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Plant Dis ; 2023 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36856654


The first rice virus detected in Argentina was Rice stripe necrosis virus (RSNV), a benyvirus known to cause "entorchamiento" due to its characteristic symptom of leaf crinkling. As part of this study, it was proposed to sequence plants naturally infected with RSNV that presented another symptom such as thickening of veins, serrated edges, chlorosis that turns necrotic and dwarfism to detect the presence of other viruses in mixed infections. We worked with 20 rice plants sampled in the San Javier area (Santa Fe, Argentina) and that were positive for RSNV by serology using anti-RSNV antiserum. Total RNA of 5mg leaf tissue from each plant was extracted separately using a Qiagen RNeasy Plant RNA kit. Ten µg of pooled sample was sent for library preparation using Ribo-Zero Plant Kit + TruSeq RNA Library Prep Kit v2 and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 1500, 150 nucleotide (nt) flowcell at the IABIMO-CONICET/INTA (Argentina). The 177,005,442 reads generated were mapped to the Oryza sativa genome (RefSeq GCF_001433935) using Geneious software v.9.1.8 (Biomatters Limited, Auckland, New Zealand) to remove rice reads. The remaining reads (63,756,284) were assembled de novo using rnaviralSPAdes, Galaxy tools ( Contigs were annotated using the BEST HIT of BLASTN vs. nt and BLASTX vs. the non-redundant sequence database. Forty virus sequences were analyzed using the ORF finder and BLAST tools at NCBI ( The nt identity was calculated using the SDT 1.2 program (Muhire et al., 2014). The BLASTN results showed the presence of 38 contigs (636 reads) with high nt identity (higher than 97.6%) with Mal de Rio Cuarto virus (MRCV), with 58% genome coverage. Two other contigs (120 reads) had high nt identity to Fuyang picorna-like virus 2 (FpiV2, GenBank access MT317172), with 38% genome coverage. MRCV is a species of the Fijivirus genus, Reoviridae family, with a linear dsRNA genome composed of 10 segments encoding 12 proteins (Matthijnssens et al., 2022). In this work, it was possible to partially sequence the 10 segments of MRCV. Contigs with lengths greater than 1,000nt were detected that correspond to segments S1 (2029nt), S2 (2308nt), S3 (1249nt) and S4 (1067nt) and showed 98.32%, 98.48%, 97.68% and 97.75% nt identity with the reference sequences (GenBank access NC_008733, NC_008730, NC_008732 and NC_008729), respectively. A contig of 400 nt was identified as a capsid protein (CP) gene fragment (S10) with 98.75% nt identity to the reference sequence (NC_008734). The presence of MRCV was confirmed in 3 of the 20 samples by DAS-ELISA serological test using anti-MRCV antiserum. FpiV2 was reported for the first time infecting rice in China and, due to its genomic structure, was proposed as a new member of the Picornaviridae family, but without an assigned genus (Chao et al., 2021). It is a monopartite virus, with a linear ssRNA(+) genome of 9.2kb. Analysis of two sequence fragments (1587nt and 2086nt) revealed that they corresponded to the putative RdRp with 83.9% nt identity (90.2% aa) and the putative CP sequence with 86.7% nt identity (96.3% aa) with the GenBank sequence MT317172, respectively. Detection of this picorna-like virus was further confirmed in 2 of the 20 samples by RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing with virus-specific primers (PL2Fw: 5' TTATTTGTGAGTAACAGCCCAGCAC 3'; PL2Rv: 5' AGACCGAGGACTATGGAAGCCTTTC 3', 540nt). To our knowledge, this is the first report of rice as a natural host of MRCV and may be the second detection of FpiV2 worldwide.