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Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 25(4): 539-547, oct.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-669184


Objective: to characterize and genetically evaluate the Holstein population located in the high tropics of Nariño province, Colombia, in order to propose an improvement program that meets the region's needs and conditions. Methods: first, values of heritability (h²), repeatability (R), and genetic correlations (Г) between milk production (PL), milk fat percentage (PG), milk protein percentaje (PP), open days (DIAB), number of services per conception (SPC), calving interval (IEP), and several shape or phenotypic variables were estimated. Historical information was collected from 296 farms between 1999 and 2006. Subsequently, the milk production control was conducted until 2010. An Animal Model was used to estimate the genetic parameters and genetic value. Results: a group of 22 males and 350 females was identified for the highest genetic values for productive and reproductive traits as well as anatomical conformation. Conclusion: intensive dissemination of this animal group to initiate the Holstein breeding improvement process in the dairy areas of Nariño was recommended.

Objetivo: caracterizar y evaluar genéticamente la población Holstein en el Trópico Alto de Nariño, para proponer un programa de mejoramiento acorde con las necesidades y condiciones de esta región. Métodos: primero se estimaron los valores de heredabilidad (h²), repetibilidad (R), y correlaciones genéticas (Г) entre las variables producción de leche (PL), porcentaje de grasa en leche (PG), porcentaje de proteína en leche (PP), días abiertos (DIAB), numero de servicios por concepción (SPC), intervalo entre partos (IEP), y algunas variables de conformación o tipo. La información histórica se recolectó en 296 fincas entre los años 1999 y 2006. Posteriormente se efectuó el control de producción hasta el año 2010. Para la estimación de los parámetros y del valor genético se utilizó un Modelo Animal. Resultados: se identificó un grupo de 22 machos y 350 hembras con los valores genéticos más altos para los rasgos productivos, reproductivos, y de conformación anatómica. Conclusión: se recomendó la difusión intensiva de este grupo de animales con el fin de iniciar el proceso de mejoramiento genético del ganado Holstein en la cuenca lechera de Nariño.

Objetivo: caracterizar e avaliar geneticamente o gado Holandês no Trópico Alto de Nariño (Colômbia), com o intuito de propor um programa de melhoramento que esteja de acordo com as necessidades e condições da região. Métodos: estimaram-se os valores de herdabilidade (h²), repetibilidade (R) e correlações genéticas (Г) entre as variáveis: produção de leite (PL), percentagem de gordura (PG), percentagem de proteína (PP), dias abertos (DIAB), serviços por concepção (SPC), intervalo entre partos (IEP) e algumas características de avaliação lineal ou tipo. As informações históricas foram coletadas em 296 fazendas entre 1999 e 2006; após o controle de produção realizado até 2010. Para estimar os parâmetros e os valores genéticos, foi utilizado um modelo animal. Resultados: foi identificado um grupo composto por 22 machos e 350 fêmeas com maiores valores genéticos para as características de produção, reprodução e conformação anatômica. Conclusão: recomendou-se a divulgação intensiva desse grupo de animais com o objetivo de fazer um programa de melhoramento genético do gado Holandês na região leiteira de Nariño.

Genet Mol Biol ; 34(4): 711-8, 2011 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22215979


The aim was to establish the genetic diversity and population structure of three guinea pig lines, from seven production zones located in Nariño, southwest Colombia. A total of 384 individuals were genotyped with six microsatellite markers. The measurement of intrapopulation diversity revealed allelic richness ranging from 3.0 to 6.56, and observed heterozygosity (Ho) from 0.33 to 0.60, with a deficit in heterozygous individuals. Although statistically significant (p < 0.05), genetic differentiation between population pairs was found to be low. Genetic distance, as well as clustering of guinea-pig lines and populations, coincided with the historical and geographical distribution of the populations. Likewise, high genetic identity between improved and native lines was established. An analysis of group probabilistic assignment revealed that each line should not be considered as a genetically homogeneous group. The findings corroborate the absorption of native genetic material into the improved line introduced into Colombia from Peru. It is necessary to establish conservation programs for native-line individuals in Nariño, and control genealogical and production records in order to reduce the inbreeding values in the populations.

Genet. mol. biol ; 34(4): 711-718, 2011. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-605925


The aim was to establish the genetic diversity and population structure of three guinea pig lines, from seven production zones located in Nariño, southwest Colombia. A total of 384 individuals were genotyped with six microsatellite markers. The measurement of intrapopulation diversity revealed allelic richness ranging from 3.0 to 6.56, and observed heterozygosity (Ho) from 0.33 to 0.60, with a deficit in heterozygous individuals. Although statistically significant (p < 0.05), genetic differentiation between population pairs was found to be low. Genetic distance, as well as clustering of guinea-pig lines and populations, coincided with the historical and geographical distribution of the populations. Likewise, high genetic identity between improved and native lines was established. An analysis of group probabilistic assignment revealed that each line should not be considered as a genetically homogeneous group. The findings corroborate the absorption of native genetic material into the improved line introduced into Colombia from Peru. It is necessary to establish conservation programs for native-line individuals in Nariño, and control genealogical and production records in order to reduce the inbreeding values in the populations.

Animals , Genetic Variation , Genetics, Population , Guinea Pigs/genetics , Colombia , Conservation of Natural Resources , Microsatellite Repeats
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 23(4): 422-428, oct.-dic. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-636062


The objective of this study was to relate kappa casein (CSN3) genotypes with curd yield (RC) and total milk protein (PTP) in Holstein cows located in the high tropics in Narino, Colombia. Twenty seven animals were used to establish the mentioned relationships. The genotype of each animal was determined by PCR - SSCP. Variables were analyzed using a linear model which included the fix effects of genotype, lactation stage, and their interaction. Age of the cow and fat percentage in milk were used as covariates. The results for RC indicate no interaction between genotype and lactation stage. Age was not statistically significant (p>0.05), while fat percent and genotype were significant (p<0.05). The Tukey - Kramer test indicated differences between the BB genotype, compared to homozygous AA and heterozygous AB. The BB genotype resulted in the best performance, requiring the least amount of milk to produce one kg of curd. As for protein content, differences were significant (p<0.05) for the effect of genotype and lactation stage: the homozygous BB had the highest percentage of milk protein during the final (third) stage of lactation.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las relaciones entre los genotipos para Kappa Caseína (CSN3), el rendimiento industrial en cuajada (RC) y el porcentaje total de proteína (PTP) en vacas Holstein del Trópico Alto de Nariño-Colombia. El genotipo de cada animal fue determinado molecularmente con la técnica PCR - SSCP. Para establecer las relaciones antes indicadas se utilizaron 27 unidades experimentales. Las variables fueron analizadas mediante un modelo lineal en el que se incluyeron los efectos fijos del genotipo, el tercio de lactancia, la interacción entre estos dos factores y como covariables, la edad del animal y el porcentaje de grasa en la leche. Los resultados para RC indicaron que no existe interacción entre los genotipos y el tercio de lactancia. La edad del animal no fue estadísticamente significativa (p>0.05), mientras que la covariable porcentaje de grasa y el genotipo resultaron significativos (p<0.05). La prueba estadística de Tukey - Kramer indicó diferencias entre el genotipo BB, respecto al homocigoto AA y al heterocigoto AB, siendo el primero el de mejor rendimiento, al requerir la menor cantidad de leche para producir un kilogramo de cuajada. En cuanto al porcentaje de proteína, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05) únicamente por efecto del genotipo y del tercio de lactancia, siendo el homocigoto BB el que presentó mayor porcentaje de proteína en el tercer tercio de lactancia.

Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as relações entre os genótipos para Kappa Caseína (CSN3), a rendimento industrial em requeijão (RC) e a percentagem de proteína total (PTP) em vacas Holstein do trópico alto do Nariño Colômbia. O genótipo de cada animal foi determinado molecularmente mediante a técnica PCR-SSCP. Para estabelecer as relações descritas acima, foram utilizadas 27 unidades experimentais e um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos fixos do genótipo, o terço da lactação, a interação entre estes dois fatores, a idade do animal e o percentual de gordura no leite como covariáveis. Os resultados para (RC) indicaram ñao existe interação entre os genótipos e o terço da lactação, a idade do animal não foi estatisticamente significativa (p>0.05), mas a covariável percentagem de gordura, e o genótipo foram estatisticamente significativos (p<0.05). O teste estatístico de Tukey - Kramer indicou as diferenças entre o genótipo BB em relação a o homozigoto AA, heterozigoto AB, apresentando o primeiro o melhor desempenho porque precisou a menor quantidade de leite para produzir um quilo de requeijão. Em relação ã percentagens de proteína foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0.05) pelo efeito do genótipo e do terço de lactação, sendo o homozigoto BB o que a presenteou maior percentagem de proteína, no terceiro terço da lactação.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 20(1): 49-58, mar. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-559223


Los marcadores moleculares son una herramienta eficaz para determinar variabilidad genética entre y dentro de poblaciones, pero en el caso de Cavia porcellus, no existen reportes referentes al uso de estas técnicas. Con los marcadores moleculares AFLP´s (Amplified Fragment Length Polimorphism), se analizaron tres poblaciones, dos criollas y una mejorada genéticamente, sometida a selección durante varias generaciones y obtenida a partir del cruzamiento entre animales peruanos y nativos de Nariño. Para obtener los marcadores moleculares AFLP´s (Amplified Fragment Lenght Polimorphism), se utilizaron en total cinco combinaciones de cebadores, tres combinaciones recomendadas para el orden Rodenthia y dos por la casa fabricante del Kit, de las cuales sólo una de ellas, con 116 loci, permitió establecer diferencias entre las poblaciones estudiadas, de acuerdo con el valor de distancia genética insesgada de Nei (p<0.01). Las dos poblaciones criollas constituyeron un grupo estrechamente relacionado y distante de la población mejorada genéticamente, lo que indica que los animales importados absorbieron al criollo. De acuerdo con los valores de heterocigosidad promedio, que variaron entre 0.48% y 14.48%, y el porcentaje de polimorfismo que osciló entre 0.00% y 39.65%, se deduce una baja variabilidad intrapoblacional, siendo la población mejorada genéticamente la más polimórfica. La baja variabilidad entre los animales mejorados, se explica por la intensa selección a la que han sido sometidos, mientras que en los núcleos criollos este fenómeno puede atribuirse al bajo tamaño efectivo en las dos poblaciones. Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren un replanteamiento de los programas de mejoramiento genético y conservación de los recursos genéticos autóctonos en la región.

Molecular markers are a powerful tool to determine genetic variability within and among populations, but for the Cavia porcellus there are no reports on the use of these techniques. Three populations, two native and another one, genetically improved which was obtained by crossing native and Peruvian animals and submitted to genetic selection through several generations were analyzed by means of AFLP markers. Five primer’s combinations recommended for Rodenthia were used, but only one allowed to establish significant differences (p<0.01) according to unbiased Nei´s distance Value. Both native populations were grouped in a cluster genetically distant from the genetically improved animals. This showed that foreign animals absorbed the native populations. The average heterosigosity between 0.48% and 14.48% and the percentage of polymorphisms between 0.00% and 39.65% allow to conclude that there was a low variability between the populations, but the population genetically improved was the most polymorphic. The low variability within the improved animals it can be explained because of the intensive selection procedures use with them, whereas within the native populations can be explained because of their very low populations effective size. These results suggest that there is a need to restate the genetic improvement and preservation programs of the native Cavia porcellus in the southwest region of Colombia.

Animals , Genetic Markers/genetics , Genetic Variation/genetics
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 20(1): 67-72, mar. 2007. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-559227


Una manera eficaz de establecer el grado de variabilidad entre y dentro de poblaciones, es a través del análisis de polimorfismos de ADN con marcadores moleculares como los AFLP`s. En este artículo se presenta una metodología que combina la utilización de tarjetas de FTA® (Whatman Bioscience, Cambridge) para colección y conservación de muestras de sangre, con los procedimientos de extracción de ADN y obtención de marcadores AFLP´s, aspectos sobre los cuales no existen antecedentes para la especie Cavia porcellus. Se utilizaron muestras de ADN procedentes de tres poblaciones, dos criollas y una mejorada genéticamente obtenida a partir de un pie de cría procedente del Perú y sometida a selección en Colombia durante varias generaciones. Todos los animales procedieron de la Granja “Botana”, propiedad de la Universidad de Nariño, Pasto-Colombia. Para la detección de polimorfismos en la longitud de los fragmentos (AFLP`s) se utilizaron uno, tres y cinco discos FTA® de 1.2 mm, cada disco con aproximadamente 25 ng de ADN. Los ensayos indicaron que los mejores productos de amplificación, para la visualización de AFLP´s, se obtuvieron de muestras con tres discos de FTA por individuo, lo que sugiere que con esta metodología,75 ng de ADN por animal son suficientes para detectar polimorfismos de alta calidad en el genoma de Cavia porcellus. Se recomienda el uso de las tarjetas de FTA para el estudio genético de poblaciones de Cavia porcellus, con las modificaciones metodológicas descritas en este artículo para marcadores AFLP´s.

A methodology that includes the use of FTA® (Whatman Bioscience, Cambridge) to collect and store animals` blood samples and the procedures to extract and to get AFLP markers is presented in this paper. A review of the literature indicates that there are no reports concerning both aspects for the Cavia porcellus case. To reach our goal blood samples of three populations – Two native ones and other genetically improved- were obtained through heart puncture. This blood was stored in the FTA cards in order to extract, purify, amplify and analyze their DNA forms. All of the animals came from “Botana” farm of the Universidad de Nariño, located in Pasto, Colombia. For amplifying the AFLP one, three and five 1.2 mm FTA disks of approximately 75 ng of DNA per disk where used. The tests indicated that the best products to amplify and to visualize the AFLP where those ones obtained from samples of three FTA disks per animal. This suggests that 75 ng of DNA per animal is enough to generate AFLP of high quality in the Cavia porcellus` genome. We recommend the use of FTA cards to carry out genetic analyses in the Cavia porcellus, including the methodology modifications presented in this paper.

Animals , Guinea Pigs/genetics , Genetic Markers , Polymorphism, Genetic