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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;64(1): 105-115, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-843264


ResumenLas diatomeas del bentos son el componente más estudiado del perifiton en los ríos de Costa Rica, sin embargo aún queda mucho por conocer sobre su ecología. Por eso en el presente estudio se analizó el perifiton en seis diferentes sitios en la cuenca medio del Río Sarapiquí en el 2010, 2011 y 2012. En cada uno de los muestreos se realizó el conteo de 400 frústulas, de las cuales se obtuvo la abundancia relativa de las especies: Achnanthidium exiguum, Coconneis placentula, Cymbella tumida, Luticola goeppertiana, Luticola ventricosa, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzchia clausii, Nupela praecipua, Reimeria sinuata y Synedra goulardi. Esta información fue relacionada con los datos físico químicos (oxígeno disuelto, temperatura, conductividad, total de sedimentos en suspensión, turbidez, pH y alcalinidad) medidos en cada uno de los sitios. Con el propósito de observar las relaciones entre los diferentes sitios dentro de la cuenca, se utilizó un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC), lo que permitió distinguir tres sectores de acuerdo a la altitud. Estos sectores se diferencian en el tipo de sustrato, cobertura riparia vegetal y parámetros físico-químicos, lo que propicia diferencias en la composición de especies de diatomeas entre ellos. Se obtuvieron los valores óptimos calculados y tolerancia calculada para cada una de las especies. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las especies: A. exiguum, R. sinuata,L. ventricosa y C. tumida, dominan en aguas limpias, oxigenadas y baja temperatura. Las especies N. praecipua, S. goulardi, C. placentula, L. goeppertiana, N. clausii y N. symmetrica se encuentran en aguas cálidas, alta turbidez y poco oxigenadas. Las especies A. exiguum, R. sinuata, prevalecen en sitios con agua alcalina y baja conductividad y las especies N. symmetrica, C. tumida y L. ventricosa presentan una relación positiva con la conductividad y el pH de las aguas. Las especies estudiadas mostraron buenos indicios de su valor como indicadores de calidad del agua, sin embargo, debido a diferencias de interpretación por varios autores, es necesario realizar más estudios en otras cuencas hidrográficas en el país.

Abstract The tolerance of ten diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) to water's physico-chemical factors in the Sarapiqui River, Costa Rica. Benthic diatoms are the periphyton component most studied in Costa Rican rivers, yet there is still much to be known about their ecology. This study aims to contribute to this knowledge. Periphyton samples from six locations along the middle reach of Sarapiquí river and some of its tributaries were taken and analyzed from 2010 to 2012. A total count of 400 frustules was performed in each sample to obtain relative abundances of each species. Ten species, which were easily recognized at the light microscope, were analyzed here: Achnanthidium exiguum, Coconneis placentula, Cymbella tumida, Luticola goeppertiana, Luticola ventricosa, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzchia clausii, Nupela praecipua, Reimeria sinuata and Synedra goulardi. Their abundance was related to physico chemical data at each site for every sampling date (dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, total suspended solids, turbidity, pH and alkalinity) with a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) that allowed distinguishing three sectors along the river according to altitude. These sectors differed by substrate, riparian vegetation cover, and physic-chemical parameters, all of which resulted in differences in diatom species composition among them. Optimum values and tolerances form each environmental parameter were calculated for each species. Our results showed that A. exiguum, R. sinuata,L. ventricosa and C. tumida, were dominant in clean and well oxygenated waters with low temperatures. The species N. praecipua, S. goulardi, C. placentula, L. goeppertiana, N. clausii and N. symmetrica inhabited warm waters with high turbidity and low oxygen. The species A. exiguum, R. sinuata were dominant in sites with low alkalinity and conductivity, whereas species like N. symmetrica, C. tumida and L. ventricosa showed a positive relationship with conductivity and pH. The studied species showed good characteristics of their value as water quality indicators, yet due to different interpretations by several authors, it is necessary to perform further studies at more river basins in the country. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (1): 105-115. Epub 2016 March 01.

Water/chemistry , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Diatoms/physiology , Rivers/chemistry , Diatoms/classification , Costa Rica
Rev Biol Trop ; 64(1): 105-15, 2016 03.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28862409


Benthic diatoms are the periphyton component most studied in Costa Rican rivers, yet there is still much to be known about their ecology. This study aims to contribute to this knowledge. Periphyton samples from six locations along the middle reach of Sarapiquí river and some of its tributaries were taken and analyzed from 2010 to 2012. A total count of 400 frustules was performed in each sample to obtain relative abundances of each species. Ten species, which were easily recognized at the light microscope, were analyzed here: Achnanthidium exiguum, Coconneis placentula, Cymbella tumida, Luticola goeppertiana, Luticola ventricosa, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzchia clausii, Nupela praecipua, Reimeria sinuata and Synedra goulardi. Their abundance was related to physico chemical data at each site for every sampling date (dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, total suspended solids, turbidity, pH and alkalinity) with a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) that allowed distinguishing three sectors along the river according to altitude. These sectors differed by substrate, riparian vegetation cover, and physic-chemical parameters, all of which resulted in differences in diatom species composition among them. Optimum values and tolerances form each environmental parameter were calculated for each species. Our results showed that A. exiguum, R. sinuata, L. ventricosa and C. tumida, were dominant in clean and well oxygenated waters with low temperatures. The species N. praecipua, S. goulardi, C. placentula, L. goeppertiana, N. clausii and N. symmetrica inhabited warm waters with high turbidity and low oxygen. The species A. exiguum, R. sinuata were dominant in sites with low alkalinity and conductivity, whereas species like N. symmetrica, C. tumida and L. ventricosa showed a positive relationship with conductivity and pH. The studied species showed good characteristics of their value as water quality indicators, yet due to different interpretations by several authors, it is necessary to perform further studies at more river basins in the country.

Diatoms/physiology , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rivers/chemistry , Water/chemistry , Costa Rica , Diatoms/classification
Rev Biol Trop ; 63(3): 591-601, 2015 Sep.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26666117


In the last sixty years many geomorphological changes have occurred in Costa Rica's Térraba-Sierpe National Wetlands. Changes in coastal geomorphology are generally associated with erosion or accretion of sediment, which has led to the removal of sections of mangrove forests or sediment banks colonized by mangroves. The aim of this study was to analyze sedimentation as a leading process in the dynamics of coastal morphology and its implications for mangrove forest cover in the Boca Zacate area of Térraba-Sierpe wetlands. The study was conducted in the sectors of Bocón, Brujo and Coco Island in Boca Zacate, from 2008 to 2013. The research was based on a multi-temporal analysis of coastal morphology using aerial photographs from the years 1948, 1960, 1974, 1978, 1984, 1992 and 2011. The following measurements were also performed: monthly sedimentation rate (g/cm2/day), and granulometric composition and content of chemical elements in the sediments of the study area. These last two measurements were performed once each in the dry and rainy seasons during the years of study. The results indicated that over the past 60 years, Boca Zacate has witnessed a process of sustained erosion; from 1948 through 2001, losing 10.6 % of its land and approximately 8.9 % of its forest cover. It has also experienced accretion in the area of Coco Island. The Brujo sector showed the highest sedimentation rate and the Camibar estuary, the lowest. The dominant type of sediment in all study sites was sand, followed by clay and silt. The most widespread chemical elements (mg/L) included magnesium, calcium and potassium; others, such as manganese, iron, aluminum, phosphorus, zinc and copper, were measured in smaller amounts. Transport, composition and quantity of sediment in Boca Zacate are crucial to the changes that have occurred on the coastal area of La Boca, where the presence of dead trees was evident. This geomorphological analysis holds great importance for future guidelines and actions for the conservation and integrated management of the mangrove in Térraba-Sierpe National Wetlands.

Forests , Geologic Sediments , Costa Rica , Geographic Information Systems , Oceans and Seas , Spatial Analysis , Wetlands
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.1): 287-298, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958140


Resumen El presente estudio describe la dinámica de la población del bivalvo Anadara tuberculosa conocido en Costa Rica como piangua, en varios manglares de Golfito y Playa Blanca de Puerto Jiménez, Golfo Dulce en la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. El estudio está basado en varios muestreos realizados mensualmente durante el periodo 2008-2010. A cada individuo recolectado se midió la longitud, el peso total y el peso fresco para calcular variables como el rendimiento, densidad y distribución de esta especie. La población de pianguas en los manglares de Golfito presentó mayor densidad (2.77 individuos/m2) que el manglar de Playa Blanca (0.14 individuos/m2). Se observó que los individuos de Playa Blanca presentaron mayor longitud (48.35mm) que los reportados para los manglares de Golfito (42.51mm), este último valor, por debajo del mínimo de extracción estipulado por Ley. Playa Blanca presentó también el mayor peso total (36.35g) que Golfito (24.48g). Este aumento del peso total en los individuos de Playa Blanca incide en que el rendimiento de la carne en este manglar resulte menor (17.01%) que en Golfito (23.45%). Los resultados sugieren que la población de A. tuberculosa puede encontrase en estado de reducción en estos manglares y por consiguiente, es necesario implementar proyectos de repoblamiento de este molusco en los manglares del Golfo Dulce, en conjunto con proyectos de manejo en una acción en conjunto con las autoridades gubernamentales responsables, organizaciones no gubernamentales y la Sociedad Civil, para hacer de esta especie un recurso que sea sostenible y aprovechada por diferentes actores de la comunidad.

Abstract The density, population, length, yield and sex proportion of the Anadara tuberculosa Sowerby (1833) were studied in the mangroves of Golfito and Playa Blanca, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica from 2008-2010. A. tuberculosa was more abundant in Golfito mangroves (2.77 units m2), than Playa Blanca mangrove (0.14 units m2). The average lengths were 42.1mm for Golfito (under the Costa Rican legal minimal length for exploitation: 47mm) and 48.35mm for Playa Blanca mangrove. Maximum densities in Golfito were measured in the outlet of Purruja River (mangrove of Purruja) and mangroves Congo, Ceibo y la Trocha. The average total weights were 24.48g for Golfito and 36.35g for Playa Blanca. The condition index (a meat yield measurement) was higher in Golfito (23.45%) than in Playa Blanca (17.01%). The male ratio was 1:1. These results suggest that A. tuberculosa population is declining in these mangroves. Therefore, it's necessary to implement repopulation projects of the mollusc in the mangroves of Golfo Dulce, in conjunction with government authorities, NGOs and civil society. Mangrove workers and consumers are needed in that potential projects, to make the mollusc a sustainable natural resource exploited by different community members. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 287-298. Epub 2015 April 01.

Animals , Bivalvia/classification , Arcidae/classification , Wetlands , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(supl.1): 199-208, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958135


Resumen Este estudio reporta las características estructurales y distribución de las especies en los bosques de mangle de Playa Blanca, Escondido y Rincón en Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Se realizaron múltiples transectos en cada uno de los manglares. Cada 10m a lo largo de cada transecto se delimitaron parcelas cuadradas de 5x5m. En cada parcela se midió el diámetro a la altura del pecho y altura de los árboles de mangle y se tomaron muestras de sedimento y de agua intersticial (salinidad). Se determinó la densidad total y por especie para cada manglar, el área basal y valor de importancia por especie y la complejidad general entre los manglares. Las especies dominantes en los tres manglares estudiados fueron Rhizophora racemosa y Pelliciera rhizophorae. Los manglares de Playa Blanca y Rincón presentaron mayor similitud en la estructura del bosque entre sí que con el manglar de Escondido. Playa Blanca fue el bosque de mayor altura del dosel y menor densidad; mientras que Escondido presentó mayor densidad y menor altura, así como el menor número de especies y el único donde se encontró la especie Conocarpus erectus. La composición de especies presente en estos manglares coincide con la reportada para la región. Sin embargo, la variación en estructura y complejidad entre los tres manglares es mayor a las similitudes con otros de la región. El estudio histórico y topográfico de estos manglares puede aclarar las variaciones en estructura y complejidad encontrada actualmente entre ellos.

Abstract This study reports the structural characteristics and distribution of species in the mangrove forests of Playa Blanca, Escondido and Rincón de Osa in Golfo Dulce, South Pacific of Costa Rica. Multiple lineal transects were carried out at each of the mangrove forests. Every 10 meters along each transect the diameter at breast height, basal area, and height was determined for all mangrove trees within a 5x5meter square plot. Sediment and interstitial water (salinity) samples were also collected at each plot. Total density of the stand was determined, as were the density of each mangrove species, the importance value and basal area per species, and general complexity indices for each mangrove forest. The dominant species at all three mangroves were Rhizophora racemosa and Pelliciera rhizophorae. Forest structure was more similar between Playa Blanca and Rincón mangroves than with Escondido. Playa Blanca was the forest with the tallest canopy height and lowest density, while Escondido had the highest density and the shortest canopy height. Escondido was also the forest with the least number of species and the only one where Conocarpus erectus was present. Species composition and dominance at these mangroves coincides with that reported for the region. However, the variation in structure and complexity among the three mangroves is greater than the commonalities with mangroves in the region. Topographical and historical analysis of these mangroves could further elucidate the present structure and complexity variation among them. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 199-208. Epub 2015 April 01.

Systems Analysis , Trees/classification , Ecosystem , Rhizophoraceae/classification , Wetlands , Models, Structural , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;49(Supl.2): 315-320, dic. 2001. mapas, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-502386


The density, population, length, yield and sex proportion of the mollusks Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis were studied in Bahía de Golfito, Golfo Dulce, Pacific coast of Costa Rica from February 1998 to February 1999. A. tuberculosa was more abundant (0.9 units m(-2)), than A. similis (0.2 units m(-2)); the highest abundance was found at the canal mouths. The average lengths were 43.3 mm for A. tuberculosa and 42.8 mm for A. similis (both under the Costa Rican legal minimal length for exploitation: 47 mm). Maximum lengths were measured in the middle and upstream Canal Mayor, respectively: 43.0 mm and 43.4 mm. The correlation between length and fresh weight was 0.81 (Pearson). The average total weights were 26.2 g for A. tuberculosa and 19.1 g for A. similis. The condition index (a meat yield measurement) was higher in A. similis (21.2%) than in A. tuberculosa (17.2%). The maximum yield for both species lies in the 31-35 mm range. The male ratio was 43.7%. A species recovery plan is urgent because these results suggest both a decrease in density and illegal exploitation.

Animals , Male , Female , Mollusca/classification , Trees , Costa Rica , Population Density , Sex Distribution , Mollusca/anatomy & histology , Mollusca/growth & development , Body Weight
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;44(2A): 395-416, ago. 1996. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-218371


The water quality of several sections of a tropical river subjected to severe pollution was studied through physico-chemical water analysis and benthic diatom assemblages. The methodology follows the concept of differential species groups and that of its modification for the groups of nutrient-differentiating species for rivers rich in both oxygen and inorganic nutrients. The trophic indication of the latter authors correspond clearly with the results of chemical observations made in this study. The most abundant species found in this river were Navicula goeppertiana, Gomphonema parvulum, Gomphonema sp. aff. pumilum, Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia amphibia, Nitzschia clausii Nitzschia inconspicua, Navicula seminulum, Navicula sp. aff. cryptocephala, Navicula schroeterii var. escambia, Cymbella sinuata and Surirella sp. aff. roba. These species are known to be tolerant to organic pollution and eutrophication. Therefore we may conclude that diatoms are useful for biological monitoring of disturbed tropical rivers

Animals , Diatoms/growth & development , Diatoms/isolation & purification , Plankton/isolation & purification , Water Pollution/analysis , Tropical Climate , Costa Rica , Eutrophication