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Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-7076


The World Health Organization (WHO) determines that the tolerable sound limit for humans is 65 decibels. Above that, it is considered noise pollution. Urban noises are invisible pollutants, they affect the health of men and animals, and can cause psychological and material impairments that alter the body's metabolism. In individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), noises can cause adverse and untimely reactions. This work aims to verify the influence of noise pollution on children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD, aged 0 to 19 years, living in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR), Pernambuco, Brazil, through reports from family members. Data analysis was descriptive with qualitative and quantitative variables, based on bibliographical research. A questionnaire containing 33 questions was applied to 149 people responsible for children and adolescents with ASD. The result showed that 67.7% of them lived in noisy neighborhoods; 66.4% were sensitive to urban noise and 47.6% survived on just 1 minimum wage. Only 36% of family members reported noise pollution. The main noises highlighted were household appliances, fireworks and construction respectively.

A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) determina que o limite tolerável de som para o ser humano é 65 decibéis. Acima disso, é considerado poluição sonora. Os ruídos urbanos são poluentes invisíveis, afetam a saúde dos homens e animais, podendo causar comprometimentos psicológicos e materiais que alteram o metabolismo do corpo. Em indivíduos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), os ruídos podem causar reações adversas e intempestivas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a influência da poluição sonora em crianças e adolescentes diagnosticadas com TEA, na faixa etária de 0 a 19 anos, residentes na Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), Pernambuco, Brasil, através de relatos de familiares. A análise dos dados foi descritiva com variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas, fundamentada no levantamento bibliográfico. Foi aplicado questionário contendo 33 questões com 149 responsáveis por crianças e adolescentes com TEA. O resultado demonstrou que 67,7% delas residiam em bairros barulhentos; 66,4 % possuíam sensibilidade a ruídos urbanos e 47,6% sobreviviam com apenas 1 salário-mínimo. Apenas 36% dos familiares realizaram denúncias de poluição sonora. Os principais ruídos apontados foram respectivamente os eletrodomésticos, fogos de artifícios e construção civil.  

J Clin Exp Dent ; 12(12): e1150-e1156, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33282136


BACKGROUND: Composites sorption and solubility can be precursors of several chemical and physical processes, which lead to deleterious effects on the polymer structure. This study evaluated the effect of mouthwashes with and without alcohol on the sorption and solubility of conventional and low viscosity bulk fill resins. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four types of Bulk Fill resins (Filtek™ Bulk Fill, X-tra Fil, Filtek™ Bulk Fill Flow and X-tra Base) were submitted to the following mouthwashes: Listerine Cool Mint and Periogard (containing alcohol) and Listerine Zero and Periogard (alcohol-free). The specimens were stored in the mouthwashes for seven days. Solubility and sorption tests were performed according to ISO 4049. Data were analyzed using two-way-ANOVA, followed by Tukey Test. The data were grouped, and a paired t-test was performed to evaluate the effect of alcohol on the properties studied. The p was fixed at 5%. RESULTS: Resins immersed in alcohol-containing mouthwashes had higher values of sorption and solubility, with the highest sorption rate for X-Tra Base in Listerine Cool Mint treatment (p<0.05). Flow type resins showed higher sorption than conventional viscosity resins, irrespective of the mouthwash used (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol-containing mouthwashes affected sorption and solubility of bulk fill resins and the composites that presented worse and better performance regarding the studied properties were X-Tra Base and Filtek™ Bulk Fill, respectively. Key words:Solubility, Sorption, Mouthwashes, Bulk-fill composites.

Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 25(3): 329-344, 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1416331


O crescente envelhecimento populacional é um fenômeno demográfico que traz consigo dilemas e desafios para os que envelhecem. Dentre os desafios, pontua-se que existe um distanciamento entre os direitos dos(as) idosos(as) já conquistados ao longo de uma trajetória de luta e o que de fato se materializa no cotidiano. Diante disso, o Curso de Formação de Lideranças Idosas: participação social e protagonismo surge como uma estratégia para estimular a autonomia e o protagonismo dos(as) idosos(as) na conquista por seus direitos. O presente trabalho consiste em um relato de experiência sobre o referido curso, analisando seus significados para o grupo de idosos(as) do Trabalho Social com Idosos ­ TSI ­, na Unidade Fortaleza do Sesc. O curso foi desenvolvido através de metodologias participativas, proporcionando a troca de saberes sobre temas relacionados ao protagonismo e à participação social, fortalecendo o conhecimento sobre políticas públicas para a pessoa idosa e o controle social. Os resultados expressam o interesse dos(as) idosos(as) em conhecer e acessar seus direitos, exercitando a participação social. Observou-se a necessidade de ampliar e fortalecer espaços de discussão que propiciem à pessoa idosa a compreensão da velhice como direito e a exigência de políticas públicas para essa população, envolvendo a sociedade e demais gerações na busca por um envelhecimento digno. Nesse sentido, a formação de sujeitos sociais e políticos fortalece o controle social na construção de uma sociedade democrática, participativa e justa para todas as idades.(AU)

The growth of the age of the population is a demographic phenomenon that brings with it dilemmas and challenges for the elderly. Among the challenges, it is pointed out that there is a gap between the rights that the elderly people already conquered along the trajec- tory of struggle and what actually materializes in daily life. In view of this, the Elderly Leadership Training Course: social participation and protagonism emerges as a strategy to stimulate the autonomy and protagonism of the elderly in exercising their rights. The meanings for the group of elderly people from Social Work with the Elderly ­ TSI at Fortaleza ­ Sesc Unit. The course was developed through participatory methodologies, providing the exchange of knowledge on topics related to protagonism and social participation, strengthening knowledge about public policies for the elderly and social control. The results express the interest of the elderly in knowing and accessing their rights, exercising social participation. There was a need to expand and strengthen spaces for discussion that provide elderly people with an understanding of rights that come with old age, and the requirement for public policies for this population, involving society and other generations in the search for a dignified aging. In this sense, the formation of social and political subjects strengthens social control in the construction of a democratic, participatory and fair society for all ages.(AU)

Aged Rights , Aging