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Sci Total Environ ; 819: 152013, 2022 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34852252


Saltwater extraction in coastal aquifers generates a negative hydraulic barrier that prevents marine intrusion and produces a general freshening landward from this barrier. In the Andarax delta aquifer, SE Spain, two instances of saltwater extraction were performed and their effect on the aquifer hydrochemistry was studied. 14C groundwater dating, together with chemical analysis, reflects the presence of waters with different infiltration ages. Old marine groundwater (~10 ky) must be the remains of marine intrusion generated during the Holocene transgression at the same time the delta was formed. The freshening induced by the saltwater extraction triggers cation exchange between the aquifer substratum and groundwater. Unlike what is described in other examples of cation exchange in coastal aquifers, in the Andarax delta the freshening causes an exchange between Mg, which is released into the groundwater, and Na, which is held in the clay mineral structural unit. This process is reverted the moment the hydraulic barrier stops acting. Short saltwater pumping-stopping cycles generate fast inversions in this exchange chemical reaction. At the same time, a clear excess of Ca ion can be seen in all the groundwater samples. This excess is attributed to the release of this ion resulting from the overall marine intrusion in this area during the Holocene transgression. Contrasting what occurs with the Na-Mg exchange, the Na-Ca exchange process is more long-lasting in time.

Environmental Monitoring , Groundwater , Cations , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Groundwater/chemistry , Seawater/chemistry , Spain
Sci Total Environ ; 732: 139249, 2020 Aug 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32438185


This study tests for the first time the long-term effects of pumping saline groundwater (SGW) as feed for a desalination plant on a coastal aquifer. Field measurements combined with 3D modeling of the hydrological conditions were conducted to examine the effects of SGW pumping on the aquifer system. The plant is next to the city of Almeria (South East Spain) and has been operating since 2006. It uses multiple beach wells along the shore to draw SGW from beneath the fresh-saline water interface (FSI) of the Andarax coastal aquifer. The long-term impact of the intensive pumping on the aquifer was assessed by electrical conductivity profiles in three observation wells during 12 years of pumping. The FSI deepened with continuous pumping, reaching a decrease of ~50 m in the observation well closest to the pumping wells. A calibrated three-dimensional numerical model of the Andarax aquifer replicates the freshening of the aquifer due to the continuous pumping, resulting in a salinity decrease of ~16% in the vicinity of the wells. The salinity decrease stabilizes at 17%, and the model predicts no further significant decrease in salinity for additional 20 years. Submarine groundwater discharge is lowered due to the SGW pumping and ~19,000,000 m3 of freshwater has not lost to the sea during the 12 years of pumping with a rate of ~1,100,000 m3 yr-1 after 6 years of pumping. After pumping cessation, hydrostatic equilibrium would take about 20 years to recover. This work presents the complex dynamics of the FSI due to the SGW pumping for desalination in the first real long-term scenario. It shows by combining field work and numerical modeling, a significant freshening of the aquifer by pumping SGW, emphasizing an additional advantage and the effectiveness of this use as a negative hydraulic barrier against seawater intrusion.

Sci Total Environ ; 722: 137824, 2020 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32199370


In Central Chile, the increment of withdrawals together with drought conditions has exposed the poor understanding of the regional hydrogeological system. In this study, we addressed the Western Andean Front hydrogeology by hydrogeochemical and water stable isotope analyses of 23 springs, 10 boreholes, 5 rain-collectors and 5 leaching-rocks samples at Aconcagua Basin. From the upstream to the downstream parts of the Western Andean Front, most groundwater is HCO3-Ca and results from the dissolution of anorthite, labradorite and other silicate minerals. The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis groups the samples according to its position along the Western Andean Front and supports a clear correlation between the increasing groundwater mineralization (31-1188 µS/cm) and residence time. Through Factorial Analysis, we point that Cl, NO3, Sr and Ba concentrations are related to agriculture practices in the Central Depression. After defining the regional meteoric water line at 33°S in Chile, water isotopes demonstrate the role of rain and snowmelt above ~2000 m asl in the recharge of groundwater. Finally, we propose an original conceptual model applicable to the entire Central Chile. During dry periods, water releases from high-elevation areas infiltrate in mid-mountain gullies feeding groundwater circulation in the fractured rocks of Western Andean Front. To the downstream, mountain-block and -front processes recharge the alluvial aquifers. Irrigation canals, conducting water from Principal Cordillera, play a significant role in the recharge of Central Depression aquifers. While groundwater in the Western Andean Front has a high-quality according to different water uses, intensive agriculture practices in the Central Depression cause an increment of hazardous elements for human-health in groundwater.

J Environ Radioact ; 158-159: 9-20, 2016 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27058409


Sierra de Gádor is a karst macrosystem with a highly complex geometry, located in southeastern Spain. In this arid environment, the main economic activities, agriculture and tourism, are supported by water resources from the Sierra de Gádor aquifer system. The aim of this work was to study the levels and behaviour of some of the most significant natural radionuclides in order to improve the knowledge of the hydrogeochemical processes involved in this groundwater system. For this study, 28 groundwater and 7 surface water samples were collected, and the activity concentrations of the natural U-isotopes ((238)U, (235)U and (234)U) and (226)Ra by alpha spectrometry were determined. The activity concentration of (238)U presented a large variation from around 1.1 to 65 mBq L(-1). Elevated groundwater U concentrations were the result of oxidising conditions that likely promoted U dissolution. The PHREEQC modelling code showed that dissolved U mainly existed as uranyl carbonate complexes. The (234)U/(238)U activity ratios were higher than unity for all samples (1.1-3.8). Additionally, these ratios were in greater disequilibrium in groundwater than surface water samples, the likely result of greater water-rock contact time. (226)Ra presented a wide range of activity concentrations, (0.8 up to about 4 × 10(2) mBq L(-1)); greatest concentrations were detected in the thermal area of Alhama. Most of the samples showed (226)Ra/(234)U activity ratios lower than unity (median = 0.3), likely the result of the greater mobility of U than Ra in the aquifer system. The natural U-isotopes concentrations were strongly correlated with dissolution of sulphate evaporites (mainly gypsum). (226)Ra had a more complex behaviour, showing a strong correlation with water salinity, which was particularly evident in locations where thermal anomalies were detected. The most saline samples showed the lowest (234)U/(238)U activity ratios, probably due to fast uniform bulk mineral dissolution, which would minimize the impact of solubility-controlled fractionation processes. Furthermore, the high bulk dissolution rates promoted greater groundwater (226)Ra/(234)U ratios because the Ra has a comparatively much greater mobility than U in saline conditions.

Groundwater/analysis , Radium/analysis , Uranium/analysis , Water Pollutants, Radioactive/analysis , Carbonates , Radiation Monitoring , Salinity , Spain
Ambio ; 37(4): 249-53, 2008 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18686503


The Aguadulce aquifer unit in southeastern Spain is a complex hydrogeological system because of the varied lithology of the aquifer strata and the variability of the processes that can take place within the unit. Factorial analysis of the data allowed the number of variables to be reduced to 3 factors, which were found to be related to such physico-chemical processes as marine intrusion and leaching of saline deposits. Variographic analysis was applied to these factors, culminating in a study of spatial distribution using ordinary kriging. Mapping of the factors allowed rapid differentiation of some of the processes that affect the waters of the Gador carbonate aquifer within the Aguadulce unit, without the need to recur to purely hydrogeochemical techniques. The results indicate the existence of several factors related to salinity: marine intrusion, paleowaters, and/or leaching of marls and evaporitic deposits. The techniques employed are effective, and the results conform to those obtained using hydrogeochemical methods (vertical records of conductivity and temperature, ion ratios, and others). The findings of this study confirm that the application of such analytical methods can provide a useful assessment of factors affecting groundwater composition.

Water , Geological Phenomena , Geology , Spain