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Turk Pediatri Ars ; 54(1): 35-39, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31217707


AIM: To identify the psychosocial and economic problems of the pediatric patients with cancer who were treated at the Dr. Sami Ulus Obstetrics and Gynecology and Child Health and Diseases Training and Research Hospital's Pediatric Oncology Department and their relatives during this process. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We interviewed a total of 100 patients who were treated at Dr. Sami Ulus Obstetrics and Gynecology and Child Health and Diseases Hospital's Pediatric Oncology Department between 1996 and 2015, and were now followed up without treatment and their relatives using survey questions on the psychosocial and economic problems they experienced. RESULTS: Most of patients were from provinces outside Ankara. The average monthly income was below the level that would meet the family needs in 80% of the families and only 16% had extra income. Additional economic support had been received by 93% of the families in the patient group. Twenty-five families (25%) had been forced to sell property during the treatment. Forty-nine (49%) families had borrowed money from acquaintances and relatives or had taken out a bank loan. Serious psychological problems were experienced during and after the treatment by 46% of the mothers; 41% of the families had used religious procedures more commonly during the treatment period to cope with the psychological problems. Education was subject to a 1-2 year pause in 83% of the patients. CONCLUSION: Childhood-age patients with cancer and their families experience significant psychosocial and economic problems during and after the treatment process. Providing medical treatment and psychosocial support in harmony is an important factor that increases the success of cancer treatment. The patient and the family will require psychosocial support mechanisms throughout life, starting from the moment they face the disease. Developing national social support programs and legal regulations to form a basis for such programs are required in our country.

AMAÇ: Dr. Sami Ulus Kadin Dogum ve Çocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi Çocuk Onkoloji Klinigi'nde tedavi edilmis kanserli çocuk hastalarin ve yakinlarinin bu süreçte karsilastiklari psikososyal ve ekonomik sorunlari belirlemek. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Dr. Sami Ulus Çocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Hastanesi Çocuk Onkoloji Klinigi'nde 1996­2015 yillari arasinda tedavi görmüs ve su anda hastaliksiz olarak izlemde olan toplam 100 hasta ve yakini ile görüsülerek yasadiklari psikososyal ve ekonomik sorunlara iliskin anket sorulari yönlendirildi. BULGULAR: Hastalarimizin çogu Ankara disi illerden gelmekte idi. Hasta ailelerinin %80'inin ortalama aylik gelirinin ailenin gereksinimlerini karsilama düzeyinin altinda oldugu ve sadece %16'sinin ek geliri oldugu saptandi. Hasta grubunda ailelerimizin %93'ü ek ekonomik destek almislardi. Yirmi bes aile (%25) tedavi süresince sahip olduklari bazi mal varliklarini satmak zorunda kalmisti. Kirk dokuz (%49) aile tanidik ve akrabalarindan borç almisti ya da bankadan kredi çekmisti. Annelerin %43'ünün tedavi sirasinda ve sonrasi ciddi psikolojik sorunlar yasadigi, psikolojik sorunlarla basa çikabilmek için ailelerin %40'inda tedavi döneminde dini ibadetlere egilimde artis oldugu gözlendi. Hastalarimizin %83'ünün egitimlerinde 1­2 yil gibi bir kayip yasandigi görüldü. ÇIKARIMLAR: Çocukluk çagi kanser hastalari ve aileleri tedavi sürecinde ve sonrasinda önemli oranda psikosoyal ve ekonomik sorunlar yasamaktadir. Kanserde, tibbi tedavi ile psikososyal destegin bir uyum içerisinde yürütülmesi tedavi basarisini artiran önemli bir etmendir. Hastanin ve ailesinin hastalikla tanistigi ilk andan baslayarak tüm hayat boyunca psikososyal destek mekanizmalarina gereksinim vardir. Ülkemizde ulusal olarak bu yönde gelistirilecek sosyal destek programlari ve bu programin yürütülecegi zemini olusturacak yasal düzenlemelere gereksinim vardir.
