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Public Health Action ; 13(Suppl 1): 51-56, 2023 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36949743


SETTING: Kerala State, India, implemented decentralising reforms of healthcare institutions 25 years ago through transfer of administrative control and a sizeable share of the financial allocation. OBJECTIVE: To describe the main impacts of decentralisation in Kerala on local policy formulation, programme implementation and service delivery for sustainable health systems. DESIGN: This was part of a broader qualitative study on decentralisation and health in Kerala. We conducted 25 in-depth interviews and reviewed 31 government orders or policy documents, five related transcripts and five thematic reports from the main study. RESULTS: Liaising between health system and local governments has improved over time. A shift from welfare-centric projects to infrastructure, human resources and services was evident. Considerable heterogeneity existed due to varying degrees of involvement, capacity, resources and needs of the community. State-level discourse and recent augmentation efforts for moving towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) strongly uphold the role of local governments in planning, financing and implementation. CONCLUSION: The 25-year history of decentralised healthcare administration in Kerala indicates both successes and failures. Central support without disempowering the local governments can be a viable option to allow flexible decision-making consistent with broader system goals.

CONTEXTE: L'État du Kerala, en Inde, a mis en œuvre des réformes de décentralisation des établissements de santé il y a 25 ans, en transférant le contrôle administratif et une part importante de l'allocation financière. OBJECTIF: Décrire les principaux impacts de la décentralisation au Kerala sur la formulation de politiques locales, la mise en œuvre de programmes et la prestation de services pour des systèmes de santé durables. MÉTHODE: Cette étude faisait partie d'une étude qualitative plus vaste sur la décentralisation et la santé au Kerala. Nous avons mené 25 entretiens approfondis et examiné 31 décrets ou documents de politique du gouvernement, cinq transcriptions connexes et cinq rapports thématiques de l'étude principale. RÉSULTATS: La liaison entre le système de santé et les gouvernements locaux s'est améliorée au fil du temps. Une réorientation des projets centrés sur le bien-être vers les infrastructures, les ressources humaines et les services était évidente. Une hétérogénéité considérable existe en raison des différents degrés d'implication, de capacité, de ressources et de besoins de la communauté. Le discours au niveau de l'État et les récents efforts d'augmentation en vue d'atteindre les objectifs de développement durable (SDG) de l'ONU soutiennent fortement le rôle des gouvernements locaux dans la planification, le financement et la mise en œuvre. CONCLUSION: Les 25 ans d'histoire de l'administration décentralisée des soins de santé au Kerala révèlent à la fois des réussites et des échecs. Un soutien central sans déresponsabiliser les gouvernements locaux peut être une option viable pour permettre une prise de décision flexible et cohérente avec les objectifs plus larges du système.

Public Health Action ; 13(Suppl 1): 19-25, 2023 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36949746


INTRODUCTION: In the backdrop of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the state of Kerala, India, revamped its existing primary health centres (PHCs) into people-friendly family health centres (FHCs) in order to provide comprehensive primary care as part of a mission-based ('Aardram') initiative. It was envisioned that the mission's implementation and operation would make use of decentralised governance. The present study explored how the decentralised governance influenced reorganisation of primary care. METHODS: The study adopted an exploratory approach using qualitative methods: key informant interviews (n = 8), in-depth interviews (n = 20) and document reviews. Thematic analysis was done following deductive coding and the themes that emerged were organised under a schema. RESULTS: The results could be summarised under five overarching themes. Strong political commitment, combined with bureaucratic competence, facilitated implementation and functioning of 'Aardram' primary care. The insights developed through multi-sectoral training helped local governments (LGs) get involve and engage with the health system as a team in order to plan and implement interventions. The decentralised governance structures enabled re-engineering of PHCs by mobilisation of financial resources, provision of human resources, infrastructure modification, and enhanced community participation at various levels. Non-uniformity of commitment, sub-optimal engagement of urban LGs and issues of sustainability and monitoring were the shortcomings observed. CONCLUSION: Decentralised governance played a positive role in the re-engineering of PHCs, which was utilised as a platform to demonstrate best practices in health governance through a participatory approach. The importance of empowering LGs through capacity building to address challenges in achieving primary care SDGs is highlighted in this study.

INTRODUCTION: Dans le contexte des Objectifs de développement durable (SDG), l'État du Kérala, Inde, a transformé ses centres de soins primaires (PHC) existants en centres de santé familiale (FHC) conviviaux afin de fournir des soins primaires complets dans le cadre d'une initiative mandatée en mission ('Aardram'). Il était prévu que la mise en œuvre et le fonctionnement de cette mission fassent appel à la gouvernance décentralisée. Cette étude a examiné l'influence de la gouvernance décentralisée sur la réorganisation des soins primaires. MÉTHODES: L'étude a eu recours à une approche exploratoire, en utilisant des méthodes qualitatives : entretiens avec des informateurs clés (n=8), entretiens approfondis (n=20) et analyses documentaires. Une analyse thématique a été réalisée selon un codage déductif et les thèmes identifiés ont été structurés sous forme de schéma. RÉSULTATS: Les résultats peuvent être résumés en cinq thèmes principaux. Un engagement politique fort, associé à des compétences bureaucratiques, ont facilité la mise en œuvre et le fonctionnement des soins primaires de la mission 'Aardram'. Les connaissances acquises grâce à la formation multisectorielle ont aidé les gouvernements locaux (LG) à s'impliquer et à s'engager dans le système de santé en tant qu'équipe afin de planifier et de mettre en place des interventions. Les structures de gouvernance décentralisées ont permis de réorganiser les PHC en mobilisant des ressources financières, en fournissant des ressources humaines, en modifiant les infrastructures et en renforçant la participation communautaire à différents niveaux. Parmi les lacunes observées figurent le manque d'uniformité de l'engagement, l'engagement sous-optimal des LG urbains et les questions de durabilité et de suivi. CONCLUSION: La gouvernance décentralisée a joué un rôle positif dans la réorganisation des PHC, qui a été utilisée comme une plateforme pour illustrer les bonnes pratiques en matière de gouvernance sanitaire par le biais d'une approche participative. Cette étude met en évidence l'importance de l'autonomisation des LG au travers du renforcement des capacités afin de relever les défis liés à la réalisation des SDG en matière de soins primaires.

Vaccine ; 41(2): 486-495, 2023 01 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36481106


INTRODUCTION: Supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) aim to interrupt measles transmission by reaching susceptible children, including children who have not received the recommended two routine doses of MCV before the SIA. However, both strategies may miss the same children if vaccine doses are highly correlated. How well SIAs reach children missed by routine immunization is a key metric in assessing the added value of SIAs. METHODS: Children aged 9 months to younger than 5 years were enrolled in cross-sectional household serosurveys conducted in five districts in India following the 2017-2019 measles-rubella (MR) SIA. History of measles containing vaccine (MCV) through routine services or SIA was obtained from documents and verbal recall. Receipt of a first or second MCV dose during the SIA was categorized as "added value" of the SIA in reaching un- and under-vaccinated children. RESULTS: A total of 1,675 children were enrolled in these post-SIA surveys. The percentage of children receiving a 1st or 2nd dose through the SIA ranged from 12.8% in Thiruvananthapuram District to 48.6% in Dibrugarh District. Although the number of zero-dose children prior to the SIA was small in most sites, the proportion reached by the SIA ranged from 45.8% in Thiruvananthapuram District to 94.9% in Dibrugarh District. Fewer than 7% of children remained measles zero-dose after the MR SIA (range: 1.1-6.4%) compared to up to 28% before the SIA (range: 7.3-28.1%). DISCUSSION: We demonstrated the MR SIA provided considerable added value in terms of measles vaccination coverage, although there was variability across districts due to differences in routine and SIA coverage, and which children were reached by the SIA. Metrics evaluating the added value of an SIA can help to inform the design of vaccination strategies to better reach zero-dose or undervaccinated children.

Measles , Rubella , Humans , Child , Infant , Cross-Sectional Studies , Immunization Programs , Measles/prevention & control , Rubella/prevention & control , Vaccination , Measles Vaccine , Immunization
Environ Monit Assess ; 191(Suppl 2): 393, 2019 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31254076


India has the largest number of dengue cases in the world, contributing approximately 34% of the global burden. The framework for a geospatially enabled early warning and adaptive response system (EWARS) was first proposed in 2008. It was meant to be a decision support system for enhancing traditional surveillance methods for preventing mosquito-borne diseases in India by utilizing remote sensing data and fuzzy logic-based mathematical predictive modeling. This conceptual paper presents a significant evolution of EWARS such that it synthesizes inputs from not only traditional surveillance and reporting systems for dengue but also from the public via participatory disease surveillance. Two smartphone-based applications have been developed to support EWARS. The first-MOSapp-allows field health workers to upload surveillance data and collect key data on environmental parameters by both direct observation and via portable microclimate stations. The second-DISapp-collects relevant information directly from the community to support participatory disease surveillance. It also gives the user a real-time estimate of the risk of exposure to dengue in proximity to their home and has an educational component that provides information on relevant preventive measures. Both applications utilize a new mosquito abundance measure-the mosquito perception index (MPI)-as reported by the user. These data streams will feed into the EWARS model to generate dynamic risk maps that can guide resource optimization and strengthen disease surveillance, prevention, and response. It is anticipated that such an approach can assist in addressing gaps in the current system of dengue surveillance and control in India.

Aedes/physiology , Dengue/prevention & control , Mobile Applications , Mosquito Vectors/physiology , Animals , Dengue/epidemiology , Dengue/transmission , Epidemiological Monitoring , Humans , India/epidemiology , Models, Theoretical , Risk Assessment
J Voice ; 11(3): 285-94, 1997 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9297672


This investigation evaluated the effect of method of elicitation on the maximum sustained durations of /s/, /z/, and /a/ in eighty female subjects. The effect of order of elicitation on the maximum sustained durations of /s/ and /z/, and the effects of method and order of elicitation on the s/z ratio, were analyzed as well. Comparisons of three methods of measuring maximum phoneme duration (MPD) were performed. This study found method of elicitation of MPD to have an effect on the maximum sustained durations of /s/, /z/, and /a/ but not on the s/z ratio. The three methods of measuring MPD were found to correlate highly with one another. Results of this study point to the need for standardized procedures for elicitation of MPD.

Phonetics , Adolescent , Adult , Analysis of Variance , Female , Humans , Phonation/physiology