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J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 14(1): 54, 2018 Aug 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30097060


BACKGROUND: Wildlife has been traditionally used by forest communities as a source of protein, and the Peruvian Amazon is no exception. The articulation of colonist and indigenous communities to urban centers and markets results in changes in livelihood strategies and impacts on wildlife populations. To address the threat of overhunting and forest conversion, we provide a generalized characterization of colonist and indigenous communities and their hunting activities near Pucallpa, Ucayali, Peru. METHODS: A semi-structured household survey was conducted to characterize hunters and describe their prey collections. The data were analyzed by conducting a Kruskal-Wallis test, a multiple regression analysis, and by estimating the harvest rate (H). RESULTS: Less wealthy households were more actively engaged in hunting for food security and as a livelihood strategy. Additionally, older hunters were associated with higher hunting rates. Although the percentage of hunters was relatively low, estimated hunting rates suggest overharvesting of wildlife. Lowland pacas (Cuniculus paca) were the most frequently hunted prey, followed by red brocket deer (Mazama americana) and primates. While hunting intensity was not significantly different between indigenous and colonist communities, hunting rate disparities suggest there are different types of hunters (specialized vs. opportunistic) and that prey composition differs between communities. CONCLUSION: Close monitoring of wildlife populations and hunting activities is ideal for more accurately determining the impact of hunting on wildlife population and in turn on forest health. In lack of this type of information, this study provides insight of hunting as a shifting livelihood strategy in a rapidly changing environment at the forest/agriculture frontier.

Agriculture , Conservation of Natural Resources , Food Supply , Forests , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Animals , Humans , Middle Aged , Peru , Population Groups , Young Adult
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 46(4): 256-60, oct.-dic. 1995. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-293080


Este estudio descriptivo-relacional identificó la actitud y el conocimiento hacia la citología vaginal,factores de riesgo y exposición para cáncer de cuello uterino en las adolescentes escolares de Manizales. De 5.943 adolescentes, se seleccionaron 37.4 de los grados 9§, 10§ y 11§, a las cuales se les aplicó una encuesta, escala de actitudes y prueba de conocimientos. Al total de la población (10.305) se realizó una labor educativa sobre diferentes aspectos de esta problemática. Hubo buen conocimiento sobre factores de riesgo y citología vaginal. El 46.7 por ciento tuvo una actitud indiferente hacia esta última. El 30.6 por ciento está expuesta a los factores de riesgo. El 38 por ciento ha tenido relaciones sexuales, de las cuales sólo el 5.5 por ciento se ha sometido a una citología y el 69 por ciento las inicio de los 13 a los 18 años. Los métodos anticonceptivos son empleados por el 51.4 por ciento. De los factores de riesgo, los de menor conocimiento para las adolescentes fueron "edad del primer coito" y "embarazo antes de los 18 años". Las adolescentes de mayor exposisción fueron de 17 años y las pertenecientes a colegios mixtos y públicos

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Cell Biology/education , Cell Biology/instrumentation , Cell Biology/statistics & numerical data