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Struct Dyn ; 7(5): 054301, 2020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32953941


We present the experimental end-station TRIXS dedicated to time-resolved soft x-ray resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments on solid samples at the free-electron laser FLASH. Using monochromatized ultrashort femtosecond XUV/soft x-ray photon pulses in combination with a synchronized optical laser in a pump-probe scheme, the TRIXS setup allows measuring sub-picosecond time-resolved high-resolution RIXS spectra in the energy range from 35 eV to 210 eV, thus spanning the M-edge (M1 and M2,3) absorption resonances of 3d transition metals and N4,5-edges of rare earth elements. A Kirkpatrick-Baez refocusing mirror system at the first branch of the plane grating monochromator beamline (PG1) provides a focus of (6 × 6) µm2 (FWHM) at the sample. The RIXS spectrometer reaches an energy resolution of 35-160 meV over the entire spectral range. The optical laser system based on a chirped pulse optical parametric amplifier provides approximately 100 fs (FWHM) long photon pulses at the fundamental wavelength of 800 nm and a fluence of 120 mJ/cm2 at a sample for optical pump-XUV probe measurements. Furthermore, optical frequency conversion enables experiments at 400 nm or 267 nm with a fluence of 80 and 30 mJ/cm2, respectively. Some of the first (pump-probe) RIXS spectra measured with this setup are shown. The measured time resolution for time-resolved RIXS measurements has been characterized as 287 fs (FWHM) for the used energy resolution.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(1): 013109, 2020 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32012554


Time-resolved photoemission with ultrafast pump and probe pulses is an emerging technique with wide application potential. Real-time recording of nonequilibrium electronic processes, transient states in chemical reactions, or the interplay of electronic and structural dynamics offers fascinating opportunities for future research. Combining valence-band and core-level spectroscopy with photoelectron diffraction for electronic, chemical, and structural analyses requires few 10 fs soft X-ray pulses with some 10 meV spectral resolution, which are currently available at high repetition rate free-electron lasers. We have constructed and optimized a versatile setup commissioned at FLASH/PG2 that combines free-electron laser capabilities together with a multidimensional recording scheme for photoemission studies. We use a full-field imaging momentum microscope with time-of-flight energy recording as the detector for mapping of 3D band structures in (kx, ky, E) parameter space with unprecedented efficiency. Our instrument can image full surface Brillouin zones with up to 7 Å-1 diameter in a binding-energy range of several eV, resolving about 2.5 × 105 data voxels simultaneously. Using the ultrafast excited state dynamics in the van der Waals semiconductor WSe2 measured at photon energies of 36.5 eV and 109.5 eV, we demonstrate an experimental energy resolution of 130 meV, a momentum resolution of 0.06 Å-1, and a system response function of 150 fs.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 12371, 2018 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30120308


Ultra-small clusters containing few atoms are of high interest in both fundamental research and applications due to their specific functional, magnetic or chemical properties which depend on size and composition. The experimental results of the morphology of the size-selected clusters, consisting of few atoms can be an ideal benchmark for sophisticated theoretical models. With this motivation we have investigated the geometrical structure of mass-selected Au9 clusters deposited on a silicon substrate prepared by soft-landing conditions. We present results obtained experimentally by Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS). Considering the ultra-small size of the clusters and small quantities of material on the surface, we combined advanced techniques which allowed us to investigate the surface structure of the sample. The resulting structural sizes are in concordance with cluster theory. Using a model-based approach, the advanced X-ray techniques allow for understanding how to resolve the possible cluster structure, identify optimal experimental conditions and obtain the probable morphological information which is challenging to be obtained otherwise.

Rep Prog Phys ; 80(11): 115901, 2017 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29059048


This review is focused on free-electron lasers (FELs) in the hard to soft x-ray regime. The aim is to provide newcomers to the area with insights into: the basic physics of FELs, the qualities of the radiation they produce, the challenges of transmitting that radiation to end users and the diversity of current scientific applications. Initial consideration is given to FEL theory in order to provide the foundation for discussion of FEL output properties and the technical challenges of short-wavelength FELs. This is followed by an overview of existing x-ray FEL facilities, future facilities and FEL frontiers. To provide a context for information in the above sections, a detailed comparison of the photon pulse characteristics of FEL sources with those of other sources of high brightness x-rays is made. A brief summary of FEL beamline design and photon diagnostics then precedes an overview of FEL scientific applications. Recent highlights are covered in sections on structural biology, atomic and molecular physics, photochemistry, non-linear spectroscopy, shock physics, solid density plasmas. A short industrial perspective is also included to emphasise potential in this area.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 8(16): 3820-3825, 2017 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28759996


The direct elucidation of the reaction pathways in heterogeneous catalysis has been challenging due to the short-lived nature of reaction intermediates. Here, we directly measured on ultrafast time scales the initial hydrogenation steps of adsorbed CO on a Ru catalyst surface, which is known as the bottleneck reaction in syngas and CO2 reforming processes. We initiated the hydrogenation of CO with an ultrafast laser temperature jump and probed transient changes in the electronic structure using real-time X-ray spectroscopy. In combination with theoretical simulations, we verified the formation of CHO during CO hydrogenation.

Ultramicroscopy ; 183: 19-29, 2017 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28705441


The combination of momentum microscopy (high resolution imaging of the Fourier plane) with an imaging spin filter has recently set a benchmark in k-resolution and spin-detection efficiency. Here we show that the degree of parallelization can be further increased by time-of-flight energy recording. On the quest towards maximum information (in earlier work termed "complete" photoemission experiment) we have studied the prototypical high-Z fcc metal iridium. Large partial bandgaps and strong spin-orbit interaction lead to a sequence of spin-polarized surface resonances. Soft X-rays give access to the 4D spectral density function ρ (EB,kx,ky,kz) weighted by the photoemission cross section. The Fermi surface and all other energy isosurfaces, Fermi velocity distribution vF(kF), electron or hole conductivity, effective mass and inner potential can be obtained from the multi-dimensional array ρ by simple algorithms. Polarized light reveals the linear and circular dichroism texture in a simple manner and an imaging spin filter exposes the spin texture. One-step photoemission calculations are in fair agreement with experiment. Comparison of the Bloch spectral function with photoemission calculations uncovers that the observed high spin polarization of photoelectrons from bulk bands originates from the photoemission step and is not present in the initial state.

Nat Mater ; 16(6): 615-621, 2017 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28272500


We performed a full mapping of the bulk electronic structure including the Fermi surface and Fermi-velocity distribution vF(kF) of tungsten. The 4D spectral function ρ(EB; k) in the entire bulk Brillouin zone and 6 eV binding-energy (EB) interval was acquired in ∼3 h thanks to a new multidimensional photoemission data-recording technique (combining full-field k-microscopy with time-of-flight parallel energy recording) and the high brilliance of the soft X-rays used. A direct comparison of bulk and surface spectral functions (taken at low photon energies) reveals a time-reversal-invariant surface state in a local bandgap in the (110)-projected bulk band structure. The surface state connects hole and electron pockets that would otherwise be separated by an indirect local bandgap. We confirmed its Dirac-like spin texture by spin-filtered momentum imaging. The measured 4D data array enables extraction of the 3D dispersion of all bands, all energy isosurfaces, electron velocities, hole or electron conductivity, effective mass and inner potential by simple algorithms without approximations. The high-Z bcc metals with large spin-orbit-induced bandgaps are discussed as candidates for topologically non-trivial surface states.

Sci Rep ; 6: 38796, 2016 12 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27941842


In the past few years, we have been witnessing an increased interest for studying materials properties under non-equilibrium conditions. Several well established spectroscopies for experiments in the energy domain have been successfully adapted to the time domain with sub-picosecond time resolution. Here we show the realization of high resolution resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) with a stable ultrashort X-ray source such as an externally seeded free electron laser (FEL). We have designed and constructed a RIXS experimental endstation that allowed us to successfully measure the d-d excitations in KCoF3 single crystals at the cobalt M2,3-edge at FERMI FEL (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy). The FEL-RIXS spectra show an excellent agreement with the ones obtained from the same samples at the MERIXS endstation of the MERLIN beamline at the Advanced Light Source storage ring (Berkeley, USA). We established experimental protocols for performing time resolved RIXS experiments at a FEL source to avoid X ray-induced sample damage, while retaining comparable acquisition time to the synchrotron based measurements. Finally, we measured and modelled the influence of the FEL mixed electromagnetic modes, also present in externally seeded FELs, and the beam transport with ~120 meV experimental resolution achieved in the presented RIXS setup.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(4): 045116, 2016 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27131716


A new ultra-low temperature experiment including a superconducting vector magnet has been developed for soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments at third generation synchrotron light sources. The sample is cooled below 50 mK by a cryogen free (3)He-(4)He dilution refrigerator. At the same time, magnetic fields of up to ±7 T in the horizontal direction and ±0.5 T in the vertical direction can be applied by a superconducting vector magnet. The setup allows to study ex situ and in situ prepared samples, offered by an attached UHV preparation chamber with load lock. The transfer of the prepared samples between the preparation section and the dilution refrigerator is carried out under cryogenic temperatures. First commissioning studies have been carried out at the Variable Polarization XUV Beamline P04 at PETRA III and the influence of the incident photon beam to the sample temperature has been studied.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 86(11): 113107, 2015 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26628121


The setup and first results from commissioning of a fast online photon energy spectrometer for the vacuum ultraviolet free electron laser at Hamburg (FLASH) at DESY are presented. With the use of the latest advances in detector development, the presented spectrometer reaches readout frequencies up to 1 MHz. In this paper, we demonstrate the ability to record online photon energy spectra on a shot-to-shot base in the multi-bunch mode of FLASH. Clearly resolved shifts in the mean wavelength over the pulse train as well as shot-to-shot wavelength fluctuations arising from the statistical nature of the photon generating self-amplified spontaneous emission process have been observed. In addition to an online tool for beam calibration and photon diagnostics, the spectrometer enables the determination and selection of spectral data taken with a transparent experiment up front over the photon energy of every shot. This leads to higher spectral resolutions without the loss of efficiency or photon flux by using single-bunch mode or monochromators.

Ultramicroscopy ; 159 Pt 3: 488-96, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26051657


Ultrahigh spectral brightness femtosecond XUV and X-ray sources like free electron lasers (FEL) and table-top high harmonics sources (HHG) offer fascinating experimental possibilities for analysis of transient states and ultrafast electron dynamics. For electron spectroscopy experiments using illumination from such sources, the ultrashort high-charge electron bunches experience strong space-charge interactions. The Coulomb interactions between emitted electrons results in large energy shifts and severe broadening of photoemission signals. We propose a method for a substantial reduction of the effect by exploiting the deterministic nature of space-charge interaction. The interaction of a given electron with the average charge density of all surrounding electrons leads to a rotation of the electron distribution in 6D phase space. Momentum microscopy gives direct access to the three momentum coordinates, opening a path for a correction of an essential part of space-charge interaction. In a first experiment with a time-of-flight momentum microscope using synchrotron radiation at BESSY, the rotation in phase space became directly visible. In a separate experiment conducted at FLASH (DESY), the energy shift and broadening of the photoemission signals were quantified. Finally, simulations of a realistic photoemission experiment including space-charge interaction reveals that a gain of an order of magnitude in resolution is possible using the correction technique presented here.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(15): 156101, 2015 Apr 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25933322


We show that coadsorbed oxygen atoms have a dramatic influence on the CO desorption dynamics from Ru(0001). In contrast to the precursor-mediated desorption mechanism on Ru(0001), the presence of surface oxygen modifies the electronic structure of Ru atoms such that CO desorption occurs predominantly via the direct pathway. This phenomenon is directly observed in an ultrafast pump-probe experiment using a soft x-ray free-electron laser to monitor the dynamic evolution of the valence electronic structure of the surface species. This is supported with the potential of mean force along the CO desorption path obtained from density-functional theory calculations. Charge density distribution and frozen-orbital analysis suggest that the oxygen-induced reduction of the Pauli repulsion, and consequent increase of the dative interaction between the CO 5σ and the charged Ru atom, is the electronic origin of the distinct desorption dynamics. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of CO desorption from Ru(0001) and oxygen-coadsorbed Ru(0001) provide further insights into the surface bond-breaking process.

Science ; 347(6225): 978-82, 2015 Feb 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25722407


Femtosecond x-ray laser pulses are used to probe the carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation reaction on ruthenium (Ru) initiated by an optical laser pulse. On a time scale of a few hundred femtoseconds, the optical laser pulse excites motions of CO and oxygen (O) on the surface, allowing the reactants to collide, and, with a transient close to a picosecond (ps), new electronic states appear in the O K-edge x-ray absorption spectrum. Density functional theory calculations indicate that these result from changes in the adsorption site and bond formation between CO and O with a distribution of OC-O bond lengths close to the transition state (TS). After 1 ps, 10% of the CO populate the TS region, which is consistent with predictions based on a quantum oscillator model.

Struct Dyn ; 2(2): 025101, 2015 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26798795


Vacuum space charge induced kinetic energy shifts of O 1s and Ru 3d core levels in femtosecond soft X-ray photoemission spectra (PES) have been studied at a free electron laser (FEL) for an oxygen layer on Ru(0001). We fully reproduced the measurements by simulating the in-vacuum expansion of the photoelectrons and demonstrate the space charge contribution of the high-order harmonics in the FEL beam. Employing the same analysis for 400 nm pump-X-ray probe PES, we can disentangle the delay dependent Ru 3d energy shifts into effects induced by space charge and by lattice heating from the femtosecond pump pulse.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(3): 034802, 2013 Jul 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23909331


We present measurements of second- and higher-order intensity correlation functions (so-called Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment) performed at the free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH in the non-linear regime of its operation. We demonstrate the high transverse coherence properties of the FEL beam with a degree of transverse coherence of about 80% and degeneracy parameter of the order 10(9) that makes it similar to laser sources. Intensity correlation measurements in spatial and frequency domain gave an estimate of the FEL average pulse duration of 50 fs. Our measurements of the higher-order correlation functions indicate that FEL radiation obeys Gaussian statistics, which is characteristic to chaotic sources.

Nature ; 501(7466): 191-4, 2013 Sep 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23965622


Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray emission spectroscopy can be used to probe the energy and dispersion of the elementary low-energy excitations that govern functionality in matter: vibronic, charge, spin and orbital excitations. A key drawback of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering has been the need for high photon densities to compensate for fluorescence yields of less than a per cent for soft X-rays. Sample damage from the dominant non-radiative decays thus limits the materials to which such techniques can be applied and the spectral resolution that can be obtained. A means of improving the yield is therefore highly desirable. Here we demonstrate stimulated X-ray emission for crystalline silicon at photon densities that are easily achievable with free-electron lasers. The stimulated radiative decay of core excited species at the expense of non-radiative processes reduces sample damage and permits narrow-bandwidth detection in the directed beam of stimulated radiation. We deduce how stimulated X-ray emission can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude to provide, with high yield and reduced sample damage, a superior probe for low-energy excitations and their dispersion in matter. This is the first step to bringing nonlinear X-ray physics in the condensed phase from theory to application.

Nat Mater ; 12(10): 882-6, 2013 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23892787


As the oldest known magnetic material, magnetite (Fe3O4) has fascinated mankind for millennia. As the first oxide in which a relationship between electrical conductivity and fluctuating/localized electronic order was shown, magnetite represents a model system for understanding correlated oxides in general. Nevertheless, the exact mechanism of the insulator-metal, or Verwey, transition has long remained inaccessible. Recently, three-Fe-site lattice distortions called trimerons were identified as the characteristic building blocks of the low-temperature insulating electronically ordered phase. Here we investigate the Verwey transition with pump-probe X-ray diffraction and optical reflectivity techniques, and show how trimerons become mobile across the insulator-metal transition. We find this to be a two-step process. After an initial 300 fs destruction of individual trimerons, phase separation occurs on a 1.5±0.2 ps timescale to yield residual insulating and metallic regions. This work establishes the speed limit for switching in future oxide electronics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(18): 186101, 2013 May 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23683223


We have studied the femtosecond dynamics following optical laser excitation of CO adsorbed on a Ru surface by monitoring changes in the occupied and unoccupied electronic structure using ultrafast soft x-ray absorption and emission. We recently reported [M. Dell'Angela et al. Science 339, 1302 (2013)] a phonon-mediated transition into a weakly adsorbed precursor state occurring on a time scale of >2 ps prior to desorption. Here we focus on processes within the first picosecond after laser excitation and show that the metal-adsorbate coordination is initially increased due to hot-electron-driven vibrational excitations. This process is faster than, but occurs in parallel with, the transition into the precursor state. With resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy, we probe each of these states selectively and determine the respective transient populations depending on optical laser fluence. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of CO adsorbed on Ru(0001) were performed at 1500 and 3000 K providing insight into the desorption process.

Carbon Monoxide/chemistry , Ruthenium/chemistry , Adsorption , Lasers , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Phonons , Surface Properties , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy/methods
Science ; 339(6125): 1302-5, 2013 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23493709


We used the Linac Coherent Light Source free-electron x-ray laser to probe the electronic structure of CO molecules as their chemisorption state on Ru(0001) changes upon exciting the substrate by using a femtosecond optical laser pulse. We observed electronic structure changes that are consistent with a weakening of the CO interaction with the substrate but without notable desorption. A large fraction of the molecules (30%) was trapped in a transient precursor state that would precede desorption. We calculated the free energy of the molecule as a function of the desorption reaction coordinate using density functional theory, including van der Waals interactions. Two distinct adsorption wells-chemisorbed and precursor state separated by an entropy barrier-explain the anomalously high prefactors often observed in desorption of molecules from metals.