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Stud Mycol ; 107: 251-388, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600961


During 25 surveys of global Phytophthora diversity, conducted between 1998 and 2020, 43 new species were detected in natural ecosystems and, occasionally, in nurseries and outplantings in Europe, Southeast and East Asia and the Americas. Based on a multigene phylogeny of nine nuclear and four mitochondrial gene regions they were assigned to five of the six known subclades, 2a-c, e and f, of Phytophthora major Clade 2 and the new subclade 2g. The evolutionary history of the Clade appears to have involved the pre-Gondwanan divergence of three extant subclades, 2c, 2e and 2f, all having disjunct natural distributions on separate continents and comprising species with a soilborne and aquatic lifestyle and, in addition, a few partially aerial species in Clade 2c; and the post-Gondwanan evolution of subclades 2a and 2g in Southeast/East Asia and 2b in South America, respectively, from their common ancestor. Species in Clade 2g are soilborne whereas Clade 2b comprises both soil-inhabiting and aerial species. Clade 2a has evolved further towards an aerial lifestyle comprising only species which are predominantly or partially airborne. Based on high nuclear heterozygosity levels ca. 38 % of the taxa in Clades 2a and 2b could be some form of hybrid, and the hybridity may be favoured by an A1/A2 breeding system and an aerial life style. Circumstantial evidence suggests the now 93 described species and informally designated taxa in Clade 2 result from both allopatric non-adaptive and sympatric adaptive radiations. They represent most morphological and physiological characters, breeding systems, lifestyles and forms of host specialism found across the Phytophthora clades as a whole, demonstrating the strong biological cohesiveness of the genus. The finding of 43 previously unknown species from a single Phytophthora clade highlight a critical lack of information on the scale of the unknown pathogen threats to forests and natural ecosystems, underlining the risk of basing plant biosecurity protocols mainly on lists of named organisms. More surveys in natural ecosystems of yet unsurveyed regions in Africa, Asia, Central and South America are needed to unveil the full diversity of the clade and the factors driving diversity, speciation and adaptation in Phytophthora. Taxonomic novelties: New species: Phytophthora amamensis T. Jung, K. Kageyama, H. Masuya & S. Uematsu, Phytophthora angustata T. Jung, L. Garcia, B. Mendieta-Araica, & Y. Balci, Phytophthora balkanensis I. Milenkovic, Z. Tomic, T. Jung & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora borneensis T. Jung, A. Durán, M. Tarigan & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora calidophila T. Jung, Y. Balci, L. Garcia & B. Mendieta-Araica, Phytophthora catenulata T. Jung, T.-T. Chang, N.M. Chi & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora celeris T. Jung, L. Oliveira, M. Tarigan & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora curvata T. Jung, A. Hieno, H. Masuya & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora distorta T. Jung, A. Durán, E. Sanfuentes von Stowasser & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora excentrica T. Jung, S. Uematsu, K. Kageyama & C.M. Brasier, Phytophthora falcata T. Jung, K. Kageyama, S. Uematsu & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora fansipanensis T. Jung, N.M. Chi, T. Corcobado & C.M. Brasier, Phytophthora frigidophila T. Jung, Y. Balci, K. Broders & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora furcata T. Jung, N.M. Chi, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora inclinata N.M. Chi, T. Jung, M. Horta Jung & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora indonesiensis T. Jung, M. Tarigan, L. Oliveira & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora japonensis T. Jung, A. Hieno, H. Masuya & J.F. Webber, Phytophthora limosa T. Corcobado, T. Majek, M. Ferreira & T. Jung, Phytophthora macroglobulosa H.-C. Zeng, H.-H. Ho, F.-C. Zheng & T. Jung, Phytophthora montana T. Jung, Y. Balci, K. Broders & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora multipapillata T. Jung, M. Tarigan, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora multiplex T. Jung, Y. Balci, K. Broders & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora nimia T. Jung, H. Masuya, A. Hieno & C.M. Brasier, Phytophthora oblonga T. Jung, S. Uematsu, K. Kageyama & C.M. Brasier, Phytophthora obovoidea T. Jung, Y. Balci, L. Garcia & B. Mendieta-Araica, Phytophthora obturata T. Jung, N.M. Chi, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora penetrans T. Jung, Y. Balci, K. Broders & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora platani T. Jung, A. Pérez-Sierra, S.O. Cacciola & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora proliferata T. Jung, N.M. Chi, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora pseudocapensis T. Jung, T.-T. Chang, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora pseudocitrophthora T. Jung, S.O. Cacciola, J. Bakonyi & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora pseudofrigida T. Jung, A. Durán, M. Tarigan & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora pseudoccultans T. Jung, T.-T. Chang, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora pyriformis T. Jung, Y. Balci, K.D. Boders & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora sumatera T. Jung, M. Tarigan, M. Junaid & A. Durán, Phytophthora transposita T. Jung, K. Kageyama, C.M. Brasier & H. Masuya, Phytophthora vacuola T. Jung, H. Masuya, K. Kageyama & J.F. Webber, Phytophthora valdiviana T. Jung, E. Sanfuentes von Stowasser, A. Durán & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora variepedicellata T. Jung, Y. Balci, K. Broders & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora vietnamensis T. Jung, N.M. Chi, I. Milenkovic & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora ×australasiatica T. Jung, N.M. Chi, M. Tarigan & M. Horta Jung, Phytophthora ×lusitanica T. Jung, M. Horta Jung, C. Maia & I. Milenkovic, Phytophthora ×taiwanensis T. Jung, T.-T. Chang, H.-S. Fu & M. Horta Jung. Citation: Jung T, Milenkovic I, Balci Y, Janousek J, Kudlácek T, Nagy ZÁ, Baharuddin B, Bakonyi J, Broders KD, Cacciola SO, Chang T-T, Chi NM, Corcobado T, Cravador A, Dordevic B, Durán A, Ferreira M, Fu C-H, Garcia L, Hieno A, Ho H-H, Hong C, Junaid M, Kageyama K, Kuswinanti T, Maia C, Májek T, Masuya H, Magnano di San Lio G, Mendieta-Araica B, Nasri N, Oliveira LSS, Pane A, Pérez-Sierra A, Rosmana A, Sanfuentes von Stowasser E, Scanu B, Singh R, Stanivukovic Z, Tarigan M, Thu PQ, Tomic Z, Tomsovský M, Uematsu S, Webber JF, Zeng H-C, Zheng F-C, Brasier CM, Horta Jung M (2024). Worldwide forest surveys reveal forty-three new species in Phytophthora major Clade 2 with fundamental implications for the evolution and biogeography of the genus and global plant biosecurity. Studies in Mycology 107: 251-388. doi: 10.3114/sim.2024.107.04.

Persoonia ; 49: 1-57, 2022 Dec 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38234379


During extensive surveys of global Phytophthora diversity 14 new species detected in natural ecosystems in Chile, Indonesia, USA (Louisiana), Sweden, Ukraine and Vietnam were assigned to Phytophthora major Clade 10 based on a multigene phylogeny of nine nuclear and three mitochondrial gene regions. Clade 10 now comprises three subclades. Subclades 10a and 10b contain species with nonpapillate sporangia, a range of breeding systems and a mainly soil- and waterborne lifestyle. These include the previously described P. afrocarpa, P. gallica and P. intercalaris and eight of the new species: P. ludoviciana, P. procera, P. pseudogallica, P. scandinavica, P. subarctica, P. tenuimura, P. tonkinensis and P. ukrainensis. In contrast, all species in Subclade 10c have papillate sporangia and are self-fertile (or homothallic) with an aerial lifestyle including the known P. boehmeriae, P. gondwanensis, P. kernoviae and P. morindae and the new species P. celebensis, P. chilensis, P. javanensis, P. multiglobulosa, P. pseudochilensis and P. pseudokernoviae. All new Phytophthora species differed from each other and from related species by their unique combinations of morphological characters, breeding systems, cardinal temperatures and growth rates. The biogeography and evolutionary history of Clade 10 are discussed. We propose that the three subclades originated via the early divergence of pre-Gondwanan ancestors > 175 Mya into water- and soilborne and aerially dispersed lineages and subsequently underwent multiple allopatric and sympatric radiations during their global spread. Citation: Jung T, Milenkovic I, Corcobado T, et al. 2022. Extensive morphological and behavioural diversity among fourteen new and seven described species in Phytophthora Clade 10 and its evolutionary implications. Persoonia 49: 1-57.

Plant Pathol ; 67(2): 255-264, 2018 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29527064


The ash dieback fungus, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, a destructive, alien pathogen of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), has spread across Europe over the past 25 years and was first observed in the UK in 2012. To investigate the relationship of the pathogen's population structure to its mode of arrival, isolates were obtained from locations in England and Wales, either where established natural populations of ash had been infected by wind-dispersed ascospores or where the fungus had been introduced on imported planting stock. Population structure was determined by tests for vegetative compatibility (VC), mating type and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). VC heterogeneity was high at all locations, with 96% of isolate pairings being incompatible. Frequencies of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1 idiomorphs were approximately equal, consistent with H. fraxineus being an obligate outbreeder. Most SNP variation occurred within study location and there was little genetic differentiation between the two types of location in the UK, or between pathogen populations in the UK and continental Europe. There was modest differentiation between UK subpopulations, consistent with genetic variation between source populations in continental Europe. However, there was no evidence of strong founder effects, indicating that numerous individuals of H. fraxineus initiated infection at each location, regardless of the route of pathogen transmission. The ssRNA virus HfMV1 was present at moderate to high frequencies in all UK subpopulations. The results imply that management of an introduced plant pathogen requires action against its spread at the continental level involving coordinated efforts by European countries.

Plant Dis ; 95(1): 13-18, 2011 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30743670


Because sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae on Rhododendron ponticum, an invasive plant, serves as primary inoculum for trunk infections on trees, R. ponticum clearance from pathogen-infested woodlands is pivotal to inoculum management. The efficacy of clearance for long-term disease management is unknown, in part due to lack of knowledge of pathogen persistence in roots and emerging seedlings. The main objectives of this work were to (i) investigate whether both pathogens infect R. ponticum roots, (ii) determine the potential for residual inoculum of P. kernoviae to infect R. ponticum seedlings in cleared woodlands, and (iii) assess potential for R. ponticum roots to support survival and transmission of P. kernoviae. Roots of R. ponticum were collected from both unmanaged and cleared woodlands and assessed for pathogen recovery. Both P. ramorum and P. kernoviae were recovered from asymptomatic roots of R. ponticum in unmanaged woodlands, and P. kernoviae was recovered from asymptomatic roots from seedlings in cleared woodland. Oospore production of P. kernoviae was observed in naturally infected R. ponticum foliage and in inoculated roots. Roots also supported P. kernoviae sporangia production. The results of this study suggest that post-clearance management of R. ponticum regrowth is necessary for long-term inoculum management in invaded woodlands.

Plant Dis ; 89(11): 1241, 2005 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30786450


Phytophthora ramorum causes bleeding cankers of trunks of trees native to the west coast of the United States (i.e., Quercus kelloggii, Q. parvula var. shrevei, and Lithocarpus densiflorus). In the United Kingdom so far, bleeding cankers caused by inner bark infections have been found on Aesculus hippocastanum, Fagus sylvatica, Q. cerris, Q. falcata, and Q. petraea ( [2005]). Shoot tip dieback (ramorum dieback) and foliar necrosis (ramorum leaf blight) are other diseases caused by the pathogen on understory and ornamental plants (3). Inoculum is produced on infected shoots and leaves of foliar hosts but not on bole cankers (1). Foliar hosts are thus critical in initiating and maintaining epidemics of tree mortality resulting from lethal bark cankers. Ramorum dieback and blight occurs in Europe on genera Rhododendron, Camellia, Kalmia, Pieris, and Viburnum ( [2005]), and now we report these diseases on foliage and shoots of holm oaks (Quercus ilex) in Cornwall (UK). First discovered in November 2003, infected young leaves had a water-soaked, dull gray appearance, and petioles were blackened. Lesions started at leaf margins, tips, or petioles, often progressing into the midrib veins. Initial infections also occurred on shoots and extended into the petioles. If shoots were infected, they were blackened at first, but later in the season clusters of dry, dead leaves and twigs characterized branch tips. Infected mature leaves bore dry, reddish-brown, restricted lesions. P. ramorum (A1 sexual compatibility type belonging to the European population) was isolated and confirmed by morphological studies, ITS sequence (GenBank Accession No. AY924253), and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. Lesions developed on detached leaves dipped for 10 sec in inoculum (4 × 105 zoospores per ml) and incubated in moist chambers at 20°C for 6 days (2). Two isolates were used (four leaves per isolate). The pathogen was reisolated, and the tests were repeated twice. Koch's postulates were also successfully completed once on foliage attached to saplings. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. ramorum on holm oak. So far, at least 24 holm oaks are infected at various woodland and garden sites in the United Kingdom; infected rhododendrons have also been found at these sites. P. ramorum has also been recorded on saplings in nurseries. The high sporulation potential, the evergreen nature of leaves, and susceptible shoots indicate that holm oak could be a significant source of inoculum for other hosts. References: (1) J. M. Davidson et al. Phytopathology 95:587, 2005. (2) S. Denman et al. Plant Pathol. 54:512, 2005. (3) E. M. Hansen et al. Plant Dis. 89:63, 2005.