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J Theor Probab ; 35(1): 231-281, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35221486


We present a unified approach to L p -solutions ( p > 1 ) of multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) driven by Lévy processes and more general filtrations. New existence, uniqueness and comparison results are obtained. The generator functions obey a time-dependent extended monotonicity (Osgood) condition in the y-variable and have general growth in y. Within this setting, the results generalize those of Royer, Yin and Mao, Yao, Kruse and Popier, and Geiss and Steinicke.

J Geom Anal ; 32(4): 118, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35153461


We consider a class of functions defined on metric spaces which generalizes the concept of piecewise Lipschitz continuous functions on an interval or on polyhedral structures. The study of such functions requires the investigation of their exception sets where the Lipschitz property fails. The newly introduced notion of permeability describes sets which are natural exceptions for Lipschitz continuity in a well-defined sense. One of the main results states that continuous functions which are intrinsically Lipschitz continuous outside a permeable set are Lipschitz continuous on the whole domain with respect to the intrinsic metric. We provide examples of permeable sets in R d , which include Lipschitz submanifolds.

Ann Glob Anal Geom (Dordr) ; 60(3): 559-587, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720315


We investigate the maximal open domain E ( M ) on which the orthogonal projection map p onto a subset M ⊆ R d can be defined and study essential properties of p. We prove that if M is a C 1 submanifold of R d satisfying a Lipschitz condition on the tangent spaces, then E ( M ) can be described by a lower semi-continuous function, named frontier function. We show that this frontier function is continuous if M is C 2 or if the topological skeleton of M c is closed and we provide an example showing that the frontier function need not be continuous in general. We demonstrate that, for a C k -submanifold M with k ≥ 2 , the projection map is C k - 1 on E ( M ) , and we obtain a differentiation formula for the projection map which is used to discuss boundedness of its higher order differentials on tubular neighborhoods. A sufficient condition for the inclusion M ⊆ E ( M ) is that M is a C 1 submanifold whose tangent spaces satisfy a local Lipschitz condition. We prove in a new way that this condition is also necessary. More precisely, if M is a topological submanifold with M ⊆ E ( M ) , then M must be C 1 and its tangent spaces satisfy the same local Lipschitz condition. A final section is devoted to highlighting some relations between E ( M ) and the topological skeleton of M c .

Stochastics (Abingdon) ; 92(3): 418-453, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32655677


We investigate conditions for solvability and Malliavin differentiability of backward stochastic differential equations driven by a Lévy process. In particular, we are interested in generators which satisfy a local Lipschitz condition in the Z and U variable. This includes settings of linear, quadratic and exponential growths in those variables. Extending an idea of Cheridito and Nam to the jump setting and applying comparison theorems for Lévy-driven BSDEs, we show existence, uniqueness, boundedness and Malliavin differentiability of a solution. The pivotal assumption to obtain these results is a boundedness condition on the terminal value ξ and its Malliavin derivative D ξ . Furthermore, we extend existence and uniqueness theorems to cases where the generator is not even locally Lipschitz in U. BSDEs of the latter type find use in exponential utility maximization.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30956888


We show that the comparison results for a backward SDE with jumps established in Royer (Stoch. Process. Appl 116: 1358-1376, 2006) and Yin and Mao (J. Math. Anal. Appl 346: 345-358, 2008) hold under more simplified conditions. Moreover, we prove existence and uniqueness allowing the coefficients in the linear growth- and monotonicity-condition for the generator to be random and time-dependent. In the L 2-case with linear growth, this also generalizes the results of Kruse and Popier (Stochastics 88: 491-539, 2016). For the proof of the comparison result, we introduce an approximation technique: Given a BSDE driven by Brownian motion and Poisson random measure, we approximate it by BSDEs where the Poisson random measure admits only jumps of size larger than 1/n.
