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Nature ; 617(7962): 696-700, 2023 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37198489


During their thermally pulsing phase, asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars eject material that forms extended dusty envelopes1. Visible polarimetric imaging found clumpy dust clouds within two stellar radii of several oxygen-rich stars2-6. Inhomogeneous molecular gas has also been observed in multiple emission lines within several stellar radii of different oxygen-rich stars, including W Hya and Mira7-10. At the stellar surface level, infrared images have shown intricate structures around the carbon semiregular variable R Scl and in the S-type star π1 Gru11,12. Infrared images have also shown clumpy dust structures within a few stellar radii of the prototypical carbon AGB star IRC+10°216 (refs. 13,14), and studies of molecular gas distribution beyond the dust formation zone have also shown complex circumstellar structures15. Because of the lack of sufficient spatial resolution, however, the distribution of molecular gas in the stellar atmosphere and the dust formation zone of AGB carbon stars is not known, nor is how it is subsequently expelled. Here we report observations with a resolution of one stellar radius of the recently formed dust and molecular gas in the atmosphere of IRC+10°216. Lines of HCN, SiS and SiC2 appear at different radii and in different clumps, which we interpret as large convective cells in the photosphere, as seen in Betelgeuse16. The convective cells coalesce with pulsation, causing anisotropies that, together with companions17,18, shape its circumstellar envelope.

Astron Astrophys ; 6412020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154600


AIMS: We aim to determine the abundances of SiO, CS, SiS, SO, and SO2 in a large sample of oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) envelopes covering a wide range of mass loss rates to investigate the potential role that these molecules could play in the formation of dust in these environments. METHODS: We surveyed a sample of 30 oxygen-rich AGB stars in the λ 2 mm band using the IRAM 30m telescope. We performed excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the large velocity gradient (LVG) method to model the observed lines of the molecules and to derive their fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. RESULTS: We detected SiO in all 30 targeted envelopes, as well as CS, SiS, SO, and SO2 in 18, 13, 26, and 19 sources, respectively. Remarkably, SiS is not detected in any envelope with a mass loss rate below 10-6 M⊙ yr-1, whereas it is detected in all envelopes with mass loss rates above that threshold. From a comparison with a previous, similar study on C-rich sources, it becomes evident that the fractional abundances of CS and SiS show a marked differentiation between C-rich and O-rich sources, being two orders of magnitude and one order of magnitude more abundant in C-rich sources, respectively, while the fractional abundance of SiO turns out to be insensitive to the C/O ratio. The abundance of SiO in O-rich envelopes behaves similarly to C-rich sources, that is, the denser the envelope the lower its abundance. A similar trend, albeit less clear than for SiO, is observed for SO in O-rich sources. CONCLUSIONS: The marked dependence of CS and SiS abundances on the C/O ratio indicates that these two molecules form more efficiently in C- than O-rich envelopes. The decline in the abundance of SiO with increasing envelope density and the tentative one for SO indicate that SiO and possibly SO act as gas-phase precursors of dust in circumstellar envelopes around O-rich AGB stars.

Astron Astrophys ; 6402020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33173233


Observations of IRC +10216 with the Yebes 40m telescope between 31 and 50 GHz have revealed more than 150 unidentified lines. Some of them can be grouped into a new series of 26 doublets, harmonically related with integer quantum numbers ranging from J up=54 to 80. The separation of the doublets increases systematically with J, i.e., as expected for a linear species in one of its bending modes. The rotational parameters resulting from the fit to these data are B = 290.8844 ± 0.0004 MHz, D = 0.88 ± 0.04 Hz, q = 0.1463 ± 0.0001 MHz. The rotational constant is very close to that of the ground state of HC9N. Ab initio calculations show an excellent agreement between these parameters and those predicted for the lowest energy vibrationally excited state, ν 19=1, of HC9N. This is the first detection, and complete characterization in space, of vibrationally excited HC9N. An energy of 41.5 cm-1 is estimated for the ν 19 state. In addition, 17 doublets of HC7N in the ν 15=1 state, for which laboratory spectroscopy is available, have been detected for the first time in IRC+10216. Several doublets of HC5N in its ν 11=1 state have been also observed. The column density ratio between the ground and the lowest excited vibrational states are ≈127, 9.5, and 1.5 for HC5N, HC7N, and HC9N, respectively. We find that these lowest-lying vibrational states are most probably populated via infrared pumping to vibrationally excited states lying at ≈600 cm-1. The lowest vibrationally excited states thus need to be taken into account to precisely determine absolute abundances and abundanceratios for long carbon chains. The abundance ratios N(HC5N)/N(HC7N) and N(HC7N)/N(HC9N) are 2.4 and 7.7 respectively.

Astron Astrophys ; 6302019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31579315


We report on the detection of two series of harmonically related doublets in IRC +10216. From the observed frequencies, the rotational constant of the first series is B = 1380.888 MHz and that of the second series is B = 1381.512 MHz. The two series correspond to two species with a 2Σ electronic ground state. After considering all possible candidates, and based on quantum chemical calculations, the first series is assigned to MgC3N and the second to MgC4H. For the latter species, optical spectroscopy measurements support its identification. Unlike diatomic metal-containing molecules, the line profiles of the two new molecules indicate that they are formed in the outer layers of the envelope, as occurs for MgNC and other polyatomic metal-cyanides. We also confirm the detection of MgCCH that was previously reported from the observation of two doublets. The relative abundance of MgC3N with respect to MgNC is close to one while that of MgC4H relative to MgCCH is about ten. The synthesis of these magnesium cyanides and acetylides in IRC +10216 can be explained in terms of a two-step process initiated by the radiative association of Mg+ with large cyanopolyynes and polyynes followed by the dissociative recombination of the ionic complexes.

Astron Astrophys ; 6272019 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31327871


We report on the detection of calcium isocyanide, CaNC, in the carbon-rich evolved star IRC+10216. We derived a column density for this species of (2±0.5)×1011 cm-2. Based on the observed line profiles and the modelling of its emission through the envelope, the molecule has to be produced in the intermediate and outer layers of the circumstellar envelope where other metal-isocyanides have previously been found in this source. The abundance ratio of CaNC relative to MgNC and FeCN is ≃1/60 and ≃1, respectively. We searched for the species CaF, CaCl, CaC, CaCCH, and CaCH3 for which accurate frequency predictions are available. Only upper limits have been obtained for these molecules.

Astron Astrophys ; 6222019 Feb 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30820063


We present new interferometer molecular observations of R Leo taken at 1.2 mm with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array with an angular resolution up to ≃ 0 · ″ 026 . These observations permit us to resolve the innermost envelope of this star revealing the existence of a complex structure that involves extended continuum emission and molecular emission showing a non-radial gas velocity distribution. This molecular emission displays prominent red-shifted absorptions located right in front to the star typical of material infall and lateral gas motions compatible with the presence of a torus-like structure.

Astron Astrophys ; 6182018 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30429616


This work presents a detailed analysis of the laboratory and astrophysical spectral data available for 28SiC2, 29SiC2,30SiC2, Si13CC, and Si2C. New data on the rotational lines of these species between 70 and 350 GHz have been obtained with high spectral resolution (195 kHz) with the IRAM 30m telescope in the direction of the circumstellar envelope IRC +10216. Frequency measurements can reach an accuracy of 50 kHz for features observed with a good signal to noise ratio. From the observed astrophysical lines and the available laboratory data new rotational and centrifugal distortion constants have been derived for all the isotopologues of SiC2, allowing to predict their spectrum with high accuracy in the millimeter and submillimeter domains. Improved rotational and centrifugal distortion constants have also been obtained for disilicon carbide, Si2C. This work shows that observations of IRC +10216 taken with the IRAM 30m telescope, with a spectral resolution of 195 kHz, can be used for any molecular species detected in this source to derive, or improve, its rotational constants. Hence, IRC +10216 in addition to be one the richest sources in molecular species in the sky, can also be used as a state-of-the-art spectroscopy laboratory in the millimeter and submillimeter domains.

Astron Astrophys ; 6152018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30185989


CONTEXT: The variability in IRC+10216, the envelope of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star CW Leo, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Studying the details of this variability in the molecular emission required a systematic observation program. AIMS: We aim to reveal and characterize the periodical variability of the rotational lines from several molecules and radicals in IRC+10216, and to compare it with previously reported IR variability. METHODS: We carried out systematic monitoring within the ~80 to 116 GHz frequency range with the IRAM 30m telescope. RESULTS: We report on the periodical variability in IRC+10216 of several rotational lines from the following molecules and radicals: HC3N, HC5N, CCH, C4H, C5H, and CN. The analysis of the variable molecular lines provides periods that are consistent with previously reported IR variability, and interesting phase lags are revealed that point toward radiative transfer and pumping, rather than chemical effects. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that observations of several lines of a given molecule have to be performed simultaneously or at least at the same phase in order to avoid erroneous interpretation of the data. In particular, merging ALMA data from different epochs may prove to be difficult, as shown by the example of the variability we studied here. Moreover, radiative transfer codes have to incorporate the effect of population variability in the rotational levels in CW Leo.

Astrophys J ; 860(2)2018 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29977091


We present new high angular resolution interferometer observations of the υ = 0 J = 14 - 13 and 15 - 14 SiS lines towards IRC+10216, carried out with CARMA and ALMA. The maps, with angular resolutions of ≃0⋅″25and0⋅″55, reveal (1) an extended, roughly uniform, and weak emission with a size of ≃0⋅″5, (2) a component elongated approximately along the East-West direction peaking at ≃0⋅″13and0⋅″17 at both sides of the central star, and (3) two blue- and red-shifted compact components peaking around 0⋅″07 to the NW of the star. We have modeled the emission with a 3D radiation transfer code finding that the observations cannot be explained only by thermal emission. Several maser clumps and one arc-shaped maser feature arranged from 5 to 20R⋆ from the central star, in addition to a thin shell-like maser structure at ≃ 13R⋆ are required to explain the observations. This maser emitting set of structures accounts for 75% of the total emission while the other 25% is produced by thermally excited molecules. About 60% of the maser emission comes from the extended emission and the rest from the set of clumps and the arc. The analysis of a time monitoring of these and other SiS and 29SiS lines carried out with the IRAM 30 m telescope from 2015 to present suggests that the intensity of some spectral components of the maser emission strongly depends on the stellar pulsation while other components show a mild variability. This monitoring evidences a significant phase lag of ≃ 0.2 between the maser and NIR light-curves.

Astron Astrophys ; 6112018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29628518


CONTEXT: Silicon carbide dust is ubiquitous in circumstellar envelopes around C-rich AGB stars. However, the main gas-phase precursors leading to the formation of SiC dust have not yet been identified. The most obvious candidates among the molecules containing an Si-C bond detected in C-rich AGB stars are SiC2, SiC, and Si2C. To date, the ring molecule SiC2 has been observed in a handful of evolved stars, while SiC and Si2C have only been detected in the C-star envelope IRC +10216. AIMS: We aim to study how widespread and abundant SiC2, SiC, and Si2C are in envelopes around C-rich AGB stars and whether or not these species play an active role as gas-phase precursors of silicon carbide dust in the ejecta of carbon stars. METHODS: We carried out sensitive observations with the IRAM 30m telescope of a sample of 25 C-rich AGB stars to search for emission lines of SiC2, SiC, and Si2C in the λ 2 mm band. We performed non-LTE excitation and radiative transfer calculations based on the LVG method to model the observed lines of SiC2 and to derive SiC2 fractional abundances in the observed envelopes. RESULTS: We detect SiC2 in most of the sources, SiC in about half of them, and do not detect Si2C in any source, at the exception of IRC +10216. Most of these detections are reported for the first time in this work. We find a positive correlation between the SiC and SiC2 line emission, which suggests that both species are chemically linked, the SiC radical probably being the photodissociation product of SiC2 in the external layer of the envelope. We find a clear trend in which the denser the envelope, the less abundant SiC2 is. The observed trend is interpreted as an evidence of efficient incorporation of SiC2 onto dust grains, a process which is favored at high densities owing to the higher rate at which collisions between particles take place. CONCLUSIONS: The observed behavior of a decline in the SiC2 abundance with increasing density strongly suggests that SiC2 is an important gas-phase precursor of SiC dust in envelopes around carbon stars.

Astron Astrophys ; 6102018 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29456257


During their late pulsating phase, AGB stars expel most of their mass in the form of massive dusty envelopes, an event that largely controls the composition of interstellar matter. The envelopes, however, are distant and opaque to visible and NIR radiation: their structure remains poorly known and the mass-loss process poorly understood. Millimeter-wave interferometry, which combines the advantages of longer wavelength, high angular resolution and very high spectral resolution is the optimal investigative tool for this purpose. Mm waves pass through dust with almost no attenuation. Their spectrum is rich in molecular lines and hosts the fundamental lines of the ubiquitous CO molecule, allowing a tomographic reconstruction of the envelope structure. The circumstellar envelope IRC +10 216 and its central star, the C-rich TP-AGB star closest to the Sun, are the best objects for such an investigation. Two years ago, we reported the first detailed study of the CO(2-1) line emission in that envelope, made with the IRAM 30-m telescope. It revealed a series of dense gas shells, expanding at a uniform radial velocity. The limited resolution of the telescope (HPBW 11″) did not allow us to resolve the shell structure. We now report much higher angular resolution observations of CO(2-1), CO(1-0), CN(2-1) and C4H(24-23) made with the SMA, PdB and ALMA interferometers (with synthesized half-power beamwidths of 3″, 1″ and 0.3″, respectively). Although the envelope appears much more intricate at high resolution than with an 11″ beam, its prevailing structure remains a pattern of thin, nearly concentric shells. The average separation between the brightest CO shells is 16″ in the outer envelope, where it appears remarkably constant. Closer to the star (< 40″), the shell pattern is denser and less regular, showing intermediary arcs. Outside the small (r < 0.3″) dust formation zone, the gas appears to expand radially at a constant velocity, 14.5 km s-1, with small turbulent motions. Based on that property, we have reconstructed the 3-D structure of the outer envelope and have derived the gas temperature and density radial profiles in the inner (r < 25″) envelope. The shell-intershell density contrast is found to be typically 3. The over-dense shells have spherical or slightly oblate shapes and typically extend over a few steradians, implying isotropic mass loss. The regular spacing of shells in the outer envelope supports the model of a binary star system with a period of 700 years and a near face-on elliptical orbit. The companion fly-by triggers enhanced episodes of mass loss near periastron. The densification of the shell pattern observed in the central part of the envelope suggests a more complex scenario for the last few thousand years.

Proc Int Astron Union ; 14: 535-537, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31908652


Silicon carbide together with amorphous carbon are the main components of dust grains in the atmospheres of C-rich AGB stars. Small gaseous Si-C bearing molecules (such as SiC, SiCSi, and SiC2) are efficiently formed close to the stellar photosphere. They likely condense onto dust seeds owing to their highly refractory nature at the lower temperatures (i.e., below about 2500 K) in the dust growth zone which extends a few stellar radii from the photosphere. Beyond this region, the abundances of Si-C bearing molecules are expected to decrease until they are eventually reformed in the outer shells of the circumstellar envelope, owing to the interaction between the gas and the interstellar UV radiation field. Our goal is to understand the time-dependent chemical evolution of Si-C bond carriers probed by molecular spectral line emission in the circumstellar envelope of IRC+10216 at millimeter wavelengths.

Astron Astrophys ; 6072017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29151609


CONTEXT: ALMA is providing us essential information on where certain molecules form. Observing where these molecules emission arises from, the physical conditions of the gas, and how this relates with the presence of other species allows us to understand the formation of many species, and to significantly improve our knowledge of the chemistry that occurs in the space. AIMS: We studied the molecular distribution of NaCN around IRC +10216, a molecule detected previously, but whose origin is not clear. High angular resolution maps allow us to model the abundance distribution of this molecule and check suggested formation paths. METHODS: We modeled the emission of NaCN assuming local thermal equilibrium (LTE) conditions. These profiles were fitted to azimuthal averaged intensity profiles to obtain an abundance distribution of NaCN. RESULTS: We found that the presence of NaCN seems compatible with the presence of CN, probably as a result of the photodissociation of HCN, in the inner layers of the ejecta of IRC +10216. However, similar as for CH3CN, current photochemical models fail to reproduce this CN reservoir. We also found that the abundance peak of NaCN appears at a radius of 3 × 1015cm, approximately where the abundance of NaCl, suggested to be the parent species, starts to decay. However, the abundance ratio shows that the NaCl abundance is lower than that obtained for NaCN. We expect that the LTE assumption might result in NaCN abundances higher than the real ones. Updated photochemical models, collisional rates, and reaction rates are essential to determine the possible paths of the NaCN formation.

Astron Astrophys ; 6062017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29142328


We report the discovery in space of methyl silane, CH3SiH3, from observations of ten rotational transitions between 80 and 350 GHz (Ju from 4 to 16) with the IRAM 30 m radio telescope. The molecule was observed in the envelope of the C-star IRC +10216. The observed profiles and our models for the expected emission of methyl silane suggest that the it is formed in the inner zones of the circumstellar envelope, 1-40 R*, with an abundance of (0.5-1) × 10-8 relative to H2. We also observed several rotational transitions of silyl cyanide (SiH3CN), confirming its presence in IRC +10216 in particular, and in space in general. Our models indicate that silyl cyanide is also formed in the inner regions of the envelope, around 20 R*, with an abundance relative to H2 of 6×10-10. The possible formation mechanisms of both species are discussed. We also searched for related chemical species but only upper limits could be obtained.

Astron Astrophys ; 6012017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28469283


Linear carbon chains are common in various types of astronomical molecular sources. Possible formation mechanisms involve both bottom-up and top-down routes. We have carried out a combined observational and modeling study of the formation of carbon chains in the C-star envelope IRC +10216, where the polymerization of acetylene and hydrogen cyanide induced by ultraviolet photons can drive the formation of linear carbon chains of increasing length. We have used ALMA to map the emission of λ 3 mm rotational lines of the hydrocarbon radicals C2H, C4H, and C6H, and the CN-containing species CN, C3N, HC3N, and HC5N with an angular resolution of ~1″. The spatial distribution of all these species is a hollow, 5-10″ wide, spherical shell located at a radius of 10-20″ from the star, with no appreciable emission close to the star. Our observations resolve the broad shell of carbon chains into thinner sub-shells which are 1-2″ wide and not fully concentric, indicating that the mass loss process has been discontinuous and not fully isotropic. The radial distributions of the species mapped reveal subtle differences: while the hydrocarbon radicals have very similar radial distributions, the CN-containing species show more diverse distributions, with HC3N appearing earlier in the expansion and the radical CN extending later than the rest of the species. The observed morphology can be rationalized by a chemical model in which the growth of polyynes is mainly produced by rapid gas-phase chemical reactions of C2H and C4H radicals with unsaturated hydrocarbons, while cyanopolyynes are mainly formed from polyynes in gas-phase reactions with CN and C3N radicals.

Astron Astrophys ; 5972017 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28008187


AIMS: We aim to investigate the physical and chemical properties of the molecular envelope of the oxygen-rich AGB star IK Tau. METHODS: We carried out a millimeter wavelength line survey between ~79 and 356 GHz with the IRAM-30 m telescope. We analysed the molecular lines detected in IK Tau using the population diagram technique to derive rotational temperatures and column densities. We conducted a radiative transfer analysis of the SO2 lines, which also helped us to verify the validity of the approximated method of the population diagram for the rest of the molecules. RESULTS: For the first time in this source we detected rotational lines in the ground vibrational state of HCO+, NS, NO, and H2CO, as well as several isotopologues of molecules previously identified, namely, C18O, Si17O, Si18O, 29SiS, 30SiS, Si34S, H13CN, 13CS, C34S, H234S, 34SO, and 34SO2. We also detected several rotational lines in vibrationally excited states of SiS and SiO isotopologues, as well as rotational lines of H2O in the vibrationally excited state ν2=2. We have also increased the number of rotational lines detected of molecules that were previously identified toward IK Tau, including vibrationally excited states, enabling a detailed study of the molecular abundances and excitation temperatures. In particular, we highlight the detection of NS and H2CO with fractional abundances of f(NS)~10-8 and f(H2CO)~[10-7-10-8 ]. Most of the molecules display rotational temperatures between 15 and 40 K. NaCl and SiS isotopologues display rotational temperatures higher than the average (~65 K). In the case of SO2 a warm component with Trot~290 K is also detected. CONCLUSIONS: With a total of ~350 lines detected of 34 different molecular species (including different isotopologues), IK Tau displays a rich chemistry for an oxygen-rich circumstellar envelope. The detection of carbon bearing molecules like H2CO, as well as the discrepancies found between our derived abundances and the predictions from chemical models for some molecules, highlight the need for a revision of standard chemical models. We were able to identify at least two different emission components in terms of rotational temperatures. The warm component, which is mainly traced out by SO2, is probably arising from the inner regions of the envelope (at ≲8R∗) where SO2 has a fractional abundance of f(SO2)~10-6. This result should be considered for future investigation of the main formation channels of this, and other, parent species in the inner winds of O-rich AGB stars, which at present are not well reproduced by current chemistry models.

Astrophys J Lett ; 806(1)2015 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26722621


We report the discovery in space of a disilicon species, SiCSi, from observations between 80 and 350 GHz with the IRAM 30m radio telescope. Owing to the close coordination between laboratory experiments and astrophysics, 112 lines have now been detected in the carbon-rich star CW Leo. The derived frequencies yield improved rotational and centrifugal distortion constants up to sixth order. From the line profiles and interferometric maps with the Submillimeter Array, the bulk of the SiCSi emission arises from a region of 6″ in radius. The derived abundance is comparable to that of SiC2. As expected from chemical equilibrium calculations, SiCSi and SiC2 are the most abundant species harboring a Si-C bond in the dust formation zone and certainly both play a key role in the formation of SiC dust grains.