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An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(suppl 3): e20230747, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38088641


Areas of high concentration of seal carcasses have been observed in localized areas of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Such carcasses show an unusual vegetation development, in a semi-arid area with bare soils under intense winds, high salinity and sandy texture. We investigated carcasses of seals around a lake in James Ross Island, with four different stages of decomposition, with three replicates: Seal (S01), with recently mummified carcasses; S02, with partially degraded carcasses; S03, with broken carcasses with partially degraded exposed bones, and S04, with completely broken, scattered skeletons. The vegetation showed a maximum degree of development in carcasses at stages S02 and S03, with the environment between the skin and the skeleton as the preferred place for vegetation establishment. The chemical alteration was greater with increasing carcass decomposition but reduced with the spreading and final decomposition of the bones, with anomalous values observed only in the vicinity of the carcasses. It is concluded that the presence of carcasses of seals, concentrated in wet places, even in a semi-desert climate, represent important oases of nutrients, with a combination of physical and chemical effects throughout the decomposition process that favor plant establishment and succession.

Plants , Soil , Antarctic Regions , Nutrients
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(suppl 3): e20230624, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38126381


This study aims to investigate the glacier shrinkage and recent proglacial environment in King George Bay, Antarctica, since 1988 in response to climate change. Remote sensing data (SPOT, Sentinel, Landsat and Planet Scope images) were applied to glacial landforms and ice-marginal fluctuations mapping. Annual mean near-surface air temperature reanalysis solutions from ERA-Interim were analyzed. Moraines and glaciofluvial landforms were identified. The Ana Northern Glacier has the highest retreat value (3.64 km) (and area loss of 31%) in response to higher depth in frontal ice-margin and reveal ocean-glacier linkages. The Ana South Glacier changed from a tidewater glacier to land-terminating after 1995, and had an outline minimum elevation variation of 89 meters, a shrinkage of 0.63 km, and a new proglacial subaerial sector. The Ana South Glacier foreland had recessional moraines (probably formed between 1995 and 2022), lagoons, and lakes. There are many flutings in low-relief environments. The 1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2009, 2010-2019 anomaly plots concerning to the 1980-2019 average for atmospheric temperature, are shown to be a driver of the local glacial trends.

An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(suppl 3): e20230722, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38126384


Understanding the influence of soil-forming factors and processes in ornithogenic soils is important to predict impacts of climate change on Antarctic ecosystems. Herein, we analyzed the soil-landscape interplays and development of ornithogenic soils at Harmony Point (HP), Nelson Island. We collected, described, and classified 24 soil profiles, combined with vegetation and landforms descriptions. Geoprocessing techniques were employed for mapping. Soil physical, chemical, geochemical, and mineralogical analyses were applied. Patterned ground, "Ornithogenic"/Typic Gelorthent, and moss carpets were the dominant landform, soil and vegetation classes, respectively. Soils from rocky outcrops were more structured, acidic, with higher organic carbon, organometallic complexes, and secondary phosphate minerals, due to former bird influence. Soils from cryoplanated platforms presented higher water pH, base saturation, clay content, and secondary silicate minerals. Soils from marine terraces presented high exchangeable bases, phosphorous, and amorphous phosphate minerals. Soil chemical weathering is enhanced by ornithogenesis and widespread in HP. Besides ornithogenesis, organic matter accumulation, cryoturbation, and cryoclastic processes are also important to pedogenesis of ornithogenic soils. The soils of the cryoplanated platforms exhibited a gradient of pedogenetic development corresponding to increasing biota influence and distance from glacier. In contrast, soils of rocky outcrops were more developed even close to the glacier, due to ornithogenesis.

Ecosystem , Soil , Antarctic Regions , Soil/chemistry , Minerals , Phosphates
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20210625, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35170671


Sulfurization is a pedogenic process that involves pyrite oxidation and strong soil acidification, accounting for the formation of acid sulfate soils. In Antarctica, acid sulfate soils are related to specific parent materials, such as sulfide-bearing andesites in Maritime Antarctica and pyritized sedimentary rocks in James Ross Archipelago. The hypothesis is that the acid sulfate soils of these regions vary according with a climate gradient. The reviewing of current data showed that the acid sulfate soils of warmer and wetter Maritime Antarctica have a greater weathering degree, higher acidity, leaching, phosphorus adsorption capacity, structural development, and well-crystallized iron oxides and kaolinite formation. On the other hand, the sulfurization at the drier region of James Ross Archipelago is counterbalanced by the semiaridity, resulting in lower acidity and higher base contents combined with little morphological and mineralogical evolution besides presence of weatherable minerals in the clay fraction. The sulfurization process interplays with other pedogenic processes, such as the phosphatization in Maritime Antarctica and salinization in James Ross Archipelago. Higher temperatures and soil moisture enhance the pedogenesis, showing that even the Antarctic sulfate soils, which originated from specific parent materials, have their development and characteristics controlled by a clear climatic gradient.

Soil Pollutants , Soil , Antarctic Regions , Minerals , Soil Pollutants/analysis , Sulfates