDGA) pelo emprego do polissacarídeo "O" como antígeno com os testes de soroaglutinação rápida, soroaglutinação lenta, 2-mercaptoetanol, reação de fixação de complemento e antígeno tamponado acidificado no diagnóstico da brucelose, em bovinos infectados, não infectados e recém-vacinados com a amostra B-19, visando à diferenciação de anticorpos vacinais daqueles associados à infecção natural pela Brucella abortus. Nenhum dos testes realizados permitiu diferenciar precisamente anticorpos vacinais daqueles induzidos pela infecção brucélica e, nas condições do presente trabalho, a utilização do IDGA com este objetivo poderia levar à retenção de animais infectados no rebanho.

Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas;63(3): 216-223,
in Portuguese | URUGUAIODONTO | ID: odn-21348
Revista Odontológica Latinoamericana;5(1): Reconocer las alteraciones en la estructura cortical vestibular mandibular a través de una radiografía oclusal inferior estricta, en mujeres posmenopáusicas con baja densidad mineral ósea (DMO).,
in Spanish | URUGUAIODONTO | ID: odn-23906