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Chemphyschem ; 25(15): e202400362, 2024 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38714496


High temperature dissociations of organic molecules typically involve a competition between radical and molecular processes. In this work, we use a modeling, experiment, theory (MET) framework to characterize the high temperature thermal dissociation of CH2F2, a flammable hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) that finds widespread use as a refrigerant. Initiation in CH2F2 proceeds via a molecular elimination channel; CH2F2→CHF+HF. Here we show that the subsequent self-reactions of the singlet carbene, CHF, are fast multichannel processes and a facile source of radicals that initiate rapid chain propagation reactions. These have a marked influence on the decomposition kinetics of CH2F2. The inclusion of these reactions brings the simulations into better agreement with the present and literature experiments. Additionally, flame simulations indicate that inclusion of the CHF+CHF multichannel reaction leads to a noticeable enhancement in predictions of laminar flame speeds, a key parameter that is used to determine the flammability of a refrigerant.

Analyst ; 149(5): 1586-1596, 2024 Feb 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38289286


The signal levels observed from mass spectrometers coupled by molecular beam sampling to shock tubes are impacted by dynamic pressures in the spectrometer due to rapid pressure changes in the shock tube. Accounting for the impact of the pressure changes is essential if absolute concentrations of species are to be measured. Obtaining such a correction for spectrometers operated with vacuum ultra violet photoionization has been challenging. We present here a new external calibration method which uses VUV-photoionization of CO2 to develop time-dependent corrections to species concentration/time profiles from which kinetic data can be extracted. The experiments were performed with the ICARE-HRRST (high repetition rate shock tube) at the DESIRS beamline of synchrotron SOLEIL. The calibration experiments were performed at temperatures and pressures behind reflected shock waves of 1376 ± 12 K and 6.6 ± 0.1 bar, respectively. Pyrolytic experiments with two aromatic species, toluene (T5 = 1362 ± 22 K, P5 = 6.6 ± 0.2 bar) and ethylbenzene (T5 = 1327 ± 18 K, P5 = 6.7 ± 0.2 bar), are analyzed to test the method. Time dependent concentrations for molecular and radical species were corrected with the new method. The resulting signals were compared with chemical kinetic simulations using a recent mechanism for pyrolytic formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Excellent agreement was obtained between the experimental data and simulations, without adjustment of the model, demonstrating the validity of the external calibration method.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(5): 1293-1301, 2023 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36716350


The pyrolysis mechanism of 2,2-dimethylpropan-1-ol (neopentanol) has been investigated at high temperatures (1128-1401K) and high pressures (5 and 15 bar). The experiments were performed in a miniature shock tube coupled to a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Cations were generated by tunable vacuum ultraviolet photoionization resulting in multidimensional data sets containing mass and photoionization spectra and the time histories of species. At the elevated temperatures and pressures of this work, neopentanol was determined to dissociate primarily by the scission of a C-C bond yielding tert-butyl and hydroxymethyl radicals. These promptly form isobutene and formaldehyde by H-atom elimination. In the structurally similar molecule neopentane, roaming radical reactions have previously been found to be important under conditions close to the present work (1260-1459 K, 1.1 bar). There are two possible roaming radical reactions for neopentanol. However, no experimental evidence for these reactions was found at the elevated pressures in this study, and the dissociation of neopentanol is dominated by bond scission yielding radical products.

Sci Adv ; 8(17): eabm7947, 2022 Apr 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35486725


Synchrotron x-ray fluorescence has been used to measure temperatures in optically dense gases where traditional methods would fail. These data provide a benchmark for stringent tests of computational fluid dynamics models for complex systems where physical and chemical processes are intimately linked. The experiments measured krypton number densities in a sooting, atmospheric pressure, nonpremixed coflow flame that is widely used in combustion research. The experiments not only form targets for the models, but the simulations also identify potential sources of uncertainties in the measurements, allowing for future improvements.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(11): 114104, 2021 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34852533


An automated, high pressure, high flow rate batch mixing apparatus has been designed and constructed for rapid, stable, and repeatable mixing of multiple gases and vapors. The apparatus operates as an intermittent batch mixer with cycles of topping off fresh mixture to maintain pressure in an accumulator tank until consumed in an experimental apparatus. At high duty cycles, the apparatus can also function at steady state. This style of mixing is suitable for experiments such as high repetition rate shock tubes and other devices with intermittent flow demands. It is compact and portable, facilitating use in locations such as synchrotron light sources. The entire apparatus is heated to permit the mixing of vapors from species with low volatilities. The apparatus is fully automated and runs for extended periods with the only intervention being to refresh reagent supplies. The accuracy and repeatability of the apparatus were verified by periodic gas sampling and analysis with gas chromatography. Multi-component mixtures spanning a wide range of complexity, dilution, and volatility of constituents have been prepared. The compositions of the majority of the mixture were found to be stable over several filling cycles, repeatable, and with the proper calibration of set-point conditions, accurate. Challenges were encountered preparing a mixture from multi-component liquids, and potential solutions are discussed.

Gases , Calibration , Chromatography, Gas
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(34): 18432-18448, 2021 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34612384


The thermal decomposition of styrene was investigated in a combined experimental, theory and modeling study with particular emphasis placed on the initial dissociation reactions. Two sets of shock tube/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) experiments were performed to identify reaction products and their order of appearance. One set of experiments was conducted with a miniature high repetition rate shock tube at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory using synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet photoionization. The other set of experiments was performed in a diaphragmless shock tube (DFST) using electron impact ionization. The datasets span 1660-2260 K and 0.5-12 atm. The results show a marked transition from aromatic products at low temperatures to polyacetylenes, up to C8H2, at high temperatures. The TOF-MS experiments were complemented by DFST/LS (laser schlieren densitometry) experiments covering 1800-2250 K and 60-240 Torr. These were particularly sensitive to the initial dissociation reactions. These reactions were investigated theoretically and revealed the dissociation of styrene to be a complex multichannel process with strong pressure and temperature dependencies that were evaluated with multi-well master equation simulations. Simulations of the LS data with a mechanism developed in this work are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. From these simulations, rate coefficients for the dissociation of styrene were obtained that are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions. The simulation results also provide fair predictions of the temperature and pressure dependencies of the products observed in the TOF-MS studies. Prior experimental studies of styrene pyrolysis concluded that the main products were benzene and acetylene. In contrast, this study finds that the majority of styrene dissociates to create five styryl radical isomers. Of these, α-styryl accounts for about 50% with the other isomers consuming approximately 20%. It was also found that C-C bond scission to phenyl and vinyl radicals consumes up to 25% of styrene. Finally the dissociation of styrene to benzene and vinylidene accounts for roughly 5% of styrene consumption. Comments are made on the apparent differences between the results of this work and prior literature.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(33): 18304-18319, 2020 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32785311


The high temperature gas phase chemistry of the four butyl radical isomers (n-butyl, sec-butyl, iso-butyl, and tert-butyl) was investigated in a combined experimental and theoretical study. Organic nitrites were used as convenient and clean sources of each of the butyl radical isomers. Rate coefficients for dissociation of each nitrite were obtained experimentally and are at, or close to, the high pressure limit. Low pressure experiments were performed in a diaphragmless shock tube with laser schlieren densitometry at post-shock pressures of 65, 130, and 260 Torr and post-shock temperatures of 700-1000 K. Additional experiments were conducted with iso-butyl radicals at 805 K and 8.7 bar to elucidate changes in mechanism at higher pressures. These experiments were performed in a miniature shock tube with synchrotron-based photoionization mass spectrometry. The mass spectra confirmed that scission of the O-NO bond is the primary channel by which the precursors dissociate, but they also provided evidence of a minor channel (<7.7%) through HNO loss and formation of an aldehyde. These high pressure experiments were also used to determine the disproportionation/recombination ratio for iso-butyl radicals as 0.3. Reanalysis of the lower-temperature literature and the present data yielded rate constants for the disproportionation reaction, iso-butyl + iso-butyl = iso-butene + iso-butane. A chemical kinetics model was developed for the reactions of the butyl isomers that included new paths for highly energized adducts. These adducts are formed by the addition of H, CH3 or C2H5 to the butyl radicals. Accompanying theoretical investigations show that chemically activated pathways are competitive with stabilization of the adduct by collision under the conditions of the laser schlieren experiments. These calculations also show that at 10 bar and T < 1000 K stabilization is the only important reaction, but at higher temperatures, even at 10 bar, chemically activated product channels should also be considered. Branching fractions and rate coefficients are presented for these reactions. This study also highlights the importance of the radical structure for determining branching ratios for disproportionation and recombination of alkyl radicals, and these were facilitated by theoretical calculations of recombination rate coefficients for the four butyl radical isomers. The results reveal previously unknown features of butyl radical chemistry under conditions that are relevant to a wide range of applications and reaction mechanisms are presented that incorporate pressure dependent rate coefficients for the key steps.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(5): 056101, 2020 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32486699


A high speed, high pressure solenoid actuated valve has been developed for use as a driver section for automated shock tubes. The valve is based on a prior design, and significant improvements in the design of the valve are described. The new design retains the performance of prior versions of the valve and creates very reproducible reaction conditions in the shock tube, which are illustrated by several thousand experiments. In addition, the longevity of the valve is improved, failures are reduced, and the maintenance and manufacture of the valve are simplified.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 90(6): 064104, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31255004


A new shock tube has been constructed for investigations of high-temperature chemical kinetics with an emphasis on combustion chemistry. This instrument includes a diaphragmless driver and electrical control of valving. A diaphragmless design significantly improves repeatability of experimental conditions vs the use of diaphragms and leads to an approximate order of magnitude reduction in turnaround time between experiments. Electrical control of valves, combined with diaphragmless operation, also enables remote and automated operation of the shock tube. The design allows for both incident and reflected shock experiments with multiple diagnostics. The performance of the shock tube is demonstrated by reproducing previous literature measurements on the unimolecular decomposition of isobutyl nitrite and cyclohexene.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(20): 3827-3850, 2017 May 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28440652


The chemistry of small unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as 1,3-butadiene (1,3-C4H6), 1,2-butadiene (1,2-C4H6), 2-butyne (2-C4H6), and 1-butyne (1-C4H6), is of central importance to the modeling of combustion systems. These species are important intermediates in combustion processes, and yet their high-temperature chemistry remains poorly understood, with various dissociation and isomerization pathways proposed in the literature. Here we investigate the thermal decompositions of 1,3-C4H6, 1,2-C4H6, 2-C4H6, and 1-C4H6 inside a diaphragmless shock tube, at postshock total pressures of 26-261 Torr and temperatures ranging from 1428 to 2354 K, using laser schlieren densitometry. The experimental work was complemented by high-level ab initio calculations, which collectively provide strong evidence that formally direct dissociation is the major channel for pyrolysis of 1,3-C4H6 and 2-C4H6; these paths have not been previously reported but are critical to reconciling the current work and disparate literature reports. The reaction mechanism presented here simulates the current experiments and experimental data from the literature very well. Pressure- and temperature-dependent rate coefficients are given for the isomerization, formally direct, and direct dissociation paths.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(28): 7872-93, 2015 Jul 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25886024


The thermal decomposition of nitromethane provides a classic example of the competition between roaming mediated isomerization and simple bond fission. A recent theoretical analysis suggests that as the pressure is increased from 2 to 200 Torr the product distribution undergoes a sharp transition from roaming dominated to bond-fission dominated. Laser schlieren densitometry is used to explore the variation in the effect of roaming on the density gradients for CH3NO2 decomposition in a shock tube for pressures of 30, 60, and 120 Torr at temperatures ranging from 1200 to 1860 K. A complementary theoretical analysis provides a novel exploration of the effects of roaming on the thermal decomposition kinetics. The analysis focuses on the roaming dynamics in a reduced dimensional space consisting of the rigid-body motions of the CH3 and NO2 radicals. A high-level reduced-dimensionality potential energy surface is developed from fits to large-scale multireference ab initio calculations. Rigid body trajectory simulations coupled with master equation kinetics calculations provide high-level a priori predictions for the thermal branching between roaming and dissociation. A statistical model provides a qualitative/semiquantitative interpretation of the results. Modeling efforts explore the relation between the predicted roaming branching and the observed gradients. Overall, the experiments are found to be fairly consistent with the theoretically proposed branching ratio, but they are also consistent with a no-roaming scenario and the underlying reasons are discussed. The theoretical predictions are also compared with prior theoretical predictions, with a related statistical model, and with the extant experimental data for the decomposition of CH3NO2, and for the reaction of CH3 with NO2.

Anal Chem ; 87(4): 2345-52, 2015 Feb 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25594229


Tunable synchrotron-sourced photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PI-TOF-MS) is an important technique in combustion chemistry, complementing lab-scale electron impact and laser photoionization studies for a wide variety of reactors, typically at low pressure. For high-temperature and high-pressure chemical kinetics studies, the shock tube is the reactor of choice. Extending the benefits of shock tube/TOF-MS research to include synchrotron sourced PI-TOF-MS required a radical reconception of the shock tube. An automated, miniature, high-repetition-rate shock tube was developed and can be used to study high-pressure reactive systems (T > 600 K, P < 100 bar) behind reflected shock waves. In this paper, we present results of a PI-TOF-MS study at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dimethyl ether pyrolysis (2% CH3OCH3/Ar) was observed behind the reflected shock (1400 < T5 < 1700 K, 3 < P5 < 16 bar) with ionization energies between 10 and 13 eV. Individual experiments have extremely low signal levels. However, product species and radical intermediates are well-resolved when averaging over hundreds of shots, which is ordinarily impractical in conventional shock tube studies. The signal levels attained and data throughput rates with this technique are comparable to those with other synchrotron-based PI-TOF-MS reactors, and it is anticipated that this high pressure technique will greatly complement those lower pressure techniques.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(16): 7241-50, 2014 Apr 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24608752


The pyrolysis of methyl acetate, 2% and 4% dilute in krypton, was investigated in a diaphragmless shock tube (DFST) using laser schlieren densitometry (LS). Experiments were performed at 122 ± 3 and 63 ± 2 Torr over the temperature range of 1492-2266 K. Master equation models for the four main dissociation paths of methyl acetate based on a prior study by Peukert et al. [S. Peukert, R. Sivaramakrishnan, M. Su and J. Michael, Combust. Flame, 2012, 159, 2312-2323] were refined and formed the basis for simulating the LS experiments. The density gradient profiles from the LS experiments indicate that the initial dissociation proceeds predominantly by breakage of the C-O bond leading ultimately to two methyl radicals and CO2, accounting for 83-88% of the methyl acetate loss over this temperature range. Rate coefficients for dissociation of methyl acetate were satisfactorily simulated with a master equation model, with modelled rate coefficients of k120 Torr = 9.06 × 10(81) × T(-19.07) × exp(-61 600K/T) s(-1), k60 Torr = 3.71 × 10(82) × T(-19.34) × exp(-61 200K/T) s(-1), and of k∞ = 1.97 × 10(30) × T(-3.80) × exp(-47 900K/T) s(-1) for the major channel, based on fitting to 120 Torr and 60 Torr data taken in this study. The model also captures the pressure dependency of methyl acetate dissociation and resolves an earlier discrepancy concerning the mechanism of dissociation of methyl acetate.

Acetates/chemistry , Free Radicals/chemistry , Kinetics , Lasers , Temperature , Thermodynamics
J Phys Chem A ; 117(23): 4750-61, 2013 Jun 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679185


The recombination of allyl radicals (C3H5), generated from the dissociation of 1,5-hexadiene or allyl iodide dilute in krypton, has been investigated in a diaphragmless shock tube using laser schlieren densitometry, LS, (900-1700 K, 10 ± 1, 29 ± 3, 57 ± 3, and 120 ± 4 Torr). The LS density gradient profiles were simulated and excellent agreement was found between simulations and experimental profiles. Rate coefficients for C3H5I → C3H5 + I and C3H5 + C3H5 → C6H10 were obtained and showed strong fall-off. Second order rate coefficients for allyl radical recombination were determined as k(1a,124Torr) = (2.6 ± 0.8) × 10(55)T( -12.995) exp(-8426/T), k(1a,57Torr) = (1.7 ± 0.5) × 10(60)T( -14.49) exp(-9344/T), and k(1a,30Torr) = (7.5 ± 2.3) × 10(66)T( -15.935) exp(-10192/T) cm(3) mol(-1)s(-1). The contribution of a disproportionation channel in allyl radical reactions was assessed, and the best agreement was obtained with no more than 5% disproportionation. Notably, because both the forward and back reactions of C6H10 ⇌ C3H5 + C3H5 were measured, utilizing two different precursors, the equilibrium constant of this reaction could be found, suggesting an entropy of formation of 1,5-hexadiene, 87.3 cal mol(-1 )K(-1), which is significantly smaller than that group additivity predicts, but larger than other reference literature values.

Allyl Compounds/chemistry , Temperature , Free Radicals/chemistry , Molecular Structure
J Phys Chem A ; 117(23): 4762-76, 2013 Jun 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679206


The recombination and disproportionation of allyl radicals has been studied in a single pulse shock tube with gas chromatographic measurements at 1-10 bar, 650-1300 K, and 1.4-2 ms reaction times. 1,5-Hexadiene and allyl iodide were used as precursors. Simulation of the results using derived rate expressions from a complementary diaphragmless shock tube/laser schlieren densitometry study provided excellent agreement with precursor consumption and formation of all major stable intermediates. No significant pressure dependence was observed at the present conditions. It was found that under the conditions of these experiments, reactions of allyl radicals in the cooling wave had to be accounted for to accurately simulate the experimental results, and this unusual situation is discussed. In the allyl iodide experiments, higher amounts of allene, propene, and benzene were found at lower temperatures than expected. Possible mechanisms are discussed and suggest that iodine containing species are responsible for the low temperature formation of allene, propene, and benzene.

Allyl Compounds/chemistry , Chromatography, Gas , Free Radicals/chemistry , Temperature
J Phys Chem A ; 116(27): 7287-92, 2012 Jul 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22681341


The title reaction has been investigated in a diaphragmless shock tube by laser schlieren densitometry over the temperature range 1163-1629 K and pressures of 60, 120, and 240 Torr. Methyl radicals were produced by dissociation of 2,3-butanedione in the presence of an excess of dimethyl ether. Rate coefficients for CH(3) + CH(3)OCH(3) were obtained from simulations of the experimental data yielding the following expression which is valid over the range 1100-1700 K: k = (10.19 ± 3.0)T(3.78) exp((-4878/T)) cm(3) mol(-1)s(-1). The experimental results are in good agreement with estimates by Curran and co-workers [Fischer, S. L.; Dryer, F. L.; Curran, H. J. Int. J. Chem. Kinet.2000, 32 (12), 713-740. Curran, H. J.; Fischer, S. L.; Dryer, F. L. Int. J. Chem. Kinet.2000, 32 (12), 741-759] but about a factor of 2.6 lower than those of Zhao et al. [Zhao, Z.; Chaos, M.; Kazakov, A.; Dryer, F. L. Int. J. Chem. Kinet.2008, 40 (1), 1-18].

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(48): 21288-300, 2011 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22024976


The pyrolysis of ethylene glycol vinyl ether (EGVE), an initial product of 1,4-dioxane dissociation, was examined in a diaphragmless shock tube (DFST) using laser schlieren densitometry (LS) at 57 ± 2 and 122 ± 3 Torr over 1200-1800 K. DFST/time-of-flight mass spectrometry experiments were also performed to identify reaction products. EGVE was found to dissociate via two channels: (1) a molecular H atom transfer/C-O scission to produce C(2)H(3)OH and CH(3)CHO, and (2) a radical channel involving C-O bond fission generating ˙CH(2)CH(2)OH and ˙CH(2)CHO radicals, with the second channel being strongly dominant over the entire experimental range. A reaction mechanism was constructed for the pyrolysis of EGVE which simulates the LS profiles very well over the full experimental range. The decomposition of EGVE is clearly well into the falloff region for these conditions, and a Gorin model RRKM fit was obtained for the dominant radical channel. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data and suggest the following rate coefficient expressions: k(2,∞) = (6.71 ± 2.6) × 10(27) × T(-3.21)exp(-35512/T) s(-1); k(2)(120 Torr) = (1.23 ± 0.5) × 10(92) × T(-22.87)exp(-48 248/T) s(-1); k(2)(60 Torr) = (2.59 ± 1.0) × 10(88) × T(-21.96)exp(-46283/T) s(-1).

Ethylene Glycols/chemistry , Temperature , Vinyl Compounds/chemistry , Dioxanes/chemistry , Hydroxyl Radical/chemistry , Lasers , Mass Spectrometry
J Phys Chem A ; 114(32): 8240-61, 2010 Aug 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20701334


A combination of experiment and theory is applied to the self-reaction kinetics of phenyl radicals. The dissociation of phenyl iodide is observed with both time-of-flight mass spectrometry, TOF-MS, and laser schlieren, LS, diagnostics coupled to a diaphragmless shock tube for temperatures ranging from 1276 to 1853 K. The LS experiments were performed at pressures of 22 +/- 2, 54 +/- 7, and 122 +/- 6 Torr, and the TOF-MS experiments were performed at pressures in the range 500-700 Torr. These observations are sensitive to both the dissociation of phenyl iodide and to the subsequent self-reaction of the phenyl radicals. The experimental observations indicate that both these reactions are more complicated than previously assumed. The phenyl iodide dissociation yields approximately 6% C(6)H(4) + HI in addition to the major and commonly assumed C(6)H(5) + I channel. The self-reaction of phenyl radicals does not proceed solely by recombination, but also through disproportionation to benzene + o-/m-/p-benzynes, with comparable rate coefficients for both. The various channels in the self-reaction of phenyl radicals are studied with ab initio transition state theory based master equation calculations. These calculations elucidate the complex nature of the C(6)H(5) self-reaction and are consistent with the experimental observations. The theoretical predictions are used as a guide in the development of a model for the phenyl iodide pyrolysis that accurately reproduces the observed laser schlieren profiles over the full range of the observations.

Skull Base ; 20(5): 381-7, 2010 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21359005


Only a handful of cases of de-novo malignancies of the vestibulocochlear nerve have been reported. Even rarer is the malignant transformation of a previously histologically diagnosed benign vestibular schwannoma. We present the case of a young adult who had combined operative/Gamma knife treatment for a benign vestibular schwannoma, followed by further surgery 2 years later. He represented 10 years after original diagnosis with facial numbness and ataxia, MRI showing gross tumor recurrence. After radical resection, histology showed malignant transformation to a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Within 3 months there was rapid, aggressive recurrence with brainstem compression, requiring further surgery for brainstem decompression. Histology confirmed further de-differentiation to an anaplastic sarcoma. While awaiting radiotherapy the tumor recurred again, the patient succumbing. The patient had no features of neurofibromatosis type 2. In the literature there are 13 other cases of malignant vestibular schwannomata. Only six had radiotherapy and of these only two had histological confirmation of a benign lesion preradiotherapy. Neither of these had neurofibromatosis. Three other cases had histological proof of malignancy postradiosurgery, but with no preradiotherapy histology; of these, two were positive for neurofibromatosis. The tumor biology of vestibular schwannomata as well as the radiobiology in the context of malignant transformation is discussed.

J Med Case Rep ; 3: 7262, 2009 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19830155


INTRODUCTION: Osteoradionecrosis of the mandible and temporal bones has been extensively reported in literature, but cases of avascular necrosis of the cervical spine following radiotherapy to the larynx appear to be extremely rare. A review of the English language literature has shown only one other case where radiotherapy treatment of a laryngeal carcinoma has resulted in osteoradionecrosis of the cervical spine. CASE PRESENTATION: We present the case of a 65 year old male patient who suffered from osteoradionecrosis of the cervical spine 20 years after radiotherapy treatment for a T1aN0M0 laryngeal carcinoma resulting in quadriplegia. CONCLUSIONS: Radiotherapy carries a long-term risk of complications, including osteoradionecrosis which may present 20 years later with significant implications.