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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38022, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395406


This study aimed to test the hypotheses: (i) the deferred pasture with lower height in late winter has greater herbage accumulation rate (HAR) and better structure, which facilitates the animal selective grazing during the subsequent spring and summer; (ii) the mowed of high pasture in late winter improves the sward structure but decreases its HAR from the spring. Four pasture condition in late winter of Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu were evaluated: low (24.1 cm and 2,420 kg.ha-1 of DM); low/mowed (25.2 cm and 2,198 kg.ha-1 of DM, mowed at 8.0 cm); high (49.0 cm and 3,837 kg.ha-1 of DM); and high/mowed (50.0 cm and 4,211 kg.ha-1 DM, mowed at 8.0 cm). The highest live leaf blade percentage (LLBP) and the lowest dead stem percentage (DSP) occurred in the mowed pastures. The live stem (LSP) and dead leaf blade percentages of the grazing simulation sample were higher in the high pasture. This same pattern of response occurred for apparent selectivity indices (ASI) of the live leaf blade and live stem. The ASI of the dead leaf blade was greater in the high pasture, intermediate in the mowed pastures, and lower in the low pasture. The ASI of the dead stem was lower in the low pasture. The HAR was higher in low pasture. Our results support the first hypothesis. The mowing of high pasture in late winter improves the sward structure and the animal selective grazing but does not decrease the HAR during spring and summer.

Seasons , Pasture , Cynodon
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38023, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395407


The pasture mowing in late winter removes the old forage, improving the pasture structure in spring and summer. However, the residue after mowing can affect tillering, thus limiting forage production and the structural characteristics of pasture. We hypothesized that the high amount of cut vegetal residues on the plants in late winter causes a decrease in forage production and modifies the structural characteristics of the forage canopy during the spring and summer. The treatments were four cut vegetal residues (0; 2,000; 4,000 and 8,000 t ha-1 of natural material) deposited on Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu canopy in late winter. After that, the forage production and structure characteristics were evaluated during the spring and summer for two years. The complete randomized block design, with four replications, was used. The defoliation management was characterized by the adoption of pre- and post-cut heights of 25 and 15 cm, respectively. For both years, there was no effect of cut vegetal residue on all the characteristics evaluated. No variable was affected by the interaction cut vegetal residue amount × year of evaluation. The dead leaf blade percentage was greater in year 2 (6.9%) than in year 1 (3.5%). The average values of variables were live leaf blade percentage = 84.2%; live stem percentage = 8.7%; dead stem percentage = 1.9%; number of vegetative tiller = 653 tiller/m2; number of reproductive tiller = 5 tiller m-2. The forage production rate presented an average value of 46 kg/ha/day of dry matter. The cut vegetal residue amount of up to 8,000 t/ha of natural material on the plants in late winter does not affect the forage production or modifies the structural characteristics of marandu palisadegrass during the subsequent spring and summer.

Plant Structures , Brachiaria/anatomy & histology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38019, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395402


The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of structural characteristics of deferred pastures of Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk (signal grass) subjected to associations of sward heights (10, 20, 30, and 40 cm) at the beginning of deferment and grazing periods (1, 28, 56, 85, and 113 days). The experiment was arranged in a split-plot and completely randomized-block design with two replicates. Pastures remained deferred from March to June 2010. From June to the beginning of October 2010, deferred pastures were utilized by steers under continuous grazing and at a fixed initial stocking rate of 3.5 AU ha-1. At the beginning of the deferment, the coefficient of variation (CV) for pasture height was reduced linearly with the pasture height. During the grazing period, in the winter, the CV for pasture height was not influenced by initial pasture height; however, it responded quadratically to the grazing period, with a maximum value of 36.4% at 71 days of the period of utilization. The CV for tiller height was reduced linearly with pasture height at the beginning of deferment but increased linearly along with the grazing period. The initial pasture height did not change the CV of the falling index. However, the latter was quadratically influenced by the grazing period, with a maximum value of 59.5% at 67 days of the utilization period. Signal grass pastures deferred at a lower height have a higher spatial variability of the vegetation. In the grazing period, there are changes in the spatial variability of the vegetation of the deferred signal grass.

Pasture , Brachiaria/anatomy & histology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(2): 332-340, 01-03-2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146252


Height variations in a sward over the year may be efficient for increasing plant growth, compared with maintenance of the sward at a constant height. Thus, this experiment was conducted from February 2013 to May 2014 to characterise the development of Urochloa brizantha syn. Brachiaria brizantha cv.Marandu (marandu palisadegrass), managed under three defoliation strategies: constant height (30 cm during the entire experimental period), increasing height (15 cm in the winter, 30 cm in the spring, and 45 cm in the summer), and decreasing height (45 cm in the winter, 30 cm in the spring, and 15 cm in the summer). The experimental design was completely randomised, in a split-plot arrangement, with four replicates. Phyllochron was higher in the winter, but leaf and stem elongation rates and the number of live leaves per tiller were lower compared with the spring and summer. In the summer, the swards under increasing height displayed a higher phyllochron than those under decreasing and constant height. When comparing seasons, the highest leaf senescence rate occurred in spring. In the winter, the sward with increasing height had shorter leaves and stems, in contrast to the summer. The sward under decreasing height showed a high stem elongation rate in the spring. Marandu palisadegrass has great flexibility in terms of defoliation management and a typical seasonal development pattern. Modifying the sward height results in a gradual change in the development of marandu palisadegrass and generates residual effects on the subsequent season.

As variações de altura em um pasto ao longo do ano podem ser eficientes em aumentar o crescimento das plantas, em comparação com a manutenção do pasto a uma altura constante. Assim, este experimento foi conduzido de fevereiro de 2013 a maio de 2014 para caracterizar o desenvolvimento de Urochloa brizantha syn. Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu (capim-marandu) manejado com três estratégias de desfolhação: altura constante (30 cm durante todo o período experimental), altura crescente (15 cm no inverno, 30 cm na primavera e 45 cm no verão) e altura decrescente (45 cm no inverno, 30 cm na primavera e 15 cm no verão). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. O filocrono foi maior no inverno, mas as taxas de alongamento de folhas e caules e o número de folhas vivas por perfilho foram menores em comparação com a primavera e o verão. No verão, o relvado em altura crescente apresentou filocrono maior do que em altura decrescente e constante. Entre as estações, a maior taxa de senescência foliar ocorreu na primavera. No inverno, o pasto com o aumento da altura apresentava folhas e caules mais curtos, ao contrário do verão. O relvado em altura decrescente apresentou alta taxa de alongamento na primavera. O capim-marandu possui grande flexibilidade em termos de manejo de desfolha e um padrão típico de desenvolvimento sazonal. A modificação da altura do pasto resulta em uma mudança gradual no desenvolvimento do capim-marandu e gera efeitos residuais na estação subsequente.
