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Plant Dis ; 98(7): 916-923, 2014 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30708843


Fusicladium effusum causes pecan scab, which is the most destructive disease of pecan orchards in the United States. Conidia of the pathogen are spread by rain splash and wind. The fungus is pathogenically diverse; yet there is no information on its genetic diversity or population genetics. Universally primed polymerase chain reaction (UP-PCR) was used to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure on a hierarchical sample of 194 isolates collected from 11 orchard locations from Florida to Texas, consisting of three to four isolates from each of five to six trees at each location. Genetic variation was high throughout the region, with all but nine of the multilocus haplotypes being unique. Nei's average gene diversity ranged from 0.083 for a population from Mississippi to 0.160 for a population from Kansas. An analysis of molecular variance of the hierarchically sampled populations found that the majority of the genetic variability (82.6%) occurred at the scale of the individual tree and only relatively small amounts among populations in trees from an orchard (5.0%) or within groups (i.e., orchard location populations) (12.5%). The results suggest little population differentiation in F. effusum in the southeastern United States, although φpt values of genetic distance for pairwise comparisons indicated some populations could be differentiated from others. There was evidence of linkage disequilibrium in certain populations, and the common occurrence of asexual reproduction in F. effusum could lead to measurable linkage disequilibrium under certain circumstances. However, the degree of genetic diversity and the scale over which diversity is distributed is evidence that F. effusum undergoes regular recombination despite no known sexual stage.

J Nematol ; 40(3): 221-5, 2008 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19440263


The effect of the interaction between Meloidogyne partityla and Mesocriconema xenoplax on nematode reproduction and vegetative growth of Carya illinoinensis 'Desirable' pecan was studied in field microplots. Meloidogyne partityla suppressed reproduction of M. xenoplax, whereas the presence of M. xenoplax did not affect the population density of M. partityla second-stage juveniles in soil. Above-ground tree growth, as measured by trunk diameter 32 months following inoculation, was reduced in the presence of M. partityla alone or in combination with M. xenoplax as compared with the uninoculated control trees. The interaction between M. partityla and M. xenoplax was significant for dry root weight 37 months after inoculation. Results indicate that the presence of the two nematode species together caused a greater reduction in root growth than M. xenoplax alone, but not when compared to M. partityla alone. Mouse-ear symptom severity in pecan leaves was increased in the presence of M. partityla compared with M. xenoplax and the uninoculated control. Infection with M. partityla increased severity of mouse-ear symptoms expressed by foliage. The greater negative impact of M. partityla on vegetative growth of pecan seedlings in field microplots indicates that it is likely a more detrimental pathogen to pecan than is M. xenoplax and is likely an economic pest of pecan.

Plant Dis ; 86(4): 441, 2002 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30818726


In July 2000, tree decline was observed in a commercial pecan (Carya illinoensis (Wang.) K. Koch) orchard in Crisp County, GA. Most affected trees exhibited dead branches in the upper canopy, stunted growth, and feeder roots with small galls and associated egg masses typical of root-knot nematode infection. All declining trees that were examined had root systems infected with a Meloidogyne sp. Efforts to culture the nematode on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'Rutgers') were unsuccessful. Identification of the nematode was determined by two laboratory procedures in March 2001. Female nematodes were teased from fresh pecan root galls of declining trees in Georgia, and identified by determining the esterase phenotype from replicate samples of single females compared with standard root-knot nematode species, including a population of M. partityla (3). Galled roots also were sent to New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, where mitochondrial DNA from specimens was extracted and compared with that from standard root-knot nematode species and known populations of M. partityla (2). Specimens had esterase phenotypes and DNA patterns consistent with M. partityla. Esterase phentoypes were inconsistent with M. incognita and M. arenaria, and DNA patterns were inconsistent with M. incognita, M. javanica, and M. hapla. Specimens at both locations were identified as M. partityla Kleynhans (1). To our knowledge, this is the first report of M. partityla from Georgia and the third report of this nematode outside of South Africa. The first and second report of M. partityla from pecan in the United States occurred in Texas and New Mexico in 1996 and 2001, respectively (3,4). Our inability to culture the M. partityla-GA isolate on tomato substantiates previous experience with this nematode in the United States (3) and is not surprising, since this species has a host range limited to the Juglandaceae. Furthermore, M. partityla may be endemic to North America and not South Africa. It is believed this nematode entered South Africa on pecan seedling roots imported from the United States between 1912 and 1940 (1). The unusually narrow host range may explain why M. partityla has gone unrecognized for so long in the United States compared with the more common Meloidogyne spp. (i.e., M. incognita and M. arenaria) with wider host ranges found in pecan orchards. Determining the distribution of M. partityla within the major pecan-growing regions of Georgia and throughout North America is warranted. References: (1) K. P. N. Kleynhans. Phytophylactica 18:103, 1986. (2) T. O. Powers and T. S. Harris. J. Nematol. 25:1, 1993. (3) J. L. Starr et al. J. Nematol. 28:565, 1996. (4) S. H. Thomas et al. Plant Dis. 85:1030, 2001.

J Hered ; 91(1): 72-5, 2000.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10739132


Estimates of single and multilocus outcrossing rates as well as relatedness among progeny of individual seed trees were obtained for 14 populations of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch]. Mean outcrossing estimates were not significantly different from 1.0 and relatedness values indicate that most progeny within families are half sibs. Biparental inbreeding was insignificant in all study sites, and inbreeding coefficients indicated that populations were close to inbreeding equilibrium.

Genetics, Population , Trees/genetics , Crosses, Genetic , Inbreeding , Isoenzymes/genetics
J Nematol ; 29(4S): 725-30, 1997 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19274276


The relationship between Cricenemella xenoplax alone and in combination with Meloidogyne incognitaon the incidence of peach tree short life disease was studied in field microplots during 1989-96. The presence of M. incognita suppressed the population density of C. xenoplax on Lovell peach. Tree trunk diameter was significantly reduced in the presence of both nematode species prior to 1993. Soil pH was lowest in the co-infection treatment as compared with the uninoculated control on three of the four sampling dates. In 1994, 80% of the trees growing in soil infested with C. xenoplax alone developed typical disease symptoms and died. The remaining tree died in 1995. No trees died in the M. incognita alone, C. xenoplax + M. incognita, or uninoculated control treatments. Parasitism by C. xenoplax, but not by M. incognita, made Lovell peach trees more susceptible to the disease. These findings were confirmed in an orchard site naturally infested with both C. xenoplax and M. incognita where Redhaven trees budded to Lovell rootstock exhibited a reduction of 1.6 years in average tree life for every centimeter increase in trunk diameter.

J Nematol ; 20(4): 585-9, 1988 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19290258


Fall annual leaf senescence of peach was delayed in the field and in microplots in the presence of Criconemella xenoplax. Soil from the rhizosphere of orchard trees with greener leaves had ca. 2.5 x more nematodes than soil around trees in a more advanced state of fall senescence. In microplots, monoclonal antibody enzyme immunoassay (EIA) of leaf cytokinins indicated that concentration of zeatin riboside-like substances and chlorophyll content were greater in leaves of trees growing in nematode-infested soil than in trees in uninfested soil. EIA also indicated the presence of substances resembling trans-zeatin, zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin, and dihydrozeatin riboside-like substances in whole body homogenates of C. xenoplax. Levels of zeatin-like substances were present in the nematode in greater levels than the other related substances.
