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Nano Lett ; 23(11): 4708-4715, 2023 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37220259


Propagation of light-emitting quasiparticles is of central importance across the fields of condensed matter physics and nanomaterials science. We experimentally demonstrate diffusion of excitons in the presence of a continuously tunable Fermi sea of free charge carriers in a monolayer semiconductor. Light emission from tightly bound exciton states in electrically gated WSe2 monolayer is detected using spatially and temporally resolved microscopy. The measurements reveal a nonmonotonic dependence of the exciton diffusion coefficient on the charge carrier density in both electron and hole doped regimes. Supported by analytical theory describing exciton-carrier interactions in a dissipative system, we identify distinct regimes of elastic scattering and quasiparticle formation determining exciton diffusion. The crossover region exhibits a highly unusual behavior of an increasing diffusion coefficient with increasing carrier densities. Temperature-dependent diffusion measurements further reveal characteristic signatures of freely propagating excitonic complexes dressed by free charges with effective mobilities up to 3 × 103 cm2/(V s).

Nanoscale ; 13(47): 19966-19972, 2021 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34821228


Atomically thin semiconductors provide an excellent platform to study intriguing many-particle physics of tightly-bound excitons. In particular, the properties of tungsten-based transition metal dichalcogenides are determined by a complex manifold of bright and dark exciton states. While dark excitons are known to dominate the relaxation dynamics and low-temperature photoluminescence, their impact on the spatial propagation of excitons has remained elusive. In our joint theory-experiment study, we address this intriguing regime of dark state transport by resolving the spatio-temporal exciton dynamics in hBN-encapsulated WSe2 monolayers after resonant excitation. We find clear evidence of an unconventional, time-dependent diffusion during the first tens of picoseconds, exhibiting strong deviation from the steady-state propagation. Dark exciton states are initially populated by phonon emission from the bright states, resulting in creation of hot (unequilibrated) excitons whose rapid expansion leads to a transient increase of the diffusion coefficient by more than one order of magnitude. These findings are relevant for both fundamental understanding of the spatio-temporal exciton dynamics in atomically thin materials as well as their technological application by enabling rapid diffusion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(7): 076801, 2021 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34459627


We experimentally demonstrate time-resolved exciton propagation in a monolayer semiconductor at cryogenic temperatures. Monitoring phonon-assisted recombination of dark states, we find a highly unusual case of exciton diffusion. While at 5 K the diffusivity is intrinsically limited by acoustic phonon scattering, we observe a pronounced decrease of the diffusion coefficient with increasing temperature, far below the activation threshold of higher-energy phonon modes. This behavior corresponds neither to well-known regimes of semiclassical free-particle transport nor to the thermally activated hopping in systems with strong localization. Its origin is discussed in the framework of both microscopic numerical and semiphenomenological analytical models illustrating the observed characteristics of nonclassical propagation. Challenging the established description of mobile excitons in monolayer semiconductors, these results open up avenues to study quantum transport phenomena for excitonic quasiparticles in atomically thin van der Waals materials and their heterostructures.

J Chem Phys ; 153(3): 034706, 2020 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32716167


Monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides present an intriguing platform to investigate the interplay of excitonic complexes in two-dimensional semiconductors. Here, we use optical spectroscopy to study the light-matter coupling and non-equilibrium relaxation dynamics of three-particle exciton states, commonly known as trions. We identify the consequences of the exchange interaction for the trion fine structure in tungsten-based monolayer materials from variational calculations and experimentally determine the resulting characteristic differences in their oscillator strength. It allows us to quantitatively extract trion populations from time-resolved photoluminescence measurements and monitor their dynamics after off-resonant optical injection. At liquid helium temperature, we observe a pronounced non-equilibrium distribution of the trions during their lifetime with comparatively slow equilibration that occurs on time-scales up to several hundreds of ps. In addition, we find an intriguing regime of population inversion at lowest excitation densities, which builds up and is maintained for tens of picoseconds. At a higher lattice temperature, the equilibrium is established more rapidly and the inversion disappears, highlighting the role of thermal activation for efficient scattering between exchange-split trions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(26): 267401, 2020 Dec 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449708


We experimentally demonstrate dressing of the excited exciton states by a continuously tunable Fermi sea of free charge carriers in a monolayer semiconductor. It represents an unusual scenario of two-particle excitations of charged excitons previously inaccessible in conventional material systems. We identify excited state trions, accurately determine their binding energies in the zero-density limit for both electron- and hole-doped regimes, and observe emerging many-body phenomena at elevated doping. Combining experiment and theory we gain access to the intra-exciton coupling facilitated by the interaction with free charge carriers. We provide evidence for a process of autoionization for quasiparticles, a unique scattering pathway available for excited states in atomic systems. Finally, we demonstrate a complete transfer of the optical transition strength from the excited excitons to dressed Fermi-polaron states as well as the associated light emission from their nonequilibrium populations.
