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Cancer Control ; 29: 10732748221121390, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36415920


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential impact of tobacco reduction on future cancer incidence in Colombia. INTRODUCTION: Colombia has implemented multiple actions that led to reducing smoking prevalence in recent years. However, the numbers of cancer cases and deaths associated with smoking exposure remain high highlighting the importance of maintaining efforts to reduce and keep smoking prevalence low. METHODS: We performed a theoretical modeling exercise, projecting expected changes in the incidence of four cancers between 2016 and 2050 under two simulated scenarios of smoking reduction. RESULTS: A cumulative decline of 10% in the prevalence of smoking, a percentage in line with current cigarette taxation policies, will decrease cancer incidence in 2050 by 3.2%, .5%, .2% and .2% of lung, liver, cervical and colorectal cancer incidence, respectively. Complete elimination of tobacco consumption will reduce these by 39.1%, 6.1%, 2.2% and 2.3% respectively, by 2050. CONCLUSION: These results highlight the importance of continuity and reinforcement of current tobacco control programs, including increasing taxation, to further reduce the prevalence of tobacco smoking and reduce cancer cases and deaths in the coming decades.

Neoplasms , Tobacco Use , Humans , Prevalence , Incidence , Colombia/epidemiology , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Neoplasms/prevention & control
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 39(2): e342008, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356754


Resumen Objetivo: Estimar el impacto potencial de la disminución teórica del índice de masa corporal, sobre la incidencia y la fracción atribuible poblacional de cánceres hepático, colorrectal y de mama, en el contexto colombiano, 2016-2050. Metodología: Se efectuó un estudio de macrosimulación, bajo tres escenarios de distribuciones futuras del índice de masa corporal: el primero o de "Referencia" (sin intervenir el factor de riesgo), y dos de intervención: el segundo, consistente en la reducción gradual, acumulada en los primeros diez años, del 10 % de la diferencia entre los valores medios esperados e ideales del índice de masa corporal, y sostenerla hasta el 2050; y el tercero, correspondiente a lograr "Toda la población con índice de masa corporal ideal" a partir del 2017. Resultados: Se estimó, bajo el tercer escenario, que las proporciones de cánceres que podrían evitarse oscilarían, en las mujeres, entre 8,0 % (cáncer colorrectal) y 16,7 % (cáncer hepático), y en los hombres, entre 10,4 % (cáncer colorrectal) y 12,2 % (cáncer hepático). Bajo el segundo escenario, los casos evitables proyectados corresponderían aproximadamente a 4009 cánceres de mama (en mujeres), 2086 cánceres colorrectales y 728 cánceres hepáticos; y bajo el tercer escenario, a 48 410 cánceres de mama, 25 089 cánceres colorrectales y 8648 cánceres hepáticos. Conclusión: Intervenir para disminuir el exceso de peso en la población colombiana contribuiría especialmente a evitar, en ambos sexos, el cáncer hepático, y en las mujeres, los casos nuevos de cáncer de mama.

Abstract Objective: To estimate the effect of a theoretical decrease impact of the body mass index on the incidence and the population attributable fraction of liver, colorectal and breast cancers in Colombian, 2016-2050.. Methodology: A macro-simulation study was performed under three scenarios of future distributions of the body mass index: the first or of "Reference" (without intervening on the risk factor) and two interventions scenarios: the second consisting of a gradual reduction, accumulated over the first ten years, of 10 % of the difference between the expected and ideal mean values of the body mass index and sustaining these until 2050; and the third corresponding to achieve "Complete population with ideal Body Mass Index" as of 2017. Results: It was estimated that the proportions of cancers that could be avoided under the third scenario, would range between 8,0 % (colorectal cancer) and 16,7 % (liver cancer) among women and between 10,4 % (colorectal cancer) and 12,2 % (liver cancer) among men. The avoidable number of cases projected under the second scenario would correspond to approximately 4009 breast cancers (in women), 2086 colorectal cancers and 728 liver cancers, and under the third scenario to 48 410 breast cancers, 25 089 colorectal cancers and 8648 liver cancers. Conclusion: Interventions to reduce excess weight in the Colombian population, would especially contribute to avoid liver cancer in both sexes and the new cases of breast cancer (in women).

Resumo Objetivo: Estimar o impacto da redução teórica do índice de massa corporal, em incidência e a fração atribuível da população de cânceres de fígado, colorretal e de mama, no contexto colombiano, 2016-2050. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo de macro-simulação, sob três cenários de distribuições futuras do índice de massa corporal: o primeiro ou de "Referência" (sem intervir o fator de risco) e duas de intervenção: a segunda, consistindo na redução gradual, acumulou nos primeiros dez anos, do 10 % da diferença entre os valores médios esperados e ideais do índice de massa corporal e sustentando-o até 2050; e a terceira, correspondendo ao alcançar "Toda a população com Índice de Massa Corporal ideal" a partir do 2017. Resultados: Estimou-se que as proporções de cânceres que poderiam ser evitadas no terceiro cenário variariam em mulheres entre 8,0 % (câncer colorretal) e 16,7 % (câncer de fígado) e em homens entre 10,4 % (câncer colorretal) e 12,2 % (câncer de fígado). Os casos evitáveis projetados sob a segundo cenário corresponderiam a aproximadamente 4009 cânceres de mama (em mulheres), 2086 cânceres colorretais e 728 cânceres de fígado e, sob a terceiro cenário, a 48 410 cânceres de mama, 25 089 cânceres colorretais e 8648 cânceres de fígado. Conclusão: Intervir para reduzir o excesso de peso na população colombiana, contribuiria especialmente para evitar o câncer de fígado em ambos os sexos e novos casos de câncer de mama (em mulheres).

Biociencias ; 16(1): [105-123], 20210601.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1291185


Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura reciente sobre el consumo de bebidas azucaradas (BA) en Colombia. A partir de una revisión no sistemática de literatura se escogieron 20 estudios, agrupados en las siguientes categorías: 5 realizados con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional; 7 estudios subnacionales y 5 relacionados con impuestos a BA; los 3 restantes corresponden al abordaje de la prensa colombiana a las BA y a estrategias regulatorias para reducir su consumo. Inicialmente se presenta una síntesis de los principales hallazgos de cada uno de los estudios incluidos,seguido de una discusión a la luz de la bibliografía regional sobre el consumo de BA y las estrategias para reducir esa práctica. La revisión realizada permite afirmar que Colombia cuenta con información importante sobre el consumo de BA, por esa razón es momento de implementar políticas públicas efectivas que reduzcan el consumo de esos productos

This article presents a review of recent literature about the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Colombia. Based on a non-systematic review, 20 studies were chosen, which were grouped into the following categories: 5 carried out based on the National Survey of Nutritional Situation; 7 subnational studies and 5 related to taxes on SSBS; the remaining 3 correspond to the Colombian press's approach to SSB sand regulatory strategies aimed at reducing their consumption. Initially, the authors show a synthesis of the main findings of every research selected, then they are discussed in the light of the regional literature about sugar SSBs consumption and the strategies to reduce it. The review of the selected literature allows to affirm that Colombia has important information about the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, for that reason it is time to take effective measures to reduce the consumption of these products.

Humans , Active Mobility , Nutritional Sciences , South American Health Council , Statistical Data